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08-17 投稿


astral 发音

英:['?str(?)l]  美:['?str?l]

英:  美:

astral 中文意思翻译



astral 短语词组

1、astral chain switch ─── 星体链开关

2、astral body ─── 星 ─── 星魂灵

3、astral ace ─── 星体ace

4、astral fiber ─── [医] 星丝

5、astral blue ─── [机] 星蓝

6、astral oil ─── [机] 星油, 变质精制石油

7、astral chain ─── 星体链

8、astral projection ─── 星体投射

9、astral spirits ─── 星灵

10、astral plane ─── 星光界

11、astral ray ─── [医] 星射线

astral 词性/词形变化,astral变形

副词: astrally |

astral 相似词语短语

1、antral ─── adj.窦的

2、astrol ─── 天文学

3、estral ─── 额外的

4、austral ─── adj.南的,南国的;南方的,南部的;n.(Austral)(英、葡)奥斯特拉尔(人名)

5、asternal ─── adj.不连胸骨的;无胸骨的

6、gastral ─── adj.胃的;消化道的

7、castral ─── 阉割的

8、astray ─── adv.误入歧途地;迷途地;迷路;adj.迷路的;离开正道的;不对头的;n.(Astray)人名;(西)阿斯特赖

9、astragal ─── n.距骨;串珠饰;圈线

astral 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Also see: Astral Realms &Kingdoms, Astral Sub-Planes, Astral Entrance Structure. ─── 参见:星体领域和国度、星体亚层、星体入口的结构。

2、Olivia : I suppose. Things like mind-control, teleportation, astral projection, invisibility, genetic mutations, reanimation... ─── 也可以这么理解,包括思维控制,心灵传输,灵魂出窍,隐形,遗传突变,重生...

3、Temenos, the: The plane of the collective soul within Astral Space, likened to the concept of the Jungian collective unconscious. ─── 众梦界:星界内集体灵魂的位面,其概念类似荣格的“集体无意识”理论。

4、If this separation is done consciously, or if you become aware after it, you can take some control over it. It then becomes an OOBE, astral projection or lucid dream. ─── 如果这种分离是有意识地进行的,或如果你在其后知道,你就能对它进行某种控制。它就成为一种脱体经验、星体投射或清醒的梦。

5、Your astral body will be loose in the trance state, so try lifting your astral arms and legs out, one at a time. ─── 你的星体躯体会在恍惚状态中松动,因此尝试抬起你的星体胳膊和腿,一次抬起一条。

6、Each of the Chakras is associated with an Energy Center in the body and a Plane of Consciousness in the Astral Realm. ─── 每一个脉轮的能量中心相关,在身体和意识的飞机在星体层的境界。

7、Astral construct I and similar powers are not attacks because such powers bring combatants to you, but the powers themselves don't harm anyone. ─── 不过"一级星质构装体"以及类似的异能则不视为"攻击",因为这类异能只是为你带来帮手,本身并没有对任何目标造成损害。

8、There is NO gravity affecting you in astral form. ─── 处于星体躯体中时没有重力影响你。

9、Reach the astral form breastpin of numerous and dazzing bright. ─── 及众多夺目璀璨的星形胸针。

10、The office or your place of work could be where passion strikes you to the core of your being, given the current astral configuration. ─── 办公室或者你工作的地方可能被目前行星的布局影响,成为激情触及你存在的核心的所在。

11、"The most principal port of the astral program contest of Baidu, depend on the choose of talent of tall to China division and education. ─── “ 百度之星程序大赛的最重要意义,在于对中国高科人才的选拔和培养。

12、In the meantime, "Old man " Jiang Hui presents as leading role " astral stone series " also come true 1% to of 5% accrual. ─── 同时,“大佬”江晖领衔的“星石系列”也实现1%至5%的正收益。

13、The only way to find out if this is the case, would be to study a schizophrenic during an attack, from the astral viewpoint. ─── 如果情形是这样,查明的唯一的方法会是,从星体躯体的角度来研究发作期间的精神分裂症。

14、And in the astral body the corresponding influences should not be given play until after puberty. ─── 同样,在孩子的青春期以前,我们也不能把影响“星芒体”的外部力量加诸于他。

15、Astral Construct VI. Creates astral construct to fight for you. ─── 六级星质构装体:创造一个星质构装体为你作战。

16、Learn to become multidimensional, to exist in the astral world, and to travel beyond the physical body. ─── 学习变成多维的,存在于星际世界中,而去超越物理身体旅行。

17、During this, the astral body drifts free, slightly out phase with the physical body. ─── 在这期间,星体躯体自由飘浮,稍稍在物质身体之上。

18、The astral record figure of floor tile, make a space red-blooded. ─── 地砖的星状花纹,令空间布满活力。

19、The pressure you are exerting on your astral body will force you into the trance state. ─── 你施加于你星体躯体上的压力会迫使你进入恍惚状态。

20、During this recharging process the astral body separates and tunes into the astral dimension where it can create and experience dreams. ─── 在这个充电期间,星体躯体离开并将注意力调谐至星体层,在那里它能创造并经历梦境。

21、If you do take control though, you cannot return to the real world and function as an astral form in it. ─── 如果你确实能够控制,但你却无法回到现实世界,并且不能以星体躯体在现实世界中活动。

22、Once you are in the trance state, projection on the astral body is relatively easy. ─── 一旦你处于恍惚状态,星体投射就相当容易。

23、If you miss the conscious exit from your body you are technically having a lucid dream, not an astral projection as you have become aware after separation. ─── 如果你错过了有意识地离开你的身体,从技术上讲,你正在做一个清醒的梦,而不是分离后的有意识的星体投射。

24、NANNA, Father of the Astral Gods, Remember! ─── 南纳,群星诸神之父,记住!

25、As a result of my experiments, I simply practice telepathy and astral travel every day, just for fun. ─── 如很多实验结果那样,我只不过每天实践了心灵感应和星光体旅行,只是为了娱乐。

26、By placing the number of rods corresponding to the demons and the medallion corresponding to the frescoes on the mechanism, the astral gate would open. ─── 图章对应门的标记。按图置入图章和插入标签,观星门会打开。

27、There is also this to consider: You are invulnerable in your astral form and your body has excellent defences to protect you during a projection. ─── 另一个要考虑的问题是:当你处于星体躯体中时,你是无法被伤害的,在投射期间,你的身体足以保护自己。

28、Now you may ask if your astral body can converse with your friends? ─── 现在你可以要求你的星光体能够与你的朋友交谈?

29、On the astral level of existence, the subconscious mind replaces the conscious mind of the soul, and the superconscious replaces the subconscious. ─── 在存在的星体层中,灵魂的潜意识代替了意识,超意识又代替了潜意识。

30、A person's body is near death, or thinks it is, which causes a large amount of etheric matter to be channelled into the astral body in preparation for the death process. ─── 一个人的身体处于濒死状态,或被认为处于濒死状态,这使大量以太物质导入星体躯体,以为死亡进程作准备。

31、His heart was as large as his body, and a halo of fancy used to surround him like a poetic astral body which seemed to be his truer image. ─── 他的心胸像他身材一样豁达,有一种想象的光环总是像诗的星体一样围绕着他,这似乎是他更真实的形象。

32、The country was beset by a bewildering number of cults and religions, including the worship of astral gods, fertility goddesses, genii and sacred stones. ─── 国家当时被众多的信仰和宗教所包围,其中包括人们对星神、繁殖女神、魔怪以及神石的崇拜,其数量之多令人费解。

33、If you read the case histories in books on astral projection, lucid dreaming, OOBE's and near death experience; you will find many accounts illustrating the splitting effect. ─── 如果你读过有关星体投射、醒的梦、体经验和濒死经验案例的书籍,你将发现许多陈述都描述了这种分裂效应。

34、Again, discipline is needed, because when you are half asleep after your astral travel everything seems so obvious that it seems that you can remember it forever. ─── 再次训练是必需的,因为当你在你星光体旅行之后半睡时候任何事情似乎如此明显以致似乎你可以永远记得。

35、A teleporting weapon returns through the Astral plane to the creature that threw it. ─── 传送武器通过星界返回投出它的生物手中。

36、In the astral dimension, during any conscious projection or lucid dream, where the conscious mind is aware, this difference can cause great confusion. ─── 在星体层中,在任何有意识的投射或清醒的梦中,意识头脑具有知觉,这种差异可以引起巨大的混乱。

37、Most of the manipulations occur instead in the etheric or astral planes. ─── 大部分操控反之发生在以太或星光层。

38、Astral reading in the 55 districts is at abnormal level. Investigate. ─── 55地区有异常反应,立刻去调查。

39、I have been studying the astral plane, in my astral form, for most of my life. ─── 在我一生的大部分时间里,我一直在通过自己的星体躯体研究星体层。

40、In the case of astral projection this link serves the purpose of monitoring the physical body, so no harm comes to it. ─── 在星体投射的情形中,这种连接起着监视物质身体的作用,使它免遭伤害。

41、You are in the topsy-turvy world of the dream pool or astral planes, where everything is possible, but not very plausible. ─── 你是处于梦界或星体层的颠倒的世界,在那里任何事情都是可能的,但并非似是而非。

42、Astral Gale I - Counterattack that drains 465 endurance from your opponent and gives it to your defensive target. Can only be used after a feint. ─── 从目标吸收465耐力传输给防御目标。只能在佯攻后使用。

43、The astral body you are aware of while projecting is provided courtesy of the subconscious minds creative ability. ─── 你在投射时所感知到的星体躯体是拜潜意识头脑的创造力之赐。

44、Of boreal Europe vogue, the astral hand catenary of fashionable gem. ─── 北欧时尚之都,时尚珠宝之星手链。

45、If this separation is done consciously, or if you become aware after it, you can take some control over it. It then becomes an OOBE, astral projection or lucid dream. ─── 如果这种分离是有意识地进行的,或如果你在其后知道,你就能对它进行某种控制。它就成为一种脱体经验、星体投射或清醒的梦。

46、Do not mistake the mild floating sensation you sometimes get with light trance, i.e., as you astral body comes loose. ─── 不要把你有时在轻度恍惚状态中感觉到的轻度飘浮感误认为是恍惚状态,即:当你的星体躯体松动。

47、Worlds in the middle astral planes are shared by new arrivals from Earth, goblins, animals, fish, nature spirits, giants and spirit beings. The environment glistens. ─── 在星体层中层的世界中,地球上的新到的灵魂、精灵、动物、鱼、自然灵魂、巨人和灵性存在和平共处。环境闪闪发光。

48、In the battle process with the extraterrestrial, the player still can be in weird and dread outside in astral airship, experience agravic environment. ─── 在与外星人的战斗过程中,玩家还会在诡异可怖的外星飞船中,体验无重力环境。

49、Astral Construct I. Creates astral construct to fight for you. ─── 一级星质构装体:创造一个星质构装体为你作战。

50、This is similar to what happens after a low powered astral journey. ─── 低能量的星体旅行之后发生的情形与此相似。

51、Any new object in the real world is assimilated into the astral dimension over a period of time. ─── 在现实世界的任何一件新物体会在一段时间之内被吸收进星体层。

52、Astral Construct V. Creates astral construct to fight for you. ─── 五级星质构装体:创造一个星质构装体为你作战。

53、He is good but awfully expensive if you want to get him up to very high Astral level, to protect him from Magic Duels. ─── 他虽然很好但是如果如果你想要让他拥有高的奥术能力以防止他在魔法决斗中失利,那么这个代价就太过昂贵了。

54、She was amazed at the number of astral bodies the new telescope revealed. ─── 从这台新的望远镜里竟能看到那么多的星体,这把她惊呆了。

55、Astral projection this is not. ─── 这不是星状体的影像。

56、And, of course, you are bound to bump into some astral entities or a black hole. You could get lost forever, and that would be terrible! ─── 当然一定会卡在阿修罗境界或是陷入黑洞中,也许会永远迷失在那里,那实在太可怕了!

57、They think it is a briefly opened window into the Astral dimension. ─── 他们认为这只是进入星体层的一扇打开的窗户。

58、as the astral dimension is the natural domain of the astral body , it will not fade out of it due to a lack of energy. ─── 由于星体层是星体躯体的自然领域,它不会由于能量缺乏而在其中消失。

59、In a real time OOBE you are not quite in the astral dimension but are existing as an astral form in the buffer zone between the astral and the physical dimensions. ─── 在一个实时脱体经验中,你并不能说是在星体层,而是作为一个星体躯体处在星体层和物质维度之间的缓冲区。

60、For example, an astral construct power lasts 1 round per manifester level so the astral construct it creates lasts 11 rounds if manifested by an 11th-level psion. ─── 举例来说,“星质构装体”这道异能的持续时间为每显能者等级一轮,因此,一名11级的心灵术士所创造的星质构装体就可以持续存在11轮之久。

61、This raised energy will automatically flow into your astral body, prior to and during projection. ─── 在投射之前和投射期间,这种提高的能量会自动流入你的星体躯体。

62、Once the energy body has expanded, the astral body floats free and hovers just above the physical body, but within the expanded energy body's field of influence. ─── 一旦能量身体扩张,星体躯体就自由飘浮和徜徉于物质躯体的上方,但在扩张的能量身体的影响区域以内。

63、More than once, she'd been ready to meet them, her sword in her hand, when they stepped out of the Astral to attack her. ─── 不只一次,当他们走出星界想要袭击她的时候,她都已经利剑在手,做好了对付他们的准备。

64、Astral Construct IV. Creates astral construct to fight for you. ─── 四级星质构装体:创造一个星质构装体为你作战。

65、Change and transformation seems to be the order of the day, with the present astral configuration. ─── 星相显示,变化和转变是今天的主旋律。

66、You will begin tuning into other sympathetic parts of the astral, and the reality you are in will mix with other realities and take on different aspects. ─── 你会开始调谐向星体层的其他你认同的部分,你所处的现实与其它现实相互混杂,并开始显现不同的方面。

67、An astral dreadnought is as large as a strom giant,covered from head to tail in layers of thick,spiked plates. ─── 一只星界巨舰兽看起来象是一个巨大的风暴巨人,它全身上下都覆盖着带有尖刺的厚实皮层。

68、If a physical object has been around for a very long time, it will have grown a lasting thought form impression in the astral. ─── 如果一个物质物体在那里有了很长一段时间,它将在星体层中成为一个持久的思想形式。

69、Astral Construct II. Creates astral construct to fight for you. ─── 二级星质构装体:创造一个星质构装体为你作战。

70、Because, want to turn over its leaf only, argent one side can reflex the brightness of astral month, enlighten pass through silvan method. ─── 因为,只要将其叶子翻过来,银色的一面便会反射星月的光辉,照亮穿越森林的路径。

71、They either take some kind of conscious control over the course of events, or they convert the experience into an astral projection. ─── 他不是对事态的进程施加某种有意识的控制,就是他将这种经验转换为一个星体投射。

72、Perhaps the fish signstands for an astral word - a bit like using a pictogram of the sun ina puzzle to mean "son" . ─── 那么,鱼形字符就有可能表示天体——这有点像在字谜中用“sun(太阳)”的象形文字表示单词“son(儿子)”。

73、At have no astral of time, we have fire. ─── 在没有星的时候,我们有火。

74、At some stage, in this creative maelstrom, the subconscious mind loses it completely and starts tuning in to other parts of the astral. ─── 在某个阶段,在这种创造的大漩涡中,潜意识头脑完全迷失自己,并开始将注意力调谐向星体层的其他部分。

75、Astral plane surface skin: The surface skin of an astral plane. ─── 星体层表皮:一个星体层的表面皮肤。

76、The whole point of learning to project is to get your astral body to separate from the physical while fully conscious. ─── 学习投射的关键是,有意识地使你的星体躯体与肉身分离。

77、Outside astral daughter a little while hold tight I am left auditive a little while hold tight I am right ear yields my in full agreement far from. ─── 外星女一会儿揪我左耳朵一会儿揪我右耳朵根本不让我入港。

78、But this etheric body is still under the influence of an astral body which has not yet escaped from its protecting sheath. ─── 但此刻,影响“生命体”的“星芒体”仍处在保护壳中,尚未“出生”。

79、Other people return frequently to the astral planes, donning astral bodies as they descend, so that they can be involved in earthly projects such as ITC. ─── 也有人经常回到星体层,他们下降时就穿上星体躯体,这样他们就可以从事像ITC的地球工作。

80、Githyanki are an ancient line of humanlike beings who reside in the Astral Plane, filling their armories for their next skirmish, raid, or war. ─── 吉斯洋基人是居住在星界位面的类人生物的一个古老分支,他们总是扩充其军备准备着下一次冲突、奇袭或是战争。

81、Astral Construct III. Creates astral construct to fight for you. ─── 三级星质构装体:创造一个星质构装体为你作战。

82、This should put enough pressure on the astral body to complete the projection. ─── 为完成投射,应该对星体躯体施加足够压力。

83、In a conscious projection into the astral dimension, you can tune into any part of it and travel into different realities, other dream pools, or a mix of many. ─── 在一个有意识的星体层投射中,你可以调谐至它的任何部分,并旅游至不同的现实、其他的梦界、或是许多梦界的混合。

84、Most meditation exercises, for example, exert PASSIVE pressure on the astral body. ─── 例如,大多数冥想练习对星体躯体施加了被动的压力。

85、Within the Twisting Nether I discovered that the spirits of the dead do linger on, floating on the astral winds between the worlds. ─── 在扭曲空间里,我发现了那些死去的人的灵魂正在苟延残喘,他们漂流在世界之间的星尘之风中。

86、An hour in the Astral can seem like only a few minutes here in the physical. ─── 在星体层的一个小时可以被视作物质世界中的几分钟。

87、Astral Construct IX. Creates astral construct to fight for you. ─── 九级星质构装体:创造一个星质构装体为你作战。

88、Any mental action that exteriorizes the point of consciousness will exert some pressure on the astral body. ─── 任何移出体外的意念会对星体躯体施加一些压力。

89、It really is quite a comical process, learning astral motion. ─── 学习星体移动,这真是一个很好笑的过程。

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做为任天堂的终极大IP,带给我们的是美好的回忆。这次的《火焰之纹章:风花雪月》(Fire Emblem: ThreeHouses)是火焰纹章系列的正统续作,Switch独占并且在2019年7月26日发售。







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