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08-17 投稿


chronicle 发音

英:['kr?n?k(?)l]  美:['krɑn?kl]

英:  美:

chronicle 中文意思翻译



chronicle 短语词组

1、dungeon chronicle ─── 地牢纪事

2、dark chronicle ─── 黑暗纪事

3、chronicle book ─── 编年史书籍

4、Chronicle of the Radia War ─── 拉迪亚战争纪事

5、Chronicle of a Blood Merchant ─── 一位卖血者的纪事

6、San Francisco Chronicle ─── 旧金山纪事报

7、cat chronicle cat ─── 编年史

8、Houston Chronicle ─── 休斯顿纪事报

9、indian chronicle ─── 印度纪事

10、guardian chronicle ─── 卫报纪事

11、Gibraltar Chronicle ─── 直布罗陀纪事报

12、creature chronicle ─── 生物编年史

13、chronic chronicle ─── 慢性编年史

14、chronicle of infinity ─── 无限纪事

15、ghost world chronicle ─── 幽灵世界编年史

16、chronicle play n. ─── 历史剧

17、chronicle map ─── 编年史地图

18、Mimana Iyar Chronicle Mimana Iyar ─── 纪事报

19、chain chronicle ─── 链编年史

chronicle 词性/词形变化,chronicle变形

动词过去式: chronicled |动词第三人称单数: chronicles |动词过去分词: chronicled |名词: chronicler |动词现在分词: chronicling |

chronicle 相似词语短语

1、chronic ─── adj.慢性的;长期的;习惯性的;n.(Chronic)人名;(英)克罗尼克

2、chroniclers ─── n.记录者;年代史编者

3、to chronicle ─── 编年史

4、chronicles ─── n.编年史;记事;(chronicle的复数);n.(Chronicles)(圣经旧约)历代记

5、unchronicled ─── 未载入编年史的

6、cornicle ─── 腹管

7、chronicled ─── n.编年史,年代记;记录;vt.记录;把…载入编年史

8、chronicler ─── n.记录者;年代史编者

9、chronical ─── adj.慢性的;延续很长的

chronicle 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Her latest novel is a chronicle of life in a Devon village. ─── 她的最近一部小说是德文郡一个小村庄的生活记事。

2、The Shanghai Media Group (SMG), a local media conglomerate that is producing the drama, says it will be an epic chronicle of Shanghai's modern history. ─── 上海文广传媒集团,当地一家媒体集团正在投拍这部电视剧,并表示,这将是一部展现现代上海的史诗纪事。

3、Be sure to write down the chronicle in details and ask the teacher to sign. ─── 三、各班应由专人详细填写使用记录簿,并于课后请任课教师签名。

4、It's an indispensable phase for the evolution of chronicle during the Southern Dynasty. ─── 南朝时期是整个编年史发展进程中一个不可或缺的历史阶段。

5、But the crisis was in essence a “chronicle of disaster foretold”, he noted. ─── 但这次危机本质上是一个“早就预测的灾难”,他指出。

6、Basic event queue and one chronicle. ─── 基本事件队列和一个历史记录。

7、The following example shows how to use an event chronicle table to prevent duplicate notifications based on the highest values for event data during a specified time period. ─── 以下示例演示了如何使用事件历史记录表,根据指定时间段中事件数据的最高值来避免重复通知。

8、And here I have lamely related to you the uneventful chronicle of two foolish children in a flat who most unwisely sacrificed for each other the greatest treasures of their house. ─── 在这儿,我已经笨拙地给你们介绍了住公寓套间的两个傻孩子不足为奇的平淡故事,他们极不明智地为了对方而牺牲了他们家最最宝贵的东西。

9、The San Francisco Chronicle and the Philadelphia Inquirer are under threat of closing. ─── “旧金山纪事报”和“费城询问报”也在即将倒闭的威胁中。

10、Candid cook calculate cosmic chronicle, ─── 坦白的厨子计算宇宙的年代记。

11、For example, the Chronicle of Higher Education recently reported on the plight of California's community college students. ─── 举例说明,“高等教育年鉴”最近报道了加州社区学院学生的命运。

12、A basic event class for event-driven subscriptions and an event chronicle for scheduled subscriptions. ─── 事件驱动订阅的基本事件类和计划订阅的事件历史记录。

13、By means of describing twelve rituals of selling blood, Chronicle of a Blood Merchant abstracts the whole life of an idiot Xu Sanguan. ─── 《许三观卖血记》以十二次卖血仪式,抽象出傻子许三观的一生。

14、From then on his sketches, which appeared under the pen name "Boz" in The Evening Chronicle, earned him a modest reputation. ─── 从那时起,他以笔名“博兹”出现在《纪事晚报》上的速写作品里,这些小品文为他赢得了一定的声誉。

15、After an extraordinary success selling subscriptions to the Houston Chronicle (he was able to buy himself a new BMW while still in high school), young Dell discovered and fell in love with computers. ─── 在成功地把订单卖给休斯顿新闻(houstonChronicle)后(在高中的时候他就能够给自己买一辆新的宝马汽车了),年轻的戴尔发现并爱上了计算机。

16、Ironically, the offices of The Chronicle are just a few blocks from Craig Newmark's apartment in San Francisco. ─── 讽刺的是,《旧金山纪事报》的办事处距离旧金山克雷格.纽马克的办公室只有几个街区的。

17、The detailed reading of historical documents shows there is a chronicle gap from the year of 1920 to 1923, which previous works had not paid attention to. ─── 在对史料仔细耙梳之后发现,从1920年到1923年这段时间,许多论著都未涉及,存在着认识上的空白。

18、The decision made today will be inscribed in the chronicle of america's democracy as a great historical event. ─── 今天这个裁决,将在美国民族主义的年代记录上,留下一个历史性的痕迹。

19、As the nation wrestles with the complex issue of health care reform, The Chronicle is asking readers to submit their questions so we all can understand what reform means. ─── If you have a question, please e-mail 这个 E-mail 地址已经被防止灌水恶意程序保护,您需要激活 Java Script 才能观看 .

20、Perhaps the first to chronicle this dream was the Greek satirist Lucian. ─── 也许第一个记述这一梦想的要算是希腊的讽刺作家露绵阳了。

21、Thus did the year one thousand seven hundred and seventy-five conduct their Greatnesses, and myriads of small creatures--the creatures of this chronicle among the rest--along the roads that lay before them. ─── 一干七百七十五年就是像这样表现出了它的伟大,也把成干上万的小人物带上了他们前面的路--我们这部历史中的几位也在其中。

22、Is the text of a Transact-SQL query used to do any post-processing cleanup or state maintenance, like updating chronicle tables or deleting any temporary objects. ─── Transact-SQL查询的文本,用于执行任何后期处理清理或状态维护(如更新历史记录表或删除任何临时对象)。

23、Kinnear told the Chronicle today: “Like all of us he is looking forward to Portsmouth and picking up a good result. ─── “迈克尔和我们中的任何人一样希望能够赢下周日的比赛。”

24、On A chronicle of Taoist Studies in the West ─── 九宫山与道教御制派

25、There's time enough left to you to fill whole chroniclechronicles. ─── 你还能活的岁数,足够写整本的史鉴的。

26、The Chronicle of Higher Education says at least fifty-eight private colleges now charge fifty thousand dollars or more a year. ─── 高等教育纪事称至少有58所私立大学每年的费用是5万美元。

27、If you want to update the event chronicle before generating notifications, define the event chronicle rule in the event class. ─── 如果要在生成通知之前更新事件历史记录,则请在事件类中定义事件历史记录规则。

28、It's long, and well summarized in the Chronicle article, so you don't have to read this. ─── 它很长,在编年史中有很好的概述,所以不是必须阅读。

29、Chronicle of the Campaign of Igor ─── 伊戈尔远征记

30、A Chronicle of the Kings of Kas' mir ─── 喀什米尔诸王编年史

31、Jungle Rudy, the Chronicle of a Family ─── 丛林鲁迪

32、If the chronicle rule fails, processing stops and the event batch is marked as failed. ─── 如果历史记录规则失败,则会停止处理并将事件批次标记为失败。

33、For scheduled subscriptions, Notification Services matches the data in the stock price chronicle against scheduled subscriptions. ─── 对于计划订阅,Notification Services将用股票价格历史记录中的数据和计划订阅比较。

34、The Twenty-Four Chronicles is China's most complete and comprehensive chronicle which spans a period of more than4,000 years, ranging from the legendary era of Yellow Emperor to the Chong Zhen Period of Ming Dynasty. ─── 二十四史》是中国一部最完全的纪传体史书,上起传说中的黄帝时代,下至明朝崇祯年间,长达四千多年。

35、Including "Introduction", "Events Chronicle" , "awarded", "Classic Moments" and "artists". ─── 包括“院团简介”、“大事记”、“经典回眸”、“获奖记录”、“旗下精英”等栏目

36、The former face of the Grizzlies responded to criticism of his acquisition in the Houston Chronicle. ─── 外界批评关于巴蒂尔被编入休斯敦大事记,他作为前灰熊队队员,对此作出了回应.

37、Recently, however, our team at Microsoft Research has begun a quest to digitally chronicle every aspect of a person's life, starting with one of our own lives (Bell's). ─── 不过,我们在微软研究所的小组已经开始找寻方法,希望以数位方式把人一生中的各个面向全部记录下来,就从我们自己(本文作者贝尔)的人生开始。

38、Batan or Bataan all should be Bataan in the 6 records of Chronicle of the 20th Century. Reason of these mistakes is caused by too many translators and disunity of translations. ─── 《二十世纪大博览》 6条有关巴丹和巴坦的记录均应为巴丹,错误原因在于译者太多、翻译不一所致所致。

39、George Ballas became known as the "Weed King" . As he once told the Houston Chronicle, "A Weed Eater comes along once in a lifetime. " ─── 乔治?巴拉斯以“除草大王”而闻名世界。他曾经对《休斯顿纪事报》说:除草器将伴随着人们的一生。

40、As a witness to events, the photojournalist sets out to chronicle what happens in the world as it actually occurs. ─── 作为事件的见证人,摄影记者着手记录世界上所发生的事就如同其真实重现一般。

41、The Chronicle of the Horse. ─── 上刊登讣闻。

42、In The Chronicle of Higher Education, Prof.Paul Korshin of the University of Pennsylvania recently described his grievance panel as the "rhinoplasty committee," because it does "cosetic surgery" on up to 500. transcripts a year. ─── 宾西法尼亚大学的保罗·科尔欣教授最近在《高等教育年表》中把他的学分协调小组描绘为“鼻成形术委员会”,因为他们每年要为高达500张成绩单做“整容手术”。

43、All chronicle on Earth is shapely on quantity and supercharged by the Sun, but the ethereal balances of our concern are faltering as the follower struggles to hold our ontogeny demands. ─── 地球上所有的生命都在仰仗着阳光的恩泽,但是整个生态系统的脆弱的平衡却在一点一点被破坏。生个生态系统为人类日益膨胀的需求付着高昂的代价。

44、"Blog" is an abbreviated version of "weblog," which is a term used to describe web sites that maintain an ongoing chronicle of information. ─── "博客"是"网络博客,"的缩写,是一个术语,用来描述一个正在进行的维持了很长时间的信息的网站。

45、Chinese knot by paleolithic sew knot, promote the han dynasty to Chicago, then turned into this chronicle of adornment craftsmanship. ─── 中国结由旧石器时代的缝衣打结,推展至汉朝的仪礼记事,再演变成今日的装饰手艺。

46、"At this point, the injury has the potential for him missing this next season and could be career-threatening," Clanton told the Chronicle. ─── “目前,伤病有潜在可能使他缺席下赛季,并威胁职业生涯”,克兰顿对纪事报说如是。

47、Describes configuring how far the generator can lag the real-time clock before it starts skipping event chronicle rules and subscription rules. ─── 介绍如何配置生成器在开始跳过事件历史记录规则和订阅规则之前滞后于实时时钟的程度。

48、From fairy-tale wedding to tragic funeral, the extraordinary life of Diana, Princess of Wales, was a chronicle of jewels each marking distinct junctures in her life. ─── 从童话般的婚礼到悲剧的葬礼,威尔士王妃黛安娜不寻常的一生珠围翠绕,每一件珠宝都在她的生活中留下了与众不同的印记。

49、Iago. To suckle fools and chronicle small beer. ─── 伊阿古去奶傻孩子,去记油盐账。

50、Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle is cool its a new group!Please join! ─── 任何人都可以加入或者邀请他人加入。

51、They're both rookies and Harris has far outperformed Landry in summer league and has apparently done so in practice, according to the Jonathan Feigen's article in the Chronicle. ─── 他们都是新秀在夏季联赛中,兰德里远远落后于哈里斯。

52、The Chronicle reported that Hewlett-Packard and Apple were content with the original deadlines. ─── 《旧金山时报》报道说惠普公司和苹果公司就对原定的最后期限很满意。

53、One of the earliest accounts of King Arthur occurs in a 12th-century chronicle of the kings of Britain. ─── 一份最早的亚瑟国王的帐目重现在一本12世纪的不列颠国王的编年史里。

54、But it is also vital for it to do what only a local newspaper can: promptly and extensively chronicle the personally-important, otherwise-unreported details of community life. ─── 但一份地区性的报纸也必须及时并广泛地报导社区动态,

55、The memoir is an eloquent chronicle of Lee Kuan Yew's extensive experiences in statecraft, politics and international diplomacy. ─── 回忆录对李光耀的治国才能、政治和国际外交的丰富经验有生动流畅的记载。

56、"At this point the injury has the potential for him missing this next season and could be career-threatening" Rockets team physician Tom Clanton told the Houston Chronicle. ─── “从现在来看,伤势可能使他缺席今年的下个赛季,对职业生涯也有危险。”

57、The year 1877 is an important one in the chronicle of Tschaikovsky's life. ─── 在柴可夫斯基的生平年表里,1877年是非常重要的一年。

58、When you define an event class, you can define one or more chronicle tables by using Transact-SQL. ─── 定义事件类时,可使用Transact-SQL定义一个或多个历史记录表。

59、As a singer, Domingo has played a role in as many as 115 operas, more than any one music chronicle on the tenor. ─── 作为歌唱家,多明戈已扮演过多达115个歌剧角色,超过音乐编年史上任何一位男高音。

60、NCsoft's fantasy-themed massively multiplayer game, Lineage II: The Chaotic Chronicle, definitely isn't for everyone. ─── NCSoft 的这款奇幻主题的大型多人在线游戏:天堂二,并不是一款适合所有类型玩家的游戏。

61、Newspapers like the San Francisco Chronicle were chronicling their own doom. ─── 像《旧金山纪事报》这样的报纸也在见证自己的衰落。

62、Judging by the weekly tabloid magazines that chronicle celebrities that I see, a visit to the jail house is more commonplace than anyone would assume. ─── 从每周的预报(这个地方不明白)我发现,你会有比别人更大的可能性去到监狱。

63、Famous scientists around the world have mysteriously disappeared and Chronicle reporter Polly Perkins (Gwyneth Paltrow) along with ace aviator Sky Captain (Jude Law) are on the investigation. ─── 全球知名科学家忽然集体神秘失踪,机械帝国突然从天而降袭击地球,造成严重破坏。

64、It is a rich chronicle of momentous events and the people that played their part in them. ─── 它是一部记载重大事件及参与其中的相关人物的内容丰富的编年史书。

65、News of a second British film project to chronicle the life of Callas came in the summer. ─── 另一部讲述卡拉斯生平的英国电影是在今年夏天传出消息的。

66、He has written for The Chronicle, the Contra Costa Times, New America Media and KQED. ─── 他已经为年代记写, 反对肋骨泰晤士报、新的美国媒体和 KQED。

67、Both the film and the book chronicle the lessons about life that Mitch learns from his professor, who is dying from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig's Disease. ─── 它会令患者肌肉由下至上逐渐萎缩,最后像灵魂被封印在躯壳内一样,全身都不能动,但神智却非常清醒。

68、In 2008 National Oilwell Varco was ranked the number one company in Houston, Texas by the Houston Chronicle, having ranked number fifteen the year before. ─── 国民油井华高仍会在新技术和质量方面不懈努力,更好的满足客户的广泛需求,以种类全面的钻井产品和服务,成为业内不二选择。

69、He was growing rich;the daily papers had a dozen men on his trail to chronicle his every word of wisdom;he had been honoured in caricature holding the Tiger cringing in leash. ─── 他正日渐富有,天天都有十来个日报记者跟在他的屁股后头记下他的警言睿语,在漫画里他可敬地捉着拴在皮带里畏缩的老虎。

70、Chronicle is an informative and entertaining tour into history, beautifully illustrated and full of unbelievable facts. ─── 编年史》史料丰富、有趣,图文并茂,充满了令人难以置信的事实。

71、Columbus kept a careful and detailed chronicle of his voyages. ─── 哥伦布按顺序仔细而详尽地记载了他的各次航程。

72、The query runs against the current set of events in the event view, chronicle, or other specified table or view. ─── 可针对事件视图、历史记录或其他指定的表或视图中的一组当前事件运行该查询。

73、The Necessity to Set up the Chronicle of Events ─── 大事记设置有否必要

74、A year later in San Francisco, and inspired by Eppie's example, her twin sister Pauline approached the editor of the San Francisco Chronicle and said she felt she could do a better job than the existing advice columnist. ─── 一年后,在旧金山,受其孪生妹妹爱贝的启发,波林找到《旧金山纪事日报》的编辑,说她觉得自己会比现有的忠告专栏作者干得更好。

75、The next day, the San Francisco Chronicle newspaper printed four words in French across the front of the paper. ─── 第二天,法国横跨旧金山纪事报印在纸张的前四个字。

76、Nor does any living crime writer so unflinchingly chronicle the darkest aspects of American history. ─── 也没有任何一个活着的犯罪小说作家如此不妥协的记录美国历史的最阴暗面。

77、Houston Chronicle: Scientists who tested monkeys with the resurrected1918 killer flu virus now have a better idea of how the deadliest epidemic in history attacked and killed so many people. ─── 休斯敦时报:科学家用猴子对1918年大流行、又有死灰复燃之势的流感病毒进行试验之后,对这种毒性最大、人最多的流感病毒为何大流行有了更清醒的认识。

78、Houston Chronicle: Cancer deaths in the United States dropped for the second year in a row, health officials reported Wednesday, confirming that the trend is real and becoming more pronounced, too. ─── 休斯敦时报:卫生部门官员星期三证实说,美国癌症死亡率已连续第二年下降。

79、Mercedes-Benz High Performance Engines, located in Brixworth (UK), confirmed to the local Northampton Chronicle that "approximately 50" jobs are being shed. ─── 奔驰高性能引擎公司,设在布瑞克斯沃斯(英国),确认当地的北安普顿纪事报“大约50个“工作正在下跌.

80、American writer best known for Roots(1976), a fictionalized chronicle tracing his family history back to its African origins. ─── 哈利,阿列克斯1921-1992美国作家,代表作根(1976年)是一部虚构的编年史的小说,它追溯作者的家族史直到其非洲发源地

81、Statements to create a chronicle table fail if a table with the same name exists. ─── 如果存在具有相同名称的表,则创建历史记录表的语句失败。

82、A: RIght after the Chronicle 4 update. Territories were being worked on starting towards the end of Chronicle 4. ─── 回答:四章更新后五章就开始规划了。新地区在四章计划后期就已经开始著手了。

83、A match occurs if the stock symbol in the subscription matches a stock symbol in the chronicle. ─── 如果订阅中的股票代码与历史记录中的股票代码相符合,则产生匹配。

84、The Magpies' former England captain told Newcastle's Evening Chronicle: "We have had some battles over the years, but he deserves his reputation as a fine defender. ─── 喜鹊的前英格兰国家队队长在纽卡斯尔晚报中说道:“在这一年里我们交手过几次,但作为一个优秀的后卫,他实至名归。”

85、This article first appeared in The Nanyang Chronicle,NTU's students'newspaper. ─── 原文发表于南大学生报纸《南洋纪事报》。

86、Rowling.The books chronicle the adventures of the eponymous adolescent wizard Harry Potter, together with Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, his best friends. ─── 书籍纪叙的是青年巫师哈利波特英连同他最好的朋友罗恩韦斯莱和赫敏格兰杰的冒险。

87、Develop procedures to select, evaluate, monitor, and control your subcontractors (your suppliers). Make sure that quality records are kept which chronicle the performance of all your subcontractors. ─── 制定选择、评估、监督和管理分包商(您的供应商)的程序。保证记录有质量档案,记录全部分包商的绩效。

88、The result of my recognizing a few months later the sense of my pencil-mark was the short chronicle of DAISY MILLER. ─── 我的认识几个月后,我的铅笔意识,商标的结果是黛西米勒短纪事。

89、After an extraordinary success selling subscriptions to the Houston Chronicle (he was able to buy himself a new BMW while still in high school),young Dell discovered and fell in love with computers. ─── 在成功地把订单卖给休斯顿新闻(Houston Chronicle)后(在高中的时候他就能够给自己买一辆新的宝马汽车了),年轻的戴尔发现并爱上了计算机。

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