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08-17 投稿


clinching 发音

英:[?kl?nt???]  美:[?kl?nt???]

英:  美:

clinching 中文意思翻译



clinching 短语词组

1、clinching meaning ─── 紧扣的意思

2、clinching sentence examples ─── 扣人心弦的例句

3、clinching oil ─── 铆接油

4、clinching machine ─── 铆接机

5、clinching die ─── 锁模

6、clinching stud ─── 固定螺柱

7、clinching sentence ─── 扣人心弦的判决

8、clinching means ─── 铆接方式

clinching 词性/词形变化,clinching变形

动词第三人称单数: clinches |动词现在分词: clinching |动词过去分词: clinched |动词过去式: clinched |

clinching 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Lakers can get in on conference call A victory over Sacramento is all they need to clinch top seeding and home-court advantage throughout Western playoffs. ─── 一场对萨克拉门托的胜利就可以让他们稳获西部第一和西部季后赛的所有主场优势。

2、After finally clinching the capture of the 22-year-old, Mourinho expounded on Essien's quality, versatility and the drive and ambition he will bring to the stellar squad at Stamford Bridge. ─── 在最终搞定这名22岁的球员以后,穆帅解释了埃辛的能力,他将给带来更多的不同,提高了我们的竞技能力,增加了我们的雄心。

3、Every once in a while he would clinch his fingers and tap his foot--signs of the stirring mental process he was undergoing. ─── 但是雪茄烟无法帮他解决那些给他带来痛苦的倒霉事。

4、One extremely important thing that many combatives and reality-based systems lack is the clinch, and this is where muaythai excels. ─── 一个很多格斗术和现实自卫体系所缺乏的东西是箍颈,而这正是泰拳所擅长的。

5、Emma made a good presentation of the product, which paved the way for the sales director to clinch the deal. ─── 埃玛把产品介绍得头头是道,这使得销售经理轻而易举地达成了交易。

6、But ahead of tomorrow's Champions League semi-final with Liverpool, the 31-goal striker believes his side can overcome the odds to clinch four pieces of silverware. ─── 但明天凌晨欧冠半决赛对阵利物浦,这位已经攻进31球的前锋坚信他们能够战胜对手,继续锁定四项锦标。

7、The second half saw the home side bombard Bill Perkins in the Liverpool goal but the Reds held out to clinch the points and more importantly their first Division One title. ─── 下半年看到主队轰炸比尔帕金斯在利物浦的目标,但红军表现出的要点,更重要的第一次一科冠军。

8、At the end of the first round,the fighters were in a clinch and referee Richard Steel moved in t0 part them. ─── 在第一回合快结束的时候,双方扭打在一起,裁判里查德.史蒂尔上前分开了他们。

9、Brazilian World Cup winner Edilson is close to clinching a lucrative move to Qatar.Edilson is currently with Vitoria in his homeland but he is due to head out to the Middle East shortly. ─── 埃迪尔森有望加盟卡塔尔巴西球星埃迪尔森现在在巴西国内的维多利亚队踢球,但他希望远付中东,加盟卡塔尔的俱乐部。

10、His created more goals than any Chelsea player in recent memory and there was no-one more appropriate to score the magical goals at Bolton to clinch the title. ─── 在最近的记忆里,他比其他切尔西球员创造了更多的进球,而且没有比在博尔顿获得魔幻进球来实现目标更恰如其分的了。

11、Joe gets clinching evidence of the brains role when he dreams. ─── 乔做梦时得到了大脑发生作用的决定性依据。

12、win the Champions League was extraordinary, today it is the same with clinching the title. ─── 赢得冠军联赛非常美妙,今天赢得联赛冠军也是如此。

13、He admits the miss will be hard to forget but the Blues can bounce back by clinching the point they need to win the Premiership against Manchester United on Saturday. ─── 他承认这次失误将是难以忘怀的,但一定能够在周六对曼联的比赛中获得卫冕所需要的足够的分数的。

14、They would like nothing more than to clinch the league crown in a match against their closest rivals, but United are intent on prolonging Chelsea's celebrations. ─── 他们一定非常想期望在最大的对手身上赢得冠军,但是曼联决定要推迟切尔西的庆典。

15、The 1974-75 Pistons were desperate to clinch a playoff berth in their next-to-last game of the season, and they did by defeating Chicago at Cobo Arena, 97-89. ─── 在1974-1975赛季的倒数第二场比赛中,急欲抢占一个季后赛席位的活塞队主场以97-89战胜了公牛队。

16、There are many popular sayings in this respect, such as "Friendly relations should exist between buyer and seller even if they fail to clinch a deal", and "place what is right above material gains". ─── 中国有很多表示这方面情况的俗语,如:“买卖不成情义在”“重义轻利”等。

17、The instant they set eyes on each other, their suspended passion erupts into a spontaneous clinch. ─── 两人之间的爱迅速超越相逢的喜悦,他们深深拥吻在一起,一切都是那么的自然而然。

18、They were licking their lips at the thought of clinching the deal. ─── 他们一想到马上要做成这笔交易就显得急不可待了。

19、Jose Mourinho lavished praise on his Chelsea players after they secured a dramatic 2-1 victory at Valencia to clinch a place in the semi-finals of the Champions League. ─── 切尔西在对阵瓦伦西亚的比赛中绝地大反击,以2-1战胜对手,获得半决赛资格。穆里尼奥对此大加赞扬。

20、But Jordan Farmar intercepted an intended pass from Stephen Graham to Antonio Augustine, was fouled by Augustine and sank both free throws with 5.4 seconds left to clinch it. ─── 但是法玛尔截断了史提芬格雷姆传给奥古斯丁的球,并遭到奥古斯丁的犯规,在比赛剩下5.4秒时他两罚全中稳住形势。

21、By clinching nails over the canvas they held the torn sail to the mast. ─── 他们用针把帆布钉牢,把这个破裂的帆升到桅杆上。

22、A silver medallist at the Atlanta Olympic Games in 1996, Hezekiel Sepeng is keen to clinch an 800 metres gold medal in Athens. ─── 作为1996年亚特兰大奥运会的800米银牌得主,瑟彭现在非常希望能够在雅典获得一枚800米比赛的金牌。

23、After clinching deals for midfield pair Tiago [Lyon] and Sergio Almiron [Empoli], Juve will reopen talks with Zaragoza over a fee for Milito. ─── 在完成中场蒂亚戈[里昂]和阿尔米隆[恩波利]的转会之后,尤文将会重新开始与萨拉戈萨关于米利托的转会费用进行讨论。

24、The clinching discovery was of animals that were clearly dinosaurs, and clearly could not fly, but which had feathers. ─── 与此紧密相关的一个发现是有些确实不能飞的恐龙却拥有羽毛。

25、Additional, two people also do not have argy-bargy to the bade of former owner, quite flat clinch a deal with price of 16.9 million dollar. ─── 另外,俩人对原业主的出价也没有讨价还价,相当干脆的以1690万美元售价成交。

26、Wait your this sentence!OK clinch a deal.Forbid to renege!"The excitement of the owner get jumped to get up. ─── “耶!就等你这句话呢!OK,成交。不许反悔!”老板兴奋得跳了起来。

27、We operate our business with diversification,having separate workshops such as die pressing,injection,die casing,modeling,clinching and lighting etc. ─── 企业以多样化生产经营,创办有冲压、注塑、压铸、模具、打柳订、灯饰等独立车间部门。

28、Clinch and Harris shared an opening stand of 69. ─── 克林奇和哈里斯两位击球员,比赛一开始时搭档,共得69分。

29、The Red Devils defeated Chelsea on penalties to claim the Champions League and clinch a memorable double, having already bested the Blues in the Premier League race. ─── 在英超的争夺胜中出之后,红魔又在冠军联赛中依靠点球大战击败切尔西,成就了双冠王的伟业.

30、Most pundits assume a Red Devils win on Merseyside will effectively clinch the title. ─── 多数评论家都认为红魔拿下利物浦,就几乎可以拥抱冠军了。

31、China dominated Asian Games swimming, clinching five out of six gold medals and delivering a heavy blow to Japan in the process. ─── 亚运会游泳项目是中国队的强项,囊括了六金中的五金,给日本队以沉重一击。

32、In the neighboring village of Beer, The Dolphin Hotel's proprietor Darren Clinch has two barrels decorating the bar. ─── 在邻近的比尔村,海豚旅社老闆达伦:克林用两个大桶子装饰酒吧。

33、After finally clinching the capture of the22- year-old, Mourinho expounded on Essien's quality, versatility and the drive and ambition he will bring to the stellar squad at Stamford Bridge. ─── 在最终搞定这名22岁的球员以后,穆帅解释了埃辛的能力,他将给斯坦福桥带来更多的不同,提高了我们的竞技能力,增加了我们的雄心。

34、But he was in a hurry to clinch the deal, and he couldn't count on having the luck to run into another customer for his camels. ─── 可是,第一他愿脆快办完,第二他不相信能这么巧再遇上个买主儿。

35、Los Angeles, meanwhile, is back in the mix after clinching its first Pacific title in four years. ─── 同时,湖人队在4年来首次拿到赛区挂后,也重新回到了争冠的行列。

36、There are many popular sayings in this respect, such as “Friendly relations should exist between buyer and seller even if they fail to clinch a deal”, and “place what is right above material gains”. ─── 中国有很多表示这方面情况的俗语,如:“买卖不成情义在”“重义轻利”等。

37、Can you still see Bryant after he made that clinching three-pointer with 5:21 left? ─── 你还能看到那个在比赛还有5分21秒结束投入关键三分球后的科比吗?

38、A minute after Jeffers' moment of madness United thought they had a clinching goal, only for Kieran Lee's powerful effort to be ruled out for offside. ─── 之后一分钟曼联觉得自己获得了当然的进球,但是吉兰-李的射门被认为越位在先。

39、He starred at the 2004 CONMEBOL Copa America and in the same year helped Argentina to clinch gold at the Olympic Football Tournament. ─── 他随队参加了2004年美洲杯足球赛,同年与队友一起获得了雅典奥运会男子足球比赛的金牌。

40、He hit 22 goals in the 1991 title-winning season and, memorably, hit the clinching goal in the Cup Winners Cup final of 1994. ─── 他在夺冠的1991/1992赛季打入了22个进球,并且在1994年的优胜者杯决赛中打入一球。

41、In women's one-meter springboard final, 29-year-old veteran Irina Lashko defeated world champion Blythe Hartley of Canada to clinch the gold. ─── 在女子一米板决赛中,29岁的老将伊·拉什科击败世界冠军、加拿大选手布·哈特利,夺得这个项目的金牌。

42、With three points Liverpool will clinch the85/86 season and set themselves up for a double, with their place vs everton in the fa cup final already booked. ─── 只要再得三分,利物浦便能稳获85/6赛季联赛冠军并向双冠王进军,之前他们已经预订了与埃弗顿争夺足总杯的一个席位。

43、He had performed brilliantly and capped it off with the clinching goal. ─── 他在决赛中表现出色,并攻入决定性的进球。

44、To clinch the deal, we really think we should both make some concessions. ─── 为了做成这笔交易,我们确实认为我们双方应做出一些让步。

45、Federer heroically saved seven match points, two of them with aces, to stay in the match, but as his legs started to stiffen Murray was able to clinch a famous victory. ─── 可是随着费德勒的脚步越来越沉重,穆雷笑到了最后。

46、HONG KONG, July10-- European powerhouse Italy swept Olympic champions China3-0(25-22,25-22,25-22) here on Sunday to clinch the berth of the World Grand Prix women's volleyball finals. ─── 在世界女排大奖赛中,欧洲劲旅意大利队今天以3:0大胜奥运冠军中国队,获得了决赛席位。

47、Liverpool are widely believed to be on the verge of clinching a club record deal for the Atletico Madrid hit-man. ─── 利物浦在解决了俱乐部交易得到了马德里竞技的前锋后,便十分信任他们的边线了。

48、On the Republican side, John McCain hopes to clinch the nomination and force Mick Huckabee to the sidelines. ─── 共和党这边,约翰。麦肯恩有望锁定该党提名,迈克。赫卡比只有靠边站的份。

49、Avoiding defeat at home to Manchester United on Saturday would clinch the title for Chelsea and Terry is adamant The Premiership was always the priority. ─── “当前的任务,我们必须在明天将事情解决。如果我们明天能获得联赛冠军,那我会认为我们度过了一个成功的赛季。”

50、David Ngog buried the only goal of the game on 65 minutes to clinch a hard-fought win and guarantee a place in the Carling Cup fourth round. ─── 大卫.恩格戈在65分钟时打入全场唯一进球,一场艰难的小胜后利物浦顺利晋级联赛杯第四轮。

51、There will be a lot of teams worrying about us and I firmly believe we'll be even closer to clinching the title next season. ─── 会有很多的球队担心我们,我坚信我们会更接近下赛季的冠军。

52、B. talked about getting the chance to clinch the victory. ─── B.谈到了他最后获得胜利的机会。

53、If they win tonight at home against Sacramento, the Lakers clinch the top spot in the West, an obvious advantage in the tightest regular-season race since the league moved to a 16-team playoff format in 1983-84. ─── 他们只要赢下今天主场和萨克拉托的比赛,他们就会在西部登顶,将会在自从1983-84赛季联盟将东西部季后赛名额提高到16支之后常规赛竟争最激烈的西部有一个明显的优势。

54、He kisses for the girls, a shoulder clinch for good old Dudley Howard, a nice bloke, if just about the stodgiest actor. ─── 他吻过姑娘们后又热烈地拥抱亲爱的老达德利·霍华德,一个极其平庸的演员和敦厚的家伙。

55、Udinese chief Roberto Zanzi revealed earlier this week that Muntari was likely to be sold at the end of this season, though admitted Portsmouth were close to clinching his signature. ─── 乌迪内斯总经理在这个星期的早些时候透露球队可能在这个赛季结束后出售穆塔里,虽然他已确定会加盟朴次茅斯。

56、There is on the other hand, the natural inclination to clinch the division as soon as possible. There are obvious competitive reasons for this, but there are also logistical considerations. ─── 在其他方面,分区冠军可能很快就要到手了。季后赛将会是竞争激烈的,这将会是我们考虑的理由。

57、The USA team was not able to stop the scoring capabilities of the Dominican Republic team at clinch times. ─── 在与多米尼加相持的时候,美国队不能遏制住对手得分的势头。

58、A delay of game for the World Series until Wednesday night because of worries about the weather in Philadelphia. With the win, the Phillies will clinch the championship. ─── 世界职业棒球大赛由于担心费城的天气而推迟到星期三晚上。为了赢得比赛,费城人队将全力以赴争夺冠军。

59、We have clinching evidence and I will be seeking the death penalty. ─── 我们有可靠的证据,我将要求判处他死刑。

60、Despite everything, it remains the most trusted image that we have for the clinching of an erotic deal: the zinger of our desires. ─── 尽管这一切,情色交易下的扭抱,它仍是最让人信服的画面——我们欲望的力证。

61、Rafael Benitez's men were twice pegged back by the Hammers before producing a spirited second-half performance that eventually saw them clinch the three points. ─── “上半场他的那个进球太不可思议了,他的变向太棒了,他展示他的实力。”

62、The principles of Self-pierce riveting with semi tubular rivet,self-pierce riveting with solid rivet,dieless clinching,clinching and Hydro-clinching are introduced. ─── 主要介绍半空心铆钉自冲铆接、实心铆钉自冲铆接、无模铆冲连接、有模铆冲连接、液压铆接等技术的工作原理,比较各种连接技术的优、缺点。

63、Rafa Benitez today urged his players to retain the belief that Liverpool can clinch the Barclays Premier League title this season. ─── 今天拉法-贝尼特斯激励自己的球员保留这个赛季利物浦仍然可以夺取英超冠军的信念。

64、Bill Clinton's reaction to the Wall Street protests is a perfect case of political clinching. ─── 比尔?克林顿对华尔街示威的反应就是政治扭抱的典型例子。

65、He needs 1,191, half the total, to clinch the nomination. ─── 他需要赢得总数的一半,即1191张,使他能确保赢得党内初选。

66、China dominated Asian Games swimming, clinching five out of six gold medals and delivering a heavy blow to Japan in the process. ─── 亚运会游泳项目是中国队的强项,囊括了六金中的五金,给日本队以沉重一击。

67、But the combined 31 delegates at stake today in South Dakota and Montana are not enough to push him past the threshold to clinch the nomination. ─── 但是在南达科他州和蒙塔那州要决出的总共31名代表的人数还不足以让奥巴马通过获取提名的门槛。

68、"Beating Ecuador in Quito will be a challenge, but Brazil should always be able to clinch the three points," he said. ─── “要在基多击败厄瓜多尔是个挑战,不过巴西队应该有实力拿下这三分,”他说。

69、"So you've made up your mind to go along with us, then. How about Wu Sun-fu? Will you speak to him as soon as possible?" Chao Po-tao immediately urged, wanting to clinch the matter there and then. ─── “那你是一定加一股了。荪甫呢?你和他接洽。”赵伯韬立刻逼紧一步;看他那神气,似乎要马上定局。

70、Store of general lamps and lanterns marks a price 1500 yuan droplight, 850 yuan can clinch a deal. ─── 一般的灯具店标价1500元的吊灯,850元就能成交。

71、Reserves captain Sam Hewson was delighted to follow the first team's lead by clinching silverware on Monday evening. ─── 在弗格森率领的一线队蝉联了联赛冠军后,不到24个小时,曼联在曼彻斯特超级杯决赛中战胜了博尔顿。休斯很高兴了延续了在老特拉福德的良好状态。

72、United are now looking to buck the trend and follow on from their success in Moscow last May by clinching the crown again this term. ─── “这对我们来说是一个巨大的挑战,不过作为我们这样的俱乐部,勇敢面对这样的挑战就是我们应该做的。

73、It is odd that this was regarded as a clinching argument, as there are more than enough jets in Afghanistan. ─── 在阿富汗作战飞机的数量绰绰有余,但令人奇怪的是,这里的情况居然会被作为支持空军观点的证据。

74、"It'shard to explain, it was just a feeling, " he says of that staggeringtreble- clinching climax. ─── “很难解释,这只是感觉,”他所说的好象仍是不敢相信三冠王的到来。

75、Also wins US Open, as at Roland Garros, against Kim Clijsters.After clinching Zurich Open, becomes world No1 for first time. ─── 同时赢得美网,两次决赛均战胜克里斯特尔斯。

76、He tied a clinch knot with four turns and pulled it tight. ─── 他转了四圈,打了一个活结,然后把它拉紧。

77、In New Delhi, Mr.Bush was almost revered for clinching the US-India civil nuclear deal. ─── 在新德里,布什几乎因为达成美印民间核交易被崇敬。

78、Chelsea's Joe Cole set up Crouch to cancel out Omar Pouso's first-half volley and then scored one himself in injury time to clinch victory. ─── 切尔西的乔.科尔助攻克劳奇,把奥马尔.普索上半时的抽射一笔勾销,并且自己也在伤停补时打进一个球锁定了胜局。

79、That was questioned by Croatia boss Slaven Bilic last month but England responded by humiliating the ex-West Ham defender and his team at Wembley to clinch their World Cup place. ─── 上个月还遭到克罗地亚主教练比利斯的质疑,但是英格兰马上扇了前西汉姆后卫一记耳光,并且让他的球队在温布利球场终结他们的世界杯幻想。

80、The first cousin of the president's wife was arrested this month after receiving money from a man who wanted to clinch a parliamentary nomination from Mr Lee's ruling party. ─── 但是李明博在就职典礼上同样承诺支持那些透明的、廉洁勤恳地工作着的企业家们。

81、Hamilton lost out on last year's title in the final race, where Raikkonen completed a strong end to the season to clinch the crown. ─── “他在比赛中很少犯错,现在的比赛真的是脑力劳动,比如你得理解你的车。他这个人很特别”

82、They won't want to give up the title lightly and will remain confident of getting the wins they need to clinch it for a second successive season. ─── 他们不会轻易放弃冠军,永远保持着卫冕获胜的自信。

83、This is a very important meeting today where we are going to clinch the deal we've been working on. ─── 今天这次会议很重要,我们要了结我们一直所做的买卖。

84、You are a seller, should know currently this business clinch a deal, what to make money is you, you should know several USD 100s and several differentiations of USD 100,000s. ─── 你是卖家,应该清楚目前这笔买卖成交,赚钱的是你,你应该知道几百美金和几十万美金的区别。如不肯舍小取大,那是对方的损失(我们还有其他的和你一样的卖家可以联系)。

85、Their English proficiencies and presented knowledge helped them to clinch this excellent internship offers from Louis Vuitton. ─── 三位同学的流利的英语和展示的丰富知识使他们赢得了这份实习工作。

86、In the past it already happened twice I came very close to clinching the title with McLaren but it didn't happen because the car wasn't reliable enough. ─── 在迈克拉伦的时候我曾经两度非常接近冠军头衔,但是最终因为赛车稳定性不够而失败了。

87、Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich dismissed Ranieri in2004 after he lost the Champions League semi-final to Monaco and failed to clinch a league title. ─── 在切尔西失足2004欧冠半决赛并且在联赛中也未能夺冠以后,老板阿布炒掉了当时的主教练拉涅利。

88、He created more goals than any Chelsea player in recent memory and there was no-one more appropriate to score the magical goals at Bolton to clinch the title. ─── 他创造了个切尔西最近一段历史最多的进球,没有一个进球比他对博尔顿的进球更精彩,依靠那个进球他们赢得百年冠军。

89、The Copenhagen conference has been billed as the last best chance to clinch a deal, but doubts have been raised whether it can do that. ─── 哥本哈根峰会被视为是达致减排协议的最后一个最佳时机,但是有人质疑,哥本哈根峰会是否能够取得如此成果。

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