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08-17 投稿


capers 发音

英:[?ke?p?z]  美:[?ke?p?rz]

英:  美:

capers 中文意思翻译



capers 词性/词形变化,capers变形


capers 短语词组

1、cradle capers ─── 摇篮跳跃

2、surfines capers ─── 冲浪跳跃

3、capers food ─── 马槟榔食品

4、capers movie ─── 斗牛士电影

5、capers too ─── 斗牛士也是

6、capers tree ─── 山柑

7、capers carbs ─── 马槟榔碳水化合物

capers 相似词语短语

1、campers ─── n.露营者;(美)野营车(camper的复数);v.在野营车中旅行或住宿(camper的三单形式)

2、gapers ─── n.长蛤;打呵欠的人

3、papers ─── n.文件;证件;论文数;n.(Papers)人名;(希)帕佩尔斯

4、tapers ─── n.锥体;逐渐缩减;小蜡烛(taper的复数形式);v.使逐渐减少;逐渐变尖细(taper的三单形式)

5、copers ─── n.马贩子

6、caper ─── v.雀跃;n.刺山柑花蕾;不法活动;惊险喜剧片;跳跃;刺山柑;滑稽怪诞的行为;n.(Caper)(美)卡珀(人名)

7、cappers ─── n.封口机;帽商;制造器具的盖子的人;诱饵;装盖的人;托儿;n.(Capper)人名;(英)卡珀

8、rapers ─── n.强奸犯;n.(Raper)人名;(英)雷珀

9、vapers ─── 武器

capers 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、We have to accept our status quo,but sometimes to cut capers like the rest. ─── 我们不得不接受目前的现状,但同其他人一样,我们有时也会做出一些不同凡响之举。

2、Place herbs, garlic, capers &mustard into a food processor &process until smooth, slowly add vinegar &olive oil to forma smooth paste season with sea salt. ─── 将香料,大蒜,水瓜扭和芥末放食物搅拌机搅拌直至变光滑,慢慢加入醋和橄榄油和海盐,形成光滑的糊状.

3、2. allemande sauce with capers. ─── 掺马槟榔的阿勒曼德沙司。

4、Just so. After your capers are concluded, you will help serve and pour. See that you do not spill on the guests, or it will go ill for you. ─── 就这样吧。你们的小丑秀结束后,还有端茶倒水的工作。到时候小心点别洒到客人身上,否则有你好受。

5、Caper the caper, sing me the song. ─── 且蹦且跳,为我唱歌。

6、Most of this section, notwithstanding a gratuitous sex scene plus some comic capers, lacks a gripping atmosphere. ─── 尽管无缘无故地增加些性爱片段和幽默的恶作剧,但本节大多情节缺乏一种吸引住人的气氛。

7、What' s your little caper ? ─── 你搞什麽名堂?

8、He is planning his next caper -- the stick-up of the city bank. ─── 他正在计划下一次的罪恶勾当--抢劫市银行。

9、Green beans, tomatoes, potatoes, tuna fish, black olives, capers ─── 尼斯凉拌(四季豆,番茄,土豆,吞拿鱼,黑橄榄,水瓜柳)

10、But if you'll recall, my love, the way we leaped into this marriage caper didn't allow much time for discussion. ─── 你想想,亲爱的,咱们这么心急火燎地演出了金玉良缘这场戏,哪有时间高谈阔论。

11、Cavort: to bound or prance about in a sprightly manner; caper ─── 以活泼的姿态跳跃或腾跃

12、Culinary Capers was proud to be chosen as the official caterer for the BC Canada Pavilion in Beijing during the 2008 Summer Olympics. ─── 克里那瑞为2008 年北京夏季奥运会,卑斯省加拿大展厅,官方餐会服务供应商。

13、The children cut a caper in the yard. ─── 孩子们在院子里兴高采烈地乱蹦乱跳。

14、21. Filmnap, the Treasurer, is allowed to cut a caper on the strait rope, at least an inch higher than any other lord in the whole empire. ─── 大家都认为财政大臣佛林奈浦在拉直的绳子上跳舞跳得比全王国的任何大臣至少要高一英寸。

15、mayonnaise with chopped pickles and sometimes capers and shallots and parsley and hard-cooked egg; sauce for seafood especially fried fish. ─── 切碎的腌菜、有时是腌马槟榔花蕾和青葱、欧芹、煮硬的鸡蛋做成的蛋黄酱;海味用沙司,尤其是油炸鱼。

16、Butterfly Shape Pasta With Olives Capers And Fresh Tomato ─── 意大利蝴蝶粉配橄榄、水瓜柳及新鲜西红柿

17、The sheet that can go up by our body tastes happy colour decision, look so beautiful beautiful colour can let your mood also follow caper to rise! ─── 欢乐的色彩可以由我们身上的单品决定,看看这么靓丽的色彩是不是可以让你的心情也跟着雀跃起来呢!

18、Dance, little baby, dance up high,Dance, little baby, I 'm nearby,Crow and caper, caper and crow. ─── 歌词大意: 跳舞吧,小宝贝,跳的高高的;跳舞吧,小宝贝,我就在你的身边。

19、I cut extraordinary capers just to make sure I was free to move. ─── 我跃出了非凡的一步,仅仅是为了确定我能自由地行动。

20、A prank; a caper. ─── 恶作剧;玩笑

21、He always leads in pranks and capers. ─── 他老是带头胡闹和开玩笑。

22、We have to accept our status quo, but sometimes to cut capers like the rest. ─── 我们不得不接受目前的现状,但同其他人一样,我们有时也会做出一些不同凡响之举。

23、Most of the freed cubs were looking around blankly, but some of them were already beginning to caper and skip, jumping for joy. ─── 大多数获得自由的幼熊目光一片空白,四处环视,可有一部分已经欢呼雀跃起来。

24、Place the shrimp, crab, lobster, carrot, celery and capers in a large bowl. ─── 将虾肉,蟹肉,龙虾,胡萝卜,芹菜和刺山柑放到一个大碗中。

25、Culinary Capers Beijing is a catering and special events company.We are a division of Culinary Capers Catering based in Vancouver. ─── 克里那瑞(北京)即万龙尊伯(中文)是一家餐会服务和活动公司,是位于温哥华的克里那瑞餐饮服务公司的中国分支机构。

26、If you had one shot, one opportunity,to seize everything you ever wanted,one moment,would you caper? ─── 当你所爱的女孩拒绝你时,你痛苦万分,你一直默默注视着她,当有一天她对你回心转意,你还回会..........?

27、Caper Euphorbia Seed Semen Euphorbiae ─── 大戟科植物续随子

28、They're back on TV with their first animated series in 30 years -- and their chase capers are as nutty and neverending as ever. ─── 一系列的精彩动画故事又来了,疯狂的你追我逐永无止境。

29、Meanwhile fry the garlic, capers, olives, anchovies, chiles, and oregano in a little olive oil for a few minutes. ─── 同时,将蒜蓉,刺山柑,橄榄,鱼条,红椒,牛至叶及一些橄榄油一起炒几分钟。

30、Carpaccio of beef with capers, fresh basil, extra virgin olive oil, sun dried tomato, Parma cheeses, Arugula with lemon sauce 38 ─── 威尼斯烤生牛肉片配水瓜柳(罗勒,顶级橄榄油,意式番茄干,帕尔马干酪,芝麻菜,柠檬)

31、Once you are dancing with the devil, the prettiest capers won't help you. ─── 一旦与魔鬼共舞,再漂亮的舞步对你也是无用的。

32、He cut a little celebratory caper(= jumped or danced a few steps)in the middle of the road. ─── 他高兴得在路中央又蹦又跳的。

33、He is plan his next caper the stick up of the city bank. ─── 他正在计划下一次的罪恶勾当 抢劫市银行。

34、He cut a caper to show how happy he be ─── 他乐得欢跳雀跃

35、Into a deep bowl, adding coriander seed, black peppercorn, shallot, caper and lemon zest, crush together to infuse the spicy taste. Set for 10 minutes. ─── 在一深碗内,加入芫荽籽、黑胡椒、乾、水瓜钮及柠檬皮,一同舂烂使香味能互相渗透(图2)。搁置约10分钟。

36、Lucky Dime Caper Starring Donald Duck, The ─── 幸运唐老鸭

37、Cuts capers like a happy haversine. ─── 像快活的半正矢般在蹦蹦跳。

38、to cut a caper ─── 手舞足蹈

39、caper bush ─── 刺山柑

40、Mean approach the scene of the caper E.D.I ─── 想要模仿帽子杀手的镜头

41、2.Warm salad of polenta with capers, tomatoes and basil or some other appetizer? ─── 侍者: 香草、黄菇蕃茄玉米芯沙拉还是别的开胃品?

42、Salmon fillet with caper sauce ─── 三文鱼排配水瓜柳汁

43、capers seed oil ─── 刺山柑籽油

44、Smoked salmon. Just 66 calories in two ounces. Sprinkle with capers for an even more elegant treat. ─── 熏鲑鱼。二盎司仅66卡路里。配上山柑将是更加优雅的享受。

45、The girl's caper cost her a twisted ankle. ─── 小姑娘又蹦又跳,结果扭伤了脚踝。

46、mayonnaise with chopped pickles and sometimes capers and shallots and parsley and hard-cooked egg; ─── 切碎的腌菜、有时是腌马槟榔花蕾和青葱、欧芹、煮硬的鸡蛋做成的蛋黄酱;

47、Smoked salmon, onions, sour cream, capers, preserved lemon. ─── 烟熏三文鱼,洋葱,酸奶油,水瓜纽及柠檬酱。

48、mayonnaise with chopped pickles and sometimes capers and shallots and parsley and hard-cooked egg; sauce for seafood especially fried fish ─── 切碎的腌菜、有时是腌马槟榔花蕾和青葱、欧芹、煮硬的鸡蛋做成的蛋黄酱;海味用沙司,尤其是油炸鱼

49、Once on board, Mr. Gilroy said, Ms. Roberts brought her considerable experience with romantic capers to bear in shaping the project. ─── 参与演出后,汤尼盖洛说,茱莉亚萝勃玆引进演出浪漫片的可观经验,协助电影成形。

50、Smoked salmon with lemon and capers Mit Zitrone und Karpern ─── 挪威烟熏鲑鱼配柠檬和水瓜柳

51、He cut a caper to show how happy he be. ─── 他乐得欢跳雀跃。

52、When I leave, I try not to wake her. Tea and a toast to yesterday's capers in the morning. ─── 当我离去时,我不会弄醒她。在早上,还有茶和吐司以及昨天的报纸。

53、Warm salad of polenta with capers, tomatoes and basil or some other appetizer? ─── 侍者:香草、黄菇蕃茄玉米芯沙拉还是别的开胃品?

54、1 Handful capers, soaked in water and drained ─── 1把刺山柑,在水里泡一会儿,然后沥干

55、With irreverent storytelling, spunk and wit, Hoodwinked delivers a comedy caper for the young, the young at heart and everyone in between. ─── 对于小红帽的故事,你可能早就耳熟能详,不过你只看到故事的表面,真相原来可以好反斗!

56、cut a capers ─── 嬉戏,开玩笑,胡闹,出洋相

57、caper spurge ─── n. 续随子

58、Capers are flower buds of Capparis spinosa, grown in countries bordering the Mediterranean. They are preserved in vinegar, and bottled for exportation. ─── 刺山柑:带刺柑山柑属植物的花蕾。生长在地中海边沿国家。在醋中保存,瓶装出口。

59、The present invention relates to an extraction and separation method of caper spurge seed sterol. ─── 本发明涉及植物有效部位提取技术领域,具体涉及一种千金子甾醇的提取、分离方法。

60、They come, they see, they kick butt in a caper that has L.A. police detectives Riggs and Murtaugh ripping into a vicious crime ring dealing guns to the streets. ─── 两个生死知交的干探,其一是轻浮情绪化的白人马田,另一个是成熟稳定的黑人罗渣。

61、Mit Salat und Limonenkaperndressing with fresh lettuce and lemon capers dressing ─── 挪威烟熏鲑鱼配柠檬酸豆汁

62、Once you are dancing with the devil,the prettiest capers won’t help you. ─── 在外科医生眼中,男人和女人只不过是放大镜下被放大了的器官。

63、cutting capers ─── 压步倒滑练习

64、The ingredients, tossed in a garlic permeated oil dressing, could include lettuce, tuna chunks, tomatoes, hard-boiled eggs, olives, anchovy strips, potatoes, green beans, green peppers, and capers. ─── 成分,大蒜油放到渗透敷料,可包括生菜,金枪鱼块,番茄,煮鸡蛋,橄榄,凤尾鱼条,土豆,四季豆,青椒,刺山柑。

65、Just imaging Papa could talk to me again, I was cheering to caper! ─── 光是想像又可以重新听到爸爸的声音,让我的心雀跃不已呢!

66、"We experience that it is not always undemanding to caper at City but faction now we screw a lot of certainty. ─── 我知道今年我没戏,明年一定会再考的。

67、In March the cover got blown off of Brightly's caliginous caper, and after getting the third degree he's facing charges of first-degree coercion. ─── 今年3月时,布莱特利的黑暗勾当终于被掀了出来。在得到三级教师资格后,布莱特利也得到了一级重罪的控告。

68、cut a caper. ─── 开玩笑

69、to bound or prance about in a sprightly manner; caper ─── 以活泼的姿态跳跃或腾跃;蹦跳

70、When I leave, I try not to wake her. Tea and a toast to yesterday's capers in the morning. ─── 当我离去时,我不会弄醒她。在早上,还有茶和吐司以及昨天的报纸。

71、In this comedic caper, Bernard takes on an entire community with hopes of reclaiming the streets for all of the hard-working, up-standing citizens. ─── 在这部胡闹的喜剧里,伯纳德照顾了整个社区,为了勤奋而正派的居民,他希望挽救坏人,让他们不再作恶。

72、He is planed his next caper-- the stick- up of the city bank. ─── 他正在计划下一次的罪恶勾当--抢劫市银行。

73、Capparis cantoniensis [caper] ─── 广州槌果藤

74、Definition: Caper Euphorbia Seed is the dried ripe seed of Euphorbia lathyris L. (Fam.Euphorbiaceae). ─── 本品为大戟科植物续随子 Euphorbia lathyris L. 的干燥成熟种子。

75、When you had impression of a lily-white, you can allow facial expression above cheer caper. ─── 当你有了一个纯白的底色时,你就可以让颜色在上面欢呼雀跃了。

76、Software Productivity Research (SPR) was founded in 1984 by Capers Jones, an internationally recognized consultant, speaker, author and seminar leader in the field of software management. ─── SPR成立于1984年,由琼斯先生创立,他被认为是在咨询,演讲,写作等领域的代表.

77、He calls himself the prophylactic prophet - not just because his antics often involve condoms, but because he sees his capers as a way of drawing attention to the plight of Aids sufferers. ─── 他自称为预防疾病的先知,这并不仅是因为他的滑稽举动通常与保险套有关,更因为他认为这些恶作剧可以让更多人注意到爱滋病患者的困境。

78、Bacon bits, crouton, pine nuts, parmesan cheese, poached quail egg capers and anchovy dipping, Caesar dressing. ─── 培根碎,面包粒,松子仁,帕马臣芝士,水煮鹌鹑蛋,水瓜榴银鱼酱,凯撒酱,蛋黄酱。

79、Saturne, Caper, Jupiter, Mercure au Boeuf; ─── 土星在跳跃时、木星跟水星在金牛座,

80、Most of this section, notwithstanding a gratuitous sex scene plus some comic capers, lacks a gripping atmosphere. ─── 尽管无缘无故地增加些**片段和幽默的恶作剧,但本节大多情节缺乏一种吸引住人的气氛。

81、Octopus Salad with New Potatoes and Capers ─── 意式章鱼沙拉配小土豆及水瓜柳

82、" girl caper ground is laughing, ask innocently: Stop adept solemn? inferior all alone? ─── 女孩雀跃地笑着,天真地问道:“真的吗,亚索?会永远为我做鞋吗?

83、I'd like to know what caper he is up to now. ─── 我倒想知道他现在又在玩什么鬼把戏了。

84、It's a fast-paced, wisecracking caper comedy that will have you engaged and entertained from the word go. ─── 工厂里忠心的老包自廌担起保安职责,组织队伍,出尽法宝加强保安工作。

85、A lot of people around here, including some members of the board, are worried about that British caper. ─── 好多人,包括一些董事会成员,都对这个英国把戏感到担心。

86、cut a caper ─── vi. 蹦蹦跳跳(嬉戏)

87、caper euphorbia seed ─── 千金子

88、caper family ─── n. 白花菜科

89、The whole caper was unnecessary, in his view. ─── 在他看来,整个这出闹剧都是不必要的。


它的起源还挺有争议。现在我们所熟知的普罗旺斯炖菜里头用到的食材皆为地中海沿岸的季节性蔬菜。有些法国人认为它的全名应该是 ratatouille ni?ois,代表它源于南法尼斯 (Nice)。


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