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08-17 投稿


paraffins 发音

英:[?p?r?f?nz]  美:[?p?r?f?nz]

英:  美:

paraffins 中文意思翻译




paraffins 短语词组

1、paraffins pcm ─── 石蜡

2、fluorinated paraffins ─── 氟化石蜡

3、cyclization of paraffins ─── [建] 烷烃的环化

4、average paraffins ─── [化] 平均链烷(正构及异构烷烃的混合物)

5、paraffins oilfield ─── 石蜡油田

6、breaking-down of paraffins ─── [机] 石蜡的断裂

7、aromatic cyclization of paraffins ─── [建] 脂族烃的芳构环化

8、paraffins alkanes ─── 烷烃

9、chlorination of paraffins ─── [建] 石蜡之氯化

10、chlorinated paraffins ─── 氯化石蜡

11、paraffins weegy ─── 石蜡重量

paraffins 常用词组

paraffin wax ─── n. 固体石腊

paraffin section ─── 石蜡切片

liquid paraffin ─── 液状石蜡

paraffins 词性/词形变化,paraffins变形

动词过去式: paraffined |动词第三人称单数: paraffins |动词现在分词: paraffining |形容词: paraffinic |动词过去分词: paraffined |

paraffins 相似词语短语

1、paraffining ─── n.石蜡;[有化]链烷烃;硬石蜡;vt.用石蜡处理;涂石蜡于…

2、paraffiny ─── 石蜡

3、paraffinic ─── adj.石蜡的,链烷的

4、paraffined ─── n.石蜡;[有化]链烷烃;硬石蜡;vt.用石蜡处理;涂石蜡于…

5、paraffines ─── n.石蜡油;石蜡;v.涂石蜡

6、paraffles ─── 杂音

7、paraffin ─── n.石蜡;[有化]链烷烃;硬石蜡;vt.用石蜡处理;涂石蜡于…

8、parafoils ─── n.翼伞

9、paraffine ─── n.石蜡油;石蜡;v.涂石蜡

paraffins 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Neutrons have no charge and are constituents of the atomic nucleus. They are very penetrating and can only be stopped by hydrogen-rich materials, such as water or paraffin. ─── 中子不带电荷,是组成原子核的粒子之一,穿透能力极高,只有水或石蜡这些含有大量氢原子的物质,可以阻隔中子。

2、The experiment shows that there is a synergetic effect for solving paraffin, when the high-density solvent naphtha mixed with the light distillates. ─── 但研究发现,所收集的高密度的重溶剂油和低密度的轻质油在溶蜡性能方面具有协同效应。

3、Paraffin wax emulsion with wax content over 50 % and good fluidity,excellent stability and dispersivity,is a cream color emulsion. ─── 摘要 超高浓度石蜡乳液,是蜡含量能达到50%的同时具有良好流动性、高度分散性和稳定性等特点的白色乳液。

4、Design of solving problem in low efficiency of the furnace was found, which has particular operation and structure in liquid paraffin unit. ─── 提出了具体的设计方案,以解决工艺操作及设备结构较独特的液蜡加热炉热效率低的问题。

5、A process for removal of aromatics from recycling paraffins inalkylbenzene production was developed, in which a fixed bed was adopted to selectively adsorb aromatics. ─── 开发了一种芳烃脱除工艺,脱除烷基苯生产物流循环烷烃中存在的芳烃类杂质。

6、Abstract: A process for removal of aromatics from recycling paraffins in alkylbenzene production was developed, in which a fixed bed was adopted to selectively adsorb aromatics. ─── 摘 要: 开发了一种芳烃脱除工艺,脱除烷基苯生产物流循环烷烃中存在的芳烃类杂质。

7、Chen S, Liu W M.Tribological behavior of oletic acid coated PbO nanoparticles as additive in liquid paraffin[J].Tribology, 2001,21(5):344-347. ─── [3]陈爽,刘维民.油酸表面修饰PbO纳米微粒作为润滑油添加剂的摩擦学性能研究[J].摩擦学学报,2001,21(5):344-347.

8、The same colorant will give different color tones with palm and paraffin waxes. ─── 同样的着色剂对棕榈蜡和石蜡会产生不同的颜色效果。

9、Its products include hard waxes, liquid paraffin, medium waxes and paraffin waxes, and microcrystalline waxes. ─── 其产品包括固体蜡,液体蜡,中间蜡,石蜡和微晶蜡等。

10、We have made joint venture with the experienced group of Paraffin Wax and we are exporter of Paraffin Wax solid. ─── 我们已经取得合资企业的经验丰富的集团石蜡,我们出口的石蜡固体。

11、CM-A curing membrane is a new type curing agent of paraffin emulsion. The loss of water is 0.039g/cm2(ASTM Cl56-74). ─── CM-A混凝土薄膜养护剂是石蜡乳状液类新型养护剂,水分损失量力0.039克/厘米~2[ASTMC156-74]。

12、Hi Mars,let me help you:Outer layer to be unpigmented c/w UV inhibitor and paraffin wax. ─── 外层用紫外线抑制剂(防紫外线的)和石蜡进行无色涂层。

13、Comparative observations were made on the morphology and anatomy of secretory cavities in stems of 14 genera, 23 species and one varieties by paraffin and thin section method. ─── 摘要利用石蜡切片和薄切片方法对芸香科14属23种和1变种植物幼茎中分泌囊的分布和结构进行了比较研究。

14、We are exporter of Slack wax, , Paraffin Wax RPO, Foots Oils from Iran. ─── 我们是出口商松弛蜡,石蜡的RPO,脚灯油伊朗。

15、Anatomy structure of blades of four Limonium species were studied by using blade segregation and paraffin method. ─── 摘要利用叶片离析法和石蜡切片法研究了补血草属4种植物叶片的形态结构。

16、A thin film of paraffin and loosely adhered iron oxide remained in the recesses, but not enough to effect the action of the flapper. ─── 一层很薄的石蜡和松散的铁氧化物附在缝隙里,但这同样只需轻敲就能去除。

17、Embeding The sealing of tissue prepared for permanent microscope slides in a solid block of paraffin wax prior to sectioning. ─── 包埋:是在切片之前将组织密封在一小块石蜡中,以备显微镜永久切片之用。

18、The resins of Shengli vacuum residue were blent with saturates,aromatics from Shengli vacuum residue and paraffin from SSOT hydrogenation residue. ─── 将胜利减压渣油中的胶质与饱和分、芳香分以及减压馏分油加氢裂化(SSOT)尾油中的石蜡进行调合。

19、Chlorinated paraffin wax was painted uniformly on the surface of the softening annealing metal sheet with remaining heat for lubrication. ─── 在有余热的软化退火板料上涂覆氯化石蜡润滑,使润滑剂均匀粘附在板料表面,润滑效果好。

20、The fire blazed up when I added paraffin. ─── 我加了一些煤油, 火就燃烧起来了。

21、Tests indicate that EMASOL 520B should be used at 15-45%by weight in paraffin base oil. And an excellent rust protection and hard water tolerance can be achieved. ─── EMASOL 520B在极低的剂量比率即可获得优异的防锈效果与耐硬水性能;添加剂量比率愈高,其乳液则愈呈澄清与稳定。

22、Seal the corks to the glass using paraffin wax if the tube is prepared more than 24 hours before use. ─── 如果是在24小时以后用的话就用蜡把塞子同试管封好。

23、Hollow fiber membranes with good gas permeability can be obtained after the extraction of the paraffin oil and stretching to a small extension. ─── 将石蜡油提取掉后稍加拉伸即可得到透气性很好的微孔中空纤维渗透膜。

24、Microsporogenesis and male gametophyte development of Flaveria bidentis (L.) Kuntze were observed by using method of traditional paraffin sections. ─── 利用常规石蜡切片技术,观察了黄顶菊小孢子发生及雄配子体发育过程。

25、Abstract A paraffin method and a whole ovary stain clearing techique were used to study pseu-dogamy in Kentucky Bluegrass (Poa pratenesis L. ). ─── 摘要 本文运用石蜡切片法、整体透明法研究了草地早熟禾的假受精现象。

26、Wanted fnlly reffined paraffin wax, 2fcl CIF Navha Seva Mumbai India. ─── n需要精制固体石蜡,2整箱,CIF印度孟买新港。

27、A liquid paraffin as oil phase was added to penicillin fermentation process to increase medium oxygen transfer. ─── 以一种液态烷烃为油相,将其引入青霉素发酵过程以提高氧的传递。

28、Fingerprints are compounds that appear in between the paraffin on a chromatograph of oil. ─── 原油色谱指纹是指原油中通过色谱分离的正构烷烃之间的化合物。

29、Equilibrium solubilities and volume mass transfer coefficients of methanol and steam in liquid paraffin were measured at 433.15~533.15?K and 0.110~0.960?MPa in agitated autoclave. ─── 在机械搅拌高压釜中,测定了433.15~533.15K、0.110~0.960MPa之间甲醇和水蒸气在液体石蜡中的溶解度和体积传质系数。

30、Specimens were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde 2 3 days,embedded in paraffin,serially sectioned and stained with hematoxylin eosin. ─── 将切削后的标本浸泡于4%多聚甲醛中固定2~3d,石蜡包埋、切片、HE染色。

31、Paraffins have high diesel indices. ─── 烷烃的柴油指数最高。

32、The development of embryo and endosperm and its influence on the germination of seeds of Bupleurum chinense were studied by means of paraffin section. ─── 利用常规石蜡制片技术对北柴胡胚和胚乳的发育及对其种子萌发的影响进行了观察。

33、The combination of hand massage and Paraffin Wax Mask can help to replenish nutrition, moisturize hand skin, strengthen nails and restore a supple and delicate hand skin. ─── 手部按摩配合巴拿芬蜡膜,补充肌肤所需营养,滋润,改善干燥,强化甲质,令手部肌肤柔软嫩滑。

34、LEICA MICROSYSTEMS NUSSLOCH is a company operating within many ranges and offers Paraffin embedding device, Single-deck machines as well as Microtomes. ─── LEICA MICROSYSTEMS NUSSLOCH是一家现代化的、可靠的产品供应商,这家供应商从事(显微)切片机的制造、销售。请您访问我们的主页,垂询当前的产品系列和服务。

35、Adjustable heated lid, preventing the sample in a centrifugal tube from evaporation and dew, which makes paraffin oil unnecessary. ─── 可调节压力的热盖,防止液体挥发、结露。


37、After CLEARING, tissues are placed in two or three baths of molten paraffin wax. ─── 包埋的步骤是,清洗材料后将组织块置于两种或三种液体石蜡中,当组织完全被渗透就可以使其凝固。

38、Gudong oilfield features for its loose sand oil pool with rich heavy oil and heavy oil and paraffin widely distributed. ─── 孤岛油田是典型的疏松砂岩油藏,稠油储量丰富,稠油、含蜡区块零散分布较广。

39、The stems of 30 mosses from different water conditions were transected and comparatively observed by means of paraffin wax section. ─── 摘要使用石蜡切片法,对采自不同生境下的30种藓类植物茎的横切面进行了比较解剖学研究。

40、We export Semi Refined Paraffin Wax in competitive prices. ─── 我们出口半精炼石蜡中具有竞争力的价格。

41、The fire blazed up when he added paraffin. ─── 他加了一些煤油,火就燃烧起来了。

42、The mostly used solvent Dewaxing (SDW) process uses MEK/toluene to remove wax (various forms of paraffins) by crystallization and filtration to achieve the desired pour point. ─── 其中最为通用的就是使用炳酮(MEK)/甲苯溶剂,经由冷冻结晶和过滤用以脱腊(各种石腊烃)的方式,以得到希望的流动点目标。

43、For hydrocarbons with similar relative molecular weight, the KL values of paraffin, naphthene and aromatics decrease in order. ─── 对于相对分子质量近似的烃,烷烃KL值>环烷烃KL值>芳烃KL值;

44、The rest of the Aden paraffin are arranged in Hatch No.4 lower hold fore part. Maybe it's omitted in the plan. ─── 其于亚丁石蜡安排在4舱底舱前部,可能船图把它漏掉了。

45、Thirty-one cases of VH,32 cases of VC, and66 cases of SCC were retrospectively retrieved from blocks of paraffin. ─── 共有31例的口腔疣状上皮增生,32例的疣状癌及66例的鳞状细胞癌,均为石腊包埋的文件材料。

46、ZYQI type super-strong paraffin inhibiting and antiscaling viscosity reducing device has incorporated with vortex, fluidic and sonic-wave technologies. ─── ZYQI型超强防蜡防垢降粘器,是集涡流、射流和声波振荡技术为一体的新产品。

47、A survey on advancement of tranforming utilization of light paraffins and olefins in the respects of isomerization,dehydrogenation and alkylation is presented in the paper. ─── 介绍了轻质烷烃和烯烃的异构化、脱氢以及烷基化等转化利用的发展概况。

48、Every member of the expedition took a small paraffin stove. ─── 探险队员每人都随身携带一个小煤油炉。

49、Observation by paraffin section showed that Lipeng No. 2 embryo sac mother cells were almost entirely degenerated during megasporogenesis. ─── 切片观察发现,丽椪2号胚囊母细胞在四核期已完全退化。

50、One such car, for example, can travel 800 kilometres on forty-five litres of water, and burns paraffin at the rate of nine kilometres to the litre. ─── 例如,一部这种车行驶800公里只用45升水,每9公里只用1升煤油。

51、This paper describes megasporogenesis and microsporogenesis as well as male and female gametophyte development of Pittosporum tobira (Thunb.) Ait. by using nomal paraffin method. ─── 摘要利用常规石蜡制片法研究了海桐大、小孢子发生及雌、雄配子体发育的过程。

52、The tribological behaviors of the synthetic benzotriazole derivatives as additives in liquid paraffin were evaluated with a four-ball machine. ─── 利用四球试验机考察了其在液体石蜡中的最大无卡咬负荷值。

53、Importer & Exporter of All Native Products: Gum Rosin, Gum Turpentine, Chinese Cassia, Star Anise, Galangal, Chinaroots, White Paraffin Wax. ─── 土产出入口商:松香、脂松节油、中国桂皮、八角、莨姜、土茯苓、白腊。

54、Paraffins have high diesel indices . ─── 它由不同的碳氢化合物混合组成,其主要组成成分是烷烃。

55、He began by lighting a paraffin lamp;then fumbled in his pocket and produced a rather grimy bandage, which he wrapped round his right hand. ─── 他先点上煤油灯,然后从口袋里掏出一卷肮脏的纱布,把右手缠了起来。

56、The turntable is powered by a single-cylinder steam engine fired by a paraffin boiler. ─── 唱盘是靠著煤油锅炉点燃的单一汽缸蒸汽引擎带动的。

57、An intermediate-or mixed-base crude contains roughly equivalent mixtures of paraffins and naphthenes (cyclo-paraffins). ─── 中间基或混合基原油所含石蜡烃和环烷烃的量大致相等;

58、Refinery gases vary in composition but consist largely of hydrocarbons, both paraffins and olefins. ─── 各种炼厂气的组成不同,但都含有大量烃类,包括各种烷烃和烯烃。

59、The varieties, properties and applications of the series of halogenated paraffins were summarized. ─── 综述了卤化石蜡系列阻燃剂的品种、性能和用途。

60、The development of adsorbent for normal paraffin adsorption-separation in these decades is discussed in this paper. ─── 摘要介绍了正构烷烃吸附分离吸附剂的研制进展;

61、Using paraffin and cryostat sectionings,the distribution of P cells and T cells in 5 grown-ups right atrium was observed. ─── 利用石蜡和恒冷切片方法全面观察了5例成年人右心房内的细胞形态。

62、As a lighting tool, the electric lamp has more advantages than a paraffin lamp. ─── 作为照明工具,电灯相对于煤油灯有很多优点。


64、Studies on the developmental anatomy of rhizome in Dioscorea zingiberensis C.H.Wright have been done with the paraffin method. ─── 摘要利用石蜡切片法对盾叶薯蓣根状茎进行了发育解剖学研究。

65、These bacteria can resist high temperature, produce biosurfactant and organic acid, and can degrade crude oil and paraffin. ─── 实验证明这些细菌能够耐高温、产生表面活性剂和有机酸、时原油和石蜡具有强降解能力。

66、A process for removal of aromatics from recycling paraffins in alkylbenzene production was developed, in which a fixed bed was adopted to selectively adsorb aromatics. ─── 开发了一种芳烃脱除工艺,脱除烷基苯生产物流循环烷烃中存在的芳烃类杂质。

67、Finally, the various production methods of halogenated paraffins were briefly introduced. ─── 最后对卤化石蜡的生产方法进行了简要介绍。

68、Paraffins are the major component of waxy solid deposits from crude oil. ─── 石蜡是从石油中沉淀的蜡质固体的主要成分。

69、The fire blazed upwhen he added paraffin. ─── 他加了一些煤油,火就燃烧起来了。

70、Methods 42 paraffin embedded specimens of BCC were identified under light microscopy. P53 protein expression was observed using S P immunohistochemistry. ─── 2方法 42例经常规石蜡包埋皮肤基底细胞癌标本 ,镜检确定组织学类型 ,应用免疫组织化学 S- P法检测 P5 3蛋白表达。

71、The working principle, design features and advantages and disadvantages of ball type and tooth type steppiing paraffin removal units are introduced. ─── 介绍了球1型、球2型、齿2?1型和齿4型步进式清蜡器的工作原理、结构特点及优缺点。

72、We improved the method to simplify the process of paraffin sectioning, shorten the cycle of the experiment and obtain quality slides. ─── 同时精简了传统石蜡切片的操作程序, 缩短了实验周期并提高了制片质量。

73、Look inside the medicine cupboard for more petroleum products, medical paraffin and petroleum jelly. ─── 向药厨里看看,你可以找到更多的石油产品,如药用石蜡和凡士林。

74、The paraffin wax was not suitable for the dispersant in black master batch, and the coupling agent w... ─── 从耐热性和分散性上看,石蜡不适合作为黑母粒的分散剂使用;偶联剂不宜与聚乙烯蜡并用。

75、All these results form the basis towards the separation of aromatics from paraffins by using simulated moving-bed adsorption method. ─── 以上实验与计算结果为在直链烷基苯的生产过程中,降低循环烷烃中芳构化物的含量,实现延长脱氢催化剂的寿命提供了技术基础。

76、It mainly produces high-grade gasoline, diesel oil, LPG, liquid paraffin, polypropylene and MTBE etc. ─── 公司主要产品有高标号汽油、柴油、石油液化气、液体石蜡、聚丙烯、MTBE等。

77、Thirty-one cases of VH, 32 cases of VC, and 66 cases of SCC were retrospectively retrieved from blocks of paraffin. ─── 共有31例的口腔疣状上皮增生,32例的疣状癌及66例的鳞状细胞癌,均为石腊包埋的档案材料。

78、The tube alumina substrates for ceramic membrane with good properties were developed,using paraffin and polyethylene as plasticizing agent. ─── 以石蜡和聚乙烯作塑化剂,开发出了具有优异性能的氧化铝基管状陶瓷膜衬底。

79、It is pointed out that the most developable method for producing higher alcohols is SHOP-OXO process or normal paraffins hydrogenization-OXO process. ─── 指出最有前途的高碳醇生产方法是SHOP-OXO法和正构烷烃加氢-OXO法。

80、Observation by paraffin section showed that Lipeng No.2 embryo sac mother cells were almost entirely degenerated during megasporogenesis. ─── 切片观察发现,丽??号胚囊母细胞在四核期已完全退化。

81、Products containing aromatics or naphthenes have lower aniline points than products containing paraffins. ─── 含有芳烃和环烷烃的产品比含有石蜡的产品的苯胺点相对要高。

82、Meantime, the blending pattern of the optimized temperature-sensing paraffin was also investigated on the basis of its expansion characteristics. ─── 同时又基于膨胀特性对优化感温蜡的调配规律进行研究。

83、After the darkness the feeble light of the paraffin lamp had seemed very bright. ─── 在黑暗里耽过之后,煤油灯昏暗的灯光显得格外亮。

84、Additionally, it can be used for determining carbon number distribution of wax, paraffin in petrochemical products, and varions hydrocarbons. ─── 利用仪器的系统配置还可以开发出其它适用于石化领域的分析方法,提高了仪器的利用率。

85、With the traditional paraffin section method, the initiation and development were systematically studied. ─── 摘要利用常规石蜡切片法,系统研究了广藿香不定根的起源和发育。

86、A unit for the separation of high purityolefins from a mixture of olefins and paraffins is taken as an example for illustration. ─── 应用此关联图可快速准确地判断任意时刻条件下的操作状态,即吸附塔各进出物料的床层位置,各工作区的床层位置。

87、This includes gasoline, propane, paint thinners, mineral oils, paraffin wax, baby oil, Vaseline?and even Chap-Stick?just to name a few. ─── 它包括汽油、丙烷、漆面稀释剂、矿物油、石蜡、凡士林和无色唇膏。

88、They all were paraform-fixed,paraffin imbedding. ─── 所有数据均经spss10.0软件处理。

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