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08-17 投稿


unsettle 发音

英:[?n?set(?)l]  美:[?n?set(?)l]

英:  美:

unsettle 中文意思翻译




unsettle 短语词组

1、unsettle crossword ─── 不稳定纵横字谜

2、unsettle definition ─── 不稳定的定义

3、unsettle bags ─── 不稳定的袋子

4、unsettle spanish ─── 不安的西班牙语

5、unsettle co ─── 未结算公司

6、unsettle synonyms ─── 令人不安的同义词

7、unsettle & co vt. ─── 扰乱; 使不安定vi.被 ─── 扰乱

unsettle 词性/词形变化,unsettle变形


unsettle 反义词


unsettle 同义词

shake | shock | faze | fluster | unnerve | disrupt | rattle | worry | upset | disconcert |disturb | disquiet | enervate | disorder | bother | perturb | startle

unsettle 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Crouchy is always going to be a big threat and Dirk's strength can unsettle teams. ─── 克劳奇总是个大危险,库依特的强壮会让任何球队忌惮。

2、Nothing can unsettle his resolution ─── 什么也动摇不了他的决心。

3、Crouchy is always going to be a big threat and Dirk's strength can unsettle teams. ─── 克劳奇总是个大危险,库依特的强壮会让任何球队忌惮。

4、Emerging markets had a more difficult week as US interest rate concerns returned to unsettle investors. ─── 美国息口隐忧再度困扰投资者,上周新兴市场表现失利。

5、Real use this Marca newspaper as a vehicle to unsettle players. ─── 皇马用马卡报做工具来动摇球员。”

6、Many Europeans see covering one's face as a security threat; and it seems to unsettle them. ─── 许多欧洲人都认为将面孔蒙起来会威胁社会安全;他们看起来对这种做法感到不安。

7、To throw into confusion;unsettle. ─── 使不安使陷入混乱;动摇

8、You work as hard as humanly possible while trying to unsettle fellow students by claiming to have done nothing at all. ─── 你拼了命地学习,却声称什么都没有做,试图让你的同学感到不安。

9、Attack from the outset and see if we can unsettle them with an early goal. ─── 从着手攻击而且看看是否我们能用一个早的目标搅乱他们。

10、a triffid-like menace that may unsettle delicate spirits. ─── 巨型植物的造型的威胁意味也许会使一些纤细的心灵动摇不安。

11、Any slackening in the pace of earnings growth could also unsettle equity markets as corporate profits have been one of the key drivers behind the prolonged resilience of US stocks. ─── 与此同时,只要利润增长放缓,证券市场也会出现动荡,因为公司利润是美国股市长期上扬的重要驱动力之一。

12、Volatility of capital flows can unsettle an otherwise perfectly sound system, as we are vividly reminded by the recent turmoil in the Asian currency markets. ─── 资金流动不稳定的情况,可以把一个在其他方面完全稳健的制度动摇,最近亚洲货币市场发生的风暴,就清楚提醒我们这一点。

13、Eto'o believes the reports, which suggested Thierry Henry would replace him at the Nou Camp, were specifically intended to unsettle him ahead of the big clash. ─── 艾托奥相信这些关于亨利取代他在诺砍普的位置的建议,只不过是想在大碰撞前干扰他。

14、That, of course, is because he wants to catch his readers' attention and unsettle them. ─── 这当然是因为他希望以此来吸引读者的注意并引起读者的共鸣。

15、In some previous meetings with Arsenal at Old Trafford, United have previously used their physical strength to unsettle their opponents and they could repeat that approach against Chelsea. ─── 在过去与阿森纳在老特拉福德的几次交锋中,曼联用强大的身体优势使对手打得很不舒服,而他们如今在对阵切尔西时可以重复这一招.

16、instead of being comforting, most detective novels unsettle their readers. ─── 大多数侦探小说使读者感到不安,而不是慰藉。

17、The Spanish club's attempt to unsettle Ballack has served only to antagonise Chelsea, with whom they are still negotiating over the transfer of Arjen Robben. ─── 西班牙俱乐部对巴拉克的企图只能引起切尔西的反感,特别是现阶段,他们仍然在罗本转会问题上进行磋商的时候。

18、Frightful Presence (Ex): A 5th-level initiate of the draconic mysteries can unsettle foes with her mere presence. ─── 震慑威势(Ex):5级时,龙之传人仅仅是出现就能使她的敌人感到不安。

19、Instead of being comforting, most contemporary crime novels unsettle their readers. ─── 当代的破案小说不仅不能给读者带来慰藉,反而使他们感到不安。

20、"Maybe people are looking for a chink in the armour," said Lampard. "They're looking to say things which will disrupt and unsettle us. ─── “或许人们在寻找我们盔甲上的小缺口,”兰帕德说道。“他们希望那些话能扰乱我们,使我们感到不安。”

21、I wish those who unsettle you would emasculate themselves! ─── 恨不得那搅乱你们的人把自己割绝了。

22、Were the arrests an attempt to unsettle Rio and gain the upper hand in the negotiations? ─── 逮捕力拓雇员是否是为了令力拓不安,以及在谈判中占得上风?

23、Policymakers worry that persistently high prices could unsettle inflation expectations, leading workers and businesses to factor higher inflation into their wage and price-setting decisions. ─── 政策制定者担心持续的高价格可能改变通胀预期,导致员工与企业将更高的通胀率计入自己的工资与定价决策之中。

24、He's tall and has a commanding presence but yes it'll be good for us to put him under pressure early on and maybe unsettle him. ─── 他很高有不错的指挥能力,但是我们应该让他处于压力之下。也许能打败他。

25、unsettle a person's mind ─── 使某人心绪不宁

26、Holidays often unsettle her. ─── 假期常常使她浮躁不安。

27、The editing of a love scene too was uncalled for to get a PG rating, so that more audiences could fill the theatres.I reckon the word of mouth for this film will unsettle that. ─── 片中的激情戏设计的可以算的上是一部分级影片了,但仍旧被划在为分级一档里以招揽更多的观众。

28、Will a change of schools unsettle the child? ─── 转学会扰乱孩子的情绪吗?

29、Analysts want to see whether the IMF relent s: a devaluation by Latvia could unsettle other economies in the region. ─── 分析家门想看看IMF会不会改主意,毕竟拉特贬值会扰乱本地区其他国家发展。

30、That tea will unsettle varnish on a table ─── 那样的茶能把桌上的漆都烫坏了。

31、Continuing to support Musharraf has its perils for the United States, and could unsettle things in Pakistan even further. ─── 继续支持穆沙拉夫对美国来说有其不利的方面,而且并不能使巴基斯坦的反恐形式变得好起来。

32、More traditional fears also unsettle China's neighbours. ─── 还有更多的遗传的恐惧令中国的邻国不安。

33、Chelsea will be a massive test for us, but if we can unsettle them and get amongst them we have an outside chance of getting something from the game. ─── 切尔西对我们是个巨大的考验,但如果我们能扰乱他们,我们有机会从这场比赛中得到我们想要的东西。

34、To pull in conflicting emotional directions; unsettle. ─── 使混乱;使困惑使精神错乱;使不安

35、l:LANG="EN-US" STYLE="COLOR: BLUE; MSO-FAREAST-FONT-FAMILY: 黑体">Instead of being comforting most detective novels unsettle their readers. ─── 大多数侦探小说使读者感到不安l:LANG="EN-US">而不是慰藉。

36、Last month the club reported nine-time European champions Real for trying to unsettle Ronaldo, but FIFA did not find the Spaniards had breached any regulations. ─── 上个月,该俱乐部投诉九次欧洲冠军杯得主皇家马德里试图勾引罗纳尔多,但是国际足联没有发现西班牙人违反了任何规定。

37、Just because of how they might unsettle your life or rob you of your precious time? ─── 就只因为他们会使你的生命混乱吗?或因他们会夺去你的宝贵时间?

38、These public attempts to unsettle the player are completely against the regulations and the club will not tolerate them any longer. ─── 这种公开的对于球员的干扰违反了相关规定,也是俱乐部绝对不能容忍的。

39、However, Wenger decided against bringing in someone to assist him with transfer dealings as he did not want to unsettle his team. ─── 然而,温格在安排谁来协助他完成转会事务上依然举棋不定,因为他不希望让球队不安。

40、Changing schools might unsettle the kids. ─── 转学会让孩子心情不能安稳。

41、Relax and breathe with complete calmness, maintaining this state during every moment and, specially, when circumstances arise that may unsettle your harmony. ─── 放松,完全平静地呼吸,在每一时刻,保持这个状态,特别是,当那些扰动你和谐的情境出现时。

42、Changing schools might unsettle the kids. ─── 转学会让孩子们心情不能安稳。

43、You work as hard as humanly possible while trying to unsettle fellow students by claiming to have done nothing at all. ─── 你拼了命地学习,却声称什么都没有做,试图让你的同学感到不安。

44、Failure to reach a firmer agreement then could further unsettle global financial markets. ─── 如果到那时还不能达成更为稳固的一致意见,就可能进一步扰乱全球金融市场。

45、in its quality, and its consequences.Murder in the murderer is no such ruinous thought as poets and romancers will have;it dose not unsettle him, or fright him from his ordinary notice of trifles; ─── 凶手行凶时所抱的意图决不像诗人以及传奇作家所描述的那样伤天害理,通常人们也察觉不出他心神不宁或诚惶诚恐的蛛丝马迹。

46、The most important thing is not to over-react or be distracted by stories designed to unsettle the club. This is our time. ─── 最重要的是不要反应过度,或者被那些有意破坏俱乐部关系的报道干扰。该看我们的了。

47、2.Joe Oreton's play of Black Humor seeks to unsettle the audiences by laughing at pain,suffering, or serious emotion;it has an affinity with sick jokes and the theatre of the absurd. ─── 在 奥兰顿的黑色幽默剧本中,作者通过对悲痛、苦难或严肃情感的 嘲笑逆观众感到不安,剧本与黑色笑话和荒诞旅喜剧有着密切的联系。

48、They would be transitory by nature, done for surprise effect, and sustained just long enough to unsettle the opponent and make him divert some part of his force. ─── 他们本应在短时间内发挥奇袭作用,坚持到足以让对手动摇(撤退)迫使他(我军正面)走部分兵力。

49、Liverpool chief Benitez dismissed Mourinho's claims that his side are boring and negative, and vowed that he won't let his rival's mind games unsettle him. ─── 利物浦主帅贝尼特斯批评穆帅的说法,那是令人讨厌的和否定的,并发誓那是他不愿让他的竞争对手赢得脑子游戏所不安.

50、There is enough force in this accusation to unsettle Mr Rudd. ─── 这样的指控足以令陆先生感到不安。

51、3.“Chelsea will be a massive test for us, but if we can unsettle them and get amongst them we have an outside chance of getting something from the game. ─── “切尔西对我们是个巨大的考验,但如果我们能扰乱他们,我们有机会从这场比赛中得到我们想要的东西。”

52、Only an unexpected sudden and substantial increase in savings would unsettle them and leave them with unsold goods. ─── 只有储蓄出于预料突然大增,才会扰乱它们的运行,使它们的产品卖不出去。

53、North Korea's unexpected currency reforms destabilised its economy - but are they likely to unsettle the country's politics as well? ─── 北韩出人意料的货币改革导致经济动荡,但是这会再引发政治动荡么?

54、Since her mother left, Evelin's preteen shuffle has given way to a sultry stroll. Those swaying hips unsettle her grandmother. ─── 自从她的母亲走后,E这个不满13岁的安静乖巧的小女孩变成了一个行为放荡,思想激烈的少女。。。

55、To throw into confusion; unsettle. ─── 使不安使陷入混乱;动摇

56、There is no doubt the fear of a trade war did, and should, unsettle the markets. ─── 毫无疑问,对贸易战的恐惧确实令市场感到不安,理应如此。

57、Henry is unhappy at the suggestions and is fuming at United trying to use the bust-up as a way to unsettle the Arsenal side. ─── 对于,外界关于他和劳伦在通道里打架的的报道,亨利予以了否认。

58、By turning the other check you infuriate and unsettle him.Make surrender a tool of power. ─── 这样做你反而能激怒他,使他不安。

59、Be careful when declaring interest in a player as you can unsettle those at your club who play in the same position. ─── 对其他球队队员发表有兴趣的言论,会降低本对相同位置的球员的士气。

60、Such figures are unlikely to sway opponents, and could unsettle some of the waverers. ─── 这样的数字不会使反对者动摇,却有可能使尚在犹豫中的国家变得不安。

61、The Italian press is well known to stir up trouble during major championships, and Buffon is pleading with them not to try and unsettle Cassano. ─── 意大利媒体众所周知地在大赛间隙制造麻烦,但是布冯恳求媒体不要试图使卡萨诺困惑不安。

62、If you do not tabulation your ovulation and induce an anovulatory unsettle, then you may suppose that you are menstruating typically when anovulatory bleeding come abouts during your cycle. ─── 如:与青岛供电公司生技部共同开发“旁通电缆牵引带电更换导线”项目,防坠落 受到全国电力行业的瞩目;

63、To unsettle; derange. ─── 使混乱,扰乱;使心烦意乱

64、Barcelona striker Samuel Eto'o says reports linking him with a move to Chelsea were intended to unsettle him ahead of the Champions League showdown between the two teams. ─── 巴萨前锋艾托奥说,关于把他和与切尔西的转回传闻联系在一起只是一种试图在两个球队在冠军杯比赛前干扰他的一种手段。

65、Shake your head as you will, Nelly, you have helped to unsettle me! ─── 你要摇头尽管摇,耐莉,你帮助他使我不得安宁!

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