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08-17 投稿


overplus 发音


英:  美:

overplus 中文意思翻译



overplus 短语词组

1、overplus of will ─── 意志过剩

overplus 相似词语短语

1、overplies ─── 过切

2、overplots ─── 过度抽签

3、overalls ─── n.[服装]工装裤;工作裤

4、overplays ─── v.夸张,过分依赖……的力量,把……演得过火;将高尔夫球打到果岭之外

5、overplast ─── 超塑性

6、overplans ─── 过度计划

7、overclub ─── 过度润滑

8、overflush ─── 酸化顶替液

9、overlush ─── 过冲

overplus 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、There is an overplus of 100 lbs. ─── 重量超出了100磅

2、4.This paper offers four characteristics expressed in overplus labour transfer in the country of Guizhou province: more inter-province shifts and less local employment; ─── 摘要现阶段贵州农村剩余劳动力转移呈现出“四多四少”的特点:跨省区转移的多,本地就业的少;

3、Management of forex reserve and liquidity overplus ─── 外汇储备投资与流动性过剩格局分析

4、Ways to Deal with Liquidity Overplus ─── 流动性过剩的对策

5、Nature must therefore have provided some place for the escape of the overplus. ─── 因此大自然一定要给过多的湖水找一个出口。

6、Chinese industrial structure adjustment is faced with three kinds pressure:international competition,economical overplus, employment stress. ─── 我国的产业结构调整面临三大压力:即国际竞争的压力,过剩经济的压力,劳动就业的压力。

7、Production capacity overplus in fishmeal production factories makes competition more fierce within the industry, driving fish prices up. ─── 鱼粉加工企业产能严重过剩导致行业竞争加剧促使原料价格高企。

8、Fluidity overplus's reason and countermeasure research ─── 流动性过剩成因及对策研究

9、In this paper,a harmless process of cities refuse disposal and rubbish of disposal melt into material of glass in incinerator and recovery of overplus thermal. ─── 垃圾的处理及处理后垃圾灰烬在熔融炉中熔融成玻璃态物质再利用的无害化处理方法和熔融垃圾灰烬余热的利用。

10、Management of forex reserve and liquidity overplus ─── 外汇储备投资与流动性过剩格局分析

11、"To travel through the world it is necessary to have the mouth of hog, the legs of a stag, the eyes of a falcon, the ears of an ass, shoulders of a camel, and the face of an ape, and overplus, a satchel full of money and patience" ─── 周游世界须有猪嘴巴,鹿的腿,鹰的双眼,驴的耳,骆驼的肩膀和猿猴的脸,尤其需要的是要有满口袋的金钱和耐心

12、Keywords measured valve;basic size;common differce coordination;basic deviation;limit size;dearance;overplus; ─── 实测值;基本尺寸;公差配合;基本偏差;极限尺寸;间隙;过盈;

13、Chinese Equipment Manufacturing Industry is now in the embarrassing situation of fewer categories, older products, less intellectual property rights and overplus products on lower technology level. ─── 我国装备制造业总体现状是产品相对陈旧、种类不全、具有自主知识产权的产品少,低水平生产能力过剩,我国工业的快速发展,迫切需要更多高技术水平的装备制造产品的支持。

14、flow capacity overplus ─── 产能过剩

15、The Analysis on Shen Zhen Receiving Overplus Labors of Country ─── 深圳市吸纳农村剩余劳动力的情况分析

16、with the overplus of labor supply market and insufficiency of demand , employment has been becoming focus of attention. ─── 随着劳动力供给市场的过剩和需求市场的相对不足,就业问题成为人们普遍关心的焦点。

17、Analysis of China's Capital Market Deposit Overplus ─── 中国信贷资金市场巨额存差分析

18、1.The division falls out even without any overplus. ─── 结果正好分得平均,没有剩余。

19、27 Then let him count the years of the sale thereof, and restore the overplus unto the man to whom he sold it; that he may return unto his possession. ─── 27就要算出卖地的年数、把馀剩年数的价值、还那买主、自己便归回自己的地业。

20、We can analyze the difficulty for graduates in obtaining employment in two aspects: the "relative overplus" and the "absolute overplus" of the graduates. ─── 摘要当前大学生的就业难,应该从两个方面分析:大学生“相对过剩”和大学生“绝对过剩”。

21、overplus accumulation ─── 过度积累

22、production capacity of hot rolled wide strip has already meet the need in China, even maybe overplus. The transfer rate of hot rolled wide strip into cold rolled one and coated sheet is small. ─── 热轧宽带钢生产能力已能满足国内需求,并可能出现过剩,但转化为冷轧板带和涂镀层板比例太低。

23、Reflection on transferring overplus labor force from countryside to small town ─── 浙江小城镇转移农村剩余劳动力问题的思考

24、overplus copies ─── 超印本

25、Research into Overplus Labour Transfer in the Countryside of Guizhou ─── 贵州农村剩余劳动力转移对策研究

26、Keywords coking industry;flow capacity overplus;structure adjustment; ─── 焦化行业;产能过剩;结构调整;

27、There is an overplus of 100 lbs. ─── 重量超出了100磅。

28、How to Solve the Problem of Overplus Liquidity ─── 流动性过剩如何解决

29、Consumption regulates and serves as condition for production and vice versa.In the relative commercial overplus period, consumption plays a dominant role and determines production. ─── 消费与生产相互规定、互为条件,在商品相对过剩时代,消费处于主导地位,消费决定生产。

30、There is an overplus of 100 l . ─── 重量超出了100磅。

31、However, with the fierce competition of construction in the market environment, controlling pile foundation's cost is imperative, especially by reducing overplus capacity. ─── 然而在目前建筑业激烈竞争的市场环境下,控制建筑成本,尤其是通过降低过剩承载力来降低桩基成本势在必行。

32、On the other hand, the liquidity overplus is the key. ─── 另一方面,流动性过剩是催生泡沫的主要原因。

33、s, shoulders of a camel, and the face of an ape, and overplus, a satchel full of money and patience. ─── 周游世界须有猪嘴巴,鹿的腿,鹰的双眼,驴的耳,骆驼的肩膀和猿猴的脸,尤其需要的是要有满口袋的金钱和耐心。

34、Overplus Liquidity Will Be Reduced Step by Step ─── 流动性缓步趋紧

35、Analysis of the liquidity overplus of China's banks ─── 分析商业银行流动性过剩

36、Then let him count the years of the sale thereof, and restore the overplus unto the man to whom he sold it; that he may return unto his possession. ─── 27就要算出卖地的年数,把馀剩年数的价值还那买主,自己便归回自己的地业。

37、deposit overplus ─── 存差

38、overplus fund ─── 过剩资金

39、Liquidity Overplus Fuels A Bull Market ─── 流动性过剩推动股市上扬

40、Internal imbalance manifests overplus of save and too high of investment increasing, consumption, especially resident consumption is shortage; ─── 内部失衡表现为储蓄过剩,投资增长过快,消费特别是居民消费严重不足;

41、According to an up to the minute outcome about estimation of resource: the overplus energy mainly lives in the northwest and northeast. ─── 据最新石油资源评价结果显示:我国油气资源剩余可采储量主要分布在西北和东北地区。

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