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08-17 投稿


rears 发音

英:[r??z]  美:[r?rz]

英:  美:

rears 中文意思翻译



rears 词性/词形变化,rears变形

原型:rear s

rears 短语词组

1、rears define ─── 后定义

2、rears its ─── 后视镜

3、rears manual ─── 后方手册

4、rears definition ─── 后视镜定义

5、rears its head ( ─── 某种风气)抬头

6、rears manufacturing ─── 后视镜制造

7、rears mfg ─── 后部制造

8、rears pay ─── 后发工资

rears 相似词语短语

1、hears ─── n.剪切刀;殡仪车;vt.听说,听见(hear的第三人称单数)

2、gears ─── n.[机]齿轮,[机]传动装置(gear的复数形式);v.以齿轮连起,安排(gear的三单形式)

3、Pears ─── n.皮尔斯(人名)

4、arears ─── 地区

5、rearms ─── vi.重新武装,重整军备;vt.使重整军备,使重新武装

6、fears ─── n.[心理]恐惧;担心;v.[心理]恐惧;害怕;敬畏(fear的第三人称单数);n.(Fears)人名;(英)费尔斯

7、ears ─── abbr.电声额定系统(Electro-AcousticRatingSystem)

8、dears ─── n.亲爱一族

9、bears ─── n.熊(bear的复数);空头(卖空的证券交易投机)

rears 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The rear of Ezra Stowbody's bank was whitewashed. ─── 埃兹拉·斯托博迪银行大楼后墙壁,早已粉刷得雪白锃亮。

2、The parking lot is at the rear of the building. ─── 停车场在这建筑物的后边。

3、Fire detected in rear baggage hold (in rear cabin). ─── 后行李舱(后客舱)失火。

4、Directed or facing toward the back or rear. ─── 向后的指向或面向后边或后部的

5、But, before inflation rears its ugly head, cash is still safe. ─── 但是,在通货膨探出他丑恶的头之前,现金还是安全的。

6、How much money do you want to be making five rears form now ? ─── 你希望5年以后自己能拿多少钱?

7、He brought up the rear with a portfolio of drawings. ─── 他拿着一画夹的画走在后面。

8、There was a hole in the driver's side rear window. ─── 在靠近驾驶车位的窗有个小洞。

9、A high gate blocks the only entrance to the rear. ─── 一座高大的门挡住了通往后面的唯一入口。

10、His mother was so annoyed with him that she swatted his rear end. ─── 他的妈妈被他惹恼了,狠狠地揍他的屁股。

11、It's really not easy for a widowed mother to rear up four children. ─── 一个寡母要抚养4个孩子成人确实不易。

12、The kitchen is in the rear of the house. ─── 厨房在房子的后面。

13、During farming rears cattle primarily for milk production. ─── 乳品业饲养的牛主要供生产牛奶。

14、Rear Hub : Proprietary CNC billet aluminum. ─── 后方枢纽:专有数控铝坯.

15、farming rears cattle primarily for milk production. ─── 业饲养的牛主要供生产牛奶。

16、You should cover your rear, dude! ─── 你该遮着点屁股,老兄。

17、Our chemistry teacher rears all kinds of birds. ─── 我们的化学老师养着各种鸟。

18、The rear axle carries the greatest weight. ─── 后轴负荷最重的分量。

19、It is just at this point that the puzzle with which this chapter began rears its head. ─── 这一章从在一开始的那个难题,关键就在这里。

20、Just when you think you've got the whole social media thing covered with your tween or teen, a new tech-related monster rears its ugly head. ─── 你认为已经掌握了青少年间所有的社会信息,这时候新技术的面具就会露出它丑陋的一面。

21、He asked me to block up the rear wheel. ─── 他让我把后轮垫高。

22、Their rear windows look out upon a lovely garden. ─── 他们的后窗面对一个美丽的花园。

23、On contentious ground, I would hurry up my rear. ─── 争地,吾将趋其后;

24、A body of the enemy hung upon their rear. ─── 一伙敌人紧紧地跟在他们的后面。

25、It would regroup and reappear in the rear. ─── 他们会在后方重新组合出现。

26、The title song moves back to acoustic guitars and a problem rears its head. ─── 主题歌移到了美声吉他之后,问题就冒出来了。

27、The rear seats of the taxi also have belts. ─── 出租车的后座也有安全带。

28、They were determined that we should stay in the rear. ─── 他们决心要我们留在后方。

29、He left the building through the rear exit. ─── 他从后面的出口离开这栋建筑。

30、He describes how these birds rear their chicks. ─── 他描述了鸟儿是如何养育雏鸟的。

31、The rear seats are all occupied. ─── 后面的座位全坐满了。

32、The rear side-panel is all right. ─── 后侧板没问题。

33、You go ahead of us and we'll bring up the rear. ─── 你走我们前边,我们殿后。

34、The toilet is in the rear of the plane. ─── 厕所在机舱后面。

35、In the race John brought up the rear. ─── 在比赛中,约翰是最后一名。

36、He settled in the rear of the taxi. ─── 他坐在出租车的后面。

37、So he stole to their rear and flew at a higher altitude. ─── 于是他悄悄绕到他们后方,提高了飞行高度。

38、A century ago, Freud formulated his revolutionary theory that dreams were the disguised shadows of our unconscious desires and rears. ─── 一个世纪前,弗洛伊德阐述了革命性的理论,即梦是人们潜意识中欲望和恐惧经伪装后的预示;

39、Looking at the rear of CMB LF106. ─── 中巴LF106的车尾外貌。

40、The rear seating compartment of an early type of automobile. ─── 后部座位部分一种早期汽车具有的车身后部分的座位

41、The rear end has a carbon fiber diffuser. ─── 在尾部有一个碳纤维扰流.

42、The rear guard of an armed force. ─── 后尾部队某支军事力量的后卫部队

43、The skyscraper rears high into the sky. ─── 这座摩天大楼高耸入云。

44、Toward, at, or on the rear part of a stage. ─── 在舞台后部,向着舞台后方

45、We've all learned what the kind of panic that can occur when an old disease rears its head, like anthrax. ─── 我们都知道当这些陈旧疾病重新爆发的时候,会给人们带来多少痛苦,例如炭疽热。

46、They struck the enemy in the rear. ─── 他们从后方打击敌人。

47、He walked towards the rear of the house. ─── 他向屋子的后部走去。

48、He was predisposed towards literary studies by the bookish environment of his early rears. ─── 他早年生长在读书空气很浓的环境中,所以后来倾向于从事文学研究。

49、Sindustrial fussing border Ohio eagerr rear! ─── 别大惊小怪的,吃你的物品吧!

50、The hinged rear door of a hatchback. ─── 仓门式后背有铰链的后门

51、Front and Rear seat could recline position. ─── 前后座位置能有斜倚。

52、An ant is trying to bite its rear leg. ─── 一只蚂蚁试图去咬它的后腿。

53、They insisted upon her staying in the rear. ─── 他们坚持要她待在后方。

54、Rear spring center bolt not in seat. ─── 后弹簧中心螺栓不到位。

55、Postmodern Europe loves to break taboos which impose restrictions on its freedom, but at the same time rears up in front of immigrants. ─── 后现代欧洲热衷于打破强加于其自身的自由禁忌,但是他们是用屁股来面对移民问题的。

56、His room was toward the rear of the hotel. ─── 他的房间在旅馆的后面。

57、He is so lazy; he could do with a good kick up the rear. ─── 他这个人太懒惰,真想在他屁股上踢一脚。

58、A trailer was attached to the rear of the truck. ─── 卡车后面挂了一辆拖车。

59、The rear tyre blew out as he was driving to work. ─── 他开车上班时后胎爆裂。

60、They surprised the enemy from the rear . ─── 他们从背后向敌人发动了袭击。

61、Level 1- 10% reduced from rear, 5% from sides. ─── 一级-减少10%来自背后的伤害,5%来自侧面的伤害。

62、Plastic document holder fitted to rear end frame. ─── 塑料文件盒安装于后端框。

63、The rear perforations are visible on the cut edge. ─── 后方齿孔都是看得见,对切缘。

64、Front, side, and rear head locks and chokes. ─── 前面、侧面和后面锁颈和绞技的反击。

65、The rear quarter vent is damaged. ─── 后三角玻璃通风窗已经损坏。

66、Gasbag-type rear shock absorber with higher safety. ─── 具有较高安全性能的后气囊式减震。

67、Is the rear cow hocked or bowed? ─── 后肢是否是牛样跗关节和弯曲?

68、To the rear of the house is a piece of woodland. ─── 在房子后面是一块林地。

69、Well, we'd better go to the rear. ─── 哦,咱们去后面吧。

70、The table in the rear was[were] very noisy. ─── 后面的一桌人吵闹得很厉害。

71、Winter rears its ugly head in October and often does not look back until March or April. ─── 十月,冬天开始露出阴冷的脸色,直到次年的三、四月份才渐渐转暖。

72、The rear benches in the House of Commons where junior members of Parliament sit behind government officeholders and their counterparts in the opposition party. ─── 后座议员席英下议院后排座的议员席,议会中职位较低的成员坐在政府官员和对立党成员的后面

73、North American cuckoo; builds a nest and rears its own young. ─── 北美杜鹃;筑巢并养育自己的幼鸟。

74、Level 3- 30% reduced from rear, 15% from sides. ─── 三级-减少30%来自背后的伤害,15%来自侧面的伤害。

75、In the rear of the plane is an emergency exit. ─── 在飞机的后面是紧急出口。

76、He rears all kinds of birds. ─── 他饲养各种鸟。

77、The street was straight in his rear. ─── 他背后的街是直的。

78、The garage is at the rear of the building. ─── 停车间在这建筑物的后面。

79、In the basket ball match, their team closed the rear. ─── 在篮球比赛中,他们球队是最后一名。

80、They received the order to harass the enemy's rear. ─── 他们接到骚扰敌人后方的命令。

81、At, to, or toward the rear or back; backward. ─── 在后地,向后地在、到或向着后面或后部地;向后地,落后地

82、Reporter intercept him as he tried to leave by the rear entrance. ─── 他想从后门溜走,记者把他截住了。

83、Demographers and geographers attribute the slowing largely to the recession, which has hit California particularly hard, leaving its once-robust economy to bring up the rear of the national recovery. ─── 人口学家和地理学家把缓慢的情形都归咎于不景气,加州情形尤为严重,以致加州一度蓬勃的经济竟然在全国复苏中落在各州之后。

84、It packs a laser pointer, video camera, taser, and armored plate, all ready to keep you safe when danger rears its ugly head. ─── 它内置激光棒,摄像机,电击枪和金属护甲。在危险临头时,能保护你的安全。

85、General Liu has troops waiting to fall on the enemy from the rear. ─── 刘司令员已经派部队等着从后面袭击敌人。

86、The mechanics blocked up the rear wheels. ─── 修理工把后轮垫高。

87、Separate the reflector from the rear bumper . ─── 从保险杆分离反射镜。

88、Two women and a man came into the room -- the man brought up the rear. ─── 两女一男进房间了,那男的走在最後。

89、Michael rears back and throws his hard drive into the ChicagoRiver below. ─── 他深深地吸了口气,猛地把硬盘扔进了芝加哥河河底。

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