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08-17 投稿


derangement 发音

英:[d??re?nd?m?nt]  美:[d??re?nd?m?nt]

英:  美:

derangement 中文意思翻译



derangement 同义词

craze | unsettle | unbalance | dislocate | upset | wreck |disorder | spoil | shock | disorganize | disrupt | derail | distress | shake | interfere | perturb | disturb

derangement 短语词组

1、derangement fy ─── 精神错乱

2、Hey's internal derangement ─── [医] 黑氏膝关节不全脱位

3、derangement 4 ─── 混乱4

4、derangement of the senses ─── 感觉错乱

5、mental derangement ─── [法] 精神错乱

6、derangement definition ─── 精神错乱定义

7、immunologic derangement ─── [医] 免疫紊乱

8、derangement blocco ─── 方块错乱

9、derangement problem ─── 更列问题

10、functional derangement ─── 功能紊乱

11、derangement syndrome ─── 间盘移位综合征

12、derangement is ─── 精神错乱

13、the derangement of yin and yang ─── 阴阳错乱

14、derangement pet battle cooldowns ─── 混乱宠物战斗冷却时间

15、derangement graph ─── 错乱图

16、derangement define ─── 混乱定义

derangement 反义词


derangement 词性/词形变化,derangement变形

动词过去分词: deranged |动词现在分词: deranging |动词过去式: deranged |动词第三人称单数: deranges |名词: derangement |

derangement 相似词语短语

1、rearrangement ─── n.重新整理;重新排列;重新布置

2、debasement ─── n.降低;贬质

3、Orangemen ─── n.橙带党员;奥兰治党员

4、arrangement ─── n.布置;整理;准备;安排

5、deraignment ─── n.抗辩

6、estrangement ─── n.疏远;失和

7、derangements ─── n.精神错乱,发狂

8、arrangements ─── n.安排;准备;整理(arrangement的复数)

9、stranglement ─── 勒死

derangement 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、We evaluate the effectivity of parameters such as hemodynamics and organ perfusion, immunological derangement, coagulopathy and procalcitionin in diagnosing severe sepsis. ─── 我们评价了血流动力学和组织灌注参数,免疫紊乱、凝血障碍的相关参数以及前降钙素等指标在临床上的价值。

2、Keywords occlusal reconstruction;infraocclusion;temporomandibular disorders;internal derangement;splint; ─── 咬合重建;低位咬合;颞下颌关节紊乱病;结构紊乱;(牙合)垫;

3、Mental derangement is different from it which is not in mental health, and it is not in equilibrium status appeared in equilibration process necessarily. ─── 心理不健康不同于心理障碍,它是平衡化过程中必然出现的不平衡态。

4、She began to think he was in mental derangement. ─── 她开始想这个人一定是精神错乱了。

5、Methods 84 cases (98 sides) of internal derangement patients of different grades were irrigated and medicine injection in articular supper cavity. ─── 方法对84例(98侧)不同分期的颞下颌关节内紊乱患者进行关节上腔灌洗,同时行药物注射治疗。

6、Top allied:Ha ha ha ha ha, bottom allied:the Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey.horizontal batch:mental derangement. ─── 上联:哈哈哈哈哈,下联:嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿。横批:神经病

7、derangement of lateral meniscus ─── 外侧半月板扰乱

8、In order to have the stuff of a tyrant, a certain mental derangement is necessary. ─── 为了成就一个暴君,一定程度的精神错乱是必须的。

9、electrical derangement ─── 电紊乱

10、A number of investigators have suggested that chromosomal anomalies can contribute to human infertility causing spermatogenetic derangement. ─── 一些调查表明,染色体异常可导致生精紊乱而造成人类不孕不育。

11、Derangement of semilunar cartilage ─── 半月软骨紊乱

12、Objective To observe the effect of dehypnotic drug treatment on sleep derangement of inpatients. ─── 摘要目的观察应用非催眠药物方案治疗住院患者睡眠障碍的疗效。

13、Other joint derangement ─── 其他关节紊乱

14、Immunologic derangement of cell immunity and humoral immune function is presented in CKD patients. ─── CKD患者存在细胞免疫及体液免疫功能紊乱。

15、The third letter, from another source, provides an explanation of the lady's curious mental derangement . ─── 第三封信,来自另一个朋友,解释了这个妇女的耐人寻味的精神错乱。

16、Most people take it as a sign of derangement. ─── 但大部分民众则将此番言论看作痴人说梦。

17、This paper analyzed the sound signal produced by TMJ of the normal and the temporomandibular joint internal derangement (TMD) patient using the theory of chaos and fractal in nonlinear dynamics. ─── 利用非线性动力学的混沌与分形理论对健康人和颞下颌关节内紊乱(TMD)患者的TMJ音信号进行了分析。

18、“my full statement of this person"s merits will create derangement, doubt and disbelief in the minds of all listeners. ─── 所得功德,我若具说者,或有人闻,心则狂乱,狐疑不信。

19、Methods 100 patients with sleep derangement but without before admission were randomly divided into the study group (n=50) and control group (n=50). ─── 方法将100例新住院睡眠障碍(住院前不存在)患者随机分为试验组和对照组各50例。

20、In fact, Blair Derangement Syndrome is especially strong among the Labour-supporting chattering classes. ─── 实际上,布莱尔专门综合症尤其在工党支持派的舆论界反映强烈。

21、derangement problem ─── 更列问题

22、internal derangement of knee joint ─── 膝关节内扰乱

23、Objective To explore the role of acupuncture in treatment of small joint derangement of the thoracic vertebra. ─── 目的:探讨针刺在治疗胸椎小关节紊乱中的作用。

24、CONCLUSION: Allogenic MSCs transplantation can improve cardiac function, lessen structural abnormalities and may inhibit the progression of electrophysiology derangement. ─── 关键词:骨髓间充质干细胞;扩张型心肌病;心功能;心肌结构;

25、Intermittent mental derangement associated with the changing phases of the moon. ─── 月汐性精神错乱与月亮的变化周期有关的间歇性的精神错乱

26、Bedlam: A Paradox where the caster suffers a derangement, worsened by susceptibility to certain magics. In some cases, the derangement might be contagious, affecting one or more other mages. ─── 混淆:矛盾之一,施法者会陷入精神异常,且会因为对某些魔法的敏感性而恶化。在某些情况下,这类精神异常还会传染,对其他法师产生影响。


28、When the guest finally visits, the derangement on the working place is cleaned simply by sliding one table top over the other. ─── 当有客人要来的时候,只要随便把一挥,一片狼籍的桌面就立刻干净整洁了。

29、Other derangement of lateral meniscus ─── 外侧半月板其他紊乱

30、physiologic derangement ─── 生理紊乱

31、A Study on Correlation between Coronary Heart Disease with Heart Yang Deficiency and Myocardium Derangement ─── 冠心病心阳虚证与心肌不同步运动的相关性研究

32、In experiment group, muscles atrophy and derangement, inflammatory cells infiltration and increment of fatty deposition were observed. ─── 肌纤维局部萎缩,肌纤维排列紊乱;炎性细胞浸润,脂肪沉积增多;

33、I cannot say why I felt so wildly wretched: it must have been temporary derangement, for there is scarcely cause. ─── 我说不出我干嘛觉得这么倒霉:一定是暂时神经错乱,因为简直没有原因。

34、Regulative effect of electroacupuncture of different frequencies on derangement of gastric electric rhythm in rabbits ─── 不同频率电针对家兔胃电节律紊乱调整效应研究

35、Mental derangement characterized by loss of contact with reality ─── 14、由于与现实世界失去提触而精神失常

36、He seemed to be on the verge of total derangement. ─── 他似乎已濒临精神崩溃的边缘。

37、afflicted with or characteristic of mental derangement. ─── 受精神错乱折磨的,有精神错乱特征的。

38、Conclusion Dehypnotic drug treatment is more effect to solve inpatients' sleep derangement. ─── 结论应用非催眠药物方案更有利于解决住院患者的睡眠障碍问题。

39、Results Major death causes of senile patients with acute intestinal obstruction comprised septic shock, MSOF, respiratory failure and severe derangement of internal environment etc. ─── 结果主要死亡原因为感染性休克、多系统器官衰竭(MSOF)、呼吸衰竭及严重内环境紊乱等。

40、“I’ve never met anybody, even at the heights of alcoholic derangement, prepared to admit that they actually liked the taste,” Mr.Clissold wrote of baijiu. ─── 李斌,一名墩实而认真的当地干部,受信阳地方党委政府委派,带领三个督查小组中的一个一直执行着一项特殊任务。

41、The third letter, from another source, provides an explanation of the lady's curious mental derangement. ─── 第三封信,来自另一个朋友,解释了这个妇女的耐人寻味的精神错乱。

42、There was no significant difference between the disc derangement disorder group and the control group. ─── 而关节盘紊乱组和对照组之间差异没有显著性。

43、Do not know which mental derangement. . . Want me to count his mother what count. . . ─── 不知道哪个神经病…要我数他妈什么数…

44、In place of angst and derangement, Iron Man was a huge romp. ─── 不像蝙蝠侠那样满腹忧虑和狂躁不安,钢铁侠却是个十足的花花公子。

45、Internal derangement of knee ─── 膝关节内紊乱

46、Derangement of anterior horn of medial meniscus ─── 内侧半月板前角紊乱

47、Clinical Observation on Spine-massage Method for 47 Cases of yndrome of Small Joints Derangement in Thoracic Vertebrae ─── 整脊推拿治疗胸椎小关节紊乱47例临床观察

48、Methods100 patients with sleep derangement but without before admission were randomly divided into the study group (n=50) and control group (n=50). ─── 方法将100例新住院睡眠障碍(住院前不存在)患者随机分为试验组和对照组各50例。

49、"Nothing, my fart money to see that guy have mental derangement!"Jim shouted. ─── “屁钱都不值,我早就看出那家伙有神经病!”

50、Derangement of meniscus ─── 半月板紊乱

51、Sick dog often has derangement in the routine behavioral pattern and may not reveal any response due to the health related problem it has. ─── 病的狗经常有精神错乱在定期关于行为的样式,并且可能不显露它有的任何反应由于与健康有关的问题。

52、Keywords perioperative;posterior ischemic optic neuropathy;ischemia and hypoxia;hemodynamic derangement;patient-specific susceptibility; ─── 手术相关性;后部缺血性视神经病变;缺血和缺氧;血液动力学紊乱;个体易感性;

53、When the excretion barrier appears, it becomes the source of internal derangement of human body. ─── 当出现排泄障碍时,将是体内乱源的开始。

54、Derangement of posterior horn of lateral meniscus ─── 外侧半月板后角紊乱

55、Derangement of knee ─── 膝关节紊乱

56、Results showed a serious lipid metabolism derangement in obstructive jaundice patients; There was a fat metabolization activation and simultaneous lack of EFA, especially 6 fatty acid, Transportation of extrinsic lipids was also poor. ─── 结果表明,梗黄病人存在严重的脂类代谢紊乱,即在脂肪动员同时,存在EFA缺乏,以6脂肪酸缺乏更明显,并且机体输送外源性脂肪能力下降。

57、MRI is an ideal method to diagnose internal derangement of TMJ. ─── 结论:mri是诊断关节内紊乱症理想的方法。

58、Derangement of joint other than knee ─── 膝关节以外其他关节紊乱

59、After get off, I again with recruit to another car, that driver see it, the head stretch out a car window, the anger hate of the look in the eyes stare me and scold my mental derangement! ─── 下车后,我又随手招来另一辆车,那司机见之,头伸出车窗外,愤恨的眼神瞪着我,骂我神经病!

60、internal derangement ─── 内紊乱症

61、Derangement of anterior horn of lateral meniscus ─── 外侧半月板前角紊乱

62、The girl of 27 opposite upstairs scold its Yue:Mental derangement!Whole give up cachinnation. ─── 27对面楼上的女生骂其曰:神经病!全舍大笑。

63、5.CFF reflexes central fatigue and BUN reflexes periphery fatigue.Their change are derangement,central fatigue emerges later,and recovers slower,in fencing we should think high of central fatigue. ─── CFF所反映的中枢疲劳和BUN反映的外周疲劳不同步,中枢疲劳产生晚,恢复慢,击剑项目应重视中枢疲劳的评定。

64、It appears that HCV is directly responsible for steatosis in genotype 3 infection, whereas steatosis in genotype 1 disease is a consequence of metabolic derangement, specifically insulin resistance. ─── HCV可能直接造成基因3型感染中的脂肪变性,尽管基因1型脂肪变性是代谢紊乱,特别是胰岛素抵抗的结果。

65、Objective To evaluate the effectiveness of articular supper cavity irrigated and medicine injection in internal derangement of TMD. ─── 目的评价上腔灌洗及药物注射对颞下颌关节内紊乱的疗效。

66、metabolic derangement ─── 代谢紊乱

67、mental derangement ─── 精神错乱

68、Obamamania may be less of a problem than Bush derangement syndrome. ─── 与布什的错乱失调综合症相比,奥巴马热的麻烦可能要少些。

69、spine joint derangement ─── 脊椎关节紊乱

70、immunologic derangement ─── [医] 免疫紊乱

71、Analysis of mental derangement of patients with leukemia and tactic of nursing care ─── 白血病患者心理障碍的调查分析及护理对策

72、your psychosexual derangement would be fascinating, will, if it weren't so terrifying! ─── 如果你不那么咄咄逼人你的性心理紊乱还是挺迷人的。

73、disk derangement ─── 盘紊乱

74、Iron metabolic derangement possibly affects lipid peroxidization and aggravates liver injury of the patients with viral hepatitis B. ─── 而铁代谢异常又可能影响到脂质过氧化水平,加重乙肝病人的肝损伤。

75、The this person came to spirit and connect to talk on the phone a fierce cannon:"Feed, your mental derangement you, have no matter dozen what dozen, make a phone call don't money which? ─── 此君来气了,接通电话就一通猛炮:“喂喂喂,你神经病啊你,没事打什么打,打电话不要钱哪?

76、RV enlargement and trabecular derangement also were suggested by MRI. ─── MRI也提示右心腔扩大,右心室肌小梁排列紊乱。

77、ObjectiveTo observe the effect of dehypnotic drug treatment on sleep derangement of inpatients. ─── 目的观察应用非催眠药物方案治疗住院患者睡眠障碍的疗效。

78、Influence of Nursing Intervention on Sleeping Rhythm Derangement in Senile Patients with Cerebral Infarction ─── 老年脑梗死患者睡眠节律紊乱的护理干预研究

79、He think:The this person estimate is to have mental derangement!He displeasedly say:Finish pull and then walk!! ─── 他想:这人估计是有神经病!他懊恼的说:拉完就走!!

80、Derangement of posterior horn of medial meniscus ─── 内侧半月板后角紊乱

81、Listen to a wife toward a telephone a burst of to lambaste:"Having no affair don't loose hair message, you have mental derangement!" ─── 只听老婆对着电话一阵大骂:“没事情就不要乱发短信息,你有神经病啊!”

82、Other unspecified derangement of medial meniscus ─── 其他未特指的内侧半月板紊乱

83、Bush Derangement Syndrome ─── n. 布什神经错乱综合症,这一词语由美国保守党专栏作家查尔斯·克劳萨默在2003年发明,并很快在各种新闻渠道流传开来

84、Hey's internal derangement ─── [医] 黑氏膝关节不全脱位

85、Thymic peptide is effective to immunologic derangement through adjustment the levels of CD4, NK, TP, Al and can provide positive action in CKD patients. ─── 胸腺肽通过调节患者外周血CD4和NK活性

86、Clinical Observation on Regulative Action of Electro-acupuncture on Derangement of Electric Rhythm of Stomach and Tachycardia ─── 电针对胃电节律紊乱和心动过速调整作用的试验观察

87、Objective To study the mechanism on endocrine derangement of chronic renal failure(CRF) induced by adenine on the respects of thyroid function and gonad function change. ─── 目的从甲状腺功能及性腺功能变化的角度研究腺嘌呤诱发慢性肾衰的内分泌紊乱的机理。

88、I'm not a prodigy, but people close to me that I prodigies, I puzzled, until they know the abbreviation of comrade is a mental derangement! ─── 我不是神童,但我身边的人都叫我神童,我百思不得其解,直到后来才知道是神经病同志的简称!

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