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08-17 投稿


foppishly 中文意思翻译



foppishly 相似词语短语

1、frumpishly ─── 颓废地

2、rompishly ─── 西班牙的

3、popishly ─── popishly的

4、snappishly ─── 易怒地;暴跳如雷

5、foppish ─── adj.浮华的;矫饰的;有纨绔习气的

6、Romishly ─── 轻率地

7、foolishly ─── adv.愚笨地;无聊地;可笑地

8、uppishly ─── 傲慢地

9、mopishly ─── adv.忧郁地;消沉地;茫然沮丧地

foppishly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Suggestive of or attired like a dandy;foppish. ─── 花花公子的,纨绔的显露出或打扮得像花花公子的;花花公子的

2、Moreover, it is not entirely devoid of “emotion,” but merely rejects the foppish display of sentiments so as to discreetly mark one’s stand and attitude. ─── 而且,其实并非不动“情”,只是拒斥浮虚的煽情,寓自己的立场、态度于看似不动声色中。

3、he wore his shabby dress with an affectation of foppish gentility; ─── 他穿着破破烂烂的衣服,可还是透出花花公子装腔作势的神气;

4、Suggestive of or attired like a dandy; foppish. ─── 花花公子的,纨绔的显露出或打扮得像花花公子的;花花公子的

5、 双语使用场景

6、foppish manners ─── 矫揉造作的举止

7、Xing Bo paints the city landscape of debauchery gorgeous and foppish, and puts the city landscapes into injector, comparing the VanityFair to a dose of incitant or other drugs, which is metaphor too. ─── 邢波把灯红酒绿的城市景观,画得辉煌而浮华,并把这些城市景观装在针管里,把“浮华盛世”比作一剂“兴奋剂”或者其他药物,也是比喻方式。

8、The style of Hanlinyuan writers changed slowly, some wrote foppish works, some created grand and bizarrerie works,some emphasized on literary grace and some according as Confucian sutra, etc. ─── 翰林作家的风格慢慢地出现了转变,有的创作艳体诗歌,有的创作风格雄奇的作品,有的讲求文采,有的原道宗经为文,等等。

9、She thought him insipid, silly, stupid, useless, foppish, displeasing, impertinent, and extremely ugly.The officer thought it his duty to smile at her. ─── 她连忙把头转过去,感到丢人,并且生了气,差一点没有抓个什么东西甩在他的头上。


11、She thought him insipid, silly, stupid, useless, foppish, displeasing, impertinent, and extremely ugly. ─── 她觉得他庸俗、笨拙、愚蠢、无用、浮夸、讨厌、无礼并且还非常丑。

12、Behavior that is characteristic of or appropriate to a coxcomb; foppish conceit. ─── 具有花花公子特征的或符合花花公子行为的;纨绔子弟的虚浮

13、You find a young boy wearing a foppish magician's hat and a robe that is much too large for him. ─── 你看到一个小男孩穿着一件华丽的法师长袍和法师帽子,对他都太大了。

15、foppish conceit ─── 纨绔子弟的虚浮

16、For much of this decade, the older men who drove this country to the top of the economic league tables have looked on in bewilderment at the foppish antics of the generation below. ─── 近十年,把日本推向经济强国的老一辈人,不知所措地旁观着时髦古怪的下一代。

17、This young man was clothed in a fox-lined blue cloth coat, that had once been foppish but was now shabby, and in filthy convict's trousers of fustian, thrust into uncleaned and battered thin boots. ─── 他身穿一件颇为漂亮的,现已破旧的蓝呢面狐皮大衣,肮脏的麻布囚裤,裤脚塞在未经擦拭且已变形的瘦小的靴子里。

18、He was dressed theatrically, in white pants, a white shirt, a checkered vest, white shoes, a blue satin bow tie, and a foppish hat. ─── 他的穿着很夸张,白裤子配白衬衣,外套一件格子背心,鞋子也是白色的,还系着个蓝色缎面蝴蝶形领结,戴一顶浮夸的帽子。

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