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08-17 投稿


claustral 发音

英:[?kl??str?l]  美:[?kl??str?l]

英:  美:

claustral 中文意思翻译



claustral 短语词组

1、claustral ant ─── 幽闭蚂蚁

2、claustral def ─── 幽闭定义

3、claustral oblate ─── 回肠皮瓣

4、claustral prior ─── 幽闭优先

5、claustral nun ─── 幽闭修女

6、claustral canyon ─── 幽闭峡谷

7、claustral layer ─── [医] 屏状核层

8、claustral define ─── 幽闭定义

claustral 相似词语短语

1、clausal ─── adj.条款的;条项的;子句的

2、claustra ─── n.屏状核(claustrum的复数)

3、cloistral ─── adj.修道院的;遁世的;孤独的

4、austral ─── adj.南的,南国的;南方的,南部的;n.(Austral)(英、葡)奥斯特拉尔(人名)

5、claustrum ─── n.(大脑的)[解剖]屏状核

6、plastral ─── 质体

7、lustral ─── adj.清垢的;除邪的

8、castral ─── 阉割的

9、plaustral ─── 普劳斯特

claustral 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The fairy world in Hanfu was free and beautiful, which had become a symbol of spiritual realm of writers and the reflection of their interest in cloistral area. ─── 汉赋中的神仙世界自由美好,已成为文人精神境界的一种象征,寄托着赋作家遗世高蹈、超乎尘垢之外的人生志趣。

2、It was this cloistral hush which gave our laughter its resonance ─── 是这种幽幽的寂静使我们朗朗的笑声发出回响。

3、claustral layer ─── 屏状核层

4、Why even enduring9 see joke: arrive newly claustral friar often gets the bully of other brother he goes looking for archimandrite to his complaint. ─── 为什么还要忍耐9看笑话:一个新到修道院的修士经常受到其他修士的欺侮他去找修道院长向他诉苦。

5、claustral prior ─── 修道院院长的主要助理

6、claustral complex ─── 遁世情结

7、I know she says justifiably, but I am roused really do not have courage claustral mountain forest. ─── 我知道她说得有理,但我实在鼓不起勇气隐遁山林。

8、A foot-long crayfish dodges a hiker fording a stream in Claustral Canyon. ─── 一只一英尺长的龙虾正在躲避一名在遁世峡谷里涉水前进的探险者。

9、feels like being swallowed by the Earth, ” says photographer Carsten Peter of the Black Hole of Calcutta in Claustral Canyon. ─── 遁世峡谷里的“加尔各答黑洞”。 摄影师卡斯滕﹒彼得感叹道:“我感觉就要被地球吸进去了。”

10、A constellation of glowworms shimmers on rocks and ferns in Claustral Canyon as part of a strategy to attract prey. ─── 一群萤火虫在遁世峡谷的岩石和蕨叶上闪闪发光以吸引猎物。

11、"It feels like being swallowed by the Earth, " says photographer Carsten Peter of the Black Hole of Calcutta in Claustral Canyon. ─── 遁世峡谷里的“加尔各答黑洞”。摄影师卡斯滕﹒彼得感叹道:“我感觉就要被地球吸进去了。”

12、Abstract: The cloistral nun was a special community with religious charm. ─── 摘 要: 中国古代的尼姑,是一个带有强烈宗教韵味的特殊群体。

13、After her husband's death, she moved to a cloistral area. ─── 在她丈夫死后,她搬到远离红尘俗世的地区。

14、Conventual capitular abbatial monastical canonical ecclesiastical cloistral monachal ─── 修道院的,庙宇的,僧尼的

15、Veteran guide John Robens (at far left) leads a soggy team through a moss-covered passage in Claustral Canyon, a few hours' hike from their exit point. ─── 经验丰富的向导约翰·罗本斯(最左边)正带领一支浑身湿透的队伍穿越遁世峡谷中一段布满苔藓的通道,这里离峡谷的出口点已经有几个小时的行程了。

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