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08-17 投稿


amusive 发音

英:[[?'mju:z?v]]  美:[[?'mju:z?v]]

英:  美:

amusive 中文意思翻译



amusive 词性/词形变化,amusive变形

名词: amusingness |副词: amusingly |

amusive 相似词语短语

1、amusic ─── n.音盲,指无法分辨好听和难听的曲子之间差别的人群;n.东亚唱片

2、emulsive ─── adj.乳剂质的;会流出乳状液的;可榨出油来的

3、allusive ─── adj.暗指的;引用典故的

4、abusive ─── adj.辱骂的;滥用的;虐待的

5、musive ─── 必须

6、amuse ─── vt.娱乐;消遣;使发笑;使愉快

7、amusively ─── 有趣地

8、amusia ─── n.失音症;失歌症,乐歌不能

9、amusing ─── adj.有趣的,好玩的;引人发笑的;v.逗乐;打发;使…高兴(amuse的ing形式)

amusive 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It would require only modestly increased flow through the Amu, however, which could be attained with relatively reasonable irrigation improvements in the river's drainage basin. ─── 这个计画只需要小幅增加阿姆河的注水量,只要合理改进阿姆河流域的灌溉,就可达成目标。


3、Welcome to listen to the radio of the First High School, integrative amusive program- English Everywhere. ─── 欢迎收听阳泉一中课间广播综合娱乐英语节目-英文连连看。

4、Amusive Discussion on Firing Crackers ─── 放鞭炮趣议

5、ESI was applied and operated in both negative and positive modes, full scan from 150-1500 amu. ─── 质谱条件为ESI,正负离子同时检测,m/z扫描范围:150-1500amu。

6、Amu domon novan kaj amikon malnovan. ─── 房子新的好,朋友老的好。

7、The Hakka language(also named " Hakka dialect "),which called by the outsiders as "Ya language" and by the Hakka people as "Amu language", is one of the seven major Chinese dialects. ─── 二、古韵方言字版:客家话,又称为“客方言”,外地人称之为“涯话”,客家人则昵称为“阿姆话”,为汉语七大方言之一。

8、anteceding amus ─── 肛门前移

9、We looked out across the river, to the majestic Amu. ─── 我们朝河对看放眼望去,直到壮严的阿姆河。

10、Welcome to depart the AMU Blog!!!Music is the only thing that never leave me alone dear! ─── 在那宁静的屋子里,也听到音乐的呼唤,它给我一双羽翼,飞往自由的海阔天空!

11、Amu kaj estu amata! ─── 仁者爱人!

12、" 1898 couples from asphalt Curie discovered radium, uranium tailings, 1902 separation of 90 mg chlorination radium, the initial determination of radium amu. ─── 1898年居里夫妇从沥青铀矿矿渣中发现了镭,1902年分离出90毫克氯化镭,初步测定了镭的原子量。

13、Keywords Delta;Strike-slip fault;Chaid amu Basin;Lake-flooding system domain;Reservoiring as semblage;Channel sandbody;Lithologic reservoir; ─── 关键词三角洲;走滑断层;柴达木盆地;湖浸体系域;成藏组合;河道砂体;岩性油气藏;

14、Sites under exploration are located in Mary Province, in western and northern Turkmenistan, on the right bank of the Amu Darya, and offshore in the Caspian Sea. ─── 勘探地点是玛丽省、土库曼斯坦西部和北部、阿姆河右岸及里海海域。

15、The olders need amusive products to adapt their physics and phychology really ,but this kind of need has not been satisfied . ─── 老人本身很需要适合自己生理、心理状况的娱乐具,目前老人的这种需要尚未得到满足。

16、fracture of amus of ischium ─── 坐骨支骨折

17、Hinamori Amu, part of a group called the Guardians, protect those eggs from becoming x-eggs, eggs filled with resentment and resignation that gives children troubles. ─── 终于亚梦决定正视自己并祈求守护灵能赐给她改变自己的勇气。

18、A city of southwest Central Asian U.S.S.R. on the Amu Darya southwest of Tashkent. It is an inland port and a manufacturing center. Population, 57,000. ─── 沙得卓:苏联中亚部分西南一城市,位于塔什干西南阿穆达亚。为内陆港和制造业中心。人口57,000

19、The North Amu Darya Sub-Basin where the reef reservoirs and paleo-high structures were well developed, contains bulk of the sub-salt proved oil and gas reserves. ─── 生物礁和古构造主要发育于盆地东北部的北阿姆河亚盆地,并导致盆地内已发现的盐下油气储量主要分布于此。

20、Over millennia the Amu's course has drifted away from the sea, causing it to shrink.But the lake always rebounded as the Amu shifted back again. ─── 几千年来,阿姆河的河道数度偏离咸海,导致咸海缩小,不过只要阿姆河再次移回,咸海总会恢复。

21、Amusive Elastic Collision Demonstration Courseware ─── 有趣的弹性碰撞演示课件

22、I had a rich and amusive winter vacation.I got a lot of knowledge,and after taking part in some social activities, I gained practice in all aspects. ─── 这个寒假我过得充实而愉快,我获得了很多知识,并且积极参加社会活动,使自己得到了全方位的锻炼。

23、River County, east-west flow, before the Ming and Qing Dynasties in this frame there is amu ban qiao , named Panchiao. ─── 县川河东西流过,明清以前在此架有木板桥一座,故名板桥。

24、Love me more Amu min plie. ─── 再多爱我一些。

25、The Aral Sea gets almost all its water from the Amu and Syr rivers. ─── 咸海的水源几乎完全来自阿姆河和锡尔河。

26、Vi amas preni, amu redoni. ─── (Z) 好借好还,再借不难。

27、Amu's job is to capture and restore x-egg to there orginal form. ─── 令她感到惊讶的是第二天床上出现了三只彩蛋。

28、Amu's job is to capture and restore x-eggs to their orginal form. ─── 令她感到惊讶的是第二天床上出现了三只彩蛋,而这三只彩蛋到底能不能帮上亚梦呢?

29、Metabolites with molecular weight 1108, 946 and 784 (amu) were shown to be corresponding to Rb 1, Rd and F 2, respectively. ─── 在血与尿中发现分子量为1108,946及784amu的代谢产物。 经ESI?MS2级质谱分析,上述分子量的化合物分别为G?Rb1,Rd和F2。

30、Turkey natural gas pipeline from Turkmenistan's Amu Darya West Sea, passing through Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan to China, with a total length of 10,000 km. ─── 土中天然气管道西起土库曼斯坦的阿姆河之滨,穿过乌兹别克斯坦和哈萨克斯坦通向中国,总长约1万公里。

31、hypothal amus ─── 下丘脑

32、As of the end-result of gay marriage, whether or not to let homosexuals be able to enjoy family life, the reporter for this interview Amu married. ─── 婚姻作为同性恋者的归宿,是否能够完全让同性恋者享受家庭生活,记者为此采访了已婚的阿木。

33、Occupying 22.8 ha. of land, the Harbin Amuzement Ground is a large m odernized open-air pleasure ground incorporating activities of both amus ement and health, and therefore is an optimum choice for vacationing. ─── 哈尔滨游乐园,占地面积22.8公顷,是一座现代化大型露天游乐场,集游乐与健身于一体,是休闲度假的最佳选择。

34、The orders need amusive products to adapt their physics and psychology really , but this kind of need has not been satisfied . ─── 老人本身很需要适合自己生理、心理状况的娱乐具,目前老人的这种需要尚未得到满足。

35、They shared birthday cakes with Wang Sixiu, Kang Yuening, Huang Haixiang, Zhang Xiang, Zhou Yan, whose birthday was just on that day.The meeting ended under an amusive ambience. ─── 大家在一起分享生日蛋糕,观看几位“小寿星”带给大家的精彩节目,在这种愉快的气氛下这次培训会圆满的结束了。

36、"We do not have the well-being of these people, marriage makes us unhappy," Amu said reluctantly to reporters. ─── “我们这类人本来就不幸福,结婚会让我们更加不幸福”,阿木无奈地对记者说道。

37、One night in the Soviet time, archaeologists got a call at their dig at a sunken palace right on the Afghan frontier by the river Amu, that some people call Oxus. ─── 在前苏联统治时期的一个夜里,考古学家们接到一个命令,当时他们正在Amu河畔的阿富汗边陲地带,挖掘一处陷落的宫殿,一些人称这里为Oxus。

38、Forest area of about 9 million, mainly distributed in the Tao He and the Amu River bola to even administrative villages and administrative villageszhan dao Hui. ─── 森林面积约9万亩,主要分布于洮河及博拉河沿岸的阿木去乎行政村和仁占道行政村。

39、The determination and confirmation were made by means of selected monitoring ions(SM) mode,SIM(m/z) were 231,233,288 amu( abundance ratio was 100:14:11),using external standard method. ─── 特丁磷选择监测离子为(m/z231、233、288),其丰度比约为100:14:11。

40、Paglu, Amu &Abhi live the lives of each other.They drink, eat &sleep together. ─── 女孩阿努夹在两个男孩中间,尽管帕格鲁和阿比对她不一样。

41、Amu Shinrikyo Aleph ─── 奥姆真理教

42、Amu Darya ─── 阿母河

43、Objective To analyze sleep quality and sleep disturbances of low grade students in Anhui Medical University(AMU). ─── 目的分析安徽医科大学低年级学生的睡眠质量和睡眠障碍的情况。

44、And it was not believable record in Changchun Zhenren You Ji that Chigis Khan crossed Amu River and went northward in September of 1222. ─── 至于《长春真人游记》书中“壬午”八月后成吉思汗自“阿谋河”北返的记录 ,不能当作“信史”

45、Amu is a girl amongst the two guys, though Paglu &Abhi don't treat her like one. ─── 帕格鲁让她认识到她的感情,他帮助她得到她的爱情。

46、PVM is an optional function module located in AMU. ─── 分组语音处理模块PVM是主控板AMU上的一个功能性可选配模块。

47、audio management unit (AMU) ─── AMU(音频管理组件)

48、The size and weight of a miniature insert analyzer is 15. 4 cm3 and 50. 3 g. The mass range and mass resolution of analyzer is 50 aum and 1 amu, respectively. ─── 分析器的体积和重量为15.4 cm3和50.3 g,质量范围和质量分辨率为50 amu和1 amu。

49、In Asia, this theory is also considered to be the theoretical foundation of Asian Monetary Union(AMU). ─── 通过分析亚洲实行货币联盟的客观 必然性、优势、前景及亚洲实力,认为亚洲货币联盟终有一天会实现。

50、CONCLUSION SFE method can be used as the method for extracting resveratrol from amu... ─── 结论SFE法作为山葡萄藤中白藜芦醇的提取工艺是切实可行的,但萃取条件有待于进一步优化。

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