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08-17 投稿


bedazzled 发音

英:[b??d?z(?)ld]  美:[b??d?zld]

英:  美:

bedazzled 中文意思翻译




bedazzled 短语词组

1、bedazzled dress ─── 炫目连衣裙

2、bedazzled cast ─── 炫目铸件

3、bedazzled 2000 bedazzled 2000 ─── 年

bedazzled 词性/词形变化,bedazzled变形

动词过去分词: bedazzled |动词现在分词: bedazzling |动词第三人称单数: bedazzles |动词过去式: bedazzled |名词: bedazzlement |

bedazzled 相似词语短语

1、bedazzle ─── v.深深打动;(使)着迷;(使)眼花缭乱;迷惑

2、bedazed ─── vt.使茫然;使眩惑

3、bezzled ─── 带边框的

4、bedaggled ─── 粘结的

5、dazzled ─── adj.目眩的;眼花缭乱的;vt.感到眼花缭乱的

6、undazzled ─── 未损坏

7、bemuzzled ─── 显示

8、bedazzles ─── v.深深打动;(使)着迷;(使)眼花缭乱;迷惑

9、bedabbled ─── vt.泼湿

bedazzled 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He was so bedazzled by her looks that he couldn't speak. ─── 她的美貌令他惊讶得说不出话来。

2、you got the bedazzled one - pink , too ? ! - yeah. ─── 你买了那最漂亮的-还是红色的?!-是啊。

3、and at last sunrise threw a golden beam into the study and laid it right across the minister's bedazzled eyes. ─── 终于,旭日将一束金光投入书斋,正好照到牧师晕眩的双目上。

4、81. Would it have bedazzled people? ─── 它会让人眼花缭乱吗?

5、and at last sunrise threw a golden beam into the study and laid it right across the minister's bedazzled eyes. ─── 终于,旭日将一束金光投入书斋,正好照到牧师晕眩的双目上。

6、at last sunrise threw a golden beam into the studylaid it right across the minister's bedazzled eyes. ─── 或许,所好他语无伦次,未能使那好心的寡妇听明白什么清晰的含义,或许是上天按照自己的方式作出了解释。

7、Love bedazzled and made a fool of you. ─── 歌声里满是困惑,仿佛你被嘲弄。

8、be bedazzled by the lake and the green hills ─── 为湖光山色所迷

9、Performance technology adept, takes two even threeskins shades, slaughters, to hits, the repertoire is not chaotic,makes one be bedazzled. ─── 华县皮影雕刻技艺超群,其作品已步入艺术收藏行列,产品远销东南亚、欧美一些国家。

10、Her charm bedazzled the audiences. ─── 她的魅力使观众着了迷。

11、Joe to Peyton: Peyton? I'm not going to yell. We're going to have a very calm and rational discussion about all you bedazzled my football. ─── 佩顿?我不会吼妳的。我们要很冷静、又很理性地谈论关于你把我的足球变成亮片球的事情。

12、Until 2006 prosecutors bedazzled defendants into pleading guilty by waving lab reports of the genetic similarities between the virus in their blood and in their accuser's. ─── 直到2006年,检察官都还能手持原被告血液中病毒基因相似性实验报告把被告忽悠到认罪。

13、The bright lights bedazzled him. ─── 耀眼的灯光照得他眼花缭乱。

14、Spring riding off the evening with a cold and ruthless blockade bedazzled, your smile and wait, feeling the blade drawn. ─── 黄昏踏落春色,用冷漠无情封锁了你的笑容和痴痴等待,情之刃划下。

15、Until 2006 prosecutors bedazzled defendants into pleading guilty by waving lab reports of the genetic similarities between the virus in their blood and in their accuser's. ─── 直到2006年,检察官都还能手持原被告血液中病毒基因相似性实验报告把被告忽悠到认罪。

16、Here, Edward III is depicted in shiny, bedazzled armor. ─── 图中的德华三世身着一身华丽的战袍。

17、KATHERINA.Pardon, old father, my mistaking eyes, That have been so bedazzled with the sun That everything I look on seemeth green; ─── 凯瑟丽娜:老丈,请您原谅我一时眼花,因为太阳光太眩耀了,所以看出来什么都是迷迷糊糊的。

18、bedazzled / a . ─── 眼花缭乱的。

19、If nonstop entertainment is your heart's desire, Bedazzled delivers nonstop "devilish fun!" ─── 魔女可会轻易放过快将到手的灵魂呢?

20、Men and ladies, boys and girls, prepare to be astounded, bedazzled, and otherwise stupefied! ─── 废都的人们!是我,三狗,你们的统治者!好好听着,并且服从!

21、Second Wave propagandists regularly picture them as na ïve, unconcerned with dollar realities,and bedazzled by blue-sky technology. ─── 第二次浪潮宣传者把他们描写成天真,不关心美元现实情况,被一些价值极微技术冲昏头脑人。

22、The bright lights bedazzled him. ─── 耀眼的灯光照得他眼花缭乱。

23、Many people are bedazzled by fame. ─── 许多人为名所困。

24、Second Wave propagandists regularly picture them as na? ve, unconcerned with dollar realities, and bedazzled by blue-sky technology. ─── 第二次浪潮宣传者把他们描写成天真,不关心美元现实情况,被一些价值极微技术冲昏头脑人。



如果是的话:片中饰演 George 的 布兰登·弗雷泽(Brendan Fraser),加拿大人,后来接演了著名的《木乃伊归来》系列,还有《撞车》等**;


2001年 Monkeybone (蹦蹦猴)

2001年 The Mummy Returns (木乃伊2)

2000年 Bedazzled

2000年 Sinbad: Beyond the Veil of Mists

1999年 Blast From the Pas

1999年 Dudley Do-Right

1999年 The Mummy (feature)

1998年 Gods and Monsters

1998年 Still Breathing

1997年 George of the Jungle

1997年 The Twilight of the Golds

1996年 Glory Daze

1996年 Mrs. Winterbourne

1996年 The Passion of Darkly Noon

1995年 Now and Then

1995年 Younger & Younger

1994年 Airheads

1994年 The Scout

1994年 With Honors

1992年 Encino Man

1992年 School Ties

女主角 Ursula 则是由莱斯莉·曼恩( Leslie Mann) 担任,美国加利福尼亚人,她还演过冒牌老爸等片

至于本片中帮猩猩 Ape 配音的则是英国老牌演员 John Cleese,他还演过迪士尼1994年真人版的森林王子,并在米老鼠新传电视影集中担任引言,近来更在哈利波特系列**当中饰演霍格华兹学校的鬼魂之一-『差点没头的尼克』。



Sakura, sakura,


March sunny,


As far as the eye can see are the cherry blossoms.


As the clouds bloom,


The aroma is picturesque.


Come on, come on,


Go see the flowers together


Cherry blossom! Cherry blossom!


It will be dawn in the late spring,


The rays of the sun dazzled her with laughter,


The sky is blue,


Beautiful and fragrant, let the wind drift.


Go to the flower! Go to the flower!


Look at the flowers early.






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