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08-17 投稿


gobbler 发音

英:[?ɡɑ?bl?r]  美:[?ɡ?bl?(r)]

英:  美:

gobbler 中文意思翻译



gobbler 网络释义

n. 雄火鸡;狼吞虎咽的人

gobbler 词性/词形变化,gobbler变形

动词过去分词: gobbled |动词过去式: gobbled |动词现在分词: gobbling |动词第三人称单数: gobbles |

gobbler 短语词组

1、gobbler wawa ─── 哇 ─── 哇狼人

2、gobbler knob gobbler ─── 旋钮

3、gobbler oak ─── 戈布勒橡树

4、gobbler road ─── 戈布勒路

5、gobbler cakes ─── 狼吞虎咽的蛋糕

6、gobbler grind ─── 狼吞虎咽

7、Garden Gobbler

gobbler 相似词语短语

1、gobbles ─── vi.贪食;咯咯叫;vt.狼吞虎咽;n.火鸡叫声

2、hobbler ─── n.无执照的引航员;跛行之人或动物

3、gobbled ─── vi.贪食;咯咯叫;vt.狼吞虎咽;n.火鸡叫声

4、gabbler ─── 唠叨者

5、cobbler ─── n.补鞋匠;工匠;冷饮料;脆皮水果馅饼

6、gobblers ─── n.雄火鸡;狼吞虎咽的人

7、nobbler ─── n.诈骗者;毒马者;使马无力竞赛;击昏

8、gobbier ─── 酒鬼

9、gobble ─── vi.贪食;咯咯叫;vt.狼吞虎咽;n.火鸡叫声

gobbler 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Thanksgiving is a family time.On this holiday, families gather to gobble up the gobbler and stuff themselves with stuffing. ─── 感恩节是家人聚集的时间,在这个节日,家人聚在一起对着火鸡以及鸡腹中的调味材料大快朵颐;

2、Inspired, perhaps, by Master Gobbler's success, we carried off to the woodpile a cake which the cook had just frosted, and ate every bit of it. ─── 也许是从这火鸡少爷的成功得到灵感,我们搬了一个厨师刚涂好乳霜的蛋糕到柴堆里吃个精光。

3、Punxsutawney Phil is a groundhog that comes out of his burrow on Gobbler's Knob, Pennsylvania, each February 2 to predict the weather. ─── 在宾州的菲尔是一只每年2月2日都会从洞穴爬出来预测天气的土拨鼠。

4、that I think we are going to bestow the official pardon on — wait, which — is he Gobbler or Cobbler? Cobbler. Come on. ─── 那么现在我们该将这官方的赦免赐予——等等,这是哪只?咯咯哒还是唧唧喳?唧唧喳,来吧。

5、Out of town, head north and kill the required murlocs, including Gobbler. ─── 出了城往北方走杀掉12个蓝腮鱼人及杀掉高布勒尔并砍下它的头。

6、Thanksgiving is a family time.On this holiday, families gather to gobble up (eat up fast ) the gobbler and stuff (fill) themselves with stuffing. ─── 感恩节是家人团聚的时间,在这个节日里,家人聚在一起对着火鸡以及鸡腹中的调味材料大快朵颐;

7、rooster gander male chanticleer gobbler drake cockerel chicken ─── 雄鸡,公鸡,雄禽

8、gobbler glass ─── 高脚杯

9、You can see that they entered from the right side and did some lively cir cling before arriving at their presen position, where the gobbler seems to be upon the point of surrender ing. ─── 现在要求我们的年轻人仔细地察看一下,能不能发现(从数学观点来看)图上有什么奇异的事物,如果你找到了它,那么请你给出一个合理的解释。

10、This Tukrey Gobbler has led "jolly old Santa Claus" a merry chase around the field, as shown by the tracks in the snow, before he was caught. ─── 他们的脚印留在雪地里,你可以看到他们是从图的右侧进入,绕了几圈之后才到达他们目前的位置。

11、turkey gobbler neck ─── 雄火鸡颈

12、One big gobbler snatched a tomato from me one day and ran away with it. ─── 有一天,一只公的大火鸡从我手上抢了一个蕃茄跑开;

13、Punxsutawney Phil is a groundhog that comes out of his burrow on Gobbler's Knob Pennsylvania each February 2 to predict the weather. ─── 在宾州的菲尔是一只每年2月2日都会从洞穴爬出来预测天气的土拨鼠。

14、He has been predicting the weather in Gobbler's Knob, a wooded area outside of town, for many years. ─── 圣烛节是在二月二日,也就是冬天已过一半的时候。

15、On this holiday, families gather to gobble up the gobbler and stuff themselves with stuffing ─── 在这个节日,家人聚在一起对着火鸡以及鸡腹中的调味材料大快朵颐

16、On this holiday, families gather to gobble up the gobbler and stuff themselves with stuffing. ─── 在这个节日,家人聚在一起对着火鸡以及鸡腹中的调味材料大快朵颐;

17、One big gobbler snatched a tomato from me one day and ran away with it. ─── 有一天,一只公的大火鸡从我手上抢了一个蕃茄跑开;

18、Thanksgiving is a family time.On this holiday families gather to gobble up the gobbler and stuff themselves with stuffing. ─── 感恩节是家人聚集地时间,在这个节日,家人聚在一起对着火鸡以及鸡腹中地调味材料大快朵颐;

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