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08-17 投稿


civism 发音


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civism 中文意思翻译



civism 短语词组

1、civism definition ─── 公民主义定义

2、civism dex ─── 文明指数

civism 相似词语短语

1、civil ─── adj.公民的;民间的;文职的;有礼貌的;根据民法的;n.(Civil)人名;(土)吉维尔;(法)西维尔

2、activism ─── n.行动主义;激进主义

3、civic ─── adj.市的;公民的,市民的

4、civicism ─── n.市政;市民政治

5、divisim ─── 分开

6、civies ─── n.便服(等于civvies)

7、incivism ─── 先入为主

8、Saivism ─── 赛维主义

9、civics ─── n.公民;公民学

civism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Civism has an important impact on the acceleration and improvement of "good governance" , democratic administration, social justice, public accountability and public interests. ─── 公民精神在推动和促进政府“善治”、民主行政、社会正义、公共责任和公共利益等方面有着极其重要的影响和作用。

2、However, he insisted on his civism and stood on the side of the public. ─── 但是他始终坚持以民为本,与广大群众同呼吸共命运;

3、A Brief Talk On The Construction Technique And Method Of Asphaltum Concrete Surface In Civism Road Engineering ─── 浅谈市政道路工程沥青混凝土面层施工工艺和方法

4、Deng Zihui's Revolutionary History and His Civism and Factualism ─── 邓子恢的曲折革命经历及其民本思想与求实精神

5、In the essential meaning, the volunteerism and civism correspond to each other with a high degree. ─── 在本质内涵上,志愿服务精神与公民精神具有高度的契合性。

6、To begin with, it elaborates the connotation of Tan Ka-kee’s spirits: civism of the destiny of a country and its people, sublimate personality and scientific research spirits. ─── 首先,本文诠释了陈嘉庚精神的内涵:关心国家和民族命运的公民精神、理想化的人格以及崇尚与追求科学精神。

7、But if we examined from the different angles, we would find many kinds of trouble and anxiety social phenomenon existing in the society, especially the people's weak sense of civism. ─── 但从各方面观察,亦发现诸多今人忧心的社会现象,尤其是民众的公民意识严重不足,如果任令发展将会影响台湾民主的向上提升。

8、As the growing room of civism lies in public life and citizen society, and the personification of it is citizen temperament, it is necessary to cultivate every individual citizen. ─── 公共精神的生长空间是公共生活和公民社会,它的人格化则是公民气质,故而必须落实到对公民个体的引导上。

9、Civism is essentially the citizens 'value and belief toward the Commons. The vibrant citizens and efficient public administration complement and supplement each other. ─── 公民精神实质上就是公民对公共事务所持有的价值与信念,充满活力的公民和有效的公共行政是相辅相成的。

10、Sometimes, I really hate those persons who smoke at public place. Could they have some civism? ─── 吸烟对吸烟者周围的人所造成的影响,甚至超过吸烟者自身!

11、civism is essentially the citizens' value and belief toward the commons.The vibrant citizens and efficient public administration complement and supplement each other. ─── 公民精神实质上就是公民对公共事务所持有的价值与信念,充满活力的公民和有效的公共行政是相辅相成的。

12、Implementing to Govern with Morality and Enhancing Civism Construction ─── 贯彻落实以德治国加强公民道德建设

13、Implementing to Govern with Morality and Enhancing Civism Construction ─── 贯彻落实以德治国加强公民道德建设

14、Of the homogeneity of national culture and contemporary civism model, it is the main goal that nation-state compose establishs, also be the powerful mental motive force that politics expands. ─── 国民文化的同质性和现代公民精神的塑造,是民族国家构建的重要目标,也是政治发展的强劲的精神动力。

15、A Brief Talk On The Construction Technique And Method Of Asphaltum Concrete Surface In Civism Road Engineering ─── 浅谈市政道路工程沥青混凝土面层施工工艺和方法

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