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08-17 投稿


denomination 发音

英:[d??nɑ?m??ne??(?)n]  美:[d??n?m??ne??n]

英:  美:

denomination 中文意思翻译



denomination 短语词组

1、denomination means ─── 面额是指

2、denomination statistics ─── 面额统计

3、denomination value ─── [经] 票面价值

4、denomination of islam ─── 伊斯兰教教派

5、denomination example ─── 面额示例

6、denomination religion ─── 教派宗 ─── 教

7、denomination money ─── 面额货币

8、denomination intermediation ─── 面额中介

9、common denomination ─── 普通面额

10、Anabaptist denomination ─── [网络] 再洗礼面额

11、Protestant denomination ─── [网络] 新教教派

12、small denomination bonds ─── [法] 小额债券

13、denomination meaning ─── 面额意义

14、Methodist denomination ─── [网络] 卫理公会

15、large-denomination a. ─── 大面额的

16、Baptist denomination ─── [网络] 浸会派别

17、what denomination ─── 什么面额

denomination 词性/词形变化,denomination变形


denomination 相似词语短语

1、prenomination ─── 婚前

2、denominations ─── n.面额;名称;教派

3、denominational ─── adj.教派的;宗派的

4、denominative ─── adj.有名称的;自名词派生出来的;n.由名词派生出来的动词

5、renomination ─── n.再任命;再提名

6、deamination ─── n.去氨基;脱氨基作用

7、renominations ─── n.再任命;再提名

8、delamination ─── n.分层;[生物][化学]层离

9、denominating ─── vt.为…命名;把…称作…;adj.有特定名称的

denomination 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He is in heaven today. Dr. Beckering also, along with Ruth and Norman Peale, nominated me with approval of our Denomination to come to California to start this new church. ─── 他是加州西岸教会联会的牧者,在罗夫和诺曼皮尔的批准下,提名了我来开展这新教会。

2、the Protestant denomination adhering to the views of Martin Luther. ─── 坚持马丁路德观点的新教教派。

3、The - 500 has the highest denomination of the new euro notes. ─── 500欧元是欧元新钞中面值最高的纸币。

4、a member of Christian denomination that expects the imminent advent of Christ ─── 基督教信徒中期望救世主的即将来临的突然出现发生的成员

5、"Why it is heavy! And is this the smallest denomination?" They eagerly showed her other British coins. ─── “可不是吗,真是不轻啊。那么,这是最小的货币单位吗?”他们连忙又把别的英国硬币拿给她看。

6、Denomination for turbochargers and code of identification symbols ─── GB/T727-1985涡轮增压器产品命名和型号编制方法

7、Why We Are Not A Denomination? ─── 为什么我们不是宗派?

8、Any of various coins of small denomination. ─── 任何小面额的硬币

9、The denomination "Waterfowl" may be used in the labelling. ─── “水禽”命名可以用在标签上。

10、Any of various Asian coins of small denomination, especially a copper and lead coin with a square hole in its center. ─── 亚洲小额货币一种小额的亚洲钱币,尤指中间有一个方孔的铜币和铅币

11、adhering or confined to a particular sect or denomination or party. ─── 忠于或限于一个教派、宗教、党派的。

12、Lutheran CORE has already adopted its own constitution and is now considering whether to form a new denomination. ─── 路德种族平等会议已经通过自己的宪法,并正在考虑是否成立一个新的教会。

13、This denomination has been dropped in order to avoid confusion with the Domain Name System (DNS). ─── 为了避免与域名系统(DNS)相混淆,RSerPool不再使用名字空间的术语。

14、What denomination? ─── 你要面值多少的?

15、In April, the Government lowered the minimum denomination requirement for private sector debt securities to qualify for a 50 per cent profits tax concession on income derived from the securities from $500,000 to $50,000. ─── 一九九九年四月,政府放宽私营机构债券利息收入可享利得税50%优惠税率的最低面值规定,由50万元调低至5万元。

16、Nor did the Court find that the prayer furthered the interests of any one denomination. ─── 法院也没有看到祷告促进了任何一个教派的利益。

17、At the same time, the GCC leadership team considered constructing its own building and joining a mainline denomination. ─── 同时,教会同工会在考虑两件事:盖礼拜堂与参加美国的主流教会。

18、Two playing cards of the same denomination. ─── 同点的一对具有同一点的两张牌

19、adhering or confined to a particular sect or denomination or party ─── 忠于或限于一个教派、宗教、党派的

20、not restricted to a particular religious denomination. ─── 不限于特定宗教派别的。

21、The variety denomination shall be readily distinguishable and clearly legible and if a trade mark, trade name or similar indication is associated with the variety denomination, the denomination must be clearly recognisable as such. ─── 品种名的使用要能容易认出、分,若要与商标、品名、其他指示一起使用,那麽品种名的标示要能清楚的让人知道那就是品种名。

22、relating to or characteristic of a particular religious denomination ─── 关于某一特定宗教派别或具有其特征

23、The Party, as such, stands for positive Christianity, but does not commit itself to any particular denomination. ─── 本党同样地支持积极的基督教,但它自己不为任何特定教派服务。

24、The records also known as the amount of face amount, par or face value of the stock.A denomination of stock and no shares corresponding denomination. ─── 从理论上讲,股票的清算价值应与账面价值一致,但实际上大多数公司的实际清算价值总是低于账面价值。

25、Reformed theology is not only for one denomination, it is glorious invitation for the whole church to return to the whole Bible. ─── 归正宗不是一个宗派,归正是一个精神,是一个呼吁,是一个荣耀的邀请

26、You ' d better let me have 5000 yuan rmb in 100 yuan denomination. ─── 你最好给我100元票面的钞票5000元人民币。

27、We can reduce fractions to the same denomination ─── 分数可以化为同分母

28、Of or relating to the Moravian denomination. ─── 属于或关于摩拉维亚统治的

29、Although many of its early graduates became ministers in Puritan congregations throughout New England, the college never formally affiliated with a specific religious denomination. ─── 尽管许多早期的毕业生成为新英格兰清教教会的高级官员,哈佛大学从没有正式与任何一种宗教信仰建立联系。

30、Unlike those in the large developed economies, financial markets in non-Japan Asia are rather fragmented, in terms of both size and currency denomination. ─── 与其他大型的先进经济体系不同,亚洲区内除日本以外的金融市场无论在规模以至货币单位方面都相当参差。

31、Once complete with date, room number, name, foreign denomination, exchange rate and converted proceeds, and number of the notes, the guest should be asked to sign the voucher / receipt. ─── 一旦填写好日期、房号、客人姓名、外币币值、汇率和兑换收益以及票据编号,应要求客人在外币兑换水单上签名。

32、The system of government and religious beliefs of a Protestant denomination in which each member church is self-governing. ─── 公理主义一种政府和新教信仰的系统,其中每个教堂都是独立自制的

33、Yes,sir.In what denomination? ─── 好的,先生.要哪种面额货币?

34、His wife serves as General Secretary of the Hong Kong Presbytery of the denomination. ─── 余师母梁小甜女士亦为该宗派牧师,现于宗派区会事奉。

35、Denomination Currency of International Oil Transaction: Why US Dollar? ─── 国际石油交易的计价货币为什么是美元?

36、print a new denomination on a stamp or a banknote ─── 在邮票或钞票上印刷新的面值

37、the Protestant denomination that rejects the doctrine of the Trinity. ─── 否认三位一体学说的新教教派。

38、A method for determining wagers by applying a chip denomination representation, having at least one angle associated with at least one color transition, against a working chip template. ─── 一种通过对工作筹码模板应用具有至少一个与至少一个彩色过渡相关的夹角的筹码面额表示来确定投注的方法。

39、not bound to devoted to the promotion of a particular denomination. ─── 不限于专心振兴某一特别派别的。

40、What religious denomination does he belong to ─── 他属于哪个教派?

41、The PBOC said it would issue a total of 6 million such notes, which would be circulated in the currency market with the same denomination as the ordinary 10-yuan notes. ─── 中国人民银行表示该纪念钞总发行量为600万张,与现行流通同面额的十元人民币等值流通。

42、This Protected Origin Denomination Organism guarantees the origin and production standards of this olive oil. ─── 大区级原产地保护证明,保证原产区域和橄榄油的等级。

43、Christian Church that truly welcomes everybody disregarding your sexual orientation or denomination. ─── 一个不论宗派及性取向,真正欢迎所有人的基督信仰教会。

44、Litre is a metric denomination. ─── 升是公制单位。

45、The same applies where a registered variety denomination obviously has become likely to deceive the public or has become contrary to public order or likely to cause offence. ─── 同样情形亦适用于当一植物品种命名已变得有明显欺骗大众之嫌或违背公共秩序或可能侵权的情形。

46、How little its different branches are marked by a fervent affectionate love to all the saints of whatever name or denomination. ─── 不同的教派之间,也存着门户之见,很难有合一的见证。

47、Name :Soave Recioto Denomination of controlled and guaranteed origin. ─── 命名: 按威尼托当地特产标志命名的红葡萄酒。

48、The denomination and elucidation of criticism produce item or concept that is the new experience of literature from the reality of literature invent, and it was an effort that the criticism to construct the literature theory. ─── 命名与阐释所产生的术语或概念,更是从现实文艺创作归纳出的文学新经验,体现出一种理论创造的努力。

49、a narrow-minded adherence to a particular sect or party or denomination. ─── 对某一党派派别简单的依附。

50、In addition, the denomination structure is changed from the fourth series, 2 Yuan and 2 Jiao are deleted and 20 Yuan is added. ─── 另外,第五套人民币的面额结构在前四套人民币基础上也进行了一些调整,取消了2元券和2角券,增加了20元券。

51、Dragon Bond A bond that is issued in Asia, but the denomination of the bond is in U.S. Dollars. ─── 在亚洲发行但以美元作为票面金额单位的债券。

52、They sponsored many activities such as dinners, discussion groups, parties for the young people, and so forth, and people of one denomination are welcome to attend, and often do attend, the activities sponsored by another. ─── 它们主办许多活动,例如宴会、小组讨论、青年聚会,而且一个教派的人常常被欢迎参加并确实参加另一教派主持的活动。

53、a narrow-minded adherence to a particular sect or party or denomination ─── 对某一党派派别简单的依附

54、The commemorative bank notes circulate in the currency market with the same denomination as the ordinary RMB10 notes. ─── 奥运纪念钞和同面额的10元人民币等值流通。

55、In addition, the denomination of universal equation given in Ref. [1] is oppugned, and it is better regarded as the empirical equation. ─── 对文献[1]中“通用方程”的叫法提出了质疑,指出称为经验公式比较合适。

56、German-American Baptist denomination founded in 1708; opposed to military service and taking legal oaths; practiced trine immersion. ─── 创立于1708年的德美施洗者圣会团体;反对兵役和接受法律誓言;三次沉浸习惯。

57、clique, sect, party, denomination Disputes between different factions of the party finally led to its fall. ─── 党内派系的纷争终于导致该党的瓦解。

58、However telecharger poker texas hold blind flat gross scams on cash advance company fish finger advantage nuts management rank jouer au casino gratuitement denomination round fold vegas fishhooks! ─── 共67642个问题页次:12443/13529页转到:食品添加剂,食品配料,香精香料,瑞士芬美意,美国森馨,美国味好美,法国曼氏

59、“What denomination do you want ? ─── “您想要什么样的邮票?”

60、However, there's a new denomination down the road, no telling what they believe, but maybe they'll do something for the animal. ─── 不过,这条路的另一头有一新教派,不知道他们信仰什么,也许他们会为你的爱犬做点什么。”

61、A leading evangelist once referred to my denomination, the Christian Reformed Church, as "a sleeping giant. " ─── 一位福音派领袖,曾称我们的基督教改革宗为「熟睡的巨人」。

62、American minister and suffragist who was the first woman in the United States to be ordained in the ministry of an established denomination (8'3). ─── 布朗,奥林匹亚:(835-92')美国女牧师和妇女参政主义者。是在有声望的教会被授予牧师职位的第一个美国妇女(8'3年)

63、the Protestant denomination adhering to the views of Jacobus Arminius. ─── 坚持雅各布斯阿米尼乌斯观点的新教教派。

64、In subtraction,to take a unit from the next larger denomination in the minuend so as to make a number larger than the number to be subtracted. ─── 借位在减法中,从被减数字相邻的一位更大的数字中借用一单位,以便使数字大过减数。

65、By the study of nomenclature,we can make use of denomination and its relevant names in science. ─── 命名与语言、民俗、文化及其它学科之间,均有非常密切的关系。

66、When the denomination of a variety has been registered, it can be changed only by proceedings under section 33. ─── 一个品种的名称一经注册,品种名称的变更只能依据第33款进行。

67、This so-called "denomination effect" can be a powerful predictor of consumer spending habits. ─── 这种所谓的“计价效应”在预测消费习惯方面非常灵验。

68、print a new denomination on a stamp or a banknote. ─── 在邮票或钞票上印刷新的面值。

69、Such too, to a greater or less extent, is the condition of the operatives of every denomination in England, which is the great workhouse of the world. ─── 在英国这个世界大工场中,各项企业的技工们,或多或少也是这等情形。

70、They have no religious denomination. ─── 他们不属任何宗教派别。

71、not limited to or associated with a particular religious denomination ─── 不受某一特殊的宗教教会限制的或与某一特殊的宗教无联系的

72、Strict adherence to a denomination; sectarianism. ─── 严格拥护宗派教义;宗派主义

73、In addition,the denomination of universal equation given in Ref.[1] is oppugned,and it is better regarded as the empirical equation. ─── 对文献[1]中“通用方程“的叫法提出了质疑,指出称为经验公式比较合适。

74、The company may by ordinary resolution passed at a general meeting convert any paid-up shares into stock and reconvert any stock into paid-up shares of any denomination. ─── 三十五、公司可经股东大会普通决议通过,将缴足股本的股票转变成证券以及将任何证券转变成任何种类的缴足股本的股票。

75、a member of Christian denomination that expects the imminent advent of Christ. ─── 基督教信徒中期望救世主的即将来临的突然出现发生的成员。

76、Are they church or chapel? ie Do they belong to the Anglican Church or to a Nonconformist denomination? ─── 他们是英国国教徒还是非国教徒?

77、In subtraction, to take a unit from the next larger denomination in the minuend so as to make a number larger than the number to be subtracted. ─── 借位在减法中,从被减数字相邻的一位更大的数字中借用一单位,以便使数字大过减数

78、Your customers can choose the denomination for their gift card. ─── 你的顾客可以为他们的礼品卡选择命名。

79、Georgia went through the worst inflation in 1994. In 1993, the highest denomination was 100,000 laris. By 1994, the highest denomination was 1,000,000 laris. In the 1995 currency reform, 1 new lari was exchanged for 1,000,000 laris. ─── 德国在1923年至1924年间的恶性通货膨胀的写照:一名德国女子以钞票代替木柴作为壁炉用的燃料,因为在事实上,当时直接以钞票作为壁炉燃料比使用木柴来得更加划算。

80、The largest denomination you will see is the one hundred-dollar bill. However, many people do not like to carry a bill of this size in their pockets. ─── 你所看到的最大面值是一百元的纸币,可是,许多人不喜欢随身携带这种面额的纸币。

81、Realizing that this type of hyperinflation and denomination increase was not sustainable, the Pengo was replaced by the Forint. ─── 意识到了这种程度的恶性通货膨胀和面值的增加速度没法维持下去,匈牙利平格就被新货币福林所取代。

82、Commercial banks previously criticised the decision to print such high denomination notes as a retrograde step in an economy that is aiming to move away from cash. ─── 各商业银行先前批评印制这样高额面值纸币的决定有悖于逐渐消除现金的经济目标。

83、Still, after the events of 9/11, I returned to the Unitarian Church, the same denomination in which I was active when I was 16. ─── 但在911事件以后,我又回到了一神论,与我16岁时一样。

84、You'd better let me have RMB 5000 in 100 denomination. ─── 你最好给我100元人民币票面的钞票5000元。

85、OLEAURUM is produced in the prestigious Protected Origin Denomination of Siurana in North East Spain. This Protected Origin Denomination Organism guarantees the origin and production standards of this olive oil. ─── 奥利佛产自位于西班牙东北部,享有声望的命名大区级保护原产地:席屋拉纳。大区级原产地保护证明,保证原产区域和橄榄油的等级。

86、Acceptance of women preachers varies greatly from denomination to denomination. ─── 女性牧师的接受,各教派差异很大。

87、First, he said the authorities would remove three zeroes from the denomination of the currency, the bolivar. ─── 起先,他说当局要将委国货币「玻利瓦尔」的面额去掉三个零。

88、the Protestant denomination adhering to the views of John Calvin. ─── 坚持约翰加尔文观点的新教教派。

89、relating to or characteristic of a particular religious denomination. ─── 关于某一特定宗教派别或具有其特征。

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