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08-17 投稿


behindhand 发音

英:[b?'ha?ndh?nd]  美:[b?'ha?ndh?nd]

英:  美:

behindhand 中文意思翻译



behindhand 短语词组

1、behindhand crossword ─── 落后填字游戏

2、behindhand meaning ─── 落后的意思

3、behindhand definition ─── 落后定义

4、wise behindhand ─── 事后诸葛亮

5、behindhand synonym ─── 落后同义词

6、behindhand define ─── 落后定义

behindhand 相似词语短语

1、behighted ─── 目测

2、second-hand ─── n.中间人;助手;旧货;秒针

3、secondhand ─── adj.二手的;旧的;间接获得的;做旧货生意的;adv.间接地;间接听来;以旧货

4、thirdhand ─── 第三手的;(已经转过两次手而)间接得到的;(尤指质量不好的)三手货的;第三手地;经两度使用后;间接地

5、beforehand ─── adv.事先;预先;adj.提前的;预先准备好的

6、behind bars ─── 在监狱服刑

7、behind ─── prep.在……的后面;朝……后面;(某人通过房门后)在其后面;跟在……后面;幕后;在……死后;落后于;支持;是……产生的原因;成为(某人的)过去;adv.在后面较远处;留在原地;拖欠;落在后面;比分落后;不按时(完成任务);n.(非正式)屁股;射门得分

8、second hand ─── n.中间人;助手;旧货;秒针

9、behind line ─── 线后

behindhand 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He was always behindhand in his rent. ─── 他的租金总是落后。

2、be behindhand in one's work ─── 拖延工作

3、Islam now is also in behindhand level comparatively, bearing so many unreligious functions that lead the relations of politics and religion much more complicated and confusing. ─── 伊斯兰教本身仍处在相对落后的发展阶段,承载了太多的非宗教功能,使政教关系变得更加错综复杂。

4、But now the problem is still serious that Logistics system is not perfect, basicestablishment is behindhand, and material is lacking, so it doesn't fit to the request ofEC. ─── 然而国内目前的物流系统尚不完善、物流设施落后、资源匾乏、技术手段更新慢等问题依然严重,根本无法满足电子商务的要求。

5、Now, live with close the door, I say the words behindhand. ─── 现在关着门过日子,我说那落后的话呢。

6、Send a gender behindhand or not completeness face paralysis, answer to guard cure actively, but when producing nerve denaturation, answer instantly operation cure. ─── 迟发性或不完全性面瘫,应积极保守治疗,但发生神经变性时应立即手术治疗。

7、He got behindhand in / with his work. ─── 他未能如期完成工作。

8、be behindhand ─── 拖欠拖延延搁

9、However, their romantic dream is untimely to the behindhand country, which is an inevitable circumstance about Chinese modernization. ─── 这也正是中国现代化的必然文化境遇。

10、In behindhand west,we should use market mechanism of mainboard and hypoboard to walk capital road to brace up west economy. ─── 在落后的西部,应积极利用主板和二板市场的市场机制,走资本之路振兴西部经济。

11、be behindhand in ─── 拖欠着; 在 ... 方面落后

12、He is never behindhand in offering advice, ie is always eager to advise . ─── 他向别人提出劝告从来都很及时(一向热衷于劝人).

13、So we should change the behindhand situation and resolve the two main problems as soon as possible. ─── 因而,改变国内的落后现状和解决两大问题刻不容缓。

14、I feel sympathy for your behindhand living condition. ─── 我同情你有落后的居住条件。

15、and who vented her rage upon me when my father was behindhand in remitting her money. ─── 我父亲的汇款迟迟未到时,她就拿我出气泄愤。

16、Our country's agriculture websites develop very quickly,but there are a lot of problems in them which are aroused by the behindhand infrastructural co nstruction and empty of agriculture information. ─── 我国农业网站发展迅速,但是问题突出,主要是我国网络基础设施建设比较落后、农业信息‘虚和空’等原因引起的。

17、This methodical record thus contained an account of everything needed, and Mr Fogg always knew whether he was behindhand or in advance of his time ─── 这种分栏的旅行日记能使人一目了然,福克先生随时随地都知道是早到了还是迟到了。

18、But, at present, the R&D of the domestic EPS is behindhand, and all the EPS used in vehicles has no independent knowledge property right. ─── 当前国内在EPS的研究和产业化方面还比较落后,没有形成具有自主知识产权的EPS产品。

19、One of the main reasons for the gap is attributed to our behindhand cathode technique. ─── 本文对铝电解槽内衬应力和热平衡设计、阴极材料质量和焙烧方法等阴极技术问题进行了描述和分析。

20、As the behindhand area in Zhujiang River Delta, Sanshui has the advantage of backwardness. ─── 三水作为珠江三角洲后发地区,拥有明显的后发优势。

21、They are always behindhand with their payment . ─── 他们总是逾期付款。

22、Results The infrastructure building of village medical rooms was behindhand and the health workers' ability of chronic diseases prevention and treatment need to improve. ─── 结果:农村卫生室基础设施比较落后,卫生人员慢病防治能力有待提高;

23、Sonya was finishing dressing, so was the countess; but Natasha, who had been busily looking after every one, was behindhand. ─── 索尼娅快要穿好衣裳,伯爵夫人也快要穿好衣裳,可是娜塔莎因为替大家操劳,落后了。

24、The way of adjustment in economic law shows strongly economic duty and character of behindhand. ─── 经济法的法律调整方式具有附带极强经济性的义务性和主要事后性;

25、I feel sympathy for your behindhand living condition. ─── 我同情你有落后的居住条件。

26、He did not want to be behindhand in generosity. ─── 他不愿在慷慨大方方面落于人后。

27、We're a month behindhand with the rent. ─── 我们的租金已经拖欠了一个月了。

28、the long passing channel of cost information and behindhand managing measures result in distorting information, etc. ─── 成本信息传递路线长,处理手段落后等原因造成信息失真等。

29、China is a developing country with a huge population ,less economic basis , undeveloped economy,and especially many behindhand villages. ─── 中国是一个发展中国家,人口多,底子薄,经济不发达,农村尤其不发达.

30、Consistent convulsion sex dysmenorrhoea happens after begin occurrence regularity dysmenorrhoea or coming 25 years old behindhand, all should consider to other and unusual situation exists. ─── 如一开始出现规律性痛经或迟至25岁后发生痉挛性痛经,均应考虑有其他异常情况存在。

31、be behindhand with one's rent [payment] ─── 房租 [支付款项] 拖欠着

32、Additional, besides open sell the motive of field the element besides, answer a paragraph to had made the appearance that supermarket of a few building materials puts generally behindhand. ─── 另外,除了开设卖场的动机因素之外,回款迟已经成为一些建材超市普遍存的现象。

33、behindhand in one's circumstance ─── 入不敷出

34、My menstruation came behindhand two months, become aware oneself are alvine and left lower part has nugget this again, press press have keenly feel, what problem won't have? ─── 我的月经迟来了两个月,这次又觉得自己小腹左侧下方有硬块,摁摁有痛感,不会有什么问题吧?

35、Credit Consumption Survey Shows that Our Countryman's Idea Is Behindhand yet ─── 信贷消费调查显示:国人意识尚差

36、His business faculty is small, and he is behindhand in his circumstances. ─── 他的经商才干有限,他已捉襟见肘。

37、Due to behindhand dust removal technology, the treatment of high-temperature flue gas is always difficult. ─── 高温烟气除尘技术落后,造成高温烟气污染治理处于十分尴尬的处境。

38、I think he will be at least twenty days behindhand, and that Lord Albemarle will lose a cool five thousand. ─── 照我估计,他至少要比预定的时间迟到二十天,那个阿尔拜马尔老爵士也少不了要赔上他那五千英镑!

39、wise behindhand ─── 事后聪明

40、behindhand with ─── 在

41、They were behindhand in settling their debts. ─── 他们没有及时还清债务。

42、He is never behindhand in offering advice, ie is always eager to advise. ─── 他向别人提出劝告从来都很及时(一向热衷於劝人).

43、be behindhand with the rent ─── 欠租

44、The develop level of china which is relative simplification and lag determine that the investigative status of china is behindhand, which lack systemic and in-depth research. ─── 我国注册会计师职业服务市场的单一、低层次化发展水平决定了注册会计师非审计服务在我国的研究状况是相对滞后的,缺乏系统和深入的研究。

45、aim is to provided some feasibility idea of low cost environment space art for economy behindhand region. ─── 旨在为经济落后地区地方化的低造价环境艺术空间建设方面提供一些可行的思路。

46、Long range data transmit of environmental monitoring has been applied in HeiLongJiang province for many years,but the transmit equipments are aging and unstable,the tronsmit method is behindhand. ─── 我省环境监测的远程数据传输也应用多年,但目前普遍存在着设备老化、传输手段落后、设备运行不稳定等状况,急需对现有系统进行换代或改造。

47、You were behindhand with your rent this month. ─── 本月你拖欠了房租。

48、I think he will be at least twenty days behindhand, and that Lord Albemarle will lose a cool five thousand.' ─── 照我估计,他至少要比预定的时间迟到二十天,那个阿尔拜马尔老爵士也少不了要赔上他那五千英镑!”

49、Does summer eat cold drink menstruation to come behindhand is a month normal? ─── 夏天吃冷饮月经迟来一个月正常吗?

50、the long passing channel of cost information and behindhand managing measures result in distorting information, etc. ─── 成本信息传递路线长,处理手段落后等原因造成信息失真等。

51、The patient rests by day more, although sleep to wake early behindhand in night, but, totalMorpheusTime still as about the same as normal person. ─── 白天病人休息较多,尽管夜里迟睡早醒,但是,总的睡眠时间仍与正常人差不多。

52、Often shed nosebleed recently. And menstruation comes behindhand, , ─── 最近老流鼻血.而且月经迟来

53、behindhand with her car payments; ─── 迟迟才付清她购买汽车的费用;

54、Does menstruation come behindhand is a month normal really? ─── 月经迟来一个月真的正常吗?

55、He fell behind with his mortgage payments; a month behind in the rent; a company that has been run behindhand for years; in arrears with their utility bills. ─── 他没有按时付抵押款;租期过后的一个月;一个非常落后的公司;拖欠他们的设备款。

56、I think he will be at least twenty days behindhand, and that Lord Albemarle will lose a cool five thousand. ─── 的牌价已经不再是一百比一,它上涨到了二十比一,十比一,五比一了。半身不遂的阿尔拜马尔老爵士甚至以一比一的高价收买这种股票。

57、The basic situation of China is that large population,few cultival land,the everage source of people is conparatively unenough,the economy and culture is behindhand. ─── 人口多,耕地少,人均资源相对不足,经济文化比较落后,这是中国的基本国情。

58、at present, the logistic business in China is on a behindhand condition at the aspect of infrastructure,management, cost, conception, method and theory. ─── 目前中国现代物流业无论从基础设施、经营管理、成本水平、以及观念、方法和理论研究方面还处于相对落后的状况。

59、What reason is menstruation comes behindhand? ─── 月经迟来是什么原因?

60、Is menstruation came behindhand how? ─── 月经迟来了是怎么了?

61、He was behindhand in his ideas. ─── 他的思想是落伍。

62、Sonya was finishing dressing, so was the countess;but Natasha, who had been busily looking after every one, was behindhand. ─── 索尼娅快要穿好衣裳,伯爵夫人也快要穿好衣裳,可是娜塔莎因为替大家操劳,落后了。

63、Due to the behindhand economic and natural limit, all the problems about water shortage, water quality safety and non-convenient transportation need be settled immediately. ─── 由于落后的经济自然条件限制,如何妥善解决关于水资源短缺,水质安全保障和不发达的交通问题都是当务之急。

64、There are so many economical problems in the Northeast of China,which dues to the behindhand industrial technology. ─── 东北经济目前面临着诸多问题,但其根本原因是产业技术落后。

65、Facing the severe competitions in the hotel field, Hotels in china, who want to remain invincible in competitions, need to improve the behindhand way of cost management. ─── 面对酒店业日趋激烈的竞争,要想在竞争中立于不败之地,就应对现有较落后的成本管理方法进行改进。

66、He did not want to be behindhand in generosity. ─── 他不愿在慷慨大方方面落于人后。

67、The manufacturer has informed us that owing to an unexpected rise in demand, they have not been able to cope with orders and are behindhand with some deliveries. ─── 制造商通知我方,由于需求意外上涨,他们一直无法应付积压的订货,并已延误不少交期。

68、Basically alleviate behindhand with depressed mental state, thinking volitional activity drops give priority to, most case of illness still is put in all sorts of body symptoms. ─── 主要以抑郁心境、思维迟缓和意志活动减退为主,多数病例还存在各种躯体症状。

69、The behindhand level of the public toilets administration and the undeveloped building design is conduced by which People in China always ignored the problem of toilets before. ─── 过去在我国,厕所一直是一个比较隐晦的话题,厕所卫生、环境和管理的种种问题长期无人问津,使得公共厕所的管理水平滞后,建筑设计水平长期得不到发展。

70、Modern agricultural equipments and technologies are behindhand. ─── 现代农业装备技术相对落后。

71、Even if we admit that fortune has favoured him, he can scarcely have reached America.I think he will be at least twenty days behindhand, and that Lord Albemarle will lose a cool five thousand. ─── 他会不会在12月21号星期六晚上八点四十五分,象一尊“准确之神”出现在改良俱乐部大厅的门口呢?

72、This methodical record thus contained an account of everything needed, and Mr Fogg always knew whether he was behindhand or in advance of his time. ─── 因为他说有急事,所以领事就马上接见了他。“领事先生,”费克斯第一句话就谈上本题,“我早就料到这个贼会在蒙古号上。”

73、My menstruation came 4 days behindhand, excuse me influential? ─── 我的月经迟来了4天,请问有影响吗?

74、If meet cloudy day, flower can come behindhand nightly ability wither, just wither in the morning the following day even sometimes. ─── 若逢阴天,花朵会迟至夜间才凋,有时甚至第二天早晨方谢。





1,缓慢,defer, supercilious, tardiness



4,缓慢的, slow-motion, adagio, andante,

5,迟缓的,delay, postpone, put off, relaxed, revive

6,落后的backward, behindhand, laggard,

7,迟钝的,agginginert, laggard, lagging, sluggish, stolid


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