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08-17 投稿


citified 发音

英:[?s?t?fa?d]  美:[?s?t?fa?d]

英:  美:

citified 中文意思翻译



citified 网络释义

adj. 都市风尚的;有都市气概的

citified 词性/词形变化,citified变形

名词: citification |动词现在分词: citifying |动词过去分词: citified |动词第三人称单数: citifies |动词过去式: citified |

citified 短语词组

1、citified meaning ─── 城市化意义

2、citified victoria ─── 城市化维多利亚

3、citified crossword clue ─── 城市化纵横字谜线索

4、citified crossword ─── 城市化纵横字谜

5、citified antonym ─── 城市化反义词

citified 相似词语短语

1、citifies ─── v.使(习俗、穿着等)都市化

2、cityfied ─── 城市化

3、acetified ─── vt.使醋化;变酸;vi.醋化;变酸

4、nitrified ─── v.(使)硝化;使与氮化合;用氮饱和

5、vitrified ─── adj.[陶瓷]陶瓷的,玻璃化的;使变成玻璃状的;v.使…玻璃化(vitrify的过去分词形式)

6、acidified ─── [化学]酸化

7、certified ─── adj.被证明的;有保证的;具有证明文件的;v.证明,证实;颁发合格证书(certify的过去分词形式)

8、lithified ─── (使)岩化(lithify的过去式和过去分词);岩化的,石化的

9、cissified ─── 西西里

citified 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Little by little, in the course of business, she would become citified and cut off from the country;little by little, she would pick up certain bad habits required only in a town. ─── 做了生意,慢慢的变成为城市里人,慢慢的与乡村离远,慢是的学会了一些只有城市里才需要的恶德,于是妇人就毁了。

2、Citified yet sporty, the product range from this firm includes footwear bottoms for men and women in materials such as TR, PVC and TPU. ─── 很都市化但也颇似运动鞋。该司的产品包括适合男、装鞋的大底,其所采用的材质有TR,PVC,及TPU。

3、A history thought about country citified ─── 农村城市化的历史思考

4、A history thought about country citified ─── 农村城市化的历史思考

5、He had a citified air about him that ate into Tom's vitals. ─── 他有一种城市人的神气,这使汤姆感到浑身不舒服。

6、I also lucky get the CITIFIED APPAREL who give me a space of myself. ─── 也庆幸有西丁服饰,让我有一片自己的天空。

7、So the citified style was ostensibly imitated in these "new" buildings.Actually, their inherent tradition, and rural life were never infected by those changes occurred on architectures. ─── 这种选择不是根植在城市生活需要之上,而是对城市居住时尚的浅层模仿,带有强烈的表现色彩,是不触及原有传统生活内核的改变。

8、Informationized City and Citified Development Strategy of Xi'an ─── 信息化城市与绵阳城市化发展战略的再思考

9、such thoughts, my citified confusions melt into the quiet of the night. ─── 想到这些,城市生活带给我的混乱心绪,便在夜的宁静中消失了。

10、With such thoughts, my 29)citified confusions melt into the quiet of the night. ─── 他们竟能从经验中了解到月亮的变化规律,真可谓意义深远。

11、With such thoughts, my citified confusions melt into the quiet of the night. ─── 想到这里,我那些的受染于都市气习的困惑烦扰便都涣然融入夜的寂静中了。

12、such thoughts, my 29 citified confusions melt into the quiet of the night. ─── 这些,我那被喧嚣的城市扰乱了的心融化在夜的幽静之中。

13、The complainants are always from some citified bourgeois outsider with a plane ticket out who decries the destruction of village lifestyles. ─── 那些城市的中产阶级总是手里拿着机票谴责传统农村生活方式被破坏。

14、I also lucky get the CITIFIED APPAREL who give me a space of myself. ─── 也庆幸有西丁服饰,让我有一片自己的天空。

15、He had a citified air about him that ate into Tom's vitals. ─── 汤姆眼盯着他那套漂亮的衣服,鼻子翘得高高的。

16、The complainants are always from some citified bourgeois outsider with a plane ticket out who decries the destruction of village lifestyles. ─── 那些城市的中产阶级总是手里拿着机票谴责传统农村生活方式被破坏。

17、Australian Sustainable Pevelopment and Citified study Trend ─── 澳大利亚可持续发展与城市化研究动态

18、They analyzed mosquitoes around the St.Louis area and found that rural plots with robust populations of numerous bird species harbored fewer infected mosquitoes than more "citified" settings. ─── 他们检验了圣路易斯地区的蚊子,发现在鸟类品种繁多、种群兴旺的乡村里,感染西尼罗病毒的蚊子少于城市中受感染的蚊子。

19、Informationized City and Citified Development Strategy of Xi'an ─── 信息化城市与绵阳城市化发展战略的再思考

20、Environmental Policy Must Face Citified Chauenge in the 21st Contury ─── 21世纪环境决策必须应对城市化的挑战

21、Hair in a big, glossy chignon, fine plucked eyebrows, white powdered face, rouged lips, and that citified air, those citified clothes - all these staggered and flustered her husband from the country. ─── 大而油光的发髻,用小镊子扯成的细细眉毛,脸上的白粉同鲜红胭脂,以及那城市里人神气派头、城市里人的衣服,都一定使从乡下来的丈夫感到极大的惊讶,有点手足无措。

22、Moreover, with the fast improvement of citified level and fast development of traffic and civil aviation, the loss made by the same sand and dust weather largely increased. ─── 而沙尘暴监测与预警技术的研究在防灾和减灾中就显得尤为紧迫和重要。

23、Recent years, the citified level of Fujian is boosted unceasingly. ─── 近几年,福建省城镇化水平不断提高。

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