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08-17 投稿


XVI 中文意思翻译



XVI 短语词组

1、Louis XVI un. ─── 路易十六世 [网络] 法国国王 ─── 路易十六;法王 ─── 路易十六; ─── 路易十六时期风格

2、xvi roman numeral ─── 十六、数字小说

3、xvi in numeral ─── 数字十六

4、Carl XVI Gustav ─── [网络] 卡尔十六世古斯塔夫

5、xvi songs ─── 十六首歌

6、Carl XVI Gustaf ─── [网络] 卡尔十六世古斯塔夫;瑞典国王古斯塔夫;国王卡尔十六世古斯塔夫

7、xvi darkness ─── 十六黑暗

8、Gregory XVI ─── [网络] 教皇贵格利十六;教宗国瑞十六世;格里高利十六世

9、xvi mean ─── 十六平均值

10、xvi roman ─── 十六、小说

XVI 相似词语短语

1、-via ─── prep.经由,通过;凭借,借助于

2、-vis ─── n.力,活力;n.(Vis)(美、荷、加、法)维斯(人名)

3、-vi ─── abbr.美国维尔京岛之邮递区号(VirginIslands);垂直距离(vertialinternal);n.(Vi)人名;(越)韦

4、avi ─── abbr.多媒体文件格式(AudioVideoInteractive);n.(Avi)人名;(西、以、法)阿维

5、Devi ─── n.提毗(梵语中“女神”的意思);井斜(测井曲线代号)

6、Aviv ─── n.大自然的重生;n.(Aviv)人名;(俄)阿维夫

7、Avis ─── n.阿维斯(女子名);阿维斯出租汽车公司(与Hertz齐名,为美国两家最大的供旅客租用自己驾驶的出租汽车公司)

8、Levi ─── n.利瓦伊(男子名)

9、Lviv ─── 左心室梗塞面积(体积)(leftventricularinfarctvolume)

XVI 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The incumbent pope is Benedict XVI (born Joseph Ratzinger), who was elected at the age of 78 on 19 April 2005. ─── 当前的教宗是本笃十六世(原名约瑟夫拉青格),2005年4月的时候,78岁的他当选了教宗。

2、- Here is a translation of the address Benedict XVI delivered during today's general audience in St.Peter's Square, on the Irish monk St.Columban. ─── 以下教宗本笃十六世今天在圣伯多禄广场公开接见中有关爱尔兰圣人高隆邦的讲话记录。

3、During this time, King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette _(1)_ many intellectuals , nobles, and politicians were put to death for crimes against liberty. ─── 当时,法王路易十六和玛莉王后,以及许多知识分子、贵族和政治家,都因妨碍自由的罪名遭到处死。

4、The great world, from Louis XVI down to the most humbly endowed of lionhunting ladies of the salons, opened its jealously guarded portals to the old man. ─── 当时法国的上流社会,上至路易十六下至各沙龙中那些生来就会恭顺地巴结名流权势的女士们都向这位老人敞开了谨慎戒备的大门。

5、The Peking Temple of the Eastern Peak: the Tung-yueh Miao in Peking and its Lore, Plate XVI ─── 北京东岳庙及传说

6、In Saint-Sulpice: volutes,knots of ribbon,clouds,vermicelli and chiccory leaves,all in stone--the Paris of Louis XVI. ─── 在圣絮尔皮斯修道院,是路易十五的巴黎,涡形装饰,彩带系结,云霞缭绕,细穗如粉丝,菊苣叶饰,这一切都是石刻的。

7、Perhaps this incident was in the mind of the Peiping professor who, in 1947, warned Chiang Kai-shek that Louis XVI was brought down by a corrupt and vicious tax system. ─── 有位北平教授也许心中想到这个事件,所以在一九四七年警告蒋介石说,路易十六是因为实施腐败和暴虐的税制而被赶下台的。

8、Sex scandals are breaking over the Catholic church with such fury that the Vatican has felt bound to defend Pope Benedict XVI himself. ─── 由于罗马教廷坚持为十六世教皇本尼迪克特开脱而引起愤怒狂潮,性丑闻正在淹没天主教会。

9、To this question these historians reply, that the effect of the actions of Louis XIV. contrary to the programme were reacted upon Louis XVI. ─── 史学家回答这个问题说,路易十四违反政纲的行动在路易十六身上得到了报应。

10、On the platform of the octagonal tower of the Hotel de Cluny, the little shed of boards, which had served as an observatory to Messier, the naval astronomer under Louis XVI. ─── 当时在克吕尼宅子的八角塔的平台上,还可以看见一间小木板房子,那是梅西埃的天文台,就是做过路易十六的海军天文宫的梅西埃。

11、Two years ago Benedict XVI singled out Marxism as one of the great scourges of the modern age. ─── 两年前,本笃十六世挑出马克思主义作为现代社会的苦难之一。

12、What cannot be known yet is what issues he may confront as Pope Benedict XVI and that is why his first public statements are being studied so closely. ─── 在作为教皇的第一次讲话中,本笃十六世表示他将会继续贯彻梵蒂冈第二届大公会议的决定,努力推进基督教的现代化进程。

13、Burnaby in the future, whether Napoleon or Louis XVI, whether Montaigne, Rousseau, Victor Hugo or Keluo and Picasso, Bordeaux have as an eternal theme, survival in their thoughts and works . ─── 在伯纳以后,无论是路易十六还是拿破仑,也无论是蒙田、卢梭、雨果还是柯罗和毕加索,波尔多都已作为一个永恒的主题,存活在他们的思想和作品中。

14、Pope Benedict XVI made the final stop of his trip to France, visiting the pilgrimage city of Lourdes. In his homily the Pontiff focused on the ills of modern materialism . ─── 教皇B十六世到达了他法国行程的最后一站---拜访圣城洛德斯。在他的布道中,他集中抨击了现代唯物主义的弊端。

15、The prize, worth $143,000, will be handed out by King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden at a ceremony in Stockholm on May 21. ─── 三月二十一在瑞典一个仪式上由卡尔十六世颁出,价值$143,000。

16、XVI International Symposium on Biomechanics in Sports, 273-276, 21-25 July, Konstanz, Germany. ─── 中华民国八十七年度体育学术研讨会专刊,549-562,屏东师院。

17、(Xvi) a declaration of intention to use the mark, as required by the law of the Contracting Party. ─── (16)缔约方法律要求提交的有意使用该商标的声明。

18、3.Italian film and opera legend Franco Zeffirelli has agreed to become an image consultant to Pope Benedict XVI, the director said in an interview published recently. ─── 义大利电影与歌剧传奇导演柴菲莱利已同意担任教宗本笃十六世的形象顾问,他在最近出版的一项访问中表示。

19、It is estimated that in 1997 about 429,000 people living in the vicinity of major roads addressed in the Strategic Environmental Assessment are exposed to excessive noise levels. Xvi. ─── 据估计,1997年住在策略性环境评估所涵盖的主要道路旁而受到过量噪音滋扰的市民约达429,000人。

20、Pope Benedict XVI is urging young people to take better care of the environment. ─── 教皇班尼狄十六世鼓励年轻人更好地保护环境。

21、Pope Benedict XVI warned in his Christmas message that the world was headed toward ruin if selfishness prevails over solidarity during tough economic times for rich and poor nations. ─── 教皇本笃十六世在圣诞祝词中警示:在经济困难的时期,无论是富国还是贫国,一旦自私压倒团结,世界将面临毁灭。

22、At the Vatican, Pope Benedict XVI arrived in St. Peter's Square. ─── 在梵蒂冈,教皇本笃十六世来到圣约翰广场。

23、Pope Benedict XVI Calls for Peace in Christmas Message ─── 教宗圣诞节讲话呼吁和平

24、It was only when he received the Volkswagen's registration papers that he learned it had once belonged to Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, the German cleric who became Pope Benedict XVI last month. ─── 就在他收到这部福斯汽车的过户资料时,才发现这部车原属于德国天主教神职人员,约瑟夫‧拉辛格枢机,也就是在上个月登基的教宗本笃十六世。

25、(XVI) The insured participates in diving, parachute, rock climbing, adventure, martial art competition, wrestling competition, acrobat performance, horse racing, motor racing, or any other high-risk sport; ─── (十六)被保险人从事潜水、跳伞、攀岩运动、探险活动、武术比赛、摔跤比赛、特技表演、赛马、赛车等高风险运动;

26、Pope Benedict XVI has used his traditional Christmas message to the world to call for a solution to conflicts, especially those in the Middle East, Africa and Sri Lanka. ─── 教宗本笃十六世在向全世界发表的圣诞节传统讲话中呼吁和平解决冲突,特别是中东、非洲和斯里兰卡的冲突。

27、Such a policy, in his view, was consistent with Article XVI of the GATT 1994 and relevant Annexes of the SCM Agreement. ─── 他认为,此种政策符合gatt 1994第16条和《SCM协定》的相关附件。

28、The second son of Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette, he became heir to the throne on his brother's death, shortly after the outbreak of the French Revolution. ─── 是路易十六世与玛丽-安托瓦内特的次子。法国大革命爆发后不久其兄死,路易就继承了王位。

29、It is hard to imagine Louis XVI, or Queen Victoria for that matter, agreeing to be portrayed in this way. ─── 就此而言,很难想象路易十六或是维多利亚女王会接受同样形式的画像。

30、As Pope Benedict XVI thanks journalists, the Vatican prepares for the open-air mass in St. Peter's Square that will formally install him as pontiff. ─── 在罗马教皇致词感谢新闻界时,梵蒂冈正在为其在圣彼得广场的露天弥撒做准备,以使他正式就任罗马教皇。

31、In France, the first phase of neoclassicism is expressed in the "Louis XVI style", the second phase in the styles we call "Directoire" or "Empire. ─── 在法国,第一时期的新古典主义被称为“路易十六风格”,第二时期的风格我们称之为“执政内阁时代式”或“帝国式”。

32、9.During the reign of King Louis XVI, France was forced to confront a major financial crisis which had been brewing for decades. ─── 在国王路易十六统治时期,法国不可避免地遭遇了一场已经蛰伏了数十年之久的重大财政危机。

33、General view of Vatican's Sistine Chapel as Pope Benedict XVI baptizes babies during a baptism ceremony, Jan. 7, 2007. ─── 今年一月七日教宗本笃十六世为婴孩举行受洗仪式时,西斯汀教堂的总览。(照片:法新社)

34、An "apparently unbalanced" woman approached Pope Benedict XVI and caused him to fall Thursday as he entered St Peter's Basilica to celebrate Christmas Eve mass. ─── 本周四平安夜当晚,当罗马教皇本笃十六世走进圣彼得大教堂准备主持平安夜弥撒时,一名“貌似情绪不稳”的女信徒将其撞倒。

35、Along with the other Laureates, Pamuk received his diploma and medal from Sweden's King Carl XVI Gustaf at Stockholm's concert hall, which was garlanded with some 13,000 flowers. ─── 在以13,000朵花装饰的斯德哥尔摩音乐大厅,帕慕克与其他获奖者一起从瑞典国王卡尔十六世*古斯塔夫手中接过证书及奖章。

36、Und wenn das einer festgestellt hat, dann nicht irgendein Kritiker der neoliberalen Entwicklung, sondern die hoch bezahlten Bediensteten der OECD, die im XVI. ─── 如果要明确责任问题,则不在于哪个批评新自由主义发展的人,而是那些经合发组织(OECD)的高薪职员,他们坐在巴黎16区的高雅办公楼,草拟着永远与己无关的妙方。

37、VI and II. Popes Paul VI and John Paul II, whose visits are commemorated in Monument Park. Here's wishing the best for Benedict XVI today. ─── 六和二。教宗保禄六世、二世都来过洋基球场主持仪式。今天到访球场的则是本笃十六世。

38、Although she was an atheist, she had found a “soul-mate” in Pope Benedict XVI, and would have revelled in his unwise words about Islam. ─── 尽管他是一个无神论者,然而她却认为教宗本笃十六世是自己的知音,并且对他那关于伊斯兰教不明智的发言欢心不已。

39、Pope Benedict XVI has defended the Vatican against accusations of indifference towards the Nazis' annihilation of Europe's Jews in WWII. ─── 教皇本笃十六世为罗马教廷辩护二战时期其对纳粹屠杀欧洲的犹太人漠不关心的言论。

40、The Directoire style was the last phase of the Louis XVI style, and emphasized elongated, simple shapes with clean lines and sparse detail. ─── 该督风格的最后阶段,路易十六风格,并强调拉长,简单干净的造型线和稀疏的细节。

41、Thousands of finely dressed Cameroonians danced and sang at the roadside this week as Pope Benedict XVI arrived on an inaugural African tour that will also take in Angola. ─── 上千名喀麦隆人盛装着在街头载歌载舞欢迎教宗本笃十六世的来访。这是教宗此次非洲之行的一部分,不日教宗还将前往安哥拉。

42、At the Vatican, Pope Benedict XVI said he was deeply concerned about the crisis. ─── 罗马教皇本笃,虽然人在梵蒂冈,但很关心这次信任危机。

43、Pope Benedict XVI asked worshipers to defend Christmas from secular trends during his last general audience before the holidays on Wednesday. ─── 教宗本笃十六问祈祷捍卫去年圣诞节期间从长期趋势一般观众面前假期周三。

44、To be followed by Part XVI: False Japanese, but is he the second in command? ─── 暑假打工记之十六:假洋鬼子,难道他是二老板?

45、Pope Benedict XVI has made the improvement of often-tense relations with China a priority of his papacy, and he is keen on restoring diplomatic relations with Beijing. ─── 教宗致中国天主教会的牧函于2007年6月30日正式对外公布。根据教廷新闻室发布的消息,与会的人员将包括教廷有关部会的官员及中国主教团代表。

46、At first the Vatican reacted coolly, but Pope Benedict XVI eventually agreed to receive some of the signatories. ─── 一开始,梵蒂冈对此表现得冷淡,但教皇本尼迪克特十六世最终同意接见部分的信件签名者。

47、After the National Assembly established its ascendancy over Louis XVI, in 1791 Austria and Prussia called on European rulers to assist Louis in reestablishing power. ─── 早期战役对法国大革命的前途具有决定性的意义,国民议会成立后,1791年奥地利与普鲁士呼吁欧洲其他各国和它共同行动,以使路易十六世的君主政体重新建立。

48、During the reign of Louis XVI,the French weren't citizens at all but subjects3,ruled roughshod4 by two small but powerful elites5:the callous6 nobility and the greedy clergy. ─── 在路易十六统治时期,法国人根本不叫公民而称臣民,遭受着两个人少势强的集团的蹂躏:无情的贵族和贪婪的教会。

49、Pope Benedict XVI lamented that hundreds of millions of people in the world, do not have enough to eat. ─── 教皇本笃十六世悲叹世界上数以亿计的人们仍然没有摆脱饥饿。

50、"Benedict XVI said: "To be worthy ministers you will have to unceasingly nourish yourselves by the Eucharist, the source and summit of Christian life. ─── 善牧是福音中耶稣自我比喻的形象,这个形象具有很深的神学意义。教宗在弥撒讲道中这麽说:“耶稣说他自己是善牧,善牧把自己的永恒生命赐给他的羊。

51、Pope Benedict XVI puts his predecessor John Paul II on the fast track for sainthood, overriding the usual waiting period. ─── 新教皇跨过常规的等待期,快速继任前任的圣徒地位。

52、6. , in Saint-Sulpice: volutes, knots of ribbon, clouds,vermicelli and chiccory leaves, all in stone;--the Paris of Louis XVI. ─── 在圣絮尔皮斯修道院,是路易十五的巴黎,涡形装饰,彩带系结,云霞缭绕,细穗如粉丝,菊苣叶饰,这一切都是石刻的;收藏指正

53、4.Pope Benedict XVI wraps up his visit to Jordan, his first stop in the Middle East, hoping to improve strained ties with the Muslims and Jews. ─── 教宗本笃十六世结束了对约旦的访问,这是他在中东地区的第一站,他希望此行能改善与穆斯林和犹太人之间的紧张关系。

54、On 9-19-1783, the brothers showed their balloon to King Louis XVI, Queen Marie Antoinette and guests at the Palace of Versailles. ─── 关于1783年9月19日,显示了他们的兄弟气球国王路易十六的王后玛丽安托瓦内特和嘉宾在凡尔赛宫。

55、Most works on this topic concentrate on the history of the century, especially the reigns of Louis XV & Louis XVI, in which the absolute monarchy would soon disintegrate. ─── 有关的论著多将研究重点置于那个世纪 ,特别是绝对君主制临近解体的路易十五和路易十六的朝代。

56、Squinting at his surroundings he saw a plush Renaissance bedroom with Louis XVI furniture, hand-frescoed walls, and a colossal mahogany four-poster bed. ─── 他眯着眼打量了一下环境,发现这是一间文艺复兴风格的豪华卧室,路易十六世的家俱,装饰有手工壁面的墙面,还有一张宽大的四柱红木床。

57、2. Pope Benedict XVI used the Easter Mass to lament the continual slaughter in Iraq. The Pope told the Easter crowd nothing positive is coming from Iraq. ─── 教皇本尼迪克特十六世在复活节弥撒上哀悼了伊拉克持续的屠杀。教皇告诉参加弥撒的人们短期内伊拉克不会有任何好的消息。

58、In Rome, Pope Benedict XVI appealed for aid groups to provide civilians with food and medicine. ─── 在罗马,教皇Pope Benedict XVI呼吁援助组织为平民提供食物和医疗救助。

59、It presents a splendid Louis XVI portrait on coronation costume, in architectural decor. ─── 它提出了一个灿烂的路易十六画像加冕服装,建筑装饰。

60、Benedict XVI is pretty 19)capable himself, speaking six European languages, as well as reading Old Greek and Hebrew. ─── 本笃十六世本身也相当能干,会说六种欧洲语言,而且能阅读古希腊文和希伯来文。

61、He was sitting in a spurious Louis XVI chair by the side of his wife. ─── 他此刻正坐在一把仿制路易十六时期风格的椅子里,旁边是她的夫人。

62、Pope Benedict XVI holds a press conference aboard his papal plane as he heads to Lisbon, Portugal for a four day visit. ─── 教皇本笃十六世召开新闻发布会在他前往里斯本途中的飞机上,对葡萄牙为期四天的访问。

63、decision by Pope Benedict XVI to welcome back the bishop has infuriated Jewish officials. ─── 教皇Benedict xvi[本笃十六世]迎回这位主教的决定激怒了各地犹太人组织。

64、Pope Benedict XVI lamented that hundreds of millions of people in the world do not have enough to eat. ─── 教皇本笃十六世对世界上成百上千万的人口没有充足的食物食用而感到十分痛心。

65、Since becoming pope, Benedict XVI has 23) criticized Europe for allowing 24) abortion to continue. ─── 成为教宗之后,本笃十六世批评欧洲允许堕胎风潮持续下去。

66、"It is the first family's backyard," says former chief usher Gary Walters, a refuge that offers the President and his wife room to bid farewell to Pope Benedict XVI. ─── “这是第一家庭的后院。”前首席招待加里.沃特尔说道,“一个可以让总统和妻子在这里同教皇本笃十六世道别的安全场所。”

67、" Benedict XVI will receive the Muslim delegation at the Vatican at a date to be announced later. ─── 本笃十六世将在梵蒂冈接见这些穆斯林代表,会见日期稍后会宣布。

68、Jean-Honore Fragonard (1732-1806), French painter of the rococo age, was popular in the courts of Louis XV and Louis XVI for his delicately colored scenes of romance, often in garden settings. ─── 尚-翁诺?弗拉戈那尔(1732-1806),是洛可可时期的法国画家,由于他常以花园为背景细致描绘浪漫景象,以致在路易十五与路易十六的宫廷中极受欢迎。

69、Although she was an atheist, she had found a "soul-mate" in Pope Benedict XVI, and would have revelled in his unwise words about Islam. ─── 尽管他是一个无神论者,然而她却认为教宗本笃十六世是自己的知音,并且对他那关于伊斯兰教不明智的发言欢心不已。

70、1720 - 1570 BC Hyskos Dynasties XV& XVI Rule Egypt- Sensing the declining power of the native Egyptian dynasties, the Hyksos invaded Egypt from Syria Palestine. ─── 公元前1720 年- 1570 年- 喜克索斯十五、十六朝代统治埃及:感到当地埃及王室的力量下降的时候, 喜克索斯人从叙利亚巴勒斯坦侵略了埃及。

71、Carfagna took the leaders' spouses on Wednesday on a tour of Rome's Capitoline museums, and to a meeting with Pope Benedict XVI. ─── 星期三,玛丽亚带领其他领导的配偶参观了罗马山丘博物馆,还参加了教皇本笃十六世的会见。

72、The Design of Brushless DC Motor(XVI) ─── 无刷直流电动机的设计(XVI)

73、According to officials, Benedict XVI insisted that a stop at Ground Zero be put on the schedule of his three-day visit to New York. ─── 有关官员说,是本笃十六世坚持把访问世贸大厦遗址列入他对纽约三天访问的行程中的。

74、In the last night our Lord took pains to make clear to His disciples the impassable gulf between Him and the world, and between them and the world too (John xvi. ─── 主在世上最后一个晚上向门徒澄清他和世界有个无法越过的隔阂,门徒和世界之间也是一样。

75、The Palace of Versailles was the principal residence of the French kings from the time of Louis XIV to Louis XVI. ─── 凡尔赛宫是路易14世到路易16世时期法国国王居住的地方。

76、, in Saint-Sulpice: volutes, knots of ribbon, clouds,vermicelli and chiccory leaves, all in stone;--the Paris of Louis XVI. ─── 在圣絮尔皮斯修道院,是路易十五的巴黎,涡形装饰,彩带系结,云霞缭绕,细穗如粉丝,菊苣叶饰,这一切都是石刻的;

77、A Brief Introduction of the Study Progress in CCITT Study Group XVI(1977-1980) ─── CCITT第十六研究组(电话电路)1977-1980研究期研究进展

78、Pope Benedict XVI opened his visit to Turkey on Tuesday in Ankara, where he met with Turkish leaders to promote religious reconciliation after his recent comments on Islam angered many Muslims. ─── 教皇本笃十六世星期二抵达安卡拉,开始对土耳其的访问。在安卡拉,他会晤了土耳其领导人,推动宗教和解。教皇最近对伊斯兰的评论激怒了许多穆斯林。

79、President Bush meets Pope Benedict XVI defending his humanitarian record after the Pope expresses concerns about what he calls the worrisome situation in Iraq. ─── 布什总统会见罗马教皇尼迪克特十六世进行了会面,在教皇表示了关注对伊拉克动荡局势的不安之后,布什对自己的人道主义立场进行辩护。

80、Pope Benedict XVI has used his traditional Christmas me age to the world to call for a solution to conflicts, e ecially those in the Middle East, Africa and Sri Lanka. ─── 教皇本笃十六世在向全世界发表的圣诞节传统讲话中呼吁和平解决冲突,特别是中东、非洲和斯里兰卡的冲突。

81、No, the big disappointment is over the message delivered by Pope Benedict XVI during his visit to Yad Vashem - the most important leg of his Holy Land pilgrimage, from a Jewish perspective. ─── 不是这个原因,从犹太人的角度来看,我深感失望,是对教宗本笃十六世在朝圣之旅最重要的行程,即访问大屠杀纪念馆期间所发表的信息感到失望。

82、Davon has put series of“Sansovino”, “Gigasso”, “Chippenedale”, “Orpheus”, “Louis Xvi”, ect. on the market. ─── “大风范”品牌家具先后衍生出“香舍梵纳”、“积家索”、“奇彭代尔”、“奥菲斯”、“路易十六”等系列产品。

83、Pope Benedict XVI leaves Spanish Square saying a prayer in honor of the Virgin Mary at the foot of the Spanish Steps in Rome. ─── 教皇本笃十六世离开西班牙广场祈祷纪念罗马西班牙台阶下的圣母玛利亚。

84、Meanwhile Loui XVI her husband overindulges her, leaving the whole country in deep waters.As a result, French people call her "Deficit Queen". ─── 其夫路易十六也对她放任娇纵,令国家债台高筑,法国民众都称她为“赤字夫人”。

85、In his first interview as pontiff, Pope Benedict XVI warned yesterday that Europe was caught up in a crisis of "self-pity" and lacked belief. ─── 就任后第一次受访,教宗本笃16世在15日提出警告,表示欧洲陷入自怜的危机,并且缺乏信仰的力量。

86、Pope Benedict XVI's me age says 21st century mankind is in need of a savior de ite all of its technological and modern advances. ─── 教皇本笃十六世在讲话中说,21世纪的人类尽管取得了各种技术和现代进步,但仍需要救世主。


88、A leading Italian rabbi has accused Pope Benedict XVI of turning back the clock on 50 years of Catholic-Jewish dialogue, an editorial in a Jesuit journal. ─── 一位重要的意大利犹太教教士在一篇耶稣会会士刊物中,指责教皇本笃十六世违背了50年以来所遵循的同犹太人展开对话的立场。

89、Gregory XVI, at the AGE of eighty, held himself erect and smiling, which did not prevent him from being a bad bishop. ─── 格列高利十六到了八十岁还是身躯挺直、笑容满面的,但他仍是一个坏主教。



18 世纪初期,人们为了更精确的掌握时间,首次在一系列精密的航海钟表上设置了秒针装置。由于秒针运行的频率很快,需要的动力远较时针分针要高,所以秒针最初都被设置于距离擒纵轮组最近的位置,同时也在尽可能地减小着其体积,这成为小三针款式雏形。


















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