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08-17 投稿


blinking 发音

英:[?bl??k??]  美:[?bl??k??]

英:  美:

blinking 中文意思翻译





blinking 网络释义

adj. 眨眼的;闪光的;可恶的;十足的;一眨眼的v. 眨眼睛;闪闪发光;对…视而不见(blink的ing形式)adv. 非常;十足n. 闪烁;瞬目

blinking 词性/词形变化,blinking变形

动词现在分词: blinkering |动词过去式: blinkered |动词过去分词: blinkered |动词第三人称单数: blinkers |

blinking 短语词组

1、blinking underline ─── 闪烁的下划线

2、blinking character ─── 闪烁字符

3、blinkingblinking ─── 闪烁 ─── 闪烁 ─── 闪烁

4、blinking stars ─── 闪烁的星星

5、blinking characteristics ─── [计] 闪烁特征

6、blinking rate ─── 眨眼率

7、blinking cursor ─── [计] 闪烁光标

8、blinking chickweed ─── [网络] 眨眼鸡尾草

9、blinking jamming ─── 交替干扰

10、blinking device ─── 闪视器

11、trouble blinking ─── 事故指示信号

12、blinking star ─── 闪烁的星星

13、blinking highlight ─── 闪烁的亮点

14、blinking indication ─── 闪烁显示

15、blinking with jennie ─── 和珍妮眨眼

16、blinking bit ─── 闪烁点

17、blinking signal ─── 闪光信号

18、blinking light ─── 闪光信号灯

19、blinking readout ─── [计] 闪烁读出

blinking 常用词组

blinking light ─── 闪光信号灯

blinking 相似词语短语

1、clinking ─── adj.无上的,无比的;叮当响的;adv.极好的

2、plinking ─── n.休闲射击;v.随意投掷;发出叮当声(plink的ing形式)

3、linking ─── adj.辅音连接的;n.连接,耦合;v.把……连接起来;联系,相关联;有联系(或关系);挽住,钩住;链接(link的现在分词形式)

4、blanking ─── n.消除;切断;空白;关闭;v.消失,使模糊不清(blank的现在分词)

5、slinking ─── vi.潜逃;溜走;vt.早产;潜逃;n.早产的动物;鬼鬼祟祟的人;adj.早产的

6、blunking ─── 钝

7、blinding ─── n.石砂,碎石子;混泥土垫层;adj.使人眩目的;挡住视线的,障眼的;(疼痛、感情)强烈的;(行动)干净利索,漂亮的,绝妙的;精彩的使人失去判断力的

8、blinkering ─── n.瞥视者;闪光警戒灯

9、blinging ─── 布林

blinking 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He didn't blink at the idea of leaving his home and going far away. ─── 他对于要离家到远方去并不觉得惊讶。

2、I really like it when I just keep your icon blinking when you messaged. ─── 别人都说,如果在我需要你的时候你不在,那么你再也不用在了。

3、She did not understand why I blink. ─── 她没有领会我眨眼的意思。

4、He could no longer hold her gaze, and was blinking back tears of his own as he uttered the last phrase. ─── 他不再躲避她的注视,当他说出最后的话时拼命忍住泪。

5、What if I blink or move my eyes during the laser treatment? ─── 如果我在激光疗程期间眨眼或转动眼睛会如何?

6、Women blink niarly twice as much as men. ─── 女人眨肯的次数几乎是男人的两倍。

7、"Wait!" says the yellow light, blinking in between. ─── 中间黄灯闪烁,它在说:“等着哦!”。

8、Frequent blinking or abnormal blinking is an symptom without significant eye diseases, this symptom is often found in children. ─── 频繁或异常瞬目是指无明显眼病而伴有阵发性频繁眨眼动作的病症,儿童多见。

9、She didn't even blink at his outrageous proposal. ─── 她对他蛮横的求婚一点儿也不感到惊讶。

10、Everything was quiet under the blinking stars. ─── 闪烁的星空下,一切都很安静。

11、Blink your headlights on and off. ─── 使车前灯闪烁 (打信号) 吧。

12、My stomach is on the blink today. Must be something I ate. ─── (今天我的胃很难受。一定是我吃的什么东西作祟。)

13、The accident was over in the blink of an eye. ─── 事故在一瞬间就过去了。

14、Everything was quiet under the blinking stars. ─── 在这闪耀的星光底下,一切都很平静。

15、Try to avoid flashing between different sets of information by blinking the screen. ─── 在不同信息集合间切换时,要避免屏幕的闪烁。

16、She nodded, her long-lashed eyes blinking rapidly. ─── 她点点头,长着长睫毛的眼睛很快地眨了眨。

17、You cannot blink the fact that there is a war . ─── 你不能忽视有战争存在这一事实。

18、Your hands look like a butterfly,beautiful blink. ─── 你的手好像一只蝴蝶,优美的扑闪。

19、Hostilities exist,there is no blinking at the fact that our people,our territory and our interest are in grave danger. ─── 大敌当前,我国人民、领土和利益正处于极度危险的状态,我们决不可稍有懈怠。

20、You can' t blink the fact that the country' s economy is suffering. ─── 不能不考虑国家经济正遇到困难这一事实.

21、As a child she used to blink her eyes, but she grew out of it. ─── 她在孩提时有眨眼睛得习惯,现在改掉了。

22、What! Your computer is on the blink again? ─── 什么?你的电脑又出故障了?

23、Is he thinking, blinking, or sleeping on it? ─── 他是在思考、眨眼还是在上面睡觉?

24、A wise tabby, a blinking sphinx, watched from her warm sill. ─── 一只明察秋毫的母花猫,伊然是座眨巴着眼睛的斯芬克斯,呆在暖洋洋的窗台上朝这边望着。

25、He got up after that, stumbling, blink with sleep and put on his clothes. ─── 从此以后,他自己起床,晃晃悠悠,睡眼惺忪地穿好衣服。

26、GUARDS approach Andy's cell. The door is unlocked. Andy emerges slowly, blinking painfully at the light. ─── 守卫走近禁闭室,把门打开。安迪慢慢走出来,灯光下显得异常虚弱。

27、Don't blink or you'll miss this train. ─── 别眨眼,否则你将错过这辆火车。

28、"Whew" , you say to yourself "I've got to stop blinking my eyes the World is going faster now than I can keep up. " ─── “呀”,你跟自己说:“这【生活】快到我都没法跟上节奏了,我都不敢眨眼了。”

29、As promised, I'm using a Mac here, so my cursor is not actually blinking, but the cursor is waiting there for me. ─── 正如所承诺的,这里我用的是苹果电脑,所以我的光标不会闪烁,但是光标在那里等我。

30、Yao once took sleeping pills. They made him blink. ─── Yao有一次吃了安眠药。他终于眨眼了。

31、Women blink nearly twice as much as men. ─── 女人眨眼的次数几乎是男人的两倍。

32、How could he disappear in just the blink of an eye? ─── 一转眼,他怎么就没影儿了。

33、And you can see, just once again, how it's sort of finding my eyes and doing its best to estimate when it's blinking. Alright. ─── 你可以看到,它又一次的找到了我的眼睛并且尽可能的通过眨眼来评估。

34、She only stares at him, blinking stupidly. ─── 她只是瞪着他,傻乎乎的眨巴着眼。

35、In a blink of an eye he had disappeared. ─── 一眨眼他就不见了。

36、Duplicate the frame and hide logo and second line to create blink effect. ─── 复制帧,并隐藏公司名字和图标所在曾形成闪烁效果。

37、Don't be such a blinking fool! ─── 别那么傻了!

38、The man gulp down a full stein of beer in the blink of an eye. ─── 一眨眼的工夫这人就把一满杯啤酒一饮而尽。

39、MaNGOS Blink Patch 6086 complete source code can be used directly. ─── (译):曼戈斯闪烁补丁6086完整的源代码可以直接使用。

40、You can't blink the fact that the country's economy is suffering. ─── 不能不考虑国家经济正遇到困难这一事实。

41、A man stepped out into the cool dark of the bar and stood blinking, as if he had just come from the desert glare outside. ─── 一个男人迈步进入这冰凉昏暗的酒吧,站在那那么刺眼,就像他刚从外面刺眼的沙漠进来似的。

42、But not as fast as the blink of an eye. ─── 不过还没有一眨眼这麼快吧。

43、It is impossible to outface a cat, because they don't have to blink. ─── 因为猫儿不必眨眼睛,所以我们不可能瞪视著牠。

44、Women blink twice as much as man. ─── 女人眨眼的次数是男人的两倍。

45、Her ring is an odd little concern fitted with blinking diamonds. ─── 她的戒指是装有许多闪光钻石的小玩意儿。

46、How long can you stare without blinking (your eyes)? ─── 你能瞪著看多长时间不眨眼?

47、Some people will just sit there blinking, as if I've asked them to explain why they didn't invent spaghetti. ─── 有些人只是坐在那里眨眼睛,仿佛我在叫他们解释为什么他们没能发明出意大利面条。

48、Fixed stars winking and blinking in the heavens were suns. ─── 在天空中闪烁的固定的星,是恒星。

49、He addressed the others with extravagant gestures, blinking his inflamed eyelids. ─── 他手舞足蹈地对大家讲着,眨着红肿眼皮。

50、He must blink, if nothing else. ─── 他至少会眨巴眨巴眼睛。

51、How long can you stare without blinking your eyes? ─── 你能瞪着看多长时间不眨眼?

52、He disappeared in the blink of an eye. ─── 他一眨眼工夫就不见了。

53、In a blink of an eye it's over. ─── 一转眼就到了。

54、Blinking back tears,she forced her attention elsewhere. ─── 她使劲地眨了眨眼睛,不让泪水涌出,并努力将注意力转向别处。

55、Ase said with an impatience that made his mother blink. ─── 埃斯说这话时表现出的不耐烦使他的母亲直眨眼。

56、He didn't blink at his son's leaving his home and going far away. ─── 他对儿子要离家到远方去这件事并未表示惊讶。

57、"Three." And in a blink a "3" appears. ─── “三”,眨眼功夫“3”显示出来。

58、He stared up at her, blinking in the glow of the dying camp fire. ─── 他抬眼盯着她,在篝火的余光中眨着眼睛。

59、He had a habit of blinking his eyes, but gradually he grew out of it. ─── 他有眨眼睛的习惯,但渐渐地他不再患此毛病。

60、He has funny habit of blinking when talking with others. ─── 他与人谈话时有一种令人可笑的贬眼睛的习惯。

61、You cannot blink the fact that the refugees are suffering. ─── 你不能坐视那些难民在受苦的事实。

62、They came late because their car was on the blink. ─── 他们来迟了是因为车出了毛病。

63、Your computer screen is on the blink. ─── 你的电脑屏幕出现了故障。

64、The boy disappeared around the corner in a blink of an eye. ─── 一眨眼,这男孩就在拐角处不见了。

65、Matvey mutters, blinking mildly. ─── ”玛特威唧唧咕咕说,温和地眫巴眼睛。

66、She did blink, but not haphazardly, by accident. ─── 她的确眨过眼睛,但不是偶然意外的。

67、A bright, usually blinking, movable indicator on a display, marking the position at which a character can be entered, corrected, or deleted. ─── 光标显示器上的明亮、通常闪动的、可移动指示物,用于标明某一字母可以进入、修改或删去的位置

68、Can't switch between blinking and intense colors. ─── 不能在闪烁和加深颜色之间切换。

69、Do lights blink during lightning storms? ─── * 在雷暴期间,灯光是否会闪烁不定?

70、Keep eating pumpkin until a certain number basketry before shooting starts blinking. ─── 不断的吃南瓜,直到一定数量篮筐开始闪烁方可投篮。

71、I can't help but blink in such bright light. ─── 在这样的强光之下,我禁不住眨了眨眼。

72、She did not so much as blink. ─── 她连眼睛都不眨一下。

73、You changed into a costume in the blink of an eye. ─── 一眨眼工夫连衣服都换好了。

74、"Mama'll be 'fraid, yes, he suggested with blinking eyes. ─── “妈妈会害怕的,肯定会。”毕比眨巴着眼睛说。

75、He cooked a tableful of meals in no time(in blink of an eye). ─── 他一眨眼功夫就变出了一桌饭菜。

76、Don't even think about it. Blink, she dies. ─── 别想了,她马上就得死!

77、The doctor does not blink at the hazards of this project. ─── 医生并不忽视这方案中的种种危险。

78、In the blink of an eye, the fire was extinguished. ─── 一转眼,满山谷的大火都被浇灭了。

79、She was a good mother to us all but there was no blinking the fact that George was her blue-eyed boy. ─── 作为母亲,她对我们都很好,但是不能否认这一事实:她特别喜爱乔治。

80、She is used to look at others blinking for shortsighted. ─── 因为有点近视,她有眯着眼睛看人的习惯。

81、If Lampert is blinking, he sure doesn't show it. ─── 就算兰伯特犹豫不决,也肯定不会表现出来。

82、You cannot blink the fact that the there is a war. ─── 你不能无视于战争存在的事实。

83、He sat there blinking at the fire in the stove. ─── 他坐在那儿眨着眼看炉子里的火焰。

84、Never miss SMS again! This tweak will enable FAST BLINKING mode on new SMS so you will never again miss important SMS. ─── 再也不错过短信这个优化会把新短信变为闪信。你再也不会错过重要的短信。

85、He shut his eyelids, trying desperately to blink back his tears. ─── 他就赶紧合上了眼皮,眨呀眨的,拼命把眼泪给忍住了。

86、It is no use blinking the fact that inflation keeps getting worse. ─── 不能无视通货膨胀日益恶化这一事实。

87、Shortly leaving Zhangjiakou, her friend's car was on the blink. ─── 刚过张家口,廖佳朋友的车就出了毛病。

88、Blinking in amazement, the hillbilly drawled, "I should have brought my wife! ─── 乡下人惊奇地眨着眼睛,慢吞吞地说:“我应该把我的老婆带来!

89、There is no blinking the possibility of a scandal. ─── 不能无视发生丑闻的可能性。

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