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08-17 投稿


compassable 发音

英:[['k?mp?s?bl]]  美:[['k?mp?s?b?l]]

英:  美:

compassable 中文意思翻译



compassable 短语词组

1、compassable definition ─── 可比定义

compassable 相似词语短语

1、compassionable ─── 慈悲的

2、companiable ─── 兼容的

3、compossible ─── adj.可共存的

4、compressible ─── adj.可压缩的;可压榨的

5、comparable ─── adj.类似的,可比较的;同等的,相当的

6、impassable ─── adj.不能通行的(名词impassability,副词impassably);无路可通的

7、compensable ─── adj.可补偿的;应予以补偿的

8、comprisable ─── 能被包含的;可被包括的

9、compostable ─── 可用作堆肥(混合肥料)的;可以制作成肥料的

compassable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Croft took a sight with his compass in the direction he wanted to travel. ─── 克洛夫特凭着指南针目测了一下预定的行进方向。

2、In his hands he holds a compass made of two pointed sticks. ─── 他手里拿着 两脚规,是用两根长辐条做成的。

3、Soon after, Columbus reported his compass acting strangely. ─── 不久,哥伦布报告他的指南针奇怪地晃动。

4、Without a compass, it is easy to lose one's bearings in the woods. ─── 在森林中没有指南针是容易迷失方向的。

5、The survivors dismantled the compass and hid its pieces. ─── 幸存者们打碎了罗盘并藏匿了它的碎片。

6、Can eager sexist up a cup of cpromisedee border club sborderwich to my compass? ─── 你能送一杯咖啡和总汇三明治到我房间来吗?

7、He could tell the points of the compass by the stars. ─── 他可以利用星星判断方向。

8、Four huge crates within the compass of the elevator. ─── 四个巨大的板条箱在起卸机的范围内

9、Did ya compass invite for me? It cannot lead you to this? ─── 不是你的指南针带你来找我的?它不能带你找到这把钥匙?

10、He had checked it with his compass. ─── 他用指南针测定过它。

11、We consider compass of great importance for navigation . ─── 我们认为罗盘对航海很重要。

12、The use of the compass was known to the Chinese centuries before the European. ─── 中国人知道使用指南针,比欧洲人早好几个世纪。

13、Her action go beyond the compass of proper social behavior. ─── 她的举动越出了正当的社交行为的范围。

14、North, south, east, and west are the four cardinal points of the compass. ─── 东、西、南、北是罗盘上的四个方位基点。

15、The direction or point on the mariner's compass halfway between due north and due east, or45= east of due north. ─── 东北水手罗盘上的方向或点,在正北与正东中间,或正北偏东45度

16、The compass needle if not deflected is no current flows in the wire. ─── 在导线中如果没有电流,指南针就不会偏转。

17、The compass was invented by the Chinese, as is well known. ─── 众所周知,指南针是中国人发明的。

18、They can track the earths magnetic field as sensitively as a compass needle. ─── 它们对地球磁场也十分敏感,如同使用了指南针。

19、Do to the open bridge and take off the compass cover. ─── 到露天驾驶台把罗盘罩取下。

20、A good traveler always arms himself with maps and compass before a trip. ─── 一个有经验的旅行者通常会在旅行前备好地图和指南针的。

21、But the Luff empire was then cursed by the compass, and fell into ruin... ─── 不过拉夫人的统治者被罗盘给诅咒,而陷入了遗迹中......

22、Keep your desires within compass. ─── 你的欲望应有一定限度。

23、The cardinal point on the mariner's compass located at0=. ─── 北极水手罗盘上位于0度的基本点

24、Four huge crates are within the compass of the elevator. ─── 四个巨大的板条箱在起卸机的范围内。

25、Take your compass and sunglasses. ─── 带上指南针和太阳镜,

26、The Chinese invented the compass. ─── 中国人发明了指南针(即指北针)。

27、The compass of God's Word will keep you from spiritual shipwreck. ─── 上帝话语如指南针,使你属灵之舟不会触礁。

28、Constrcut Lemniscate with Compass Only. ─── 只用圆规作双纽线!

29、The compass was invented in China very long ago. ─── 在很早的时候,中国就有了指南针的发明。

30、The difference between the two is known as compass variation. ─── 二者之间的差异就是闻名的指南针偏差。

31、Because the compass donn't face to south at there. ─── 在北极为什么不需要指南针?

32、Whenhe was ,for instance,his father gave him a compass with amagnetic needle. ─── 例如,他岁时,他的父亲给了他一个带有磁针的指南针。

33、We believe our compass is pointing in the right direction. ─── 我们相信我们的指南针指着正确的方向。

34、The troops fetched a large compass, avoiding the village. ─── 军队绕了一个大弯,避开那个村庄。

35、We need to bring research techniques within the compass of normal teaching. ─── 我们得把研究方法纳入正常的教学范畴。

36、Work without a plan is sailing without a compass. ─── 工作不计划,就如同航行无罗盘。

37、If you haven't a compass, use the stars to guide you. ─── 倘若没有指南针,可利用星辰引路。

38、This is more feasible than altering the pendulous factor on a running compass. ─── 对正在工作的罗盘来说,这样做比改变摆锤因数要更切合实际些。

39、In the vast sea lf human Iife,idea is a compass whiIe warmth is a gaIe. ─── 在人生浩瀚的大海中,理想是罗盘针,热情是疾风。

40、He went to all lengths to compass his purpose. ─── 他想尽一切办法去实现他的目标。

41、He did everything within his power to compass his end. ─── 他竭尽全力以求达到目的。

42、With a strong magnet close by, a compass can no longer tell direction. ─── 在近处有一块强力磁铁的指南针是不能辨别方向的。

43、Location or position relative to the points of the compass. ─── 定向与罗盘所指相关的地点或位置

44、He could tell the points of compass by the stars. ─── 他能通过看星星辨别方向。

45、He did not need a compass to tell him where south-west was. ─── 他不需要指南针告诉他西南方在哪儿。

46、From that time he bent all his thoughts how to compass the throne of Scotland. ─── 从那以后,他就把全副精神都放在夺取苏格兰王位这件事上。

48、People wanting to navigate home from here would need a map and a compass. ─── 想从这里回家的人,会需要一张地图和一个指南针。

49、I made an experiment on the compass. ─── 妹妹告诉我,根据店员所说,这个指南针是士兵用的。

50、Its a soprano of great compass and of great purity. ─── 中文:这是一种音域宽广,高度纯正的女高音。

51、His book presents the subject in a small compass. ─── 他的书在小的范围中论述这题目。

52、Do you know who invents the compass? ─── 你知道是谁发明的指南针吗?

53、She could not compass the simplest problems. ─── 她连最简单的问题都不能理解。

54、We had compass gem and trevi electron. ─── 我们有compass Gems和 Trevi Electrons。

55、We do not demand of you more than you can compass. ─── 我们不会要求你做你达不到的事。

56、Brown pointed to the compass and Alcock let out a bellow of laughter. ─── 布朗指了指罗盘,阿尔科克发出一阵大笑。

57、He checked his compass and set off. ─── 他看了一下罗盘就出发了。

58、More often than not, like needles of a compass, heads swiveled northward. ─── 就像指南针的指针一样,这些动物的头总是朝向北面。

59、If you want to fire Mobile Safari, click the rightmost compass button. ─── 会用内建浏览器开启,浏览完毕后可按左边按钮关闭。

60、The compass you bartered from me, it cannot lead you to this? ─── |你之前从我这里得到的罗盘 无法帮你找到这钥匙的所在吗?

61、With the aid of a compass the traveler can find his bearings. ─── 借助罗盘,施行者可以知道自己所处的方位。

62、Make a tick mark on the line indicating where the compass needle is pointing. ─── 在直线上画一个小勾作标记,指示磁针的指向。

63、In order to compass our object we must work hard. ─── 为了达到我们的目标,我们必须努力工作。

64、Why does a compass always point north? ─── 为什么指南针总是指向北方?

65、Slowly move the permanent magnet in a circle above the compass. ─── 在指南针上方,绕着圆圈慢慢地移动永久磁铁。

66、Within his bending sickle`s compass come. ─── 尽管红唇失颜难免遭受时光的毒手;

67、Her students could not compass the simplest problems. ─── 她的学生连最简单的问题都不能理解。

68、We count on a compass to find our orientation. ─── 我们依靠指南针来确定我们的方位。

69、Map and compass in hand, Simone Niggli-Luder is as swift as the wind. ─── 地图和指南针在手,席莫妮?尼格里路德动作就像风一样快。

70、Busy days with no compass to guide you. ─── 尽管忙碌的日子会让你暂时迷失了方向。

71、Working without a plan is sailing without a compass. ─── 凡事预则立不预则废。

72、We have Compass Gems and Trevi Electrons. ─── 我们有CompassGems和TreviElectrons。

73、The compass was invented in China two thousand years ago. ─── 中国在两千年前发明了指南针。

74、As is known to all, the compass was first invented in China. ─── 如大家都知道的,指南针最早是在中国发明的。

75、If you wander from the foot trail, use your compass it's easy to get lost. ─── 如果你从小路离开,一定要使用指南针,那儿很容易迷路。

76、 双语使用场景

77、From the wicked that oppress me, from my deadly enemies, who compass me about. ─── 使我脱离那欺压我的恶人,就是围困我,要害我命的仇敌。

78、Our historic idealism was the best compass through the new perils. ─── 我们具有历史意义的理想主义是指引我们越过新的危险的最好的罗盘。

79、Mission Statement - Compass not Road Map. ─── 任务宣言:用指南针而非地形图。

80、East, west, north and south are the cardinal points of the compass. ─── 东、南、西、北为基本方位。

81、The first thing we tried was wrapping some wire around a magnetic compass. ─── 我们尝试的第一件事是在一个指南针的外面缠绕上导线。

82、One fourth of the distance between any two of the32 divisions of the compass. ─── 四分之一罗盘上三十二个方位中任何两个之间的距离的四分之一

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