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08-17 投稿


diaphoresis 发音


英:  美:

diaphoresis 中文意思翻译



diaphoresis 短语词组

1、diaphoresis icd-10 ─── 发汗icd-10

2、diaphoresis depression ─── 发汗抑郁症

3、diaphoresis definition medical ─── 发汗定义医学

4、diaphoresis word breakdown ─── 发汗字分解

5、diaphoresis definition ─── 发汗定义

6、diaphoresis breakdown ─── 发汗破裂

7、diaphoresis symptom ─── 发汗症状

diaphoresis 相似词语短语

1、cataphoresis ─── n.[化学]电泳,阳离子电泳;电透法

2、anaphoresis ─── n.[化学]阴离子电泳;[内科]汗腺机能减退

3、adiaphorisms ─── n.广教主义;不置可否论

4、adiaphoretic ─── n.止汗剂;adj.止汗的

5、diaphoretics ─── adj.(药物)发汗的;(人)大量出汗的;n.发汗药

6、-phoresis ─── n.电泳现象(等于cataphoresis);携运

7、diaphoretic ─── adj.(药物)发汗的;(人)大量出汗的;n.发汗药

8、adiaphoresis ─── 无汗症

9、diaphorases ─── n.[生化]心肌黄酶;[生化]硫辛酰胺脱氢酶,[生化]黄递酶

diaphoresis 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Eight therapeutic methods (eg. diaphoresis;emesis;purgation;mediation;warming;heatreducing;elimination and tonification) ─── 八法(中医)

2、Result: The present symptoms sort of male is : palmus, dizziness, dread in ext, anhelation, apopnixis, diaphoresis, obstruct of throat; ─── 结果:男性主要症状排序为心悸、头昏、害怕即将死亡、气促/窒息感、出汗、喉头梗阻。

3、dispelling the pathogenic heat by mild diaphoresis ─── 泻卫透热

4、Keywords Mahuangtang (麻黄汤);diaphoresis;sweat gland;duct ; ─── 麻黄汤;发汗;汗腺;导管;

5、Contraindications of diaphoresis purgation and moistening in case of damp warm disease and its clinical application in pediatric ─── 湿温汗下润忌宜及儿科临床

6、If present, these signs include pallor, weakness, lightheadedness, yawning, nausea, diaphoresis, hyperentilation, blurred ision, and impaired hearing immediately before the syncopal eent. ─── 晕厥发生前,可立即出现面色苍白、虚弱无力、头晕、打哈欠、恶心、出汗、过度通气、视力模糊和听力下降。

7、Analysis and clinical application of diaphoresis, vomiting and purgation needling methods ─── 汗、吐、下针刺手法剖析与临床应用

8、Efficacy: To induce diaphoresis, to dispel wind and remove damp.--Action: Exogenous attack, wind-cold and pathogenic dampness.It is used for ague, diarrhea and ulcer. ─── 功效:发汗解表,散风祛湿-- 主治:外感风寒湿邪,以及时疫疟疾、痢疾、疮疡具有风寒湿表证者。

9、Approximately 2 months earlier, while walking to work, the patient had the sudden onset of dizziness and the sensation of falling to the left, associated with diaphoresis and palpitations. ─── 大约2个月前,当步行上班时,该病人突然出现头晕并感觉要向左侧跌倒,同时伴有出汗和心悸。

10、"diaphoresis:Perspiration, especially when copious and medically induced." ─── "出汗:排汗,尤指过多的出汗."

11、To dispel cold and remove damp, to replenish qi and induce diaphoresis. ─── 散寒祛湿,益气解表。

12、hemorrhgia shunning diaphoresis ─── 夺血者无汗

13、Zhang Congzheng advocated cleaning the stomach and abdomen by diaphoresis to protect the stomach-qi, and nourishing the stomach with plain porridge to recover the stomach-qi.Li Gao thou... ─── 凡饮食不节、劳役过度、精神刺激可令气火失调,升降失常,导致脾胃内伤,而精神因素起先导作用,治疗注重升发脾胃阳气;

14、The article discusses the compatibility and incompatibility of inducing diaphoresis at the beginning of epidemic febrile diseases. ─── 对温病初起治疗宜汗与忌汗的问题进行了讨论。

15、Keywords Mahuangtang;diaphoresis;sweat gland;duct;cholinergic receptor;adrenergic receptor; ─── 麻黄汤;发汗;汗腺;导管;肾上腺素能受体;胆碱能受体;

16、I was overwhelmed with excitement, and became acutely aware of my own tachycardia and diaphoresis. ─── 我当时兴奋极了,并且敏锐地发现自己出现了心动过速与发汗。

17、Results All 27 children had fever, 15 (55.6%) suffered from periodically episode of shiver, ardent fever, and diaphoresis; ─── 结果27例患儿均有发热,15例(55.6%)表现为周期发作的寒战、高热、出汗;

18、Eliminating pathogens by diaphoresis and purgation respectively ─── 表里分消


20、The application of diaphoresis included: relieving exterior syndrome and ventilating the lung; ─── 大致有解表宣肺,发汗利水;

21、analysis and clinical application of diaphoresis , vomiting and purgation needling methods ─── 下针刺手法剖析与临床应用

22、Keywords Mahuangtang;Atropine;Diaphoresis;Mice;M receptor; ─── 麻黄汤;阿托品;发汗作用;小鼠;M受体;

23、On the one hand,inducing diaphoresis is good for epidemic febrile diseases because it helps to relieve exterior syndrome,but on the other hand, perspiration may cause impairment of yin. ─── 指出温病一面宜喜汗解,一面忌汗伤阴,理论说法不一,治疗难以把握。

24、Objective:To study the influence of processing on the effect of diaphoresis and relieving asthma of Ephedra herb. ─── 目的:研究炮制对麻黄发汗、平喘作用的影响,探讨麻黄蜜炙缓和发汗并增强平喘作用的机理。

25、It is used for cold, bronchitis, anaphylactic dermatitis, urticaria, eczema and itch skin.Efficacy: To dispel cold and remove damp, to replenish qi and induce diaphoresis. ─── 现代常用于感冒、支气管炎、过敏性皮炎、荨麻疹、湿疹、皮肤瘙痒等症属风寒夹湿者.

26、The eight therapeutic methods: a collective term for diaphoresis, emesis, purgation, mediation, warming, heat reducing, toning up, and elimination. ─── 八法:八类治疗疾病的方法,即汗法、吐法、下法、和法、温法、清法、补法、消法。

27、Keywords Mahuang Decotion;Method of composing a prescription;Diaphoresis;Sweat gland;Vacuole; ─── 关键词麻黄汤;配伍规律;发汗;汗腺;空泡;

28、Zhang Congzheng was worshiped as the founder of purgation school because he mainly treated diseases with three therapeutic methods, i.e. sweating (diaphoresis), vomiting (emesis) and purgation. ─── 如果以“汗、吐、下为攻去病邪的三个主要方法”作为主语,则译文可以调整为:

29、diaphoresis relieving superficies ─── 解表

30、The common treatments were diaphoresis,warm tonification,clearing method,purgation,harmonizing method,resolution,securing and astringing method,baihe method,needling method,moxibusti... ─── 临证施治,常一证一方,有是证用是方。

31、In my thesis, I connect and contrast tow therapeutic methods in "Treatise on Febrile Disease", inducing diaphoresis and inducing diuresis, and then draw readers 'attention to the concept of balance. ─── 篇论文就是通过联系的方法,以分析《伤寒论》中发汗与利小便这两种治法的对应联系为切入,引出对其中平衡概念的探讨。

32、expel the evils in muscles By means of diaphoresis ─── 发汗解肌

33、diaphoresis: n. ─── 发汗,出汗。

34、Discussion of Medication Regular pattern of Diaphoresis Relieving Sup erficies ─── 解表用药规律探讨

35、Treatment of Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca by Relieving Superficies Through Diaphoresis ─── 发汗解表法治疗干燥性角结膜炎

36、To dispel cold and remove damp, to replenish qi and induce diaphoresis. ─── 散寒祛湿,益气解表。

37、Discussion of Medication Regular pattern of Diaphoresis Relieving Sup erficies ─── 解表用药规律探讨

38、out from diaphoresis just only sweat pore. ─── 而自表出者,无非汗孔而已。

39、Study on experimental methods about diaphoresis in mice ─── 发汗实验方法研究

40、enriching blood and inducing diaphoresis ─── 养血解表

41、Keywords Compound Sanxiao Micro Enema;antibacterial;antipyretic;diaphoresis;anti inflammation;immunity; ─── 复方三效微型灌肠剂;抗菌;解热;发汗;抗炎;免疫;

42、We describe a patient with pheochromocytoma who presented with chest pain, dyspnea, diaphoresis, and alternating episodes of hyperand hypotension. ─── 本文报告一例70岁女性,因胸痛、喘及冒冷汗就医,并且合并忽高忽低之血压。

43、On the Compatibility and Incompatibility of Inducing Diaphoresis at the Beginning of Epidemic Febrile Diseases ─── 温病初起治疗宜汗与忌汗之辨

44、Keywords Mahuangtang(MHT);Diaphoresis;Heat store;Anal temperature;Set point; ─── 麻黄汤;发汗;热贮;肛温;调定点;

45、To induce diaphoresis, to dispel wind and remove damp. ─── 发汗解表,散风祛湿。

46、Incompatibility of inducing diaphoresis means avoiding using drugs pungent in flavor and warm in property to induce diaphoresis. ─── 认为忌汗是指忌辛温发汗,宜汗则指病在表,汗是热邪的重要出路,用“辛”使热邪从肌表得以宣泄。

47、expelling wind with diaphoresis ─── 解表祛风

48、inducing diaphoresis and diuresis and removing pathogenic heat; ─── 发汗行水,兼清郁热;

49、Pheochromocytomas usually present with hypertension and the symptom triad of headaches, diaphoresis and palpitations. ─── 摘要典型的嗜铬细胞瘤个案之临床表现通常是血压升高、头痛、冒汗及心跳过速。

50、case in which diaphoresis is contraindicated ─── 发汗禁例

51、object: Investigate the preparing methods of Pedo-Antiperspirant, and observe its curative effect on childrens diaphoresis symptom. ─── 目的:研究制定小儿止汗合剂制备工艺及方法,并观察其临床治疗小儿汗证的近期疗效。

52、His wife found him, summoned Emergency Medical Services, and reported that he had developed diaphoresis, dyspnea, and lightheadedness after a bowel movement. ─── 他的妻子发现后,立即求助急诊,诉患者排便后出现大汗、呼吸困难和头晕症状。

53、Noisy tachypneic respirations, and intercostal retractions may be present.Tachycardia, diaphoresis, changes in sensorium with decreased mentation, cyanosis, and pallor may be present. ─── 呼吸粗重急促,肋部凹陷,心动过速,出汗,精神活动下降导致感觉系统发生变化,发绀,脸苍白。

54、Yet,induction of diaphoresis is often used when disease is located in the exterior because perspiration is an important means of getting rid of pathogenic heat. ─── 指出温病一面宜喜汗解,一面忌汗伤阴,理论说法不一,治疗难以把握。

55、To induce diaphoresis, to dispel wind and remove damp. ─── 发汗解表,散风祛湿。

56、Keywords Schizonepeta tenuifolia Briq.;Lactones of Schizonepeta tenuifolia Briq.;Diaphoresis;Hemorrheology; ─── 荆芥;荆芥内酯类提取物;发汗;血液流变学;

57、simultaneous application of diaphoresis and purgation ─── 汗下并用

58、paid attention to the syndrome differentiation of pulse tracings and discussed the rules of diaphoresis and purgation; ─── 首推温中之法,据时令以用药;

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