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08-17 投稿


bunged 发音

英:[b??d]  美:[b??d]

英:  美:

bunged 中文意思翻译





bunged 短语词组

1、bunged definition ─── 错误定义

2、be bunged up ─── 塞住,堵住

3、bunged up ears ─── 塞住耳朵

4、bunged def ─── 堵塞的def

5、bunged up nose ─── 鼻塞

6、bunged meaning ─── 含混的意思

7、bunged synonym ─── 错误的同义词

bunged 词性/词形变化,bunged变形

动词第三人称单数: bungs |动词过去分词: bunged |动词过去式: bunged |动词现在分词: bunging |

bunged 相似词语短语

1、bunced ─── 聚束

2、bungee ─── n.蹦极;橡皮筋;松紧绳

3、bungled ─── adj.搞砸的,笨拙的;v.笨拙地做,弄糟(bungle的过去式和过去分词)

4、binged ─── n.堆;(尤指开矿废弃的)土石堆;int.砰(表示突然的行为或事件);n.(Bing)必应(微软搜索引擎产品);n.(Bing)(美)宾(人名)

5、bunger ─── n.(Bunger)人名;(英)邦杰;(西)本赫尔

6、bunked ─── n.铺位;床铺;座床;vi.睡在铺上;逃跑;vt.为…提供铺位;逃课

7、banged ─── 砰砰作响

8、bonged ─── n.当当声;水烟枪;尖峰,岩峰;v.发出当当声;n.(Bong)(美、马、新、印、德)邦(人名)

9、blunged ─── v.掺水拌(泥土等);(制陶时)把(粘土等)与水搅合

bunged 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Can I bung in a word yet? ─── 我是不是可以插句话?

2、2. Bung me a cigarette. ─── 扔一支香烟给我。

3、bung up ─── vt. 塞满(打伤, 破坏)

4、bung Electrical Industry Co. ─── 慈溪市锦邦电器实业有限公司 Cixi J.

5、From there, they move to Seoul for a match on July 20 and then down to Jakarta for the first time, where they will take on an Indonesia Super League Select at the Gelora Bung Karno Stadium on July 24. ─── 26号,曼联将会在马拉西亚进行最后一场比赛,然后结束整个行程。上次曼联来到亚洲,是在世俱杯期间,他们在曰本夺冠。

6、cock,for fitting into bung holes of casks or barrels ─── 塞入桶或圆筒口的旋塞

7、Yied aen yied bung. ─── 一个比一个大。

8、My nose is bunged up with cold. ─── 我感冒了,鼻子不通。

9、Bung the newspaper over here, will you? ─── 你把报纸扔过来,行吗?

10、Spare at the spigot, and spill at the bung. ─── 捡了芝麻,丢了西瓜。

11、Don't throw tea leaves down the sink; you'll bung it up. ─── 别把茶叶倒在洗涤槽里;你会把它弄塞住的。

12、Remove the bung and airlock and add whatever you are using to stop fermentation and to encourage settling. ─── 去除桶盖和气密室并且增加停止发酵的物质来加快定性。

13、Her eyes were bunged up. ─── 她的眼睛被打肿了。

14、Bung your coat anywhere. ─── 可把大衣扔在任何地方。

15、hog bung ─── 猪直肠

16、Just bung in some old bricks to fill up the hole. ─── 只要填些旧砖就可以补上这个洞。

17、bung hole ─── 桶侧孔

18、My nose is all bunged up. ─── 我的鼻子全堵了。

19、The bunged-up financial system has not allowed lower interest rates to work their magic on commerce. ─── 而金融系统堵塞使低利率没有发挥在促进商业中的应有作用。

20、We are working on sales of slaughter and cutting equipreents, including ski nning machines,carcassbrisket opening and splittingsaws, blades for cutting meat, hockcutters,bung d roppersand soon; ─── 我公司专业销售猪、牛、羊、家禽的屠宰、分割设备;包括剥皮机器,畜体开胸及劈半锯,肉类切割锯条,角腿部切割机,开肛器,分割锯等。

21、The leaves bunged up the hole. ─── 树叶把洞填满了。

22、go bung ─── 失败破产垮台死

23、Viola prionantha Bung ─── 早开堇菜

24、5. He had a bad cold and his nose was all bunged up. ─── 她因伤风感冒很厉害,鼻子不透气。

25、bung dropper ─── 挖除肛门的操作者桶孔滴酒器

26、Her eyes were bunged up. ─── 她的眼睛被打肿了。

27、The drains are bunged up with dead leaves. ─── 排水沟被枯树叶堵住了。

28、I wonder who titled me then bung up when I answersed. ─── 我不清楚是谁打了手机给我,等我去接时,又挂掉了。

29、The HC value in the middle school mathematic education represented some face as fbllowings: Grasping the essence through the phenomenon, bung up student the physical Weltanschauung. ─── 中学数学教育中的人文价值从以下几个方面体现:透过现象看本质,重在培养学生的辩证唯物主义世界观;

30、Just bung it in the machine and see what happens. ─── 就把它扔进机器里,看看会发生什么。

31、No company regardless of what they make can nowadays just make a product, bung it out there and forget about it. ─── 如今,没有哪家公司可以对自己的产品不管不顾,造出来,扔出去,然后忘得一干二净。

32、An automobile body pretty bunged up from an accident. ─── 汽车车身因为事故而被撞得破损不堪。

33、Fox-Fordyce disease is a rare, pruritic disorder characterized by multiple flesh-colored follicular papules, usually affecting the apocrine gland-bearing areas of bung women. ─── 摘要福斯佛代斯氏病是一个罕见的皮肤疾患,临床症状是在年轻妇女顶浆腺聚集区域发生具有痒感的多颗肤色小丘疹。

34、rubber bung ─── 橡胶塞

35、bung a hole ─── 堵住洞口

36、His face was bunged up in a car accident. ─── 他在一次车祸中碰得鼻青眼肿。

37、The drains are bunged up with dead leaves. ─── 排水沟被枯树叶堵住了。

38、I saw him yesterday before we left and he could barely breathe, he was really bunged up and had a temperature. ─── 昨天出发前往罗马前,我发现他的呼吸很不均匀,他的鼻子不通气还发了烧。

39、Salvia Miltiorrhiza Bung ─── 丹参

40、Bung this in the bin, can you? ─── 你可以把它扔进垃圾箱里吗?

41、The little boy picked up a stone and bunged it over the fence into the courtyard of his neighbour ─── 小男孩捡起一块石子扔过栅栏抛到他邻居的院子里。

42、If you get hold of a chap that's got no shame, you must bung his eyes up ─── 如果你抓住一个不知道羞耻的家伙,就只好打得他鼻青脸肿了。

43、An automobile body pretty bunged up from an accident ─── 事故中撞得破损不堪的汽车车身

44、bung stave ─── 带排放孔的桶板

45、The vacation time bung heavy on Tom's hands because all his friends were away at camp. ─── 假期对汤姆来说真是难熬,因为他的朋友都野营去了。

46、It's about time Harry made some new women friends,but I'm afraid he's still bung up on his ex - wife. ─── 哈利该交些新的女朋友了,但我怕他仍然迷恋著他的前妻。

47、1. It's about time Harry made some new women friends, but I'm afraid he's still bung up on his ex-wife. ─── 哈利该交些新的女朋友了,但我怕他仍然迷恋着他的前妻。

48、As he had a bad cold his nose was all bunged up ─── 他伤风很厉害,鼻子都塞住了。

49、Just bung in some old red bricks to fill up the hole. ─── 扔几块旧红砖头进去,把洞堵住。

50、As for the snot-blowing - if you get bunged up, you've got to clear your airways, don't you? ─── 要说鼻涕那件事嘛,如果你鼻子塞住了,你当然就得搞他两下,不是吗?

51、Don't throw tea leaves down the sink, you will bung it up ─── 别把茶叶倒在洗涤槽里,那会把它塞住的。

52、The drain-pipe was bunged up with dirt, but the plumber fixed it in no time. ─── 水管被脏东西堵住了,但水工很快就把它修好了。

53、"bung:a stopper especially for the hole through which a cask, keg, or barrel is filled or emptied." ─── 塞子:尤指木桶、圆桶或桶上用来注入或倒出的洞而配的塞子。

54、to bung an opening of a barrel ─── 塞桶口

55、The little boy picked up a stone and bunged it over the fence into the courtyard of his neighbour. ─── 小男孩捡起一块石子扔过栅栏抛到他邻居的院子里。

56、fell on skis and bunged up my leg. ─── 滑雪时摔了一跤,摔伤了腿

57、The drains were bunged up. ─── 下水道给堵住了。

58、After a week, clean and sanitize the carboy, the bung, the airlock and the plastic tubing. ─── 在一个星期以后,清洗并且消毒酸坛、桶盖、气密室和塑料管材。

59、bung plug ─── 塞孔用塞子

60、bung of setters ─── 托架柱窑具

61、His nose was bunged up.He has catched a cold. ─── 他的鼻子被堵住了,他感冒了。

62、Bung the newspaper over here, will you?. ─── 你把报纸扔过来,行吗?.

63、Further exposure can lead to a permanently stuffy or 'bunged-up' nose and losing the sense of smell. ─── 更进一步的暴露能导致永久性的不通气感或鼻塞感并且丧失嗅觉。

64、The waste bunged up the hole. ─── 废物把洞填满了。

65、Replace the bung and the airlock. ─── 替换桶盖和气密室。

66、the bung of dropping bottle ─── 瓶塞

67、That opening of the barrel must be bunged down at once. ─── 那个桶口必须立即用塞子塞住。

68、And next time we come here I'll bring some plaster and bung it up properly.' ─── 下次来,我带点儿石灰,把它好好抹抹。”

69、The ball hit her eye heavily, and she had her eye bunged up. ─── 球重重地打在她的眼睛上,她的眼睛受伤了。

70、He was annoyed by what the woman bunged in. ─── 他对女士的插嘴感到恼火。

71、“I saw him yesterday before we left and he could barely breathe, he was really bunged up and had a temperature. ─── “昨天出发前往罗马前,我发现他的呼吸很不均匀,他的鼻子不通气还发了烧。”

72、He had a cold and his nose was bunged up. ─── 他患感冒,鼻子塞住了。

73、The bank's remuneration committee agreed to Sir Fred's massive bung as part of the negotiations to get rid of him, and the government did not try to reduce it when it rescued the bank. ─── 作为弗雷德离职的谈判条件的一部分,银行薪酬委员会同意支付给弗雷德的巨额的养老金。在政府挽救苏格兰皇家银行的时候,政府(也)没有试图减少它(指:巨额养老金)。

74、bung starter ─── ph. 开桶塞用的木槌

75、U:bung macht den Meister. ─── 万事开头难。实践出真知。

76、My nose is (all) bunged up. I must be getting a cold. ─── 我鼻子(全)堵住了, 一定是着凉了.

77、"Ah spilt a plen'y, Miss Scarlett. It's pow'ful hard ter po' outer a bung hole inter a go'de." ─── "我给洒掉了不少,思嘉小姐,要把酒倒进一个小小的葫芦口,可真不容易呢。"

78、fermentation bung ─── 发酵塞

79、The potato peelings have bunged up the sink. ─── 土豆皮塞住了洗涤槽。

80、bung sth up ─── 堵住, 塞住, 打伤, 把 ... 打成青紫, 打坏, 打瘪, 塞满

81、He picked up a stone and bunged it over the fence . ─── 他捡起一块石子仍到栅栏的另一边。

82、bung up and bilge free ─── 桶塞朝上

83、All he could think of now was bung a rickshaw. He saw no difficulty in selling the camels. ─── 他只顾了想买车,好似卖骆驼是件毫无困难的事。

84、I wonder who called me then bung up when I answered. ─── 我不知道是谁打了电话给我,等我去接时,又挂掉了。

85、beef bung skin ─── 牛皮袋用纸

86、The size is reasonable: The choice suits the child leg length and the hips chamberpot, the modelling is consistent with the adult chamberpot, horse bung dexterous very suitable child's dynamics. ─── 尺寸合理:选择适合儿童腿长和臀围的马桶,造型与成人马桶一致,马桶盖轻巧度很适合儿童的力度。

87、Graham was unfortunately sacked in 1995, after having been found guilty of taking bung payments from agent Rune Hauge in exchange for signing certain players. ─── 不过,格拉汉姆被发现在一系列球员交易中从经纪人茹恩-豪格处非法获利,于1995年被解职。

88、The way to stop concrete cracking is to bung up small cracks before they enlarge. ─── 抑制混凝土继续开裂的方法是在小裂缝扩大之前把他们填满。

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