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08-17 投稿


dormouse 发音

英:['d??ma?s]  美:['d?rma?s]

英:  美:

dormouse 中文意思翻译



dormouse 网络释义

n. 榛睡鼠

dormouse 短语词组

1、dormouse cartoon ─── 睡鼠卡通

2、dormouse jar ─── 睡鼠罐

3、Malabar spiny dormouse ─── 马拉巴刺头睡鼠

4、dormouse llc ─── 睡鼠有限责任公司

5、Edible dormouse ─── 肥睡鼠

6、dormouse define ─── 睡鼠定义

7、dormouse alice in wonderland ─── 睡鼠爱丽丝梦游仙境

8、dormouse alice ─── 睡鼠爱丽丝

9、dormouse care ─── 睡鼠护理

dormouse 相似词语短语

1、dosshouse ─── n.廉价旅店

2、cormous ─── 肥大的

3、deer mouse ─── 鹿鼠

4、to mouse ─── 到鼠标

5、corfhouse ─── 腐败的

6、doghouse ─── n.狗窝;犬舍

7、dog-house ─── 高频高压电源屏蔽罩;鼓形罩

8、cornhouse ─── 玉米房

9、dollhouse ─── n.玩偶之家;玩具屋;儿童游乐室

dormouse 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Then the Dormouse shall!' they both cried. `Wake up, Dormouse!' And they pinched it on both sides at once. ─── “那么睡鼠应该讲一个!”三月兔和帽匠一齐喊道,“醒醒,睡鼠!”他们立刻在两边一起捅它。

2、The study was conducted in hopes of saving money by not having to accommodate protected dormouse populations by installing tunnels or rope bridges. ─── 该项研究希望能够不用采取挖掘隧道或假设吊桥的方法,同时保护榛睡鼠种群的数量,从而节省资金。

3、But, thank to the PTES’ Hazel Dormouse Biodiversity Action Plan, this species is being reintroduced to the wild. ─── 不过,感谢“信任濒危物种”组织(PTES)的“PTES榛睡鼠多样性行动计划”,这个物种正重新回归自然。

4、"Collar that dormouse," the Queen shrieked out. ─── “把那只睡鼠揪出来

5、Edible dormouse ─── 肥睡鼠(睡鼠科)

6、Alice did not wish to offend the Dormouse again, so she began very cautiously: 'But I don't understand. Where did they draw the treacle from?' ─── 爱丽丝不愿再惹睡鼠生气,于是开始小心地说:“可是我不懂,她们从哪里把糖浆取出来的呢?”

7、Alice did not wish to offend the Dormouse again, so she began very cautiously: 'But I don't understand.Where did they draw the treacle from? ─── 爱丽丝不愿再惹睡鼠生气,于是开始小心地说:“可是我不懂,她们从哪里把糖浆取出来的呢?”

8、12. For some minutes the whole court was in confusion, getting the Dormouse turned out, and, by the time they had settled down again, the cook had disappeared. ─── 整个法庭完全混乱了好几分钟,把睡鼠赶出去以后,大家才再次坐下来,这时厨师失踪了。

9、The previous governor, George Pataki, had similar ideas, but he pursued them with the audacity of a dormouse. ─── 前任州长乔治?塔基当时虽然也有类似的设想,不过他在推行类似的计划时采取的方式简直如同一只睡鼠那样肆无忌惮。

10、See how the little dormouse stores food. Watch how it makes its nest and curls up to hibernate through the long winter months. ─── 那么,快让我们看看小睡鼠是如何冬眠的,它要为漫长的冬眠做哪些准备呢?它要储存食物,构筑巢穴,然后躲进去,蜷曲身体,准备度过漫长的冬季。

11、'You might just as well say,' added the Dormouse, who seemed to be talking in his sleep, 'that "I breathe when I sleep" is the same thing as "I sleep when I breathe"!' ─── 睡鼠也像在说梦话一样说道:“那么说‘我睡觉时总要呼吸’和‘我呼吸时总在睡觉’也是一样的吗?”

12、The tiny dormouse could not suppress his delight that spring has finally come when he got to the top of this blossom. ─── 这只可爱的小睡鼠爬到了花朵的顶部,春天终于到来了,小家伙也抑制不住自己内心的欢喜。

13、The dormouse looks in quickly,then run away. ─── 再吃点水果。

14、For some minutes the whole court was in confusion, getting the Dormouse turned out, and, by the time they had settled down again, the cook had disappeared. ─── 整个法庭完全混乱了好几分钟。把睡鼠赶出去以后,大家才再次坐下来,这时厨师失踪了。

15、The dormouse is a shy, nocturnal creature. ─── 榛睡鼠是一种在夜间活动的胆小动物。

16、'Very uncomfortable for the Dormouse,' thought Alice; 'only, as it's asleep, I suppose it doesn't mind.' ─── “这睡鼠可够不舒服的了,”爱丽丝想,“不过它睡着了,可能就不在乎了。”

17、"Or I breathe when I sleep s the same as I sleep when I breathe, " added the Dormouse, which seemed to be talking in its leep. ─── “还有‘我呼吸着我当我睡觉的时候’和‘我睡觉时我呼吸着’是一样的意思了。”睡鼠也像在说梦话时的补充道。

18、Japanese dormouse ─── n. 日本睡鼠

19、At the latest dormouse release organized by the People’s Trust for Endangered Species (PTES), 11 male and 14 female Hazel Dormice were released “somewhere in Warwickshire. ─── 在这次由PTES组织的榛睡鼠放归行动中,有11只雄性榛睡鼠和14只雌性榛睡鼠被放归在“沃里克郡的某个角落”。

20、Woolly dormouse ─── n. 亚洲林睡鼠

21、'You've no right to grow here,' said the dormouse ─── “在这里你没有权利长呀!”睡鼠说。

22、More tench?A dormouse perhaps? ─── |还要多些丁鲷吗?或来只榛睡鼠?

23、Dormouse slowly opened his eyes. 'I wasn't asleep, ' he said in a hoarse, feeble voice: 'I heard every word you fellows were saying . ' ─── 睡鼠慢慢地睁开眼,嘶哑无力地说:“我没有睡,你们说的每一个字我都听着呢。”

24、'Of course they were', said the dormouse; '--well in.' ─── “当然她们是在井里啦,”睡鼠说,“还在很里面呢。”


26、'Treacle,' said the dormouse, without considering at all this time ─── “糖浆。"睡鼠这次毫不犹豫地回答。

27、' said the Dormouse, who was sitting next to her. ─── “我作不了主呀,你看我还在长呢!”

28、The Dormouse again took a minute or two to think about it, and then said, 'It was a treacle-well. ' ─── 睡鼠又想了一会,说:“因为那是一个糖浆井。”

29、To provide shelter and encourage breeding, 200 dormouse nest boxes have been placed in the woodland. ─── 为了提供庇护所,也出于鼓励这些小生命繁衍生息的考虑,林地里已经放置了200个榛睡鼠巢箱。

30、They were trying to put the dormouse into the teapot. ─── 他们正打算把睡鼠塞到茶壶里去。

31、fat dormouse ─── 乳脂差(值)

32、sh!' and the Dormouse sulkily remarked, 'If you can't be civil, you'd better finish the story for yourself.' ─── ”的声音,睡鼠生气地说:“如果你不讲礼貌,那么最好你自己来把故事讲完吧。”

33、The Dormouse slowly opened his eyes. ─── 鼠慢慢地睁开了眼睛。

34、'Sixteenth,' added the dormouse ─── “十六日。”睡鼠补充说。

35、Chinese pygmy dormouse ─── n. 猪尾鼠

36、Malabar spiny dormouse ─── n. 刺山鼠

37、Turn that Dormouse out of court! ─── 把睡鼠赶出法庭!

38、The Dormouse was still asleep, and the Hatter and the March Hare were trying to put it into the teapot. ─── 制帽人和三月兔正想法子把睡鼠塞到茶壶里去呢。

39、This dormouse is running though a meadow. In spring and summer, the meadow was full of flowers, but now it looks different. It is autumn. ─── 这只睡鼠正跑过一片草地。在春天和夏天的时候,这片草地布满了鲜花,但是现在看起来却不太一样,困为现在正是秋天。

40、Desert dormouse ─── n. 月鼠

41、Platacanthomyidae;chinese pygmy dormouse ─── 帚尾鼠科

42、The Hazel Dormouse, once widespread throughout the UK, is now vulnerable to regional extinction. ─── 历史上曾遍布英伦的榛睡鼠,如今却已濒临地区性灭绝的岌岌可危之境。

43、Loss of hedgerows and fragmentation of woodland habitat has nearly wiped out the Hazel Dormouse from Britain. ─── 篱笆缺损,林地支离破碎,榛睡鼠差不多已从英国的土地上被扫地出门。

44、' The Dormouse again took a minute or two to think about it, and then said, 'It was a treacle-well. ─── ,睡鼠又想了一会,说:“因为那是一个糖浆井。”

45、'The dormouse is asleep again,' said the Hatter, and he poured a little hot tea upon its nose ─── “睡鼠又睡着了,”帽匠说着在睡鼠的鼻子上倒了一点热茶。

46、But it is no good for dormouse,either. ─── 以后吃一个就可以了。

47、The Dormouse shook its head impatiently, and said, without opening its eyes, 'Of course, of course;just what I was going to remark myself. ─── 睡鼠立即晃了晃头,没睁开眼就说:“当然,当然,我自己正要这么说呢。”

48、Then they went to a mad tea party met Hatter, Dormouse and March rabbits. ─── 接着他们来到了一个疯狂的茶会遇见了帽匠、三月兔和睡鼠。

49、The dormouse shares his crumb of cheese,His homeward trudge the rabbits follow; ─── 睡鼠可分享他的乳酪面包屑,兔子跟着他回家艰难跋涉奔波;

50、'Treacle, ' said the Dormouse, without considering at all this time. ─── “糖浆。”睡鼠这次毫不犹豫地回答。

51、'So they were,' said the dormouse ─── “正是这样,她们都病了,病得很厉害。”

52、Hazel dormouse ─── 榛睡鼠(睡鼠科)

53、Forest dormouse ─── n. 林睡鼠

54、Fortunately, an ongoing reintroduction plan is helping to increase the numbers of Britain’s only native dormouse species. ─── 好在,一项帮助物种再次繁荣的计划正在行动,以图让这种英国仅有的本土睡鼠物种的数量有所增加。

55、'said the Dormouse, after thinking a minute or two. ─── “她们靠吃糖浆生活。”睡鼠想了一会儿说。

56、Collar that Dormouse,' the Queen shrieked out. `Behead that Dormouse! Turn that Dormouse out of court! Suppress him! Pinch him! Off with his whiskers!' ─── “掐住那个睡鼠的脖子,”王后尖叫起来,“把它斩首,把它撵出法庭,制止它,掐死它,拔掉它的络腮胡子!”

57、sh!' and the Dormouse sulkily remarked, `If you can't be civil, you'd better finish the story for yourself.' ─── 的声音,睡鼠生气地说:“如果你不讲礼貌,那么最好你自己来把故事讲完吧。”

58、'I wish you wouldn't squeeze so.' said the dormouse, who was sitting next to her, 'I can hardly breathe.' ─── “我希望你不要挤我,我透不过气来了。”坐在爱丽丝旁边的睡鼠说。

59、This time, the dormouse doesn't stop, or go in. ─── 但棕熊又大又可怕,牙也很大。

60、The Dormouse was still asleep, and the Hatter and the March Hare were trying to put it into the teapot. ─── 制帽人和三月兔正想法子把睡鼠塞到茶壶里去呢。

61、The Dormouse was asleep, and the other two were sitting very near to it, one on each side, and speaking over its head. ─── 睡鼠在睡觉,另外两个,每边一个,紧挨着睡鼠坐着,隔着睡鼠讲话。

62、A nest in a high tree is no good for it.The weather is getting colder and the dormouse knows it must sonn find somewhere to make warm nest. ─── 自己做的东西比较放心,材料,配料都买齐,想改善伙食就要独立自主,自力更生的动手。

63、He moved on as he spoke, and the Dormouse followed him: the March Hare moved into the Dormouse's place, and Alice rather unwillingly took the place of the March Hare. ─── 他说着就挪到了下一个位子上,睡鼠跟着挪了,三月兔挪到了睡鼠的位子上,爱丽丝很不情愿地坐到了三月兔的位子上。

64、The dormouse is a shy, nocturnal creature. ─── 榛睡鼠是一种在夜间活动的胆小动物。

65、'They lived on treacle, ' said the Dormouse, after thinking a minute or two. ─── “她们靠吃糖浆生活。”睡鼠想了一会儿说。

66、Garden dormouse ─── n. 园睡鼠

67、'Then the dormouse shall!' ─── “那么睡鼠应该讲一个!”

68、Next, the dormouse goes into a cave. ─── 接下来,睡鼠跑进了一个洞穴。

69、The Dormouse again took a minute or two to think about it, and then said, `It was a treacle -well.' ─── “你能够从水井里吸水,”帽匠说,你也应该想到从糖浆井里能够吸糖浆了,怎么样,傻瓜?”

70、She decided to leave.She got up and walked away and when she looked back, half hoping they would call her.They were busy trying to put the Dormouse into the tea-pot. ─── 她决定离开,于是站起来走开并回头望去,希望他们能够叫她回来,但是他们正忙着把睡鼠放到茶壶中。

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