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08-17 投稿


insecurity 发音

英:[??ns?'kj??r?t?]  美:[??ns??kj?r?t?]

英:  美:

insecurity 中文意思翻译



insecurity 词性/词形变化,insecurity变形

名词: insecureness |副词: insecurely |

insecurity 短语词组

1、insecurity meme ─── 不安全模因

2、insecurity clause ─── 不可靠条款

3、a sense of insecurity ─── 不安全感

4、data insecurity ─── 数据不安全

5、insecurity cast ─── 不安全感

6、insecurity test ─── 不安全测试

7、insecurity guards ─── 保安

8、insecurity show ─── 不安全感表演

9、insecurity guards spongebob ─── 海绵宝宝

10、insecurity scars on ─── 不安全感伤痕累累

11、insecurity definition ─── 不安全定义

insecurity 同义词

timidity | diffidence |anxiety | self-doubt | uncertainty

insecurity 反义词


insecurity 相似词语短语

1、insecurities ─── n.不安全;不牢靠;无把握;心神不定

2、insalubrity ─── n.有碍健康,对健康有害

3、insincerity ─── n.伪善;无诚意;不诚实

4、biosecurity ─── 生物安全性

5、insecure ─── adj.不安全的;不稳定的;不牢靠的

6、security ─── n.安全,安全性;保证;证券;抵押品;adj.安全的;保安的;保密的

7、insecurely ─── adv.不安全地;不可靠地

8、integrity ─── n.完整;正直;诚实;廉正

9、insularity ─── n.(思想、观点等)偏狭,性僵化;岛国性质(或状态);岛屿生活状况,与外界隔绝的生活状况

insecurity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Insecurity or instability. ─── 不安全或不稳定

2、GEMINI &PISCES: Insecurity usually ruins this relationship. This can be an extremely emotional union. Unique, destructive, yet passionate and lustful resulting in hurt and anxiety. ─── 不稳定经常会破坏你们的关系。你们的组合过于情绪化。独特、危险然而又热情似火的感情最后总是导致伤害和焦虑。

3、It would also help if one of her parents died when she was 12, giving her a strong sense of insecurity and fueling a desperate need for success. ─── 如果女孩的父母其中之一在她12岁时去世了,这也可能会让她有一种强烈的不安全感,并且加快她对成功的强烈需求。

4、Economic insecurity is perceived by many to be rising;and polls also suggest that voters increasingly see the Iraq misadventure as threatening their domestic security too. ─── 大多数人感觉越来越没有经济安全感,而且调查显示选民们日益感觉到伊拉克的不幸也正在威胁着自己家园的安全。

5、At the most,he will experience feelings of anxiety,shame,insecurity,and helplessness(Alice Miller. ─── 他至多能体验到忧虑、耻辱、不安和无助感(艾丽斯·米勒)。

6、A new coach arrives, you do not know whether he trusts you and you suffer an insecurity that you did not know. ─── 来了一个新的教练,你不知道他是否信任你,并且你得忍受那些你无法知道的不安定。

7、In Beijing, pride jostles with insecurity;studied diffidence sits alongside brisk self-confidence. ─── 在北京,自豪感与不安全感交织在一起,刻意的谨慎与强烈的自信同时存在。

8、He, moreover, was convinced that my special talents would flourish best under conditions of personal insecurity. ─── 他还认为,只有在我个人感到不安全的情况下,才能充分发挥我的才干。

9、It was also blamed, perhaps harshly, for failing to curb worsening insecurity in NWFP, including a Taliban insurgency. ─── 同样,元老们还被指责无法抑制西北前线省份不断恶化的安全问题,包括无法镇压一个塔利班的起义,也许还是被严厉地指责。

10、He did not want to expose his fears and insecurity to anyone. ─── 他不想向任何人显露他的恐惧与不安。

11、She felt the insecurity of her tenure of her brother's hospitality. ─── 她感到,她在她弟弟府上的居留权已朝不保夕。

12、What lies at the root of his troubles is a sense of insecurity. ─── 他的一切忧虑源于一种不安全感。

13、In fact, the willingness to experiment is one of the most striking features of China today, and it seems to be rooted in confidence rather than insecurity. ─── 事实上,敢于实验是今日中国最引人注目的特点之一,它来源于信心而不是出于不稳定感。

14、The very insecurity that engenders the suspicion discounts the value of the assurance. ─── 产生怀疑的不安全感本身就要给这种保证打折扣。

15、Conceit,in many cases, describes a state of serious emotional insecurity. ─── 在许多情况下,自负表示一种严重的情绪上的惶惶不安的心理状态。

16、He was tormented by feelings of insecurity. ─── 他苦于没有安全感。

17、They had surviving reserves of insecurity and cherished a historical sense of victimhood. ─── 他们仍有不安全感并怀有历史上受害者的感觉。

18、In the novel, he told the story of a man from a distinguished New England family who betrayed his idealism through fear of insecurity. ─── 在这部小说里,他描述了一个出身于新英格兰世家的男子如何由于为安全问题担忧而背弃了他的理想主义。

19、You're the one I look up, not likely to take your words as sth not that important, it's just the strong sense of insecurity makes me monstrous. ─── 你是我仰望的对象,不可能把你的话当做耳旁风,只是强烈的不安全感让我抓狂。

20、Do large families make economic sense in an environment of widespread poverty and financial insecurity? ─── 在普遍贫困、收入无保障的环境里,大家庭有无经济上的意义?

21、But think commonly, the blame of the loss feeling that causes people, minatory feeling and insecurity is benign and exciting, cause disease easily. ─── 但一般认为,引起人们的损失感、威胁感和不安全感的非良性刺激,容易致病。

22、But supply insecurity as a result of flotsam, the profit margin of generator has the tendency that reduces increasingly. ─── 但由于废料供应紧张,生产者的利润率有日益降低的趋势。

23、Why do you think many Christians are plagued by insecurity, inferiority, inadequacy, guilt, worry and doubt? ─── 你认为你为何很多基督徒感染了不安全,不如人,无能为力,内疚,焦急和怀疑?

24、But for the new middle classes of China, India or Brazil, with factory jobs, cars and bank accounts, the problems of extreme insecurity lie in the past. ─── 但是对中国、印度或巴西的新的中产阶级来说,他们拥有工厂里的工作、汽车和银行账号,这种极端的不安全已成为过去了。

25、If she exposes an insecurity, ask why she lets that bother her. ─── 如果她显露出一种不安全感,问什么在困扰她。

26、The international community has a duty to address causes of insecurity which have the potential to evolve into catastrophic situations. ─── 国际社会有义务找出造成悲惨情形的潜在的不安全因素。

27、After understanding looses a feeling, practice loosening muscle and naturally via insecurity to loosen systemic muscle directly again. ─── 在了解放松感觉后,再练习不经紧张而直接放松肌肉和自然地放松全身肌肉。

28、When encountering traffic jam next time, might as well a bit more enduring, can avoid needless mental insecurity. ─── 下次遇到交通堵塞时,不妨忍耐一点,便可避免不必要的精神紧张。

29、Instead, once again we witness the re-emergence of a system that produced nothing but tension and insecurity. ─── 相反,我们又一次见证了产生紧张和不安全的体系的重新出现。

30、In it, he told the story of a man from a distinguished New England family who betrayed his idealism through fear of insecurity. ─── 在这部小说里,他描述了一个出身于新英格兰世家的男子如何由于为安全问题提心吊胆而背弃了他的理想主义。

31、Kerberos is a authentication protocol based on KDC and symmetry key cryptography. It is used suitably in a physical insecurity network. ─── Kerberos是基于可信第三方KDC使用对称密钥加密算法的认证协议,适合在一个物理网络并不安全的环境下使用。

32、Of the job that busies in insecurity, everybody wants to have a sweet and comfortable harbour. ─── 在紧张忙碌的工作之余,谁都想有个温馨舒适的港湾。

33、Except Rooney was 17 at the time whereas Larsson is at the sort of age when, for many footballers, insecurity can appear on the horizon. ─── 只是鲁尼那时只有17岁,拉尔森则已经快退休了。对于许多球员,这个年龄已经危机四伏了。

34、At the most, he will experience feelings of anxiety, shame, insecurity, and helplessness” (Alice Miller). ─── 他至多能体验到忧虑、耻辱、不安和无助感” (艾丽斯·米勒)。

35、At the most, he will experience feelings of anxiety, shame, insecurity, and helplessness"(Alice Miller). ─── 他至多能体验到忧虑、耻辱、不安和无助感”(艾丽斯·米勒)。

36、A seller who is impassive creates in the buyer's mind a sense of insecurity that the sale may not be "permitted" or that a competitor will get it instead. ─── 冷漠的卖方在买方的心目中建立一种不安全感既:这笔买卖可能不许他做,或者另有竞争者提到他得到这笔买卖。

37、She is assailed by self-doubt and emotional insecurity. ─── 她被自我怀疑和情感不安所困扰。

38、He feeds on her insecurity. ─── 他依靠她的风险为生。

39、What she said and the way she conveyed it seemed mincing but I soon became aware it wasn’t her words that were intimidating.It was my own insecurity. ─── 她所说的和她证实她所说的方法虽然很隐晦,但我还是很快意识到不是她的话很吓人,是我自己感到很不安。

40、The basic substance of price change is human emotion. Panic, fear, greed, insecurity, anxiety, stress, and uncertainty are the primary sources of short-term price change. ─── 价格变化的基本要素是人的情感。慌乱、恐惧、贪婪、不安全感、担心、压力和犹豫不定,这些是短期价格变动的主要根源。

41、If your child is blusterous collywobbles or headache, but do not have any explicit symptoms again, so he may be mental insecurity. ─── 如果你的孩子叫嚷肚子疼或头疼,但又没有任何外在的症状,那么他可能就是精神紧张。

42、It isn't hard to see how Turner's childhood might have instilled this sense of permanent crisis,of desperate insecurity,behind the frenzied activity that is his trademark. ─── 从特纳的早年经历可以看出,在他那些标志性的狂热行为背后,隐藏着的是一种永久的危机感和极度的不安全感。

43、I realised that his affirmation of me from his deathbed had filled a gaping hole of insecurity I had constantly carried around. ─── 而我也意识到父亲在临终病床上给我的肯定让常年困扰着我的不安全感烟消云散。

44、But Mr Khelil blamed record oil prices on the weak dollar and global political insecurity. ─── 但克利勒将创纪录的油价归咎于美元疲软及全球政治风险。

45、In it, he touched on familiar themes, such as the wickedness of Iran's rulers and his belief that only democracy can free people from oppression and insecurity. ─── 在这次演讲中,他提到了人们熟知的主题,比如伊朗统治者的邪恶,以及他坚信只有民主才能将人们从压迫与不安全感中解放出来,等等。

46、It would also help if one of her parents died when she was 12, infusing her with a profound sense of insecurity and fueling a desperate need for success. ─── 如果她的父母之一在她12岁的时候去世了,那么这还会有所帮助,可向她注入极深的不安全感,激发出对成功极度的需要。

47、But work to continue, need to rise vigilance and enhance the psychokinesis that holds to the job, can create psychological insecurity position thereby. ─── 但为了继续工作,需提高警惕性与增强坚持工作的意志力,从而会造成心理紧张状态。

48、He was tormented by feelings of insecurity. ─── 他苦于没有安全感。

49、But the U disk insecurity so that we have been in fear of data loss, how to ensure their own U disk file security has become an imminent problem! ─── 但是U盘的不安全因素使我们壹直在担心害怕数据的遗失,如何保证自已U盘中的文件安全已成为壹个迫在眉捷的问题!

50、Be like music of puerpera listen respectfully, conduce to remove antenatal insecurity mood. ─── 如产妇聆听音乐,有助于解除产前紧张情绪。

51、Health leads to security; insecurity leads to poor health. ─── 健康引向安全;不安全导致健康不佳。

52、People who fight a life-or-death battle with leukemia, lymphoma or myeloma share an underlying insecurity about the actual state of their health, it's true. ─── 事实上,患者们是在与白血病,淋巴瘤或是骨髓瘤做生死抗争,是的,他们对于自己实际的身体状况都有一种潜在的不安全感。

53、Because the woman's misunderstanding perhaps grouses, can make sense of the man's insecurity, anxiety rises, impose heavy psychology burden. ─── 因为女方的误解或者埋怨,会使男方的紧张、焦虑感上升,加重心理负担。

54、Don't attempt to understand it, or reason with it, or defer it, or deny it entry to your heart with excuse molded from doubt or insecurity. ─── 不要试图去理解爱情,或者给它讲道理,或者将它拖延。或者以基于疑虑或不安全感的借口来拒绝它进入你的内心。

55、They trade on people's insecurity to sell them insurance. ─── 他们利用人们的不安全感向他们推销保险。

56、His need to be liked obviously springs from a deep-rooted insecurity. ─── 他需要被别人的爱源于他根深蒂固的不安全感。

57、You can tell by the way she reacts to certain questions that Wintour still harbours a very female insecurity about the nature of what she does. ─── 在某些问题的处理方式上,你就可以看出,对于她的职业本质,Wintour仍然表现出十分女性化的不安全感。

58、In fact employee attitudes can create the need for new company strategies in the case of job dissatisfaction, poor team spirit, lack of commitment and job insecurity. ─── 事实上,员工的态度可以创造我们需要新的公司战略通过工作不满意,弱的团队合作精神,缺乏决心和工作的不安全性。

59、Contracted on integral modelling fluent, the open up in the urbanism that busies in insecurity for people together reductive true my free space. ─── 在整体造型上简约流畅,为人们在紧张忙碌的都市生活中开辟一块还原真我的自由空间。

60、People take it for granted things in the past now appears to be a sudden Uncertainty, which gives people a feeling of insecurity. ─── 以往人们想当然的事情现在突然显得不确定,这自然给人一种不安全的感觉。”

61、It was a call to voluntarily give up the security of the boat for the insecurity of walking on rough water (Matthew 14: 22-31). ─── 这是主对彼得的呼召,看他是否甘愿舍弃在船里的安全,穿过波涛汹涌的海水,去面对危险。(马太14:22-31)。

62、Based on it, root causes for accidents are pointed out according to inherent mechanism of accidents, which are human's unsafe behaviors and objects insecurity state. ─── 在此基础上,针对企业安全事故发生的内在机理,指出导致事故发生的根本原因是人的不安全行为和物的不安全状态。

63、And instead of increasing insecurity, it could have a future of greater security and respect. ─── 北韩也可以不再感到越来越不安全,从而获得更加安全、更受尊重的前景。

64、Emotion. Panic, fear, greed, insecurity, anxiety, stress, and uncertainty are the primary sources of short-term price change. ─── 价格变化的基本要素是人的情感。慌乱、恐惧、贪婪、不安全感、担心、压力和犹豫不定。

65、Runaway crime rates can threaten social stability and create a sense of insecurity among the people. ─── 否则罪案泛滥,造成社会动荡不安,人民不能安居乐业,全民因而遭殃。

66、In this one period, masturbating to want only is measurable, abstinent, can consider as a kind to remove reasonably the means of sexual insecurity. ─── 在这一时期,手淫只要是适度的,有节制的,可以认为是一种合理的解除性紧张的方式。

67、It says countries in the region are reeling from a combination of erratic weather patterns, the global economic crisis and intensifying conflict and insecurity. ─── 儿童基金会说,索马里沿海地区的海盗和劫持船只事件也使得该地区儿童的境况更加紧急。

68、But what if I told you that all of the insecurity and anxiety you are getting is all in your head? ─── 可是我要告诉你,你感觉到的不安和焦虑都是你自己的臆想!

69、How can you just overcome psychological insecurity? ─── 如何才能克服心理紧张?

70、The person can have a few insecurity or the feeling that are exhaustion occasionally, how to alleviate oneself such mood? ─── 人有时候都会有一些紧张或是疲惫的感觉,怎样缓解自己这样的情绪?

71、"And, in many of these areas, either the roads are impassable due to insecurity or due to poor weather and poor road conditions. ─── 她说:“同时在很多地方,由于安全上的原因、气候因素、以及路况不佳,没有飞机的话根本就到达不了。”

72、The key issue is: who is going to be in control? When I was younger, my need to control arose out of fear, a lack of trust, insecurity. ─── 争执的关键是钱由谁来控制。当我年轻的时候,我想去控制是出于恐惧,是缺乏信任和不安全感。

73、He had played to the dark side of middle-class insecurity. ─── 他的竞选策略令中产阶级更加感到不安全感。

74、This year's report on food insecurity warns that the current economic crisis could send even more people into hunger and poverty. ─── 今年的粮食安全的报告警告:目前的经济危机可能致使更多的人民陷入饥饿和贫困。

75、Insecurity might creep in. ─── 不安全感可能会悄然而生。

76、It can be said that the administration would like to avoid the possibility of a further institutionally rental housing insecurity problems. ─── 可以说,管理部门想进一步从制度上避免可能引发房屋租赁不安全的隐患。

77、Your good intentions usually come across to women as over-compensation for insecurity, and weak attempts at manipulation. That's right, I said that women see this as MANIPULATION. ─── 你的好心通常到女人那里当成了对不安全感的过分补偿,以及试图对她操纵.是的,我说了女人把这当作操纵.

78、India's China fixation is part insecurity, part blindness, says Razeen Sally, a professor at the London School of Economics who has written extensively about India. ─── 印度本次长达30天的马拉松议会选举中,中国成为整个印度政坛讨论的热门话题。

79、He made his initial impact during the Depression with brash, original, and irreverent stories celebrating the joy of living in spite of poverty, hunger, and insecurity. ─── 他在大萧条时期写出许多鲁直、原创而玩世不恭的故事来歌颂生活,而不是只看到当时的贫困、饥饿和不稳定。

80、His repeated references to his dangerous hobbies were only a disguise to cover up his insecurity. ─── 他不时地提起他危险的嗜好只是掩饰他的不安全感的托词

81、The basic substance of price change is human emotion. Panic, fear, greed, insecurity, anxiety, stress, and uncertainty arey thel rimary sources of short-term price change. ─── 价格变化的基本要素是人的情感。慌乱、恐惧、贪婪、不安全感、担心、压力和犹豫不定,这些是短期价格变动的主要根源。

82、That, and the relative brevity and insecurity of modern jobs, means your CV has to work harder than ever. ─── 再加上如今工作相对短暂和不安定,意味着你必须在简历上花费比以往更多的心思。

83、Her sense of insecurity issues from an unhappy childhood. ─── 她的不安全感是由她不愉快的童年造成的。

84、Israel's insecurity was so pervasive that even words were daggers. ─── 以色列感到到处都有危险,甚至纸面上的文字也是刀枪林立。

85、Accordingly we should avoid mood insecurity as far as possible at ordinary times excited, with reducing headachy happening. ─── 因此我们平时应尽量避免情绪紧张激动,以减少头痛的发生。

86、She said "All this insecurity prevents me from finding peace. ─── 她说:“所有这些不安全感使我不能平静下来。

87、Karachi port is the main gateway for Western military supplies bound for Afghanistan and serious insecurity could disrupt shipments and pile pressure on the government. ─── 卡拉奇港是西方军队为阿富汗提供物资补给的主要通道,严重的不安全情况会影响出货量,对政府也有很大的压力。

88、On both large and small farms, one of the principal inhibitions to expansion of production can be insecurity of tenure. ─── 不论大农场或小农场,扩大生产的主要抑制因素可能是租地使用权缺乏保障。

89、"So old helter-skelter make you a bit confused, it is fortune old helter-skelter eliminated thoroughly with financial insecurity. ─── “这么多年的狼狈让你有点慌,是财富把多年的狼狈和金融不安全感彻底消灭了。





所以只有从英英词典里面去找答案。在英英词典里,对assure是这样解释的:Tell someone something, positively to dispel any doubts.直译过来就是非常肯定的告诉某人某件事情,以打消他的疑虑。用我的话来讲,就是“胸有成竹”的告诉某人,某件事情一定会发生。

对ensure的解释是: Make certain that, something will occur or be the case. 翻译过来就是确保某件事事情将会发生,或者情况属实。这一下就能看出这两个词的区别了,第一个词assure是胸有成竹,这件事情一定会发生,是某人放心,打消他的顾虑,有一种安慰的意思。第二个单词的意思是确保,那么也就是说这个事情发生不发生,还不一定呢,只能是一种承诺性的意思,承诺好做,要能不能实现就不一定了。


上面说的是这三个词的意思上的区别。下面再说说它们在用法上的区别:assure sb of sth,

assure sb that assure oneself说白了,这个词可以跟宾语也可以跟双宾语,但是就是不能直接跟从句。

ensure: ensure that 说白了就是这个词,可以直接后面跟宾语从句。


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