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sacrilege 发音

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英:  美:

sacrilege 中文意思翻译



sacrilege 短语词组

1、sacrilege is ─── 亵渎是

2、sacrilege define ─── 亵渎

3、sacrilege bc ─── 亵渎公元前

4、sacrilege defined ─── 亵渎罪

5、sacrilege mv ─── 亵渎mv

6、sacrilege yeah yeah yeahs ─── 亵渎是的是的是的

7、sacrilege hmb ─── 亵渎hmb

8、sacrilege examples ─── 亵渎的例子

9、sacrilege tetrahedron ─── 亵渎四面体

10、sacrilege definition ─── 亵渎定义

sacrilege 词性/词形变化,sacrilege变形

名词: sacrilegist |

sacrilege 相似词语短语

1、sacring ─── n.弥撒圣别式,圣别式

2、sacrilegist ─── 亵渎者

3、sacrifide ─── 亵渎

4、sacrilegious ─── adj.该受天谴的,亵渎神明的

5、sortilege ─── n.巫术,占卜;抽签决定

6、sacrifice ─── n.牺牲;祭品;供奉;vt.牺牲;献祭;亏本出售;vi.献祭;奉献

7、sacralise ─── 牺牲

8、sacralize ─── v.使……神圣化

9、spicilege ─── 镜子

sacrilege 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"The reported act of sacrilege has shocked the people of every faith all over the world," he said. "The National Assembly condemns [this act] and demands USA to bring to justice the perpetrators who committed this shameful act." ─── 他说:“亵渎可兰经事件的报道震惊了世界上信仰各种宗教的人们。国民大会谴责这次事件并要求美国将犯下这一无耻行为的罪犯绳之以法。”

2、Stealing from a place of worship was regarded as sacrilege. ─── 礼拜的场所盗窃被认为是渎神行为。

3、"The reported act of sacrilege has shocked the people of every faith all over the world," he said. ─── 他说:“亵渎可兰经事件的报道震惊了世界上信仰各种宗教的人们。

4、She regarded the damage done to the painting as sacrilege. ─── 她认为毁坏了那幅画是大逆不道的事.

5、Andariel must be made to pay for her sacrilege! ─── 安达利尔必须为她的罪行付出代价!

6、Nowadays however, in the average suburban home, afternoon tea is likely to be just a biscuit or small cake and a mug oftea, usually produced using a teabag. Sacrilege! ─── 然而在如今,在大多数郊区居民的家中,下午茶更趋向于是简简单单的一块饼干,一小块蛋糕,以及一大杯由茶包冲泡的茶。真是可惜!

7、It is (a) sacrilege to steal a crucifix from an altar ─── 从圣坛窃取耶稣受难像是亵渎神灵的行为

8、For the crimes of sacrilege to English monasteries, his heart, liver, lungs and entrails were cast upon a fire, and, finally, his head was chopped off. ─── 而亵渎英格兰修道院圣物的罪,使他的心脏、肝脏与肠子被丢到火里焚烧,最后,华勒斯被斩首。

9、This kind of benchmarking is common among businesses but is sacrilege for the country as a whole. ─── 这种排位在商界很普遍,但是对作为整体的国家而言是大逆不道的。

10、When Mark Antony explains that Vorenus is a "stone wall Catonian" who believes they are committing a sacrilege, Caesar concedes that he may be right. ─── 安东尼向恺撒解释沃伦诺斯是一个“顽固的加图派”,他认为他们正在做的是悖理逆天的事情。

11、3. By doing so, she would risk committing a sacrilege. ─── 这样一来她就会冒亵渎神明的危险。

12、Andariel must be made to pay for her sacrilege! ─── 安达利尔必须为她的罪行付出代价!

13、Around the world, mobs of Muslims, blaming this sacrilege on the Americans, took to the streets. ─── 此举激怒了全世界的穆斯林,他们涌上街头,并将这个渎神罪名归在了美国人头上。

14、Before the Second World War, it was considered a sacrilege to even touch an Emperor of Japan. ─── 二战前,触碰日本天皇被认为是渎圣。

15、“If all Russians are the least bit like you,” he used to say to Pierre, “it is sacrilege to make war on a people like yours. ─── “假如所有的俄罗斯人都能多少有点像您这样,”他对皮埃尔说,“同您这样的人民打仗,简直是罪过,法国人使您遭受了那么多的罪,而您甚至并不仇恨他们。”

16、“Blasphemy!”cried the Old Men.“Blasphemy and sacrilege! ─── “亵渎,这是对神圣的亵渎。”

17、That is total sacrilege in my book. ─── 在我的书中,我称这是一种亵渎。

18、Oh, to choose just 10 movies is almost sacrilege but here they are in no particular order... ─── 只能挑10部电影,简直是强人所难嘛。我到底是选出来了,排名不分先后。

19、Morgan had committed a kind of sacrilege in dissolving all these hallowed dogmas into thin air. ─── 这样,把所有这些神圣教条打得粉碎的摩尔根,就是犯了某种渎圣罪。

20、It would be sacrilege to alter the composer's original markings. ─── 改动作曲家原有的符号是亵渎行为。

21、Thou that sayest a man should not commit adultery, dost thou commit adultery? thou that abhorrest idols, dost thou commit sacrilege? ─── 22你说人不可奸淫,自己还奸淫吗。你厌恶偶像,自己还偷窃庙中之物吗。

22、That bordered on sacrilege for a designer with an advertising education background. ─── 这会冒犯一个具有广告教育背景的设计师。

23、Further questioning determines that Scarlatti has obtained his wife's consent, is guilty of no form of sacrilege or crime, and that his ancestry is free of Moorish taint. ─── 从进一步的询问可以确信,斯卡拉蒂得到了他妻子的赞同,可以确信斯卡拉蒂没有任何形式的亵渎神灵、犯罪的过失,还可以确信他的血统没有被摩尔人玷污。

24、Though use make thee apt to kill me, Let not to this, selfe murder added bee, And sacrilege, three sinner in killing three. ─── 虽说出于习惯你总是想扑杀我,可是,别再给这加上自我毁灭和渎圣——杀害三命的三重罪孽。

25、Inaccurate representation of the holy is the greatest sacrilege against the holy. ─── 对神圣的不正确表达是对神圣的最大亵渎。

26、In certain parts of the state, the mention of gun control constitutes sacrilege. ─── 在州里的某几个地方,提出枪支管制就相当于是亵渎神灵。

27、the sins against religion --- sacrilege and heresy, blasphemy and perjury ─── 针对信仰的种种邪恶--亵渎神灵与异端邪说、目无上帝与违背誓言

28、While some might think it sacrilege to alter such a car, even other Bentley owners have seen the joke, he says. ─── 尽管有些人会觉得改装这么贵的一部车未免不恭,但其他开宾利的都把这件事当成一个笑话,泰然处之。

29、Putting water in brandy is (a great) sacrilege. ─── 在白兰地中掺水是 (极) 可恶的事。

30、Zaltys was loved by Saule, the sun goddess, and to kill it was sacrilege. ─── 萨勒蒂斯有太阳女神萨勒守护着,所以杀害萨勒蒂斯就是亵渎神灵。

31、Poverty was their penance, and it was considered a sacrilege to try to help those whom God had cursed. ─── 贫穷是他们赎罪的方法,人们认为帮助这些上帝诅咒的人是一种冒渎。

32、An ogre isn’t definitely the coolest living thing and the entire appearance makes us hate the package but, when we think about Shrek, the whole hatred theme seems a sacrilege. ─── 恶魔们并非都是冷冰冰的生物,虽然其总体形象使人厌恶,但是当我们想到怪物史瑞克时,它的形象看起来亵渎了恶魔们的憎恶形象。

33、"If some Stretford Enders still regard such accolades as sacrilege, it does not diminish their new-found devotion to United's ugly duckling. ─── 如果斯查福德看台还是看不上他也改变不了丑小鸭变成白天鹅的现实。

34、Thou that sayest a man should not commit adultery, dost thou commit adultery? thou that abhorrest idols, dost thou commit sacrilege? ─── 闼等瞬豢杉橐??约夯辜橐?稹D阊岫衽枷瘢?约夯雇登悦碇兄?锫稹

35、On the one hand, highway robbery, fraud, deceit, violence, sensuality, homicide, all sorts of sacrilege, every variety of crime;on the other, one thing only, innocence. ─── 一方面是抢劫、偷盗、欺诈、强暴、奸淫、杀害,形形色色的邪恶,各种各样的罪行,在另一方面,却只有一件:天真。

36、He regarded the suggestion that he should act such an undignified part as a kind of sacrilege. ─── 他认为要他扮演这个丢脸的角色实在是对他莫大的侮辱。

37、For the sake of his family, he was willing to risk offending the gods but sacrilege is a luxury that poor men can't afford.He's about to pay for his na?ve belief that he could trust Bakwerel. ─── 为了他的家,他情愿冒着触犯神灵的危险,但这个罪不是穷人能够承受得起,他要为自己对巴克威尔的天真信任付出代价。

38、Many critics consider it sacrilege to mention him in the same breath with Manolete, Belmonte, ...or Pace Camino. ─── 许多批评家认为他同迈罗利蒂,巴尔蒙蒂或帕珂 卡米诺归于同一类是渎圣。

39、"There is a kind of pleasure which comes from sacrilege or the profanation of the objects offered us for worship." ─── 有一种快乐来自于对我们应该膜拜的对象的冒犯和亵渎。

40、Boko Haram's name in the Hausa language means "Western education is sacrilege. " The group wants to impose Islamic law in northern Nigeria. ─── 博科圣地在豪萨语的意思是“西方教育是罪恶的”。这个团体想在尼日利亚北部实施伊斯兰律法。

41、be sacrilege to alter the composer's original markings. ─── 改动作曲家原有的符号是亵渎行为。

42、Besides, the temptation of God, perjury, sacrilege, and simony are bad habits which are ostensibly religious but substantially blasphemous. ─── 此外,试探天主、假誓、亵圣、亵圣交易是披上宗教外衣却实质对天主不敬的恶习。

43、Last week the bishop celebrated a "Mass of reparation" in the cathedral to make up for the sacrilege. ─── 这位主教上周在这间教堂主持一场「补偿弥撒」,以弥补此一亵渎神的行为。

44、It is (a) sacrilege to steal a crucifix from an altar . ─── 从圣坛窃取耶稣受难像是亵渎神灵的行为.

45、Though it is sacrilege, the Abbot ordered the men to retrieve the weapon for study. ─── 虽然它是亵渎圣物,方丈预定人检索研究的武器。

46、to sound like sacrilege ─── 听起来好像是亵渎

47、add a comma, and the noble sobriety of "God save the Queen "becomes a cry of desperation bordering on double sacrilege. ─── 在“上帝保佑女王”中间加个逗号,那崇高的庄严则成了绝望的呼号,简直是对双方的亵读。

48、Remember Caesar had force them from Rome and itally, which was a sacrilege. ─── 记住恺撒曾迫使他们逃离罗马和意大利,这是难以容忍的耻辱。

49、It may sound like sacrilege, but there really are security holes that do not need to be fixed or, at least, can be prioritized as a small risk, which would take an inordinate amount of work to overcome. ─── 这听起来好像是亵渎,但确实有一些安全漏洞,它们不需要改正、或者至少可以认为它们风险很小,但实际上却要花不寻常的工作量来克服。

50、To see a woman of the town spit in the mayor's face was a thing so monstrous that, in his most daring flights of fancy, he would have regarded it as a sacrilege to believe it possible. ─── 看见一个公娼唾市长的面,这种事在他的想象中确是已经荒谬到了无法想象的地步,即使只偶起一念,认为那是可能发生的事,那已可算是犯了大不敬的罪。

51、It is (a) sacrilege to steal a crucifix from an altar. ─── 从圣坛窃取耶稣受难像是亵渎神灵的行为。

52、!Everything you have ever known Kratos, will now suffer because of your sacrilege. ─── 你要知道你现在所遭受的一切是来自于你的亵渎。

53、22 Thou that sayest a man should not commit adultery, dost thou commit adultery? thou that abhorrest idols, dost thou commit sacrilege? ─── 22你说人不可奸淫,自己还奸淫吗?你厌恶偶像,自己还偷窃庙中之物吗?

54、2. Putting water in brandy is sacrilege . ─── 在白兰地中掺水是可恶的事。

55、A three-man defence would have been considered sacrilege in the days of Catenaccio, but Donadoni has his own way of doing things. ─── 三人防御在垂青战术时将被认为是种亵渎,但是多纳多尼有他自己的做事方式。

56、Inaccurate representating of the holy is the greatest sacrilege against the holy. ─── 对神圣的不正确表达是对神圣的最大亵渎。

57、It is a sacrilege to offend democracy. ─── 这是一种对民主的亵渎。

58、the sins against religion --- sacrilege and heresy, blasphemy and perjury; ─── 针对信仰的种种邪恶--亵渎神灵与异端邪说、目无上帝与违背誓言;

59、sacrilege n. ─── 亵渎圣物;

60、Mammy cried out equally loudly at the sacrilege of soldiers being permitted to sleep on Miss Ellen's rug but Scarlett was firm. ─── 嬷嬷认为让这些大兵睡在爱伦亲手编织的地毯上简直是一种亵渎行为,便大嚷大叫起来,可是思嘉仍很坚决。

61、The "Athenian Sacrilege" before the Athenian Expedition to Sicily ─── 西西里远征前的雅典渎神案

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