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08-17 投稿


appetizing 发音

英:[??p?ta?z??]  美:[??p?ta?z??]

英:  美:

appetizing 中文意思翻译



appetizing 同义词

nectarean | toothsome | nectareous | alluring | enviable | savoury | tantalizing | palatable | mouthwatering | flavorous | mouth-watering | nectarous | tempting | inviting | ambrosian | piquant |tasty | appealing | seductive | ambrosial | delicious | attractive | desirable | delectable | flavorful | enticing | flavourful | appetising | scrumptious | luscious

appetizing 反义词


appetizing 短语词组

1、real things lives appetizing ─── 真实的生活让人开胃

2、appetizing nyc ─── 开胃的纽约

3、appetizing meaning ─── 开胃的意思

4、appetizing tv ─── 开胃的电视

5、appetizing treat ─── 开胃菜

6、appetizing tea ─── 开胃茶

7、appetizing means ─── 开胃的手段

8、appetizing full of flavor crossword clue ─── 开胃味十足的纵横字谜线索

9、appetizing meal ─── 开胃大餐

appetizing 相似词语短语

1、athetizing ─── 无神论的

2、appetising ─── adj.促进食欲的;美味可口的;开胃的,诱人的

3、appertaining ─── n.属于;附属物;v.属于(appertain的ing形式)

4、appetizingly ─── 开胃的

5、aphetizing ─── vt.省去一个词中非重读字首

6、appetisingly ─── 诱人地

7、poetizing ─── v.用诗体写(或说),作诗;用诗歌形式表现;有诗意地描写

8、apprizing ─── vt.通知;报告

9、unappetizing ─── adj.引不起食欲的

appetizing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The sounds and smells that came from the open kitchen door were appetizing ─── 厨房门敞开着,飘出来一阵做菜的声音和扑鼻的香味,令人馋涎欲滴。

2、the appetizing aroma of sizzling bacon ─── 咝咝作响的熏咸肉令人馋涎欲滴的香味

3、They were enormous,succulent and appetizing. ─── 它们很大,很鲜嫩,也很诱人。

4、Guangzhou cuisine is also well known for its repertory of meat dishes two of which, roast suckling pig and beef stir-fried in oyster sauce, are highly regarded among all meat-dishes for their peculiar appetizing tang. ─── 此外,广州菜中的烤乳猪、蚝油牛肉最重粤味,为肉中上品。

5、The list of ingredients sounds very appetizing. ─── 这张单子上列的配料听起来使人馋涎欲滴.

6、Our Cuban hosts invariably put a great deal of effort into making meals attractive and appetizing. ─── 我们的古巴主人总是把饭做得即吸引人又可口。

7、the appetizing smell of cakes ─── 蛋糕那令人馋涎欲滴的香味

8、Arousing hunger; appetizing. ─── 引起食欲的;有胃口的

9、The sounds and smells that came from the open kitchen door were appetizing . ─── 从敞着门的厨房飘进来的声音和气味让人发馋。

10、Even the most finicky eater will find something appetizing here. ─── 即使最挑剔的食客也能在这儿找到开胃美食。

11、Our philosophy is providing you with high quality Italian food, with it‘s appetizing medleys of aromas, continues to gain magnitude as the world's favourite way of cooking. ─── 我们的经营理念是为您提供高品质、美味可口的意大利美食,让您持续享受世界上最受欢迎的烹饪方法的神奇魔力。所有食品均采用最新鲜的配料,部分食品是直接从意大利进口的。

12、Buy generic : Maybe they don't look fun and appetizing at first, but if you examine the ingredients, you'll find that generic products are often almost identical to brand-name ones. ─── 购买普通商品:也许起初这些商品看起来并不好或者并不合胃口,但是如果你检查他们的成分,你将发现这些普通产品和名牌一样。

13、He appears in the morning light as a robust, vital, appetizing sort of man of forty to thereabouts, dressed in a professional-looking black frock-coat with white linen collar and black silk tie. ─── 他在早晨的阳光中看来是个健壮、活泼、漂亮的人,大约四十岁,穿着黑色的工作服,自领子,黑丝结。

14、Best if served with appetizing first course dishes with meat and mushroom sauces,veal stews and roast chicken. ─── 很好的开胃酒,适合配头盘的肉菜、酱汁蘑菇、饨小牛肉和烤鸡。

15、While you may not think the name is very appetizing, the distinctive flavor is. ─── 也许你觉得这名字会让你没胃口,不过这种水果的味道却真的非常独特。

16、I have smelt an appetizing smell. ─── 我闻到了令人垂涎的味道。

17、Now, she and other breadfruit believers are ready to teach people that breadfruit can be appetizing, starting in Hawaii. ─── 如今,黛安和其他一些面包果的提倡者准备教人们如何享用面包果,从夏威夷开始。

18、A superb and inexpensive restaurant. Fine food expertly served by waitresses in appetizing forms. ─── 华美而价廉的餐厅。佳肴迎宾,服务专业,女服务生,开胃方式。

19、preserved appetizing fruit ─── 清胃果

20、She determined to make a wonderful dish of the fish she was cleaning and to be especially careful to make it tasty and appetizing ─── 她决心把她正在收拾的那条大鱼精心烹调,做得美味可口,吊人胃口。

21、BOSTON (Reuters Life!) - Dieters may find some welcome assistance from a new nasal spray that could help resist the appetizing aromas of cinnamon bun stands, pizza parlors or tempting bakeries. ─── 节食者们可找到一种受欢迎的鼻喷雾剂,从而抵御来自放肉桂面包的架子、匹萨店或引诱人的面包店的香气的诱惑。

22、When my grandmother found out, she put cow bile in the most appetizing parts of the garden and hid hot peppers in the flowerpots. ─── 当我的外祖母发现这个的时候,她把母牛的胆汁放到花园里最令Margor开胃的地方,并把辣胡椒粉藏在花盆里。

23、I made it myself.Wow, it is really appetizing!” ─── 这可是我自己泡出来的.啊,真开胃!”

24、The meals he cooked were always nourishing but never particularly appetizing. ─── 他做的饭菜向来营养丰富,但从不会令人胃口大开。

25、stimulate (or whet) the appetite; be appetizing ─── 促进食欲

26、The appetizing kabob and steak cooked on the spot will match various tastes. ─── 现场的烧烤供应各款进口扒类和串烧,香气四溢。

27、The appetizing stir is the olfactory equivalent of a dinner bell, alerting mosquitoes that a warm meal is within range ─── 排放出的气味就像开胃剂一样在空气中流动,对于蚊子来说等同于开饭的铃声,提醒它们附近有热腾腾的美餐。

28、Walk into snack inn, sit to sample appetizing fried chicken, this has made the way of life of many urbanite. ─── 走进快餐店,坐下来品尝香喷喷的炸鸡,这已经成为不少都市人的生活方式。

29、In love, God created fire so that our food can be cooked and made appetizing, and our homes can be warmed in winter, but that same fire can burn our houses down and cause loss of life. ─── 出于爱,神创造了火,好让我们煮饭取暖,但是同样的火会毁灭我们的房子,甚至于夺取性命。

30、The roast beef is very appetizing. ─── 烤牛肉让人胃口大开。

31、TIPS This home-cooked dish can help to nourish your skin. Frying the tomatoes with eggs is just as appetizing. ─── 烹饪小贴士·这道家常菜有助于养颜。·如果不用蒸的,番茄也可以用来炒蛋,同样开胃。

32、I think a bottle of champagne would be a good idea.It`s appetizing and tasty. ─── 我想.我们并不需要太多的饮料.买两大瓶可乐就可以了.葡萄酒呢?

33、“I was lying here on the sand more dead than alive, when an appetizing odor of fried fish came to me. That odor tickled my hunger and I followed it. ─── “我躺在这儿的沙滩上生不如死,这时一股炸鱼的香味飘到了我身边。那股香味引起了我的食欲,我顺着香味就来了。

34、I riffled through an old cookery book, seeking something appetizing to prepare for her. ─── 我翻看了一本旧烹调书学习,准备些可口的东西让她吃。

35、A concentrated furniture polish and cleaner designed to add luster and beauty while cleaning and preserving the surface and appetizing . ─── 本品是浓缩型家具清洁上光乳剂,清洁、上光、保护、加香四合为一。

36、Christmas Eve was a huge feasting affair, we had lobster, shrimps, mushrooms, beef, bee hoon, chicken wings all barbequed.My post greasy floor was less than appetizing but we had a jolly ho ho time. ─── 平安夜可是一次大的盛宴哦, 我们准备了龙虾,小虾, 蘑菇, 牛肉, 蜂蜜, 还有烤鸡翅. 虽然油腻的食品不是很开胃, 但我们吃得很开心.

37、I was lying here on the sand more dead than alive, when an appetizing odor of fried fish came to me. That odor tickled my hunger and I followed it. ─── 我躺在这儿的沙滩上生不如死,这时一股炸鱼的香味飘到了我身边。那股香味引起了我的食欲,我顺着香味就来了。

38、The ship had been experimenting with C-rations, but with the embarkation of the Marines she returned to a more appetizing Navy diet. ─── 该舰曾试吃过一段时间的C型口粮,但在陆战队员们登船之后,该舰重新供应更为美味可口的海军食品。

39、Affected cows should be kept in cool, darkened pens where fresh water and appetizing feed are readily available ─── 应将病牛放置在凉爽黑暗的牛栏中,给予新鲜的饮水和促进食欲的饲料。

40、Have fall fat, fall blood pressure, appetizing, aperient, prevent cancer, reduce weight, raise colour wait for a function. ─── 具有降脂、降血压、开胃、通便、防癌、减肥、养颜等功能。

41、It looks very appetizing. ─── 看起来非常开胃。

42、Simmered Mutton Elbow and Taro with Appetizing Sauce ─── 芋艿煨羊肘

43、(After tasting) It's very delicious and appetizing! We're really enjoying” color, flavor and taste” all at the same time. ─── 味道好极了,我们真的是在品尝色.香.味俱全的菜肴。

44、The Product contains nutrition of original materials, being spicy, delicious, appetizing and refreshing, which serves as a good meal companion. ─── 使味你想产品集香、辣、鲜、脆于一身。美味可口,方便快捷,可增强食欲,消除疲劳,振奋精神,是绝佳的佐餐伴侣。

45、Warm colors like yellow make food appear more appetizing. ─── 暖色调如黄色的房间装潢会让食物看起来更有食欲。

46、appetizing appearance ─── 渴望的样子

47、The most appetizing yak yogurt ─── 牧民的牦牛酸奶

48、Allan : That doesn't look very 2)appetizing . It'll probably just make me 3)gag . ─── 艾伦:看起来不怎麽开胃啊。那八成会令我作呕。

49、FANZAOYANG Portable Spice Box is a good accompaniment to meals during traveling, which is appetizing and refreshing, and gives you a pleasant journey. ─── “饭遭殃”便携式套装食品是旅游途中佐餐的好伴侣,可增强食欲,消除疲劳,振奋精神,使您旅途充满了快乐。

50、An appetizing smell from the kitchen ─── 来自厨房的令人垂涎的香味

51、Some state-owned restaurants offer slow and rude service,less than appetizing food and appalling toilets. ─── 18有些国营饭馆常慢吞吞待客,且态度粗鲁,饭菜吃了要倒胃口,厕所的卫生状况更是骇人听闻。

52、The Product is spicy, delicious, fresh, easy to carry and eat, being very appetizing and refreshing, which serves as a good travel companion or a good gift for friends. ─── 携带方便,即开即食,可增强食欲,消除疲劳,振奋精神,是假日休闲、馈赠亲友、出差旅途佐餐的好伴侣。

53、The dish is attractive to eye and appetizing to the taste . ─── 这盘菜色味俱佳。

54、Greeted by his wife and the appetizing dishes she has prepared, Chang Ho-chuan's hard day melts into the clouds. ─── 太太以丰盛的晚餐迎接,让在外奔波一天的张和全劳累尽失。

55、Different spice-blends are used for their flavor and also for their appetizing, digestive and decorative qualities. ─── 不同的香料组合,不仅有其特殊的风味,同时也可用来开胃、帮助消化及盘饰。

56、The dish is very appetizing. ─── 这菜真香。

57、She keeps the house clean , cooks appetizing meals and is grateful for her place as wife and mother. ─── 她会保持家里干净,做有人的饭菜,并且对处以一个妻子和母亲的位置而感恩。

58、Appetizing, palatable ─── 津津有味

59、By Daniel Yeh Little boy: Wow, Mr dog! Your food smells so appetizing! Mr dog: Go away, boy! Otherwise I will beat you down with my nose! ─── 小男孩:哇,狗先生,你的食物闻着真馋人。狗先生:走开小男孩,不然我会用鼻子把你揍倒。

60、Seafood is always so appetizing. ─── 海鲜总是那么的诱人。

61、Shaoxing belongs to rice wine.Good appetizing is attrictive, and it is more like Janpenese sake. ─── 绍兴酒属米酒类,品之香味诱人,有点象日本的清酒.

62、Do not eat to him to so much snacks, to a few belts the fruit with appetizing acidity eats to him, if not be uncomfortable,never mind, need not worry. ─── 不要给那么多的零食给他吃,给一些带酸味开胃的水果给他吃,假如不是不舒适就不要紧的,不用担心.

63、For example,food can look extremely appetizing and delicious in a full-color magazine advertisement, ─── 例如:如果是全彩的杂志广告,食品看上去会非常的美味可口,

64、Christmas Eve was a huge feasting affair, we had lobster, shrimps, mushrooms,beef, bee hoon, chicken wings all barbequed.My post greasy floor was less than appetizing but we had a jolly ho ho time. ─── 圣诞夜是一个巨大宴请事件,我们吃龙虾、对虾、蘑菇、牛肉、蜜蜂、鸡翼烧烤.我的地板到处都是油腻,但我们有快活的时光。

65、This appetizing smell make me hunger. ─── 做饭的气味让我越发感到饥饿。

66、She determined to make a wonderful dish of the fish she was cleaning and to be especially careful to make it tasty and appetizing. ─── 她决心把她正在收拾的那条大鱼精心烹调,做得美味可口,吊人胃口。

67、An appetizing smell comes from the kitchen. ─── 从厨房里传来令人垂涎的味道。

68、Plum is sour and appetizing . And make the duck breast not too oily. ─── 话梅酸酸好开胃,仲令鸭胸无咁腻。

69、Some state-owned restaurants usually offer slow and rude service, less than appetizing food and appalling toilets. ─── 有些国营饭店通常上菜慢、服务差、饭菜糟、厕所脏。

70、It was always advisable to keep these appetizing houses out of reach of young children. ─── 因此,把这些小屋子放到孩子们可望不可及的地方向来是明智之举。

71、You take a closer look, really did not see it? " Muras always like so guessing, appetizing. " ─── “你再仔细看看,真的什么也没看到吗?”穆拉斯总喜欢这么卖关子,吊人胃口。

72、Wilbur didn't care. The food smelled appetizing. He took another step toward the pail. ─── 威尔伯才不在乎。食物的香气太诱人了。他又朝桶子跨出了一步。

73、The smell of rancid butter frying is not particularly appetizing, especially when the cooking is done in a room in which there is not the slightest form of ventilation. ─── 煎放坏了的奶油时散发出的气味并不是很开胃的,更何况做饭的房间里根本没有任何通风设备。

74、The meals are not particularly appetizing, or even safe. ─── 这些食物并不特别开胃,甚至不安全。

75、An arrogant posture and the shine of Los Angeles media have made Bryant appetizing for public consumption. ─── 傲慢的姿态和洛杉矶媒体的闪耀让科比吊足了公众的胃口。

76、Because be National Day long holiday right now, county guest flow is large, he inserts the appetizing corn that has toasted club of a young timber, along stream of people more place peddles. ─── 由于此时正是国庆节长假,县城客流量大,他把烤好的香喷喷的玉米插上一支小木棒,沿人流较多的地方叫卖。

77、The dish is very appetizing ─── 这道菜真香。

78、This will be the information combination of type of a kind of similar snack, have already here goluptious " sweetmeats " , also have appetizing " acerbity fruit " ; ─── 这将是一种类似快餐式的信息组合,这里既有可口的“甜品”,也有开胃的“酸果”;

79、not appetizing in appearance, aroma, or taste. ─── 在外观、香味或者味道上不能引起食欲。

80、A concentrated furniture polish and cleaner designed to add luster and beauty while cleaning and presering the surface and appetizing. ─── 本品是浓缩型家具清洁上光乳剂,清洁、上光、保护、加香四合为一。

81、It's appetizing and tasty. ─── 真是鲜美可口。

82、Food Street is an unpretentious establishment where you can enjoy a wide range of appetizing and delicious “street food” from around Asia. ─── 亚洲食品款式繁多,想尽情品尝不同美食,食街是您的最佳选择。

83、The major products are litchi fruit wine of Red Chinese series and litchi fruit wine of The Most Appetizing Litchi in the world. ─── 产品采用微生物低温发酵生物工程技术酿造,创造了“果酒的奇迹”,具有“生命的价值”。

84、Rules of the game, click the left mouse button to the toilet into the singalong, and it took an appetizing line can be. ─── 游戏规则,点击鼠标左键将厕所下水的上口和下口练成一条线即可。

85、All of our products are appetizing, and it is the best choice to give to our friends and relatives as a gift. ─── 本公司的产品风味独特,是送礼给亲朋好友的最佳选择。

86、It isn't nearly as appetizing if it's cooked, allowed to cool, then warmed again. ─── 因为凉了之后再热会影响它的口感。

87、Byzantine Restaurant: All-day casual international Restaurant offering sumptuous buffet breakfast, an equally appetizing lunch and dinner with Mediterranean and Greek cuisine, as well as specialized theme nights. ─── 拜占庭式的餐馆:全天营业的国际餐馆,提供奢侈自助餐早餐,一顿同样开胃的地中海和希腊风味的午餐和晚餐,并且提供专门题材夜晚。

88、This wine has lovely slow rising bubbles, with a nose of yeast, oak, citrus &aged flavors which is very appetizing! ─── 慢慢上升的气泡非常漂亮,这酒闻上去有酵母、木桶、柑橘和成熟的香味,十分吸引!

89、This was not so much the consequence of an aversion to that healthful beverage as that the available water was seldom clear, sparkling, or appetizing. ─── 这并不是因为他们厌恶水这种健康饮料,而是因为当时的水很少是干净、晶亮、可口的。

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