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08-17 投稿


fraudulently 发音

英:[?fr??d??l?ntli]  美:[?fr??dj?l?ntli]

英:  美:

fraudulently 中文意思翻译



fraudulently 短语词组

1、fraudulently joined ─── 欺诈性加入

2、fraudulently alter ─── 欺诈性地改变

3、sell fraudulently ─── [经] 盗卖

4、fraudulently means ─── 欺诈手段

5、fraudulently obtained ─── 骗取

6、fraudulently understating ─── 虚报

7、fraudulently altered ─── 伪造的

8、fraudulently cashed ─── 骗取现金

9、fraudulently definition ─── 欺诈性定义

10、fraudulently induced ─── 欺诈诱导的

fraudulently 词性/词形变化,fraudulently变形

名词: fraudulence |副词: fraudulently |

fraudulently 相似词语短语

1、crapulently ─── 糟透了

2、fraudulency ─── n.欺诈;骗诈

3、fraudulent ─── adj.欺骗性的;不正的

4、flocculently ─── 絮状

5、fraudfully ─── 欺诈地

6、truculently ─── 粗暴的(truculent的副词形式)

7、fraudulence ─── n.欺诈;欺骗性

8、fraudulentness ─── 欺诈

9、flatulently ─── (肠胃)气胀地;空谈地;浮夸地

fraudulently 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、(2)destroy or fraudulently alter any notarial document or archive file; ─── (二)毁损、篡改公证文书或者公证档案;

2、A junior minister from the former government was charged in February with fraudulently extracting cash from a Cuban scheme which supplied free energy-saving light bulbs to Jamaican households. ─── 一名前政府政务次官在2月份被指控以欺诈手段从一项古巴方案中提取现金。此方案要求向牙买加家庭免费提供节能灯泡。

3、To manipulate or juggle, especially fraudulently. ─── 使用诡计操纵或耍把戏,尤指欺骗性地

4、(5) it does not truthfully make the inspection and quarantine report, and fraudulently obtained the inspection and quarantine documents; ─── (五)不如实报检,骗取检验检疫单证的;

5、Motavelian suggested that the sellers may have been fraudulently doing business as a "registered hygiene and medical equipment company" . ─── Motavelian指出,销售者很可能正在以一个注册的卫生和医疗设备公司经营着不正当的生意。

6、People may feign incapability to fraudulently claim the benefits, thus depriving the really needy. ─── 人可能假装无能欺诈索赔的好处,从而剥夺了真正有需要的。

7、the applicant deliberately falsifying the subject matter of the insurance, whereupon an insurance claim is fraudulently made; ─── (二)未发生保险事故而谎称发生保险事故,骗取保险金的;

8、Fraudulently obtaining a letter of credit; or; ─── 骗取信用证的;

9、This can help prevent a virus or an unauthorized person from modifying your file, and fraudulently signing it with your certificate. ─── 这有助于防止病毒或未经授权的人员修改文件,以及用您的证书对其进行欺骗性的签名。

10、The Police, in a joint operation with the Department of Health, arrested 10 persons in connection with the sales of medicines obtained fraudulently from Government clinics to private dispensaries。 ─── 警方和卫生署采取联合行动,拘捕十人,他们诈骗政府诊所药房配药,并将药物卖给私人药房。

11、I acted neither fraudulently nor improperly. ─── 我既未欺诈又未犯法。

12、Once he was punished for a sanguinary assault, and his connection with Wimbledon ceased in 1514 when he "falsely and fraudulently erased the evidences and tenures of the lord. ─── 在1514年,此公因残暴伤人而受惩罚,他连蒙带骗地抹去了证据和勋爵的余荫,之后便与温布尔登断了联系。

13、Forge, alter, fraudulently obtain or transfer military export approval documents, contract approval documents, licenses, valid certificates from recipient countries, and other documents; ─── 四)伪造、变造、骗取或者转让军品出口项目批准文件、合同批准文件、许可证和接受国的有效证明文件等单证;

14、Alleges that Plaintiff has falsely and fraudulently asserted that he is a resident of Nevada for the purpose of initiating a divorce action in Nevada for the sole purpose of obtaining a quickie Nevada divorce. ─── 被告认为,原告虚假地并欺骗性地声称他是内华达州的居民,其目的是为了在该州提起离婚诉讼,这样做的唯一目的是想快速地获得内华达州的离婚判决。

15、appropriate (as property entrusted to one's care) fraudulently to one's own use ─── 把委托保管的财产挪给自己使用

16、A contest or deliberation the outcome of which is fraudulently prearranged. ─── 阴谋诡计一次比赛或讨论,其结果已欺骗性地被事先安排了

17、A woman has been arrested in Japan for fraudulently accessing a man’s computer account and destroying the imaginary character he created for playing online computer games. ─── 一位日本妇女由于非法使用某男子的电脑账户,并且破坏了该男子为玩网络游戏而创建的虚拟人物而被逮捕。

18、Fraudulently obtaining the State's construction funds by means of false declaration, imitation, connected transaction or else; ─── (二)以虚报、冒领、关联交易等手段骗取国家建设资金;

19、Russia demanded that the United States strongly supported the return was fraudulently obtaining from the hands of the Russian Alaska! ─── 强烈支持俄罗斯要求美国归还当年用欺骗手段从俄罗斯手中骗取的阿拉斯加州!

20、Probing into some Issues concerning the Crime of Fraudulently Obtaining Tax Refunds for Exports ─── 骗取出口退税罪若干问题探讨

21、someone who (fraudulently) assumes the appearance of another. ─── (期骗地)模仿另一个人的外表的人。

22、To load or manipulate(dice) fraudulently. ─── 诈骗欺骗性地装入或操纵(骰子)

23、Forging and Fraudulently Selling Bills or Certificates ─── 伪造倒卖票卷、证件

24、MBIA sued Credit Suisse, alleging the bank fraudulently sold securities backed by loans that did not meet underwriting standards. ─── MBIA曾起诉瑞士信贷,指控其欺诈销售未达到承销标准的贷款支持证券。

25、I/We accept the liability for all losses suffered by the Bank if I/we have acted fraudulently or with gross negligence. ─── 倘因本人/本人等有欺诈行为或严重之疏忽而引致银行有所损失,本人/本人等愿对一切损失承担责任。

26、Some commentators accuse China's government of overstating GDP growth for political reasons, others complain that the official inflation rate is fraudulently low. ─── 有些评论家认为,出于政治原因,中国政府夸大了GDP增长。另一些抱怨,官方的通胀数据低的可疑。

27、8. Indeed, turmeric was formerly referred to as “Indian saffron” and is sometimes sold fraudulently as saffron. ─── 的确,郁金以前被称为"印地安番红花"并且有时被作为番红花欺骗性的出售。收藏指正

28、this money was fraudulently obtained. ─── 这笔钱是通过不正当渠道得来的。

29、To increase the amount of(a check) fraudulently. ─── 涂改(支票)欺骗性的增加(支票的)金额

30、Learnfrom your mistakes and never do anything that can potentially result inyour ads being clicked on fraudulently again. ─── 吸取教训,不要再做任何可能导致欺诈点击的事了。

31、If you suspect that this account is being used fraudulently , change the account password immediately using complex passwords . ─── 如果怀疑此帐户的使用存在欺骗性,应立即使用复杂密码更改帐户密码。

32、1. illegally buy up-illegally purchase state-controlled commodity for resale 2. fraudulently purchase ─── 套购

33、Many of these "quick cures" are unproven, fraudulently marketed and useless or even dangerous. ─── 很多这样的“速效”是未加证明的,欺诈性的销售,并且是无用甚至危险的。

34、a contest or deliberation the outcome of which is fraudulently prearranged ─── 一次比赛或讨论,其结果已欺骗性地被事先安排了

35、fraudulently purchase or exchange ─── 套换

36、Too many Mexicans, the Canadian government complained, are fraudulently claiming political asylum in Canada, overwhelming the system. ─── 加拿大的政府抱怨,太多墨西哥人谎称受到加拿大政治庇护,已经造成了系统的巨大负担。

37、Customers should not be responsible for direct losses due to security breaches etc unless they have acted negligently or fraudulently ─── 除非是客户疏忽或欺诈行为所致,否则客户应无需承担保安事故所造成的直接损失

38、And, of course, data that have been rigged, invented or fraudulently altered won't stand up to future scrutiny. ─── 当然,美化、捏造或篡改数据也会导致数据经不起未来的检验。

39、3.Indeed, turmeric was formerly referred to as “Indian saffron” and is sometimes sold fraudulently as saffron. ─── 的确,郁金以前被称为"印地安番红花"并且有时被作为番红花欺骗性的出售。

40、Learn from your mistakes and never do anything that can potentially result in your ads being clicked on fraudulently again. ─── 吸取教训,不要再做所有可能导致欺诈点击的事了。

41、The purpose of this verification is to ensure that your bank account has not been fraudulently used and to combat the fraud from our community. ─── 此举的目的是核查,以确保您的银行帐户并未盗用和打击诈骗,从我们的社会。

42、fraudulently adv. ─── 欺诈地;

43、To alter and increase fraudulently the written value of(a check, for example). ─── 擅自增加价值以欺诈的手段更改或增加(如支票上)所写的价值

44、Adding to the fuel was a lawsuit filed by an employee of Sinopec, alleging that the company fraudulently appropriated his wages. ─── 与此同时,中国石化公司的一名雇员提起法律诉讼,指控该公司欺诈性挪用其工资。这对中国石化公司来说可谓火上浇油。

45、The carrier holds no liability for the lost ticket which has been fraudulently used or refunded under the passenger's name when the passenger requests refund before the expiration of the lost ticket. ─── 在原遗失客票有效期满申请退款前,客票如已被使用或退款,承运人不承担责任。

46、To alter and increase fraudulently the written value of (a check, for example). ─── 擅自增加价值:以欺诈的手段更改或增加(如支票上)所写的价值。

47、sell fraudulently ─── [经] 盗卖

48、Article 5 It is prohibited to forge or fraudulently use authentication marks or other product quality marks; ─── 第五条禁止伪造或者冒用认证标志等质量标志;

49、If you suspect that this account is being used fraudulently, change the account password immediately using complex passwords. ─── 如果怀疑此帐户的使用存在欺骗性,应立即使用复杂密码更改帐户密码。

50、Such false offers of employment are seemed to be used in order to fraudulently obtain funds for the costs associated with training activities. ─── 上述行为很可能是假借研修费用等之名目,实为诈骗之目的。

51、They loaded the dice fraudulently . ─── 他们以欺骗手段在骰子上加铅。

52、Fraudulently listing or concealing revenues, delaying to confirm revenues or confirming revenues in advance. ─── 虚列或者隐瞒收入,推迟或者提前确认收入;

53、Fraudulently Obtained Revenue and Assets ─── 欺诈获得的收入和资产,如

54、To increase the amount of(a check)fraudulently. ─── 涂改(支票)欺骗性的增加(支票的)金额

55、(1) fraudulently obtaining the qualification for a tax refund for exported goods; ─── (一)骗取出口货物退税资格的;

56、In fact, they had been planted fraudulently by spiteful colleagues. ─── 事实上,他们是被心怀恶意的同事欺骗栽赃的。

57、a bank check that has been fraudulently altered to show a larger amount ─── 被欺骗性地改为更大金额的银行支票

58、For anyone who fraudulently obtains tax refund for export from the State, the tax authority may suspend its work on the tax refund for export within the prescribed period. ─── 对骗取国家出口退税款的,税务机关可以在规定期间内停止为其办理出口退税。

59、If it is found that the tax invoices have been used fraudulently, taxpayer shall assume legal responsibility for tax evasion jointly and severally. ─── 如发票被盗用后又被虚开,纳税人承担偷税连带责任。

60、Market manipulation should be defined as a conduct intended to fraudulently induce people to trade by artificial securities transaction or other ruses. ─── 操纵市场行为应当定义为以欺诈致使他人从事证券交易为目的,制造虚假的证券交易或者其他虚假现象的行为。

61、Fraudulently obtaining fiscal funds by means of false declaration or in any other's name, etc.; ─── (一)以虚报、冒领等手段骗取财政资金;

62、In it, Italian prosecutors say they are investigating whether the banks fraudulently made more than euro100m in “illicit profits” from the Milan deal and took advantage of naive buyers. ─── 而米兰的检查部门表示,他们正在调查银行是否蒙骗了无辜买家,并从该交易中欺诈性地“不正当获利”高达1亿欧元。

63、The stock-options stimulate managers to work hard for the interests of stockholders, and meanwhile induce them to fraudulently inflate the stock price. ─── 摘要股票期权在激励经理为股东利益努力工作的同时,也引诱其财务欺诈以便抬高股票价格。

64、3.Counterfeiting or fraudulently using quality inspection certificates, license numbers, production permit numbers or the name of a supervising organization; ─── (三)伪造或者冒用质量检验合格证明、许可证号、准产证号或者监制单位;

65、Additionally, some unscrupulous websites might display the trust logos fraudulently. ─── 另外,某些不道德的网站可能虚假显示信任徽标。

66、fraudulently listing or concealing revenues, delaying to confirm revenues or confirming revenues in advance; ─── 二)虚列或者隐瞒收入,推迟或者提前确认收入;

67、deliberately causing the occurrence of an insured event which leads to property damage, whereupon an insurance claim is fraudulently made; ─── (四)故意造成被保险人死亡、伤残或者疾病等人身保险事故,骗取保险金的;

68、it must be noted,however,that negotiability and title are subject to any previous defect in title,eg if the bill of lading has been stolen or fraudulently altered. ─── (请注意:无论如何,可转让性或物权需要受物权上早就存在的瑕疵约束,如提单是偷盗的或欺诈性更改)。

69、dice fraudulently loaded to fall with a certain face up ─── 骗人的灌铅骰子总是某一面朝上的

70、To brand or label misleadingly or fraudulently. ─── 错贴标签,贴假标签给贴上有错误引导倾向的或欺骗性的标签

71、Chinese investigators said melamine may have been added to fool quality tests after water was added to fraudulently increase the milk's volume. ─── 中国调查者说三聚腈胺可能是在向牛奶中加水增加体积之后为了糊弄质量检查而添加的。

72、2.Counterfeiting or fraudulently using patent marks, or using patent numbers that are already invalid; ─── (二)伪造或者冒用专利标志,使用已经失效的专利号;

73、of the homes were fraudulently obtained. ─── 房子全都是骗取的。

74、Large-scale nationwide campaigns were carried out against smuggling, fraudulently obtaining tax and foreign currency benefits, and producing and selling counterfeit and shoddy goods. ─── 在全国先后开展了声势浩大的打击走私、骗税骗汇、制造假冒伪劣商品的专项行动,

75、4 The law makes it illegal to deprive the employer of such service fraudulently, without making it clear what would constitute dishonest service. ─── 法律认定欺诈性的剥夺雇佣方这一服务属违法,但未明了不诚实服务的涵义。

76、Officials alleged this month that the company fraudulently sold ordinary pork as more expensive organic pork. ─── 官员们本月声称,沃尔玛将普通猪肉当作价格更高的有机猪肉来卖。

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