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08-17 投稿


corselet 发音

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corselet 中文意思翻译



corselet 短语词组

1、corselet armor ─── 紧身胸衣

2、corselet armour ─── 盔甲

3、corselet gorge ─── 紧身胸衣峡谷

4、corselet meaning ─── 紧身衣的含义

5、corselet define ─── 紧身胸衣

6、corselet 1955 ─── 紧身胸衣1955

corselet 词性/词形变化,corselet变形


corselet 相似词语短语

1、osselet ─── 奥塞莱特

2、corselette ─── n.妇女胸衣

3、corselets ─── n.胸衣,妇女的胸衣;盔甲

4、corslets ─── n.甲胄;体甲

5、corset ─── n.(妇女用的)束腹,紧身褡;(中世纪流行的)紧身外套;(非正式)限制;v.给……穿上束腹;严格控制;n.(Corset)(美、法、瑞、秘、俄、阿、埃)科尔塞(人名)

6、covelet ─── Covelet公司

7、corslet ─── n.甲胄;体甲

8、corbeled ─── n.托臂;枕梁;vt.给…装上托臂;支撑;n.(Corbel)人名;(法)科贝尔

9、corseted ─── adj.穿着胸衣的;带有胸衣的;v.给…穿紧身胸衣;严格控制(corset的过去分词)

corselet 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Imagine to yourself a Don Quixote of eighteen; a Don Quixote without his corselet, without his coat of mail, without his cuisses; ─── 想象自己是个十八岁唐吉诃德,没有他的甲胄一唐吉诃德,没有他的邮件没有他cuisses大衣;

2、Stoniness of human makes us feel quite lonely in the noisy world, just like wearing thick corselet. ─── 人情的冷漠,使我们在社会中穿上了厚厚的铠甲,身处闹市却异常孤独。

3、Although most of their scales have been lost, tunas and mackerels retain a patch of coarse scales near the head called the corselet. ─── 虽然它们的大部分鳞片已经消失,但金枪鱼和鲭鱼头部附近仍保留着一块粗糙的鳞片,称为胸甲。

4、Stoniness of human makes us feel quite lonely in the noisy world, just like wearing thick corselet. ─── 人情的冷漠,使我们在社会中穿上了厚厚的铠甲,身处闹市却异常孤独。

5、Cutlass and corselet of steel, and his trusty sword of Damascus. ─── 钢刀,盔甲,和他素来倚重的大马士革利剑。

6、5 Who can strip off his outer garment, or penetrate his double corselet? ─── 谁能揭开它的外衣,谁能穿透它双层的鳞甲?

7、corselet A densely scaled area in certain tuna-like fishes usually behind the pectoral fins. ─── 甲胄在鲔鱼之类的鱼类,其胸鳍后方鳞片密集的部位。

8、up time-worn winding stairs, past men-at-arms in casquet and corselet of steel, darting threatening looks through their vizards; ─── 走上一段转弯抹角的古老石级,经过身着钢盔铁甲的武士,他们从盔里射出恐吓的目光;

9、Although most of their scales have been lost, tunas and mackerels retain a patch of coarse scales near the head called the corselet. ─── 虽然大部分的鱼鳞都脱落了,但是金枪鱼和马鲛鱼在他们的头部附近保留了一些粗糙的可叫做盔甲的鱼鳞。

10、Follow the lead of of corselet style dress the skirt of 19 centuries fits a style, those who emphasize bosom and hip is curvaceous, protruding shows elegant color of the female. ─── 紧身胸衣式连衣裙效仿了十九世纪的裙装风格,强调胸与臀部的曲线美,凸现女性的典雅风格。

11、One of work with this the best field, it is the skirt joining a body of corselet type, the skirt of big drape is placed undertake the edge is handled closing, just like fills put flower. ─── 本场最棒的作品之一,是紧身胸衣式的连身裙,大褶皱的裙摆进行收边处理,宛如一朵盛放的鲜花。

12、unbelted corselet ─── 不束带紧胸衣

13、boned corselet ─── 骨箍紧身甲

14、A cuirass or corselet worn by Roman soldiers. ─── 铠甲罗马士兵穿的胸甲或盔甲

15、Cutlass and corselet of steel, and his trusty sword of Damascus, ─── 钢刀,盔甲,和他素来倚重的大马士革利剑,

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