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Carlovingian 网络释义

adj. 加洛林王朝(法兰克王国的第二个王朝)的n. 法国卡洛林王朝的人

Carlovingian 短语词组

1、Carlovingian dynasty ─── [网络] 卡罗琳王朝

Carlovingian 相似词语短语

1、Carlovingian ─── adj.加洛林王朝(法兰克王国的第二个王朝)的;n.法国卡洛林王朝的人

2、Merovingian ─── n.梅罗文加王朝的王;adj.梅罗文加王朝的

3、Gallovidian ─── n.加罗韦人;adj.加罗韦的

4、Merovingians ─── 莫洛温人

5、Carolingian ─── adj.(与)法国卡洛林王朝(有关)的;卡洛林小草书体的;n.卡洛林王朝的人

6、Marlovian ─── 马尔洛夫的

7、Carlovingians ─── 雕刻师。

8、salpingian ─── adj.输卵管的;耳咽管的;咽鼓管的

9、Carolingians ─── 卡洛林王朝

Carlovingian 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"The reign of the German Otto I (the Great), who greatly enlarged the empire and revived the imperial title after Carolingian decline, is sometimes regarded as the Beginning of the empire." ─── 德意志国王奥托一世在位时,大为扩张帝国版图,继而掌控他的盟友,所以有时被视为神圣罗马帝国的开端时期。

2、"Under Pippin's son Charlemagne, the Carolingian realm was extended into Germany and Italy." ─── 其子查理曼征服整个高卢,并把势力延伸到日耳曼及意大利。

3、The Convent of St Gall, a perfect example of a great Carolingian monastery, was, from the 8th century to its secularization in 1805, one of the most important in Europe. ─── 从公元8世纪至1805年脱离宗教影响,圣加尔修道院一直是欧洲最重要的建筑之一,是卡洛林王朝时期修道院建筑风格的完美再现。

4、A vertical element marking the crossing on the exterior of churches, beginning with the Carolingian period and thereafter. ─── 一种表现教堂外立面交叉特征的垂直方向上的要素,自卡洛林王朝时代开始运用。

5、Frank's Carolingian Dynasty and Christianity: Their Mergence and Win-Win Phase ─── 试论法兰克加洛林王朝与基督教的融合和双赢

6、In the year 911, East Frank’s The Last Emperor Carolingian Empire after the death of free people, Frank Kent Conrad I was elected King, Frank East Empire began the transition to the German Reich. ─── 公元911年,东法兰克帝国的末代皇帝卡洛林死后无嗣,法兰克公爵康拉德一世被选为国王,东法兰克帝国开始向德意志帝国过渡。

7、king of the Franks(768-814) and founder of the first empire in western Europe after the fall of Rome. His court at Aix-la-Chapelle became the center of a cultural rebirth in Europe,known as the Carolingian Renaissance ─── 查理曼,法兰克国王(768-814年),而且是罗马灭亡后西欧第一个帝国的创始人,他在艾克斯拉沙佩勒的宫廷成为欧洲文化复兴的中心,因加洛林文艺复兴而闻名

8、On the site of a 9th-century Carolingian palace, it became a free imperial city in the 14th century.Population, 110,666. ─── 在9世纪时加洛琳王朝宫殿的遗址上,14世纪时成为自由帝国城市。

9、the Carolingian Renaissance ─── 加洛林文艺复兴

10、Treaty partitioning the Carolingian empire among the three surviving sons of Louis I the Pious. ─── 加洛林帝国分给皇帝虔诚的路易一世的三个儿子的条约。

11、carolingian minuscule ─── 加洛林体

12、The Growth and Decline of the Carolingian Empire ─── 法国加洛林王朝的兴衰

13、Who stupidly sealed that heavy anachronism of stone in the Carlovingian pavement of Hercandus? ─── 是谁愚蠢地把那块不同年代的笨重石头硬砌在埃尔·康迪斯的加洛林王朝的石板地里呢?

14、Carolingian Renaissance, as a noticeable cultural event in the early Medieval West, laid the foundation of Western thought and knowledge, and was known as the First Awakening of Europe. ─── “加洛林文艺复兴”是西欧中世纪早期非常引人注目的文化事件。这次复兴因在一定程度上奠定了后世西方精神和知识领域的基础,而被誉为西方世界的“第一次觉醒”。

15、After the Carolingian decline, it became a powerful feudal duchy, which by the 10th century controlled much of France south of the Loire. ─── 加洛林王朝没落后,亚奎丹在10世纪时成为一强盛的公爵领地,控制了法国南部的罗亚尔河流域。

16、The article attempts to reveal the cause, process, and the effect of the Carolingian Renaissance from the perspective of the mutual relationships between Christianity and Carolingian Renaissance . ─── 本文从基督教与“加洛林文艺复兴”这一互动关系的角度,来考察“加洛林文艺复兴”兴起的原因、进程,以及对后世的影响。

17、In short, Carolingian Renaissance bridged the preceding and the following, and laid a solid foundation for the subsequent renaissance. ─── 在西欧文化史中,“加洛林文艺复兴”所扮演的承上启下的作用,为欧洲以后的复兴奠定了坚实的基础。

18、The foundation of the jury system goes back a thousand years to the French empire of the Carolingian kings. ─── 美国陪审制度带有很大的美国司法特性,它和选举制度一起构成了美国民主的基础。

19、Who stupidly sealed that heavy anachronism of stone in the Carlovingian pavement of Hercandus? ─── 是谁愚蠢地把那块不同年代的笨重石头硬砌在埃尔康迪斯的加洛林王朝的石板地里呢?

20、3.Resumed only with the Carolingian renovatio of the VIIIth and IXth centuries, the transept created a Latin cross of the plan and was thereafter a regular feature of many western medieval churches. ─── 由于宗教仪式日趋复杂,圣品人增多,扩建耳堂为圣品人专用,大一点的也分中厅和侧廊,其地下是圣人的坟墓。

21、the Carolingian Dynasty ─── 加洛林王朝

22、Carolingian Dynasty ─── 卡洛林王朝

23、The Medieval European culture was Christian culture in substance, the beginning of which was from the Carolingian Renaissance. ─── 西欧中世纪文化从本质上来说就是基督教文化,其奠基是从“加洛林文艺复兴”开始的。

24、A city of southern France on the Garonne River southeast of Bordeaux.Originally part of Roman Gaul, it was the capital of the Visigoths (419-507) and the Carolingian kingdom of Aquitaine (781-843). ─── 图卢兹:法国南部一城市,位于加龙河沿岸,波尔多东南。

25、King of the Franks(768-814) and founder of the first empire in western Europe after the fall of Rome. His court at Aix-la-Chapelle became the center of a cultural rebirth in Europe, known as the Carolingian Renaissance. ─── 查理曼法兰克国王(768-814年),而且是罗马灭亡后西欧第一个帝国的创始人,他在艾克斯拉沙佩勒的宫廷成为欧洲文化复兴的中心,因加洛林文艺复兴而闻名

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