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08-17 投稿


ammoniated 中文意思翻译



ammoniated 短语词组

1、ammoniated meat ─── 氨化肉

2、ammoniated ferrous citrate ─── [医] 含氨枸橼酸铁

3、ammoniated mercury ─── [机] 氨基汞化氯

4、ammoniated acids ─── 氨化酸

5、ammoniated rice straw ─── 氨化稻草

6、ammoniated superphosphate ─── [化] 氨化过磷酸钙; 含铵过磷酸钙

7、mercury ammoniated ─── [医] 氯化氨基汞, 白降汞

8、ammoniated tincture ─── [医] 氨制酊

9、ammoniated chloroform ─── [医] 含氨氯仿

10、lotion ammoniated camphor ─── [医] 含氨樟脑洗液

11、ammoniated brine ─── [化] 氨盐水; 充氨盐水

12、mercury ammoniated Ointment ─── [医] 氯化氨基汞软膏, 白降汞软膏

13、ammoniated alcohol ─── [医] 加氨醇

14、ammoniated mercury (chloride) ─── [化] 氯化氨基汞

15、ammoniated latex ─── [化] 充氨胶乳

16、ammoniated glycyrrhizin ─── [医] 氨制甘草甜素

17、ammoniated meaning ─── 氨化的意思

18、ammoniated tincture of ergot ─── [医] 氨制麦角酊

19、ammoniated iron ─── [化] 氯铁酸铵

ammoniated 词性/词形变化,ammoniated变形

动词过去分词: ammoniated |名词: ammoniation |动词过去式: ammoniated |动词第三人称单数: ammoniates |动词现在分词: ammoniating |

ammoniated 相似词语短语

1、ammoniating ─── n.氨合物;vt.加氨

2、ammoniates ─── n.氨合物;vt.加氨

3、ammonified ─── v.使……氨化;加氨,加氨于……

4、scammoniate ─── 碳酸铵

5、ammoniate ─── n.氨合物;vt.加氨

6、ammoniation ─── n.氨化;[化学]氨化作用;氨合作用

7、ammonate ─── 氨合物

8、ammonites ─── n.菊石;[古生]菊石类(ammonite的复数形式)

9、ammonite ─── n.(古生)菊石(鹦鹉螺的化石);硝基铵类炸药;干肉粉(作肥料用)

ammoniated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Japanese ammoniated treatment system to crop fodder for feeding ruminant ─── 日本用于反刍家畜的作物秸秆氨绳处理体系

2、The experiment proves that the 6 silver-loaded diatomite inorganic membranes prepared by the writers themselves give satisfactory separation results in the treatment of ammoniated effluent, all above 64%. ─── 试验证明,自制的6种载银矽藻土无机膜对含氨废水有较好的分离效果,都达到了64%以上。

3、The Theological behavior of two indigenous ammoniated phosphoric acid slurries were determined by rotating-cylinder viscometer. ─── 本文用旋转粘度计测定了两种国产湿法磷酸氨化料浆的流变性。结果表明,含水高于50%的料浆属牛顿流体。

4、ammoniated ferrous citrate ─── [医] 含氨枸橼酸铁

5、ammoniated silver nitrate ─── 氨化硝酸银

6、Agricultural development and the results are remarkable are classified as "National Model County cattle ammoniated straw", "National County longan production base. ─── 农业综合开发成效显著,被列为“全国秸秆氨化养牛示范县”、“全国龙眼生产基地县”。

7、Kephar Ammoni, Ophni and Geba-twelve towns and their villages. ─── 基法阿摩尼,俄弗尼,迦巴,共十二座城,还有属城的村庄。

8、ammoniated superphosphate ─── 含铵过磷酸钙氨化过磷酸钙

9、ammoniated peat ─── 氨化泥炭

10、Ammoniated Mercury Chlride ─── 氯化氨基汞, 白降汞, 氯化汞铵, 氨基氯化汞, 含氨氯化高汞[外用杀菌消炎药]

11、Citric acid and ammonium citrate (ammoniated citric acid) are gaining popularity as alternatives to using nitric acid. ─── 柠檬酸以及铵基柠檬酸盐(合氨的柠檬酸)正逐渐的被用作硝酸的替代物。

12、Keywords natural zeolite;ammoniated wastewater;ion exchange; ─── 天然沸石;含铵废水;新工艺;

13、The ergonovine (toxic ergot alkaloid) content and the feeding value of ammoniated drunken horse grass (DHG) (Achnatherum inebrians) with urea were investigated. ─── 通过完全随机试验测定了尿素氨化醉马草中毒性物质麦角新碱的含量及氨化醉马草对绵羊的饲喂效果。

14、Keywords easy -care finishing;liquid ammoni a treatment;ramie cotton fabric; ─── 免烫整理;液氨处理;麻棉织物;

15、By means of analysis on the factors affe cted the long period operation of ammoni a compressor,the reason was found.The te chnical transform was conducted.The long period operation was realized. ─── 通过对影响氨压缩机长周期运行的因素进行分析,找出原因,进行技术改造,实现了长周期运行。

16、Technological Study of Ammoniated Pulping of Rice Straw and Wheat Straw ─── 稻麦草氨法制浆工艺研究

17、This project uses ethanolamine hydrogen ammoniated ethylene amines patent system technology, advanced technology, originated in China. ─── 该项目采用以乙醇胺临氢氨化制乙撑胺的专利工艺技术,技术先进,为国内首创。

18、ammoniated rice straw ─── n. 氨化稻草

19、Theoretical Terms and Site Practices for Ammoniated Operation of Condensate Polishing System ─── 凝结水精处理氨化运行的理论条件与实践

20、Hydrargyrism caused by sublimed sulfur and ammoniated mercury lotion ─── 升华硫氯化氨基汞洗剂致汞中毒


22、Keywords mono ammonium phosphate;ammoniated slurry concentrating process;technology;equipment; ─── 磷酸一铵;中和料浆浓缩法;工艺;装备;

23、Keywords experiment;ammoniated;slurry concentrated process;middle grade phosphate rock; ─── 评价实验;磷酸氨化;料浆浓缩法;中品位磷矿;

24、Patch testing showed that the patient was sensitive to ammoniated mercury, mercury, mercuric chloride and mercurochrome . ─── 实验室及辅助检查:斑贴试验示白降汞、金属汞、氯化汞、红汞呈阳性反应。

25、ammoniated mercury ─── 氨基汞化氯白降汞氯化氨基汞

26、Ammoniated wheat straw ─── 氨化麦秸

27、Development and Prospect of MAP by Ammoniated Slurry Concentrating Process ─── 料浆法磷铵工艺的发展和展望

28、Moreover, by analyzing the changes of microstructure and fiber content of rice straw ammoniated, the mechanism of ammoniation was discussed. ─── 同时,根据不同处理条件下秸秆纤维组分和显微结构的变化,对氨化机理进行探讨。

29、ammoniated glycyrrhizin ─── 甘草酸铵

30、ammoniated fertilizer ─── 氨化肥料

31、ammoniated tincture ─── [医] 氨制酊

32、ammoniated treatment ─── 氨化处理

33、ammoniated dentifrice ─── 氨化牙粉

34、Rheological Equation of Ammoniated Phosphoric Acid Slurry ─── 湿法磷酸氨化料浆的流变方程

35、ammoniated ruthenium oxychloride ─── 钌红

36、mercury ammoniated ─── [医] 氯化氨基汞, 白降汞

37、Ferrous Ammoni Citrat ─── Ferric Ammoni Citrat

38、All in all, the effect of fast ammoniated rice straw on blood biochemical indexes of lambs was not significant. ─── 总的来说,快速氨化稻草对羔羊的各项血液生化指标没有显著影响。

39、ammoniated operation ─── 氨化运行

40、ammoniated mercuric chloride ─── 氨基汞化氯

41、Foot's ammoniated silver carbonate staining method ─── 富特(氏)碳酸银氨染色法:染脑组织的方法

42、Less expensive dog foods often use sweeteners like corn syrup, sucrose and ammoniated glycyrrhizin because dogs have a sweet tooth. ─── 因为狗狗偏爱甜食,一些贱狗粮会应用诸如玉米糖浆,蔗糖,氨化甘草剂为原料。

43、Discussions on ammoniated operation technology of condensate polishing treatment ─── 凝结水精处理氨化运行技术探讨

44、The ammoniated straw can improve sapidity of cud chewer, and increase feed intake, the level of energy and nonprotein. ─── 经氨化,可改善反刍家畜对其的适口性,提高采食量和稻草中能量及非蛋白氮水平。

45、Discussions on ammoniated operation technology of condensate polishing treatment ─── 凝结水精处理氨化运行技术探讨

46、Study on the adaptable method to increase the crude protein content in ammoniated straw ─── 提高氨化处理秸秆粗蛋白含量的适宜方法研究

47、ammoniated mercury (chloride) ─── [化] 氯化氨基汞

48、ammoniated beet pulp ─── 氨化甜菜渣

49、lotion ammoniated camphor ─── [医] 含氨樟脑洗液

50、ammoniated brine ─── 氨盐水

51、Technological Study of Ammoniated Pulping of Rice Straw and Wheat Straw ─── 稻麦草氨法制浆工艺研究

52、Effects of Ammoniated Wheat Straw on Carcass Exudation and Beef Fattening Performance ─── 氨化麦秸对肉牛育肥及胴体渗出液的影响

53、Study on the ammoniated - straw technology for efficiently fattening beef cattle ─── 以氨化麦秸为基础的肉牛高效育肥技术研究

54、ammoniated mercury ointment ─── 氯化氨基汞软膏, 白降汞软膏

55、ammoniated alcohol ─── [医] 加氨醇

56、Patch testing showed that the patient was sensitive to ammoniated mercury, mercury, mercuric chloride and mercurochrome. ─── 实验室及辅助检查:斑贴试验示白降汞、金属汞、氯化汞、红汞呈阳性反应。

57、The rheological behavior of ammoniated slurry, the equilibrium vapor pressure of ammonia and water on the slurry are described detailedly.; ─── 同时详细讲述了氨化料浆的性质,包括各物相的溶解性、料浆的流变性以及与磷铵料浆平衡的氨和水蒸气压力。

58、ammoniated coal ─── 氨化煤

59、ammoniated silver solution ─── 氨银液

60、ammoniated mercury chloride ─── 氯化氨基汞

61、The rapid determination of ammonia nitrogen in high concentration ammoniated wastewater ─── 高浓度含氨废水中氨氮的快速测定

62、ammoniated iron ─── [化] 氯铁酸铵

63、Study on feeding ammoniated and microbe - fermented sugarcane leaves in goats ─── 氨化与微贮处理甘蔗叶饲喂山羊试验

64、Effects on solubilities of three kinds of calcium phosphate and ammoniated oxidized lignin were observed and reasonable reaction mechanism was discussed. ─── 研究了氧化木素和氨化氧化木素对3种磷酸钙的溶解性的影响,讨论并合理地解释了反应机理。

65、Cattle Raising With Ammoniated Straw ─── 秸秆氨化养牛

66、ammoniated chloroform ─── [医] 含氨氯仿

67、ammoniated latex ─── 充氨胶乳

68、Steam-explosion of Ammoniated Corn Straw and Subsequent Solid State Fermentation ─── 玉米秸秆氨化汽爆处理及其固态发酵

69、ammoniated tincture of ergot ─── [医] 氨制麦角酊

70、Effect of ammonia sources, nitrogen inclution, ammoniation time and chopping length on nitrogen retention, crude fibre cotent and in vitro dry matter digestibility of ammoniated rice straw ─── 氨源、氮添加量、氨化时间和切碎长度对氨化稻草中氮沉积量、粗纤维含量和干物质体外消化率影响的研究

71、Keywords rice and wheat straw;ammoniated pulping;lignin;agricultur al resources; ─── 稻麦草;氨法制浆;木素;农用资源化;

72、mercury ammoniated Ointment ─── [医] 氯化氨基汞软膏, 白降汞软膏

73、Ammoniated Mix-bed Operation of Condensate Polishing ─── 凝结水精处理混庆氨化运行

74、ammoniated sodium ferricyanide ─── 氨化铁氰化钠

75、Ferric Ammoni Citrat ─── 枸橼酸铁铵, 柠檬酸铁铵, 枸橼酸铁亚

76、Foot's ammoniated silver carbonate method staining ─── [医] 富特氏碳酸银氨染色法(染脑组织)

77、Non-Ammoniated Glass cleaner can be used on glass and mirror surfaces. ─── 绿色认证产品,无氨配方,适用于各种玻璃和镜子表面。

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