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08-17 投稿


edible 发音

英:[?ed?b(?)l]  美:[?ed?b(?)l]

英:  美:

edible 中文意思翻译




edible 同义词

appetizing | good |eatable | palatable | esculent | pabulum | fit | delicious | dietetic | eat | consumable | to | victuals | comestible | victual

edible 词性/词形变化,edible变形


edible 常用词组

edible oil ─── 食用油

edible fungus ─── 食用菌;木耳

edible fungi ─── 食用菌;食用真菌学

edible 反义词


edible 短语词组

1、edible fat ─── 食用脂肪

2、edible nut ─── [网络] 食用坚果

3、Edible bird's nest ─── 燕窝

4、edible fruit ─── [网络] 可吃果实;食用水果

5、edible cockle ─── [网络] 可食用的鸟蛤

6、edible bean ─── [网络] 葛;食用豆

7、edible-pod pea ─── [网络] 食用豆豌豆

8、Edible-Nest Swiftlet ─── 可食用-最好的斯威夫特

9、edible seed ─── [网络] 可食用种子

10、Haitian edible rat ─── 海地可食用老鼠

11、edible salt ─── 食用盐

12、Edible nest Swiftlet ─── 可食用巢斯威弗特

13、edible corn ─── [网络] 可食玉米

14、edible asparagus ─── [网络] 食用芦笋

15、edible sea urchin ─── [网络] 食用海胆

16、edible snail ─── 食用蜗牛

17、edible mussel ─── [医]淡菜

18、edible-podded pea ─── [网络] 可食豆豌豆

19、edible banana ─── [网络] 可食香蕉

edible 相似词语短语

1、erodible ─── adj.受过腐蚀的;易受侵蚀的

2、credible ─── adj.可靠的,可信的

3、educible ─── adj.可引出的;可推断的;可演绎的

4、inedible ─── adj.不能吃的

5、evadible ─── 可规避的

6、eludible ─── adj.可躲避的

7、edibles ─── n.可食物;食用品(edible的复数)

8、elidible ─── 可削减的;可删节的;可略去的;可省略的

9、editable ─── adj.可编辑的

edible 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The stem of some plants are edible like potatoes and carrots. ─── 一些植物的茎可以食用,比如马铃薯和胡萝卜。

2、Is linseed oil edible? ─── 亚麻籽油可以食用吗?

3、Abstract: Termitomyces Heim is a kind of precious edible fungus. ─── 文摘:鸡菌是一类珍贵的食用菌。

4、Do health people need edible ferment too? ─── 健康人也需要食用酵素吗?

5、The shoots are edible, and the plants are cultivated for ornament. ─── 嫩枝是食用的,并且植株对于具纹饰栽培的。

6、Shandong Foodstuff And Edible Oil Group Gorp. Rizhao Branch. ─── 山东省粮油集团总公司日照分公司。

7、What fruity is there skin cannot edible? ─── 有哪些水果的皮不能食用呢?

8、Edible seeds of various pod-bearing plants. ─── 各种可食用的豆荚植物的种子。

9、Old World star of Bethlehem having edible young shoots. ─── 旧大陆的一种虎眼万年青,具有可食的幼苗。

10、"Peanuts produce edible oil," said my elder brother. ─── 哥哥说:“花生可以制油。”

11、Mediterranean thistlelike plant widely cultivated for its large edible flower head. ─── 地中海蓟状植物,种植广泛,巨大的头状花序可食。

12、Langfang Zhengzhang Edible Oil Co., Ltd. ─── 廊坊正张食用油有限公司。

13、Take some edible food when you go there. ─── 你去那儿时带些吃的。

14、Chinese sedge yielding edible bulb-shaped tubers. ─── 中国的一种苔草,结可食的球状块茎。

15、Winston Churchill, and actual edible gold leaf in there. ─── 它这么值钱的原因,果然是在里面加了金叶。

16、Of today's rice and dish and ancestral place edible same? ─── 今天的米饭和菜肴与祖先所食用的是否一样?

17、The food of daily edible is acidity food more very. ─── 日常食用的食物很多是酸性食物。

18、The edible seeds are referred to as cashew nuts. ─── 可食用的种子被称为腰果。

19、FDA sampled edible fish tissue, as well as feed, from both farms. ─── 抽样林业局组织食用鱼类,以及饲料,从农场。

20、They should be preferably of a colour that distinguishes them from containers used for edible meat products. ─── 这种集装箱的颜色最好与用于可食用肉类产品的集装箱颜色区分开来。

21、North American herb with poisonous root stock and edible though insipid fruit. ─── 北美的一种草本植物,其根有毒,果实可食用但平淡无味。

22、Connect the edible on the island also enough it has been a year since we ate and go out to buy all absence not. ─── 就连岛上的食物也足够我们吃一年了,出去采买都不必。

23、In fact, cup noodles containers include a edible wax! ─── 原来,杯面的容器里包含一种可食用的蜡!

24、thallium content of chook is also lower than safe edible value. ─── 鸡不同部位的铊含量均低于铊的安全食用标准。

25、North American mulberry having dark purple edible fruit. ─── 北美桑树,深紫色果实,可食。

26、South American shrub having edible greenish plumlike fruit. ─── 南美洲的一种灌木,果实类似李子、红色带绿、可食。

27、Guangzhou pangyu Grain and Edible Oil Purchasing and Selling CO., LTD. ─── 广州市番禺区粮油购销有限公司。

28、North American walnut tree with hard dark wood and edible nut. ─── 北美胡桃树,有硬的黑木和可食用的果实。

29、Companies can also add print to the cups with edible ink. ─── 公司也可以用可食用墨水在杯子上加上图案。

30、Some tribes along the western Great Lakes collected a tall grass with an edible grain, referred to as a wild rice. ─── 有些部落沿西部大湖区收集了草丛的食用粮,被称为野生稻。

31、Mexican black cherry tree having edible fruit. ─── 墨西哥一种黑色的樱桃树,果实可食。

32、The edible on the table is all similar each time she likes, white fu ling sees in the eye, disgust just a little dissipation some. ─── 桌上的食物每一样都是她喜欢的,白茯苓看在眼里,怨气稍稍消散了些。

33、The edible stem, leaf, or root of Angelica archangelica. ─── 圆当归圆当归的可食的、叶或根

34、They can be used as edible films or surface coatings on the polyolefin films. ─── 壳聚糖涂层复合薄膜用于活性包装具有巨大的潜力。

35、Any of various edible crustaceans similar to but larger than the shrimps. ─── 对虾一种类似于虾但比虾大的可食甲壳纲动物

36、Termitomyces Heim is a kind of famous and precious edible fungus. ─── 摘要鸡(土从)菌是一类世界著名珍贵食用菌。

37、The edible, yellow-orange fruit of this tree. ─── 杏这种树的可食的橙黄色果子

38、Zhalute Banner Zhengda Grain And Edible Oil Trading Co., Ltd. ─── 扎鲁特旗正达粮油贸易有限公司。

39、Chilean shrub bearing coral-red fruit with an edible seed resembling a hazelnut. ─── 智利灌木,有珊瑚红的果实,有象榛实的可食用的种子。

40、It is said seaweeds are edible. ─── 据说,海藻是可以吃的。

41、Wild edible plants of Guangxi. ─── 广西野生食用植物。

42、Mediterranean tree widely cultivated for its edible fruit. ─── 地中海的一种树,因其可食用的果实而广泛栽培。

43、This species is cultivated for its edible rhizomes and seeds. ─── 本种栽培以收获其食用的根茎和种子。

44、It's incredible that the editor's editorial in this edition is edible. ─── 本版中的编辑社论可以食用让人难以置信。

45、East Indian tree with thick leathery leaves and edible fruit. ─── 东印度树种,厚重的革质树叶,果实可食。

46、An edible snail, especially one prepared as an appetizer or entr闲. ─── 一种开胃食品,作为一顿饭的第一道菜供应。

47、It provided new method for distilling of natural edible pigment. ─── 为天然色素的提取提供了一条新的途径。

48、The edible, dark red berry of this plant. ─── 扬氏杂交梅浆果这种植物的可食用深红色浆果

49、I haven't seen the fruit of cotoneaster before. Is it edible? ─── 我还没见过栒子,能吃吗?

50、Any of various similar or related small edible fishes. ─── 一种类似的或相关的小的可食用的鱼

51、The edible seeds of certain pod-bearing plants, such as peas and beans. ─── 如豌豆和豆类等某些结荚植物的可食性种子

52、East Indian tree cultivated for its immense edible fruit and seeds. ─── 东印度树种,浓密的可食果实和树叶。

53、Unfit to be eaten;not edible. ─── 不可食的不适合食用的;

54、Also they live in open fields where there is lots of edible vegetation. ─── 而且,它们生活在开阔的田野里,那里有很多可食用的植物。

55、Suitable for eating; edible. ─── 可食用的适合食用的,可食的

56、The edible heart, liver, or gizzard of a fowl. ─── 内脏杂件鸡的可食用的心、肝或胗

57、Stop! They're not edible! They're just for decoration! ─── 且慢!它们不能吃!它们只是用来装饰的!

58、During be pregnant can edible helix alga? ? ? ─── 怀孕期间能食用螺旋藻么???

59、Tricholoma is in more than 10 kinds of edible fungi are delicious. ─── 口蘑属中有10多种都是味美的食用真菌。

60、Some mushrooms are edible; some are poisonous. ─── 有些蘑菇可食用; 有些则有毒。

61、Asiatic herb cultivated for its short pods with one or two edible seeds. ─── 亚洲的一种草本植物,现广部于西部球,短荚具一粒或两粒种子。

62、The edible flesh of animals, especially that of mammals as opposed to that of fish or poultry. ─── (可食用的)肉可食用肉,尤指(与鱼或家禽不同的)哺乳动物的肉

63、Why is edible pollen met gastralgia? ─── 为什么食用花粉会胃痛?

64、That's how much butter it takes to create this edible artwork. ─── 这些黄油足以用来完成这件可以吃的艺术品。

65、McManus's edible robots made an appearance -- and a disappearance. ─── 奶酪条尽管柔韧性好,但容易变形。

66、North American hickory having loose gray shaggy bark and edible nuts. ─── 北美山胡桃树,有蓬松的灰色的表面粗糙的树皮和可食用的果儿。

67、The edible pod or seed of any of several beans, especially the kidney bean. ─── 扁豆尤指菜豆等可食性豆荚或子

68、This species provides timber and edible seeds. ─── 本种提供木材和食用的种子。

69、Unfit to be eaten; not edible. ─── 不可食的不适合食用的;不能吃的

70、He foraged for wild fruits and berries and other edible plants. ─── 他依靠野果和其他可吃的植物维持生命。

71、Kut'ien new discipline edible fungus, civilized world. ─── 古田新纪食用菌,文明天下。

72、Title: Tissue Culture of Edible Cactus (Opuntia milpa Alta. ─── 关键词:米邦塔;组织培养;增殖;生根

73、The expert returns a proposal, this bullfrog had better not edible. ─── 专家还建议,此牛蛙最好不要食用。

74、Edible roots; an edible mushroom. ─── 可食根; 一种可食用蘑菇

75、The properties of edible arbutus pigment are studied in the paper. ─── 对食用天然杨梅色素的性质进行了研究 .

76、Some Chinese people seem to enjoy edible bird's nest a lot. ─── 有些中国人似乎很享受燕窝的美味。

77、The cannon of hoofed mammals are edible. ─── 偶蹄动物的小腿可以食用。

78、meat of the herbivore is, in comparison, far more edible and smell wise. ─── 相比之下,食草动物的肉更易食用,闻起来更美味。

79、Some of the algae are edible. ─── 有些藻类是可以吃的。

80、North American forest tree with light green leaves and edible nuts. ─── 北美的一种森林乔木,淡绿色叶,坚果可食。

81、American and Asiatic trees having edible one-seeded fruit. ─── 有可食用核果状果实的美洲和亚洲的一个乔木属。

82、Throw that tainted meat away; it's not edible. ─── 把那块腐烂的肉扔掉,不能再吃了。

83、Asiatic plant grown for its cluster of edible white stalks with dark green leaves. ─── 亚洲的植物,具有一丛可以吃的白茎和暗绿色的叶。

84、An edible, mild - flavored seaweed. ─── 可食海草一种可食的,淡味海草

85、I eat everything that is edible. ─── 我吃食品的每件事物。

86、And the edible safety was studied by the methods of toxicology. ─── 急性毒理实验表明,该色素属于无毒物。

87、Edible wild herbs kept us from dying of starvation. ─── 我们靠着野菜才没被饿死。

88、Are kernels of apricots edible? ─── 杏仁能吃吗?

89、Chitin is the only one positively charged nature of the edible animals, cellulose is different from the normal diet food. ─── 甲壳素是自然界唯一一种带正电的可食性动物纤维素,不同于一般减肥食品。

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