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08-17 投稿


superstitiously 发音

英:[?su?p?r?st???sli]  美:[?su?p??st???sli; ?sju?p??st???sli]

英:  美:

superstitiously 中文意思翻译



superstitiously 短语词组

1、over-superstitiously ─── [网络] 过于迷信

2、superstitiously def ─── 迷信地定义

superstitiously 词性/词形变化,superstitiously变形

副词: superstitiously |名词: superstitiousness |

superstitiously 相似词语短语

1、repetitiously ─── adv.重复地;多次反复地

2、superciliously ─── adv.傲慢地;高傲地

3、suppositiously ─── 假想地

4、supposititiously ─── 假设地

5、subreptitiously ─── 次重复

6、superstitions ─── n.迷信(superstition的复数)

7、superstitious ─── adj.迷信的;由迷信引起的

8、superstitiousness ─── n.被邪教所支配

9、superstations ─── n.特大型发电厂;特大功率电台

superstitiously 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、That deed was only superstitiously believed to be decisive. ─── 这是一个被人们断定为迷信的行为。

2、The parents refused, superstitiously believing the child would suffer even more if she left her home. ─── 但他们拒绝,原因是他们迷信如果离开家园,孩子会病得更严重。

3、Avoid superstitiously investing events with power or meanings they don't have. ─── 不要迷信地将事件本身所没有的力量或意义强加其上。

4、an object superstitiously believed to embody magical powers. ─── 一种被一些邪教认为是体现魔力的东西。

5、They superstitiously believed Jerusalem to be indestructable, because of the Temple of the Lord in her midst. ─── 百姓迷信地认定耶路撒冷城不会倾毁,因为有上帝的圣殿在其中。

6、that is below the 8% level regarded, almost superstitiously , as essential if huge social dislocation is to be avoided. ─── 而8%被大家(几乎迷信地)认为是可以阻止社会错乱的增长底限。

7、To cross one's fingers is a hand gesture used to superstitiously wish for good luck or to nullify a promise. ─── 交叉手指是一个迷信的手势,用来祈祷好运或者使一个做出的誓言无效化。

8、They had superstitiously brought their idols with them into the battle (probably like a good-luck charm), but dropped them in their haste to retreat. ─── 他们迷信地抬著自己的偶像,一起进入战场。但在匆遽败退时,到处丢弃。

9、Simon superstitiously made the sign of the Tree as he looked around. ─── Simon打量四周的时候,迷信地画了一个树的符号。

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