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08-17 投稿


forsworn 发音

英:[f??r?sw??rn]  美:[f???sw??n]

英:  美:

forsworn 中文意思翻译




forsworn 网络释义

adj. 不守誓言的;作了伪证的v. 发誓抛弃;发伪誓(forswear的过去分词)

forsworn 短语词组

1、forsworn conspiracy bug ─── 被遗弃的阴谋窃听器

2、forsworn armor mod Forswear ─── 装甲模型

3、forsworn conspiracy quest ─── 被遗弃的阴谋探索

4、forsworn mod ─── 福斯沃德国防部

5、forsworn sword ─── 被遗弃的剑

6、forsworn armor ─── 破甲

7、forsworn axe ─── 被遗弃的斧头

8、forsworn conspiracy ─── 被抛弃的阴谋

forsworn 词性/词形变化,forsworn变形


forsworn 相似词语短语

1、forlorn ─── adj.被遗弃的;绝望的;孤独的

2、formwork ─── n.模壳;一系列建筑用模子材料(木板、螺钉等)(等于shuttering)

3、foreworn ─── 磨损;极疲倦的

4、foreword ─── n.序;前言

5、footworn ─── adj.走得脚累的

6、forswore ─── v.放弃;誓绝(forswear的过去式)

7、foresworn ─── 磨损的

8、forworn ─── adj.极疲倦的

9、foreswore ─── 预装

forsworn 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He had forsworn smoking several times. ─── 他已经好几次戒烟了。

2、The country has not forsworn the use of chemical weapons. ─── 该国并未保证禁用化学武器。

3、Lest she should steal a kiss and die forsworn. ─── 否则也难保不偷吻你,把一生的誓言抛。

4、forswear an oath ─── 背弃誓言

5、Wells was not likely to forswear the faith of a lifetime. ─── 威尔斯决不会背弃他毕生的信仰。

6、And now, if you will be true to this, your oath, may prosperity and good repute be ever yours;the opposite, if you shall prove yourselves forsworn. ─── 尚使我严守上述誓言时,请求神祗让我生命与医术能得无上光荣,我苟违誓,天地鬼神实共亟之。

7、Is it more sin to wish me thus forsworn, or to dispraise my lord with that same tongue which she hath praised him with above compare so many thousand times? ─── 她希望我背弃我的盟誓;她几千次向我夸奖我的丈夫,说他比谁都好,现在却又用同一条舌头说他的坏话!

8、forswear oneself ─── v. 作伪证

9、In its decision last week not to name China a currency manipulator, and now to forswear renegotiation of NAFTA, the administration avoided two potentially costly mistakes. ─── 而现在,又坚决放弃北美自由贸易协定的重新谈判,政府避免了,付出两个潜在的高昂代价的错误。

10、all perjured, all forsworn, all naught, all dissemblers. ─── 谁都是三心二意,反复无常,奸恶多端,尽是些骗子。

11、Democrats ought not to make the mess worse, but should not forswear their own policy priorities to improve it. ─── 民主党不应当忙中添乱,但是也不应该为了改善现状,就放弃自己的工作重点。

12、the opposite, if you shall prove yourselves forsworn. ─── 倘使我严守上述誓言时,请求神只让我生命与医术能得无上光荣,我苟违誓,天地鬼神共殛之。

13、8.You must tell the truth to the judge, because if you forswear yourself you could go to prison. ─── 你必须向法官说老实话,因为你如果作伪证就可能坐牢。

14、While China has forsworn communist economics, it is still excessively favouring investment over consumption. ─── 尽管中国已经放弃了社会主义经济,但它仍过度偏爱投资而非消费。

15、Twelve more of the Riders, desiring power and revenge, joined Galbatorix, and they became the Thirteen Forsworn. ─── 后来又有12位觊觎权力的骑士加入加拉巴托里,形成所谓的13盟友。

16、Both he and the administration have forsworn the redrawing of boundaries, but some Republicans remain mistrustful. ─── 他本人和政府都曾表态要放弃(利用普查结果)重新划界的做法,但一些共和党人仍疑虑重重。

17、forswear v. ─── 发誓抛弃;

18、Any stable strategic system in Asia must take account of the fact that Japan cannot and should not be expected to forswear forever the strategic rights and responsibilities of nationhood. ─── 亚洲地区任何稳定的战略体系都必须考虑一个事实,就是不可能也不应该要求日本永远放弃作为一个国家应有的战略权利和责任。

19、And purest faith unhappily forsworn, ─── 纯洁的信仰被不幸地抛弃,

20、forswear herself ─── vi. 发伪誓(作伪证)

21、and next week America will seek to persuade Iran to forswear any military nuclear programme. ─── 下周,美国将力图说服伊朗保证放弃任何形式的军事核计划。

22、If love make me forsworn, how shall I swear to love? ─── 爱让我伪誓我岂能对爱旦旦

23、BIONDELLO. O, we are spoil'd; and yonder he is! Deny him, forswear him, or else we are all undone. Exeunt BIONDELLO, TRANIO, and PEDANT, as fast as may be ─── 比昂台罗:啊,我们的计策要完全败露了!他就在那里。不要去认他,假装不认识他,否则我们就完了!

24、We have never forsworn the use of force. ─── 我们从来没有承诺过放弃使用武力。

25、but if I transgress it and forswear myself, may the opposite befall me. ─── 一旦我违背了自己的誓言,请求天地诸神给我最严厉的惩罚!

26、Again, ye have heard that it hath been said by them of old time, Thou shalt not forswear thyself, but shalt perform unto the Lord thine oaths ─── 你们又听见有吩咐古人的话,说,不可背誓,所起的誓,总要向主谨守。

27、Hamas has been isolated internationally and financially because of its refusal to recognize the right of Israel to exist, to forswear violence and to accept previous Israeli-Palestinian agreements. ─── 由于哈马斯拒绝承认以色列存在的合法权利,并且发誓绝不会放弃武力,也绝不会接受以前的以巴协议,国际上对哈马斯实行了经济的隔离。

28、In order for the international community to help, they [the North Koreans] have to forswear their efforts to develop a nuclear bomb. ─── 为了获得国际社会的帮助,北韩必须放弃发展核武器的努力。

29、In loving thee thou know'st I am forsworn. ─── 你知道我对你的爱并不可靠。

30、Some American retailers have forsworn fuel from the tar sands. ─── 一些美国零售商发誓不购入产自油砂的燃料。

31、Signior Lucentio, Here is my hand, and here I firmly vow Never to woo her more, but do forswear her, As one unworthy all the former favours That I have fondly flatter'd her withal. ─── 路森修先生,让我握你的手,我郑重宣誓,今后决不再向比恩卡求婚,像她这样的女人,是不值得我像过去那样对她盲目恋慕的。

32、When thou shalt be dispos'd to set me light, And place my merit in the eye of scorn, Upon thy side, against myself I'll fight, And prove thee virtuous, though thou art forsworn. ─── 免责申明:酷酷英语网转载信息,其目的在于传播更多信息,并不意味着赞同其中的观点、描述和立场。

33、While China has forsworn communist economics, it is still excessively favouring investment over consumption. ─── 尽管中国已经放弃了社会主义经济,但它仍过度偏爱投资而非消费。

34、And since mine eyes are witness of her lightness, I will with you, if you be so contented, Forswear Bianca and her love for ever. ─── 久闻足下对比恩卡十分倾心,现在你我已经亲眼看见她这种轻狂的样子,我看我们大家把这一段痴情割断了吧。

35、to forswear an oath ─── 背誓

36、She's forsworn all her naterial possessions and nopern waves of living? ─── 她违背了所有的财产而且受了生活的波动。

37、Should we forswear this nonsense and simply pay for what we've ordered, or would we be missing out on an important element of sharing a meal? ─── 我们是否应该舍弃这一荒唐念头,各付各的,还是我们将错过聚餐中一个重要的因素?

38、And purest faith unhappily forsworn. ─── 纯洁的信义不幸而被人背弃。

39、That so sweetly were forsworn. ─── 发出的伪誓竟然这样甜。

40、I have sworn to obey the laws, and I cannot forswear myself ─── 我已宣誓服从法律,我不能作伪证。

41、noteworthy is the current competitive bidding, many developers forswear the Xihongmen projects. ─── 引人注目的是此次竞标中众多开发商断然放弃了西红门项目。

42、He had forsworn smoking. ─── 他已经戒烟了。

43、The country has not forsworn the use of chemical weapons. ─── 该国并未保证禁用化学武器。

44、To renounce under oath; forswear. ─── 发誓放弃;发誓革除

45、to give up; to forsake; to forswear; to abandon; to slough ─── 舍弃

46、The priests of some religions must forswear wealth and marriage. ─── 有些宗教的祭司必须宣誓放弃财富和婚姻。

47、Again, ye have heard that it was said to them of old time, Thou shalt not forswear thyself, but shalt perform unto the Lord thine oaths: ─── “你们又听见古人的教训说:‘不可违背誓言;在主面前所发的誓必须履行。’

48、As waggish boys in game themselves forswear,So the boy Love is perjur'd everywhere:For ere Demetrius look'd on Hermia's eyne,He hail'd down oaths that he was only mine; ─── 狄米特律斯在没有看见赫米娅之前,也曾像下雹一样发著誓,说他是完全属于我的,但这阵冰雹一感到身上的一丝热力,便立刻溶解了,无数的盟言都化为乌有。

49、Some priests have to forswear marriage. ─── 有些祭司必须宣誓放弃婚姻。

50、28 For they either go mad with enjoyment, or prophesy lies, or live lawlessly or lightly forswear themselves. ─── 这些人行乐发狂,预言虚妄,生活邪辟,妄发虚誓,

51、TITANIA What, jealous Oberon! Fairies, skip hence; I have forsworn his bed and company. ─── 提泰妮娅:嘿,嫉妒的奥布朗!神仙们,快快走开;我已经发誓不和他同游同寝了。

52、He had forsworn smoking several times. ─── 他已经好几次戒烟了。


所谓让步状语从句就是退一步说,举几个例子。The villagers have told him that they will not accept the pub even if he gives it away.




Experts confirmed that the puma will not attack a human being unless it is cornered.



Although Pythagoras himself is very early, the influence of his school is mainly subsequent to that of other phylosiohors.




Although mankind has undergone no general improvement in intelligence or morality, it has made extraordinary progress in the accumulation of knowledge.



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