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08-17 投稿


tibiotarsus 发音

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tibiotarsus 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 胫跗节



tibiotarsus 短语词组

1、tibiotarsus bone ─── 胫大肌骨

2、tibiotarsus definition ─── 提比奥塔苏斯定义

3、tibiotarsus in humans ─── 人的胫突肌

4、tibiotarsus bird ─── 提比奥塔索斯鸟

5、tibiotarsus wikipedia ─── 藏羚羊维基百科

6、tibiotarsus avian ─── 提比奥塔索斯鸟

tibiotarsus 相似词语短语

1、botargos ─── n.鱼子调味酱,鲔鱼内脏配上的拌菜(botargo的变形)

2、tibiotarsuses ─── [昆]胫跗节;[鸟]胫跗骨

3、bonasus ─── 奖金

4、tibiotarsal ─── 胫股沟

5、biotrons ─── n.[电子]高跨度孪生管;[生态]生物气候室

6、biotas ─── n.生物区(系);一时代(一地区)的动植物

7、simitars ─── n.弯刀;半月形刀

8、abomasus ─── 皱胃

9、metatarsus ─── n.跖骨;中骨;跗基节

tibiotarsus 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Measurements of the length of the hindlimb bones indicated that the tibiotarsus is invariably the largest among the three major leg bones. ─── 即在所有鸟类的后肢骨骼中,胫跗骨的长度占3块骨骼的比例为最大;地栖鸟类后肢骨骼中股骨的长度要短于跗跖骨;

2、The tibiotarsus of hindlimbs of typical terrestrial birds with the characteristic accustomed to walk and run is the longest, and its tarsometatarsus is longer than the femur; ─── 习于地面行走、奔跑为特征的典型地栖鸟类,后肢骨骼中胫跗骨最长,其次跗跖骨长度大于股骨;

3、The tibiotarsus of hindlimbs of typical terrestrial birds with the characteristic accustomed to walk and run is the longest, and its tarsometatarsus is longer than the femur; ─── 于地面行走、奔跑为特征的典型地栖鸟类,后肢骨骼中胫跗骨最长,其次跗跖骨长度大于股骨;

4、while the tibiotarsus of hindlimbs of typical arboreal birds with the characteristic of perching, jumping is the longest, and its femur is longer than the tarsometatarsus; ─── 而以树上栖息、跳跃为特征的典型树栖鸟类,后肢骨骼中胫跗骨最长,而股骨长度大于跗跖骨;

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