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08-17 投稿


directorial 发音

英:[?da?rek?t??ri?l]  美:[?da?rek?t??ri?l]

英:  美:

directorial 中文意思翻译



directorial 短语词组

1、directorial project ─── 指导性项目

2、directorial define ─── 导演定义

3、directorial mode ─── 导演模式

4、directorial work ─── 指导工作

5、directorial debut ─── 执导的处女作

6、directorial outing ─── 导演出游

7、directorial role ─── 导演角色

8、directorial def ─── 董事定义

9、directorial feature ─── 导演特征

10、directorial concept ─── 导演概念

11、directorial effort ─── 导演努力

12、directorial override control ─── 定向超控

13、directorial democracy ─── 导演民主

14、directorial override ─── 指令覆盖

directorial 词性/词形变化,directorial变形

副词: directorially |

directorial 相似词语短语

1、director ─── n.主任,主管;导演;人事助理;n.(Director)人名;(英)迪雷克托

2、dictatorial ─── adj.独裁的,专政的;专横傲慢的

3、rectorial ─── adj.教区长的,校长的

4、directorially ─── 目录

5、direct rival ─── 直接竞争对手

6、directional ─── adj.方向的;定向型的

7、directorate ─── n.董事会;理事会;指挥部

8、directories ─── n.[计]目录,名录;指南;计算机文件或程序的目录(directory的复数)

9、direct-dial ─── 直接拨号

directorial 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Host Centralism emphasis that a television production team"s normal operation and working drive is centered by the television host"s editorial and directorial task. ─── “主持人重心论”,体现的是主持人是以编导为中心的整个电视制作团队工作和努力的着力点。

2、In his directorial debut, Lee demonstrates a very restrained style portraying a woman’s psychological wounds and shows a gift for exploring this subdued and internally conflicted character. ─── 当问及有什么苦恼时,金智秀说:“在拍戏过程中,明显老化。”金智秀本人就像影片中一样,有着很漂亮的双眼皮。

3、So Roman Cubrown's directorial debut was the movie . ─── 也就是说这是这个导演的第一部电影作品。

4、A true master of his craft, Ken Burns The War was his latest directorial effort. ─── 作为作品的真正大师,《战争》是肯·伯恩斯最新的执导之作。

5、Planning a grand global release for his next directorial venture 'My Name Is Khan', Karan Johar is at 62nd Cannes Film Festival, negotiating with foreign buyers. ─── 规划了隆重的全球推出其下一个导演合资'我的名字叫汗' , 卡兰乔哈尔是在第62次戛纳电影节,与外国买家谈判。

6、They shall maintain independence within the scope of their directorial duties, and may not have any direct or indirect interest in the company. ─── 且于执行业务范围内应保持独立性,不得与公司有直接或间接之利害关系。

7、Mad Men creator Matthew Weiner wrote the script and will make his feature directorial debut with the project. ─── 剧本将由一手捧红剧集《广告狂人》的影人马修·韦纳撰写剧本,并且将首次担任导演一职。

8、From the beginning, we’ve been blessed with wonderful directorial talent for the Twilight Saga, and I’m so happy that ECLIPSE will be carrying on with that tradition. ─── 从一开始,我们在导演的才华上一直是很幸运的,所以我很高兴月食也将延续这一传统。

9、Another actor, Forest Whitaker, took up the directorial reins-as he's prone to do these days (Waiting to Exhale, Hope Floats). ─── 另一位演员,福里斯特惠特克,拿起导演缰绳,因为他的做导演的这些天(等待梦醒时分,希望花车)。

10、The directorial principles and mechanism of higher professional university ─── 论高等职业学校的管理原则与运行机制

11、Directorial Achievement In Comedy Series ─── 喜剧剧集节目导演奖

12、Our company got passel of elitists whom have high technology,profuse directorial experiences; ─── 公司拥有一批技术含量高、管理经验丰富的优秀人才;

13、Capitalist regards production as directorial labor, its supervise work is manufacturing work, also create value. ─── 资本家作为生产指挥者的劳动,其管理劳动是生产劳动,也创造价值。

14、Keywords clothing;investigation;Fumian directorial area;a industrial colony;solutions; ─── 服装;调查;福绵管理区;产业集群;对策研究;

15、Outstanding Directorial Achievement in Movies for Television ─── 电视电影杰出导演贡献奖

16、Station Is Engaged In Inside Directorial ─── 论坛专栏站务

17、The directorial Peng Dehuai of battle because this fame big a confusion of voices. ─── 长沙,是十年内战时期红军攻克的唯一一座省城。战役的指挥者彭德怀因此名声大噪。

18、For example, we set up a national directorial commission to guide SARS prevention work on the national level. ─── 比如,我们成立了国家防治“萨斯”指导委员会,指导全国防治SARS的工作。

19、The film is the directorial debut of Zhuang Yuxin, vice-professor at the prestigious Beijing Film Academy. ─── 这部影片由庄宇新导演,他是北京电影学院的副教授。

20、The film marks her directorial debut. ─── 这部电影是她作为导演初露头角的标志。

21、Rethinking about the Strategic Directorial Thought of China's Western Development ─── 对我国西部大开发战略指导思想的再思考

22、Sadly, Friedberg and Seltzer (whom I like to refer to as the directorial Antichrists) continue to get funding. ─── 可悲的是,弗瑞德伯格和塞尔泽(我喜欢称他们为导演界的反基督徒)依然继续在拉赞助。

23、Explosions of directorial frustration were followed by gales of laughter. ─── 因为作品受人嘲笑,他经常对自己的导演才能感到失望怀疑。

24、TM: Didn't all those restrictions you mentioned put you off from wanting to make a directorial debut? ─── TM:你提到的这种种压力和约束有没有令你想到放弃涉足导演?

25、This theory developed on the assumption that job satisfaction and a sense of responsibility would counter or negate directorial selfishness. ─── 这种理论立足于这样的假设:工作满意度及责任感将阻遏或去除董事的自私性情。

26、* Something I want to ask McG in conjunction with one of the most egotistical directorial credits I have ever seen. ─── * 我想问问心磁结合的一个最自私导演学分我见过。

27、Tony Leung said he and Maggie Cheung were struggling to understand Zhang's directorial technique. ─── 梁朝伟说,他和张曼玉都在努力领会张艺谋的导演技巧。

28、Directorial Achievement In Reality Programs ─── 真人秀节目导演奖

29、This actress looks like she's about to pop, but BDH is still working for her directorial debut, When You Find Me. ─── 这位女演员看上去就要临产了,但是她还是在为自己的导演处女作《当你遇到我》辛苦工作。

30、Directorial Achievement In Musical Variety ─── 音乐类节目导演奖

31、This theory developed on the assumption that job satisfaction and a sense of responsibility would counter or negate directorial selfishness. ─── 这种理论立足于这样的假设:工作满意度及责任感将阻遏或去除董事的自私性情。

32、China's People's Mediators are far more directorial, focusing on what has already happened and telling parties the "correct" solution to their conflicts based on law, policy or morality. ─── 相比之下,中国的人民调解员们的指导性则强得多,他们关注的焦点是已经发生的事,并依据政策法规或道德,告诉双方当事人解决矛盾的“正确”方案。

33、The film marks her directorial debut. ─── 这部电影是她作为导演初露头角的标志。

34、Tony Leung said he and Maggie Cheung were struggling to understand Zhang's directorial technique. ─── 梁朝伟说,他和张曼玉都在努力领会张艺谋的导演技巧。

35、directorial announcer ─── 播音指导

36、Still,one of Hitchcock's directorial priorities was to work love stories into his films. ─── 此外,他执导的另一个优势是将男女之间的爱情故事搬上了银幕。

37、Minimum 10 years' experience with at least 5 years in directorial level. ─── 10年以上财务工作经验,并且至少有5年以上财务总监职位工作经验。

38、Through some cases of mini-car manufacture, the directorial function of the expert system during processes of designing and manufacturing mini-cars has been presented in the text. ─── 本文将结合微车制造的实例,介绍该专家系统对微车设计制造过程的指导作用。

39、The studying achievement can supply directorial effect during in the cause of building freeway. ─── 该项研究成果对滑坡地带附近的高速公路的建设具有积极的指导意义。

40、An important aim of both the Sarbanes-Oxley Act in the US (together with new stock exchange rules) and the new code of corporate governance in the UK is to increase directorial independence and reduce conflicts of interest. ─── 不论美国的萨班斯-奥克斯利法案(连同证交所的新规定)还是英国的公司治理新法规,其重要目的均在于提高董事的独立性,减少利益冲突。

41、Directorial Achievement in Dramatic Series Night ─── 晚间戏剧节目导演奖

42、Research and Realization of Directorial Finance Software ─── 谈管理型财务软件的研究和实现

43、Angelina Jolie is to cut back on the Bosnian section of the shoot for her directorial debut. ─── 拍摄导演处女作的大明星安吉丽娜-朱莉不得不被迫缩短在波斯尼亚取景的拍摄的计划。

44、Sam Rockwell managed to catch Hollywood off guard with his roll in this movie (which was also George Clooney’s directorial debut). ─── 这部电影不容易找到,但如果你能找到它,一切代价都是值得的。

45、This is the first time Zhang has worked with Hong Kong actors. Tony Leung said he and Maggie Cheung were struggling to understand Zhang's directorial technique. ─── 这也是张艺谋首次和香港演员合作。梁朝伟说,他和张曼玉都在努力领会张艺谋的导演技巧。

46、In 1994,he made his directorial debut with the environmentally conscious but critically panned On Deadly Ground,in which he single handedly attempts to save Alaska and the Eskimos from an avaricious oil tycoon. ─── 1994年,他首次导演了一部具有环境意识、却惨遭非议的影片《死亡地带》,其中他单枪匹马,企图从一位贪婪的石油大亨手里拯救阿拉斯加和爱斯基摩人。

47、directorial system ─── 导演体制

48、This mary a day ,I accumulate corporation directorial experience is very exuberance . ─── 很久以来,我积累了丰富的...

49、Tim Burton's Earlier Films: Vincent - Tim Burton's Directorial Debut, Frankenweenie - The Uncut Version Never Before Available ─── 蒂姆·伯顿的早期电影以前未剪辑的片段

50、The director's modest experience is more than made up for by her sensitive approach and her striking directorial vision. ─── 导演游刃有余的控制能力完全超越了她敏锐的判断以及惊人的导演视角。

51、What the member that the flight signs a school moves as airline is directorial, must have extremely high integrated quality and professional ability. ─── 飞行签派员作为航空公司运行的指挥者,必须具有极高的综合素质和业务能力。

52、It's reported Juve have provided him with a one-year contract and an option of a further season either as a player or in a directorial role. ─── 据说斑马军团为卡纳瓦罗提供了一份为期一年并且可以续约一个赛季的合同,并准备让这名球员在退役后进入俱乐部管理层。

53、Fumian directorial area ─── 福绵管理区

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