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08-17 投稿


atrophic 发音

英:[??trɑ?f?k]  美:[??tr?f?k]

英:  美:

atrophic 中文意思翻译



atrophic 词性/词形变化,atrophic变形

名词复数: atrocities |

atrophic 短语词组

1、atrophic pharyngitis ─── [医] 萎缩性咽炎

2、atrophic rhinitis ─── [医] 萎缩性鼻炎

3、atrophic sclerosis ─── [医] 萎缩性硬化

4、atrophic emphysema ─── [医] 萎缩性肺气肿

5、atrophic cirrhosis ─── [医] 萎缩性肝硬变

6、atrophic gangrene ─── [医] 萎缩性坏疽

7、atrophic skin ─── [医] 皮萎缩

8、atrophic excavation ─── [医] 萎缩性陷凹

9、atrophic catarrh ─── [医] 萎缩性鼻卡他

10、atrophic aplastic anemia ─── [医] 骨髓病性贫血

11、atrophic inflammation ─── [医] 萎缩性炎

12、atrophic kidney ─── [医] 萎缩肾

13、acute atrophic paralysis ─── [医] 急性萎缩性麻痹

14、atrophic arthritis ─── [医] 萎缩性关节炎, 类风湿性关节炎

15、atrophic gastritis ─── [医] 萎缩性胃炎

16、atrophic laryngitis ─── [医] 萎缩性喉炎

17、atrophic anemia ─── [医] 骨髓萎缩性贫血

18、atrophic fracture ─── [医] 萎缩性骨折

19、atrophic beriberi ─── [医] 萎缩性脚气病, 干性脚气, 麻痹性脚气病

atrophic 常用词组

atrophic gastritis ─── [医]萎缩性胃炎

chronic atrophic gastritis ─── [医]慢性萎缩性胃炎

atrophic rhinitis ─── 萎缩性鼻炎

atrophic 相似词语短语

1、atrophies ─── n.萎缩,萎缩症;发育停止;vi.萎缩;虚脱

2、trophic ─── adj.营养的;有关营养的

3、strophic ─── adj.反复曲式的;(歌曲)分节的

4、agraphic ─── 失写的

5、eutrophic ─── adj.富营养的;发育营养正常的;n.发育营养正常促进剂

6、atrophied ─── adj.萎缩的;衰退的;v.萎缩(atrophy的过去分词);使衰退

7、atrophias ─── 萎缩

8、atrophia ─── n.萎缩(等于atrophy)

9、-trophic ─── adj.营养的;有关营养的

atrophic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Atrophic atrichia was found on some alopecia area. ─── 临床表现为头部毛发稀疏,部分秃发区可见毛囊萎缩。

2、No complication such as nasal septal perforation and atrophic rhinitis occurred. ─── 无鼻中隔穿孔及萎缩性鼻炎等鼻腔并发症发生。

3、Gastritis of A atrophic sex fastens oneself immunity disease, from body antibody positive. ─── a型萎缩性胃炎系自身免疫性疾病,自体抗体阳性。

4、Results: Expression of EGFR in non-atrophic gastritis was the lowest among the various gastric mucosal lesions (P01). ─── 结果:EGFR在非萎缩性胃炎组织中的表达显著低于其他胃黏膜病变组织(P0.01);

5、Anyhow, the reason with spermary atrophic happening is complex, it is a variety of elements the result of joint action. ─── 总之,睾丸发生萎缩的原因是复杂的,是多种因素共同作用的结果。

6、Chronic atrophic gastritis is one of commonly and frequently encountered diseases.It seriously affects the life of humankind. ─── 慢性萎缩性胃炎是临床常见病、多发病,严重影响人类生活质量。

7、Objective To study the protective and therapeutic effects of Hericium caput-medusae (Bull.exFr) Pers on atrophic gastritis in rats. ─── 摘要目的观察小刺猴头子实体多糖对慢性萎缩性胃炎的影响。

8、Dyspareunia is a common feature of atrophic vaginitis. ─── 性交困难是萎缩性阴道炎的一个常见症状。

9、Gastritis of A atrophic sex fastens oneself immunity disease, from body antibody positive. ─── a型萎缩性胃炎系自身免疫性疾病,自体抗体阳性。

10、Autoimmune atrophic gastritis of pernicious anemia ─── 恶性贫血伴自身免疫性萎缩性胃炎

11、Objective To observe the clinical therapeutic effect of "Jiedu Huoxue Decoction" on chronic atrophic gastritis (CAG) with mild to moderate intestinal metaplasia(IM). ─── 摘要目的观察活血解毒方治疗慢性萎缩性胃炎并轻、中度肠上皮化生的临床疗效。

12、Con-Aand DBA were mainly labeled in the ITC and in the chronic atrophic gastritis withmetaplasia. ─── ConA和DBA主要标记在ITC和伴有肠化的慢性萎缩性胃炎中。

13、Atrophic corneal ulcer occurred in his right eye, and a partial lateral tarsorrhaphy was done in that eye before referral to out clinic. ─── 一名45岁男性病人因长期甲状腺亢进造成突眼及眼睑收缩。

14、In reading a picture of asymmetric testicular FDG activity, the possibility of unilateral atrophic testis that absorbs less radioactivity should be kept in mind. ─── 在判读睪丸不对称之氟-18-去氧葡萄糖摄取活性时,须注意单侧萎缩睪丸导致摄取减少的可能性。

15、The gastric juice of gastritis of chronic and atrophic sex secretes an amount general calibration ordinary person is little. ─── 慢性萎缩性胃炎的胃液分泌量一般较正常人为少。

16、Bowel of gastritis of chronic and atrophic sex is epithelial change unripe, spend not typical hyperplasia gently to part the introduction and! ! How to treat! ! ─── 慢性萎缩性胃炎肠上皮化生,轻度不典型增生分别介绍与!!如何治疗!!

17、Important secondary infections are: APP, Pasteurella spp, Mycoplasma, Atrophic Rhinitis, Salmonella, E coli, Erysipelas; Staphylococcus hyicus and Streptococci. ─── 严重的继发感染包括:放线杆菌胸膜肺炎、巴氏杆菌属细菌、支原体、萎缩性鼻炎、沙门氏菌、大肠杆菌、丹毒、猪葡萄球菌和链球菌等感染。


19、Suffer financial crisis effect, exit is atrophic, alibaba must depreciate sales promotion, in order to maintain the growth of supplier client. ─── 受金融危机影响,出口萎缩,阿里巴巴必须降价促销,以维持供应商客户的增长。

20、What symptom does the person of atrophic sexual rhinitis have? ─── 得萎缩性鼻炎的人有什么症状?

21、Objective To study the effects and mechanisms of Sanshen Ziwei Yin(SZY) on D cells and G cells of gastric mucosa in rats with chronic atrophic gastritis(CAG). ─── 摘要目的:探讨三参滋胃饮对慢性萎缩性胃炎(CAG)大鼠胃黏膜G细胞和D细胞的作用及其机制。

22、AMD is classified into nonneovascular (dry or atrophic) and neovascular (wet or exudative) forms of the disease. ─── 年龄相关性黄斑变性分为非新生血管性(干性或萎缩)和新生血管性疾病(湿性或渗出性)。

23、chronic atrophic gastric-carditis ─── 慢性萎缩性贲门炎

24、The ductal system underwent atrophic changes, and thrombotic obliteration of main duct. ─── 3个月)、纤维修复(1-6个月);导管系统上皮脱落,形成栓子阻塞导管。

25、Chronic Atrophic Gastritis (CAG) is one of the common gastrointestinal symptom disease,the common refractory digestive disease in clinics and important pathologic change of gastric cancer. ─── 慢性萎缩性胃炎是临床常见的老年病和难治病之一,病势缠绵,病程较长,若失治误治易发生癌变。

26、Objective: To observe the therapeutic efficacy of traditional Chineae medicine treating atrophic age-related macular degeneration (AMD) by visual evoked potential (VEP). ─── 摘要目的:利用现代化的视诱发电位检测方法来观察中药治疗年龄相关性黄斑变性萎缩型的疗效。

27、MRVC of gallbladders were not created in 4 cases of atrophic cholecyst filled with stones shown on source images. ─── 4例胆囊严重萎缩且充满结石者无法重建胆囊内窥镜影像。

28、Following examinations of testes ruled out diseased left testis and revealed an atrophic right testis, which resulted in a decrease in FDG uptake and asymmetric picture. ─── 后续检查排除左侧睪丸之疾患且显示右侧为一萎缩睪丸,导致氟-18-去氧葡萄糖摄取减少,造成睪丸摄取不对称的情形。

29、What just go is a lot of righter 2008 a crisis is medium and small businesses, the market on international is atrophic, overseas order for goods considerably pare. ─── 刚刚过去的2008年对很多中小企业而言是一场危机,国际上市场萎缩,海外订单大幅消减。

30、Purpose: To summarize the techniques and effects of onlay bone grafts on the augmentation of the severely atrophic alveolar ridges. ─── 摘要目的:总结嵌贴式植骨方法进行缺牙后重度吸收牙槽脊骨增量的植骨技术及其效果。

31、Few atrophic acinar cells was observed in control group. ─── 对照组各时间段仅见少量萎缩的腺泡细胞。

32、Chronic atrophic gastritis is one of commonly and frequently encountered diseases. It seriously affects the life of humankind. ─── 慢性萎缩性胃炎是临床常见病、多发病,严重影响人类生活质量。

33、chronic atrophic gastritis is clinically common diseases, illness secretive, long-term repeated attacks easy to cause cancer. ─── 慢性萎缩性胃炎是临床上常见病,病情潜匿,长期反复发作容易导致癌变。

34、chronic atrophic senile gingivitis ─── 慢性老年萎缩性龈炎

35、Chronic gastritis is the chronic stomach catarrh that shows different pathogeny is caused sexual pathological change or atrophic sex pathological change. ─── 慢性胃炎是指不同病因引起的慢性胃粘膜炎性病变或萎缩性病变。

36、Severe anemia, and there is also glossitis, atrophic tongue mucosa, tongue smooth, and there is congestive heart burning. ─── 严重贫血者,还可有舌炎、舌黏膜萎缩、舌头平滑、充血并有灼热感。

37、In general, more limited approaches to turbinoplasty should be performed because complete turbinectomy may put the patient at increased risk for developing atrophic rhinitis postoperatively. ─── 一般而言应只进行部分下鼻甲整形,因为鼻甲完全切除会增加病人术后发展为萎缩性鼻炎的风险。

38、endometrium was atrophic and the number of glandular organs was decreased. ─── 子宫内膜萎缩,腺体器官减少。

39、The reason with increasingly atrophic passenger traffic volume is many sided. 1. ─── 客运量日益萎缩的原因是多方面的。

40、Jejunal biopsy through enteroscopic examination revealed atrophic villi and dense infiltration in lamina propria by lymphocytes, with extension beyond the layer of muscularis mucosa. ─── 我们报告一例具典型临床症状的31岁男性患者,其空肠切片检查看到黏膜固有层中有致密的淋巴浆细胞浸润,浸润程度已穿越黏膜肌肉层。

41、Gastritis of B atrophic sex is not immunity disease, oneself antibody shows negative. ─── b型萎缩性胃炎并非免疫性疾病,自身抗体呈阴性。

42、Tour 1 : Next/Previous/Start: On this slice, the atrophic hippocampus and amygdala can be seen. ─── 回顾1 :下一页/上一页/起始页: 在此层面,可以看到萎缩的海马和杏仁核。

43、According to early and late phase in ICGA, 40 eyes had local or extensive choroidal filling deficiency, including 24 eyes in exudative AMD, 12 eyes in atrophic AMD, 4 eyes in drusen. ─── ICGA早121只AMD患者眼中有40只眼ICGA有局部或广泛脉络膜充盈不良,其中渗出型AMD24只眼,萎缩型AMD12只眼,黄斑玻璃疣4只眼。

44、Fifteen of the 23 non-union were of atrophic type with minimal callus formation and required cancellous bone grafting. ─── 23位病人中有15例是属于萎缩性的未愈合,其形成的骨痂很少故需自体植骨。

45、But, since nearly one period, as a result of a variety of reasons, become gradually flat, facing atrophic crisis. ─── 但是,近一时期以来,由于种种原因,变得逐渐萧条,面临着萎缩的危机。

46、Objective: To study the protective effect of purariae isoflavone on apoptosis cells of atrophic nasal mucosas in ovariectomized rats. ─── 摘要目的:观察卵巢切除诱导大鼠鼻黏膜上皮细胞凋亡,研究尼尔雌醇、葛根总黄酮对此的保护作用。

47、Especially for precancerous lesions of chronic atrophic gastritis is more unique effect. ─── 尤其对癌前病变的萎缩性胃炎更有独特疗效。

48、Analysis of acerbity function of secrete of gastritis of B atrophic sex can assume normal or small acerbity position. ─── b型萎缩性胃炎泌酸功能分析可呈正常或低酸状态。

49、"Of next year the 3rd, four quarters just are foreign trade order most the most atrophic quarter, but the enterprise that comes down alive can have more opportunities. ─── “明年的第三、四季度才是外贸订单最最萎缩的季度,但活下来的企业就会有更多的机会。”

50、Atrophic gastitis is often the precursor of cancer. ─── 萎缩性胃炎往往是癌变产前兆。

51、Resection of atrophic right liver lobe bearing hepatolithiasis combined hepatic hilar plasty has reached both elimination of liver focus and maintaining the physiological entitity of bile duct. ─── 含石的萎缩右半肝切除加肝门胆管整形既达到了清除病灶的目的,又保持了胆管的通畅性及生理功能的完整性;

52、But in our market of foreign capital of depression of international money market, churchyard new issue continuously below atrophic big environment, IPO is exited become even more hard. ─── 但在国际金融市场萧条、境内外资本市场新股发行持续萎缩的大环境下,IPO退出变得越发艰难。

53、Patients with AOM and an atrophic scar failed the DPOAE test. ─── 另外,急性中耳炎及鼓膜呈萎缩性瘢痕者,其变频耳声传射皆消失。

54、Because be lengthened as what lack tooth time, bone of chamfer of tooth of the area that be short of a tooth is met gradually atrophic, become low, and speed of much place atrophy is abhorrent still. ─── 因为随着缺牙时间的延长,缺牙区牙槽骨会逐渐萎缩,变低,而且多部位萎缩速度还不一致。

55、Cerebrum blood-vessel is atrophic, is those who bring about hypertensive? What disease can bring about cerebrum blood-vessel atrophy, what to have corresponding remedy! ─── 大脑血管萎缩,导致的高血压?什么病可导致大脑血管萎缩,有没有什么相应治疗措施!

56、The lesions were markedly atrophic and sclerotic.Some joints were stiffened. ─── 四肢皮肤明显硬化萎缩,部分关节强直固定。

57、Objective: To observe the law Wenyang Jianpi spleen deficiency chronic atrophic gastritis serum epidermal growth factor levels. ─── 摘要目的:观察温阳健脾法对脾虚型慢性萎缩性胃炎血清表皮生长因子水平的影响。

58、Keywords Chronic atrophic gastritis Growth hormone; ─── 慢性萎缩性胃炎;生长激素;

59、The thresholds of ABR reduced significantly in the TLL groups than in the control group(P

60、The primary lesions consist of purpuric papules which undergo superficial ulceration, followed by the development of irregular atrophic scars. ─── 其初期的病灶为紫斑性丘疹,进而形成表浅之溃疡,而后形成不规则状萎缩性疤痕。

61、Abstract: Objective:To explore the therapeutic effect and mechanism of Weishu capsule (WSC) in treating precancerous lesions of chronic atrophic gastritis(CAG). ─── 摘 要: 目的:探讨胃舒胶囊对萎缩性胃炎癌前病变的治疗作用及机制。

62、The underlying pathogenesis of steroid-induced myopathy associated with chronic use is a non-necrotic atrophic myopathy resulting in proximal muscle weakness without muscle pain or tenderness. ─── 慢性用药导致的类固醇诱导性肌病是一种非坏死性萎缩性肌病,导致近端肌无力不伴有肌肉疼痛和压痛。

63、Keywords Rats;Atrophic gastritis;Model;animal; ─── 大鼠;萎缩性胃炎;模型;动物;

64、Reflux esophagitis, acute gastritis, superficial and atrophic gastritis, gastroduodenal ulcer disease, gastroptosis, coronary heart disease, rheumatic heart disease, such as Kechuan. ─── 反流性食道炎、急性胃炎、浅表及萎缩性胃炎、胃十二指肠、溃疡病、胃下垂、冠心病、风心病、咳喘等。

65、But for disease of compasses model for painting, 1989 the whole nation the 5thTasteIll learning conference makes clear gastritis of will atrophic sex to bring into " gastric ruffian " ill limits. ─── 但为规范本病,1989年全国第五届脾胃病学术会议明确将萎缩性胃炎纳入“胃痞” 病范围。

66、A 64-year-old female presented with universal parchmentlike atrophic p laque in extremities and trunk for fi ve years. ─── 患者女,64岁。四肢、躯干泛发性羊皮纸样萎缩性斑片5年,双乳内下方和剑突处起血疱1个月。

67、Slide 3-5 This is a case of the parietal kerion for three weeks. This picture shows the infiltrated follicular pustules and atrophic scars. ─── 幻灯3-5这是顶部脓癣病例,病程已3周,呈现出浸润性毛囊性脓疱及萎缩瘢痕。

68、Some remaining atrophic adrenal is seen at the right. ─── 右边是残余萎缩的肾上腺。

69、In body symptom respect, the skin is atrophic and dry knit more, hoar tine falls, quiver of tongue, hand, eyesight, audition drops etc. ─── 在躯体症状方面,皮肤萎缩而干燥多皱,发白齿落,舌、手震颤,视力、听力减退等。

70、Gastritis of chronic and atrophic sex comes on concern with oneself immunity, reason is OK prednisone of try out short distance make immunity restrain cure. ─── 慢性萎缩性胃炎发病与自身免疫有关,故可以试用短程强的松等作免疫抑制治疗。

71、Gastritis of A atrophic sex: Endoscope examination pathological changes basically is secreting the gastric body ministry of hydrochloric acid and pepsin, show more diffuse distributing. ─── a型萎缩性胃炎:内窥镜检查病变主要在分泌盐酸和胃蛋白酶的胃体部,多呈弥漫分布。

72、Gastritis of chronic and atrophic sex, as a result of the atrophy of inherent gland body, gastric juice secretes an amount general calibration ordinary person is little. ─── 慢性萎缩性胃炎,由于固有腺体的萎缩,胃液分泌量一般较正常人为少。

73、Objective To investigate the combination of long pulsed 1064nm laser and Er-laser dermabrasion on treatment of atrophic acne scars. ─── 寻常性痤疮是一种常见的毛囊皮脂腺结构的慢性炎症性疾患,表现为粉刺、丘疹、脓疱、结节、囊肿等。

74、The immunostain for high molecular weight cytokeratin can be helpful in distinguishing between atrophy (fragmented basal cell layer) from atrophic ariant of prostatic adenocarcinoma (no basal cell layer). ─── 应用高分子量细胞角蛋白免疫染色可以将单纯萎缩跟萎缩型的前列腺腺癌区分开来,前者可见到呈碎片状的基底细胞层,后者无基底细胞层。

75、In total of 65 eyes in 51 AMD patients, 42 eyes(64 6%) were diagnosed atrophic type, 23 eyes (35 4%) exudative type. ─── 5 1例AMD患者 6 5只眼中 ,萎缩型 42只眼 (6 4 6% ) ,渗出型 2 3只眼 (35 4% )。

76、The time to healing in 2 cases of atrophic non-union were 13 and 18 months, respectively, which appeared significantly prolonged (P

77、Below such state, global substance economy will be farther atrophic, and the opportunity that fictitious economy welcomes a great progress possibly. ─── 在这样的状况下,全球实体经济将进一步萎缩,而虚拟经济则可能迎来一个大发展的时机。

78、This article introduces professor Zhu Shengliang's clinical experience in the differentiation and treatment of chronic atrophic gastritis. ─── 摘要介绍朱生梁教授辨治慢性萎缩性胃炎的临床经验。

79、A 18-year-old girl student has had multiple hemorrhagic bullae with atrophic scars on both limbs and left side of the face due to mosquito bites for 16 years. ─── 在目前报告中,患者为18岁女学生,在她四肢及面部左侧,在蚊咬后立刻出现红疹多发性大型血泡及萎缩性疤痕,亡夜十二年之久。

80、Local choriocapillaries filling deficiency was found in 24 atrophic AMD. CNV was detected in the area previously subject to chorioca pillaries filling deficiency in the 16 exudative AMD eyes (67%). ─── 24只萎缩型AMD黄斑区脉络膜毛细血管层均有局限性灌注不良,16眼(67%)CNV在原脉络膜毛细血管灌注不良区域内生成。

81、chronic atrophic antralgastritis ─── 慢性萎缩性胃窦炎

82、Shoulder function is significantly inferior if the teres minor is atrophic or absent. ─── 如果小圆肌存在肩功能可能保留很好,相比之下,如果其萎缩或者缺如,则效果欠佳。

83、It is argued that chronic atrophic gastritis is associated with debility,attack of exogenous pathogens,improper diet,emotional stress and exhaustion. ─── 慢性萎缩性胃炎的发生多与素体虚弱、外邪入侵、饮食不节、七情过极、劳倦过度等有关;

84、Use 6 ? of palace antrum radium therapy or cobaltic ? commonly 0 radiative cure, can destroy ovarian function, make different inside film is atrophic. ─── 一般用宫腔镭疗或钴?6?0放射治疗,能破坏卵巢功能,使异位内膜萎缩。

85、Methods: There was the retrospective analysis of clinical data in 97 cases with atrophic cholecystitis. ─── 方法:回顾性分析97例萎缩性胆囊炎的临床资料。

86、Chronic Atrophic Gastritis (CAG) is a common disease in clinic. Because of its positive correlation with morbidity of gastric carcinoma, it was considered as a precancerous condition by World Health Organization (WHO). ─── 慢性萎缩性胃炎(Chronic Atrophic Gastritis,CAG)是一种临床上常见的胃部疾患,由于其与胃癌尤其是肠型胃癌发生率呈显著正相关,WHO将其列为胃癌前期状态。

87、Objective To investigate the diagnostic value of gastroscopic manifestataions to chronic atrophic gastritis (CAG). ─── 摘要目的探讨胃镜下表现对慢性萎缩性胃炎(CAG)的诊断价值。

88、There are well-known risk factors for gastric cancer such as environment, foods, Helicobacter pylori infection of the stomach, chronic atrophic gastritis and intestinal metaplasia. ─── 多种因素与胃癌的发生相关,如环境、饮食、幽门螺杆菌感染、慢性萎缩性胃炎和肠上皮化生等。

89、Atrophic rhinitis is very difficult to treat. ─── 萎缩性鼻炎是非常困难的治疗。

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