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08-17 投稿


apocalypse 发音

英:[?'p?k?l?ps]  美:[?'pɑk?l?ps]

英:  美:

apocalypse 中文意思翻译



apocalypse 词性/词形变化,apocalypse变形


apocalypse 短语词组

1、apocalypse tank ─── 启示录坦克

2、apocalypse max ─── 启示录max

3、Apocalypse Meow ─── 天启喵喵

4、four horsemen of the apocalypse ─── 启示录四骑士

5、apocalypse revelation ─── 启示录 ─── 启示录

6、apocalypse sans ─── 无启示录

7、apocalypse dj version ─── 启示录dj版

8、apocalypse movie ─── 启示录电影

9、apocalypse v ─── 启示录五

10、apocalypse rebooted ─── 启示录重新 ─── 启动

11、apocalypse is coming ─── 天启即将来临

12、apocalypse sex

13、Apocalypse Now ─── [电影]现代启示录重映版

14、apocalypse fight ─── 启示战

15、apocalypse terminal ─── 启示录终端机

16、four of the apocalypse ─── 启示录之四

17、apocalypse survival guide ─── 启示录生存指南

18、apocalypse warrior ─── 启示战士

19、Apocalypse of Two Elephants ─── [计] 两头大象的启示

apocalypse 相似词语短语

1、apocalyptists ─── 启示论者

2、apocarps ─── n.离心皮的果实

3、apocalypses ─── n.启示;天启;大灾难

4、apocalyptic ─── adj.描述(历史)大动乱的;预示(未来)大灾变的;像世界末日的;严重的,灾难性的;(与)《圣经·启示录》(有关)的,像《圣经·启示录》中描述的;极其壮观的,极其浮夸的;最高潮的,最具决定性的(战争等)

5、apocalyptist ─── n.启示文学作品作者;相信世界末日说的人

6、postapocalypse ─── 后息肉

7、apocalypticism ─── n.启示论

8、Apocalypse ─── n.启示;天启;大灾难

9、apocalyptism ─── n.终末论

apocalypse 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、That's the genre of an apocalypse. ─── 这就是启示书的体裁。

2、The reason I cannot obtain my redemption before this apocalypse. ─── 为什么救赎不能在末日到来之前来到.

3、Another year of this apocalypse crap? ─── 再继续扯一年天启的淡?

4、The Apocalypse ;the last.book in the Bible,recording the revelation of st.John about the end of the world ─── 启示录(《圣经》中最后一卷,记录圣约翰关于世界末日的启示).

5、Apocalypse five years (1625), Wei Zhongxian flattering things to Rites assistant minister and scholar into the East Court, the cabinet soon Jin Shang, plus a small security and Prince Taibao. ─── 天启五年(1625),谄事魏忠贤,以礼部侍郎兼东阁大学士入内阁,不久即晋尚书,加少保兼太子太保。

6、International Cooperation Strategy and Funding Characteristics of Foreign Science Foundation and Its Apocalypse for China ─── 国外主要科学基金组织国际合作战略与资助特点及其对我国的启示

7、Apocalypse for the Hindu is the natural ending of the world in the fourth age, the Kali Age. ─── 印度教的启示就是关于宇宙四个时期中的完结时期,也就是卡利年代。

8、Driving into Tripoli is to drive into a ghost city. It looks like a set for a Hollywood apocalypse film. ─── 驾车进入的黎波里就好像进入鬼城,仿佛置身好莱坞灾难影片中的场景。

9、The Reasons for the Difficulties of Graduates'Obtaining Employment and the Apocalypse about the Higher Education ─── 大学生就业难的原因及其对高等教育的启示

10、A site for Francis Ford Coppola’s Apocalypse Now Redux uses film grabs and audio clips to weave an interactive narrative. ─── 为Francis Ford Coppola制作的回归启示网站,使用电影剪辑和音频处理来编辑交互式故事。

11、The Ecosystem Apocalypse of the Confucianist Thought "Nature and Man United as One" ─── 儒家"天人合一"思想及其生态启示

12、Financial crisis toke place in Southeast Asia in 1997, giving people with deep apocalypse, numerous experts think that the source head of financial crisis is in the enterprise. ─── 1997年发生的东南亚金融危机,给人们以深刻的启示,众多专家认为金融危机的源头在企业。

13、In the era of apocalypse waiting my turn ─── 在时代的启示等待轮到

14、Comparative Studies and Apocalypse on "Wenzhou Mode" and "Sunan Mode" ─── “温州模式”和“苏南模式”比较研究及启示

15、"This movie takes a grain of truth and turns into a mountain of apocalypse," says Patrick Michaels, a senior fellow in environmental studies with the Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank. ─── "这部影片抓住了一点点事实,就将其演变为巨大的灾难,"自由论者团体"加图协会"的高级环保研究员帕特里克·迈克尔说。

16、Comparison and Apocalypse of Domestic and International Public Organization Concerning the Enterprise Social Responsibility Standpoint ─── 国内外公共组织关于企业社会责任观点比较及启示

17、The Freeze Ray is especially good at freezing already slow but powerful enemy units like Apocalypse Tanks, Assault Destroyers, or King Oni Mechs. ─── 冰冻射线尤其擅长冰冻那些已经动作很慢但是火力强大的单位,像天启坦克,攻击驱逐舰,或是鬼王。

18、On policy apocalypse to preventing corruption from "Paradox of inspiriting" ─── "激励的悖论"对防治腐败的政策性启示

19、{1}{R}, Remove a +1/+1 counter from Apocalypse Hydra: Apocalypse Hydra deals 1 damage to target creature or player. ─── {一}{红},从末日多头龙上移去一个+1/+1指示物:末日多头龙对目标生物或牌手造成1点伤害。

20、Miracles created by philosophy and science--apocalypse from the rapid development of privately-owned enterprises in the Guilin High-tech Zone ─── 哲理与科学创造的奇迹--桂林高新区民营科技企业快速发展启示录

21、Intellectual Property Rights Management Pattern and its Apocalypse to China ─── 国外企业知识产权管理模式及对我国的启示

22、Twinblades can carry any Ground Vehicle or infantry but it is not without risks, carrying an expensive Apocalypse Tank or a V4 Rocket Launcher makes your Twinblade a massive target. ─── 双刃可以搬运任何地面车辆和步兵,不过这并不是没有风险的,搬运一辆昂贵的天启或是V4火箭车将会让你的双刃变成众矢之的。

23、In the light of this comparative study, I present some historical apocalypse as epilogue. ─── 在文末,作者归纳了研究这个问题所带给我们的启示。

24、Turner really does seem to see himself as locked in a personal battle against apocalypse. ─── 他似乎真的认为自己身处一场阻止大灾难的个人战斗中。

25、The thought of "make people the center" to the apocalypse that the new course carry out ─── "以人为本"思想对新课程实施的启示

26、Apocalypse tanks are the primary beneficiary of Grinder Treads because in secondary mode, the Apocalypse Tank gains health from "Grinding" its target using its Magnetic Harpoon. ─── 天启坦克是碾压履带最基础的受益者因为他的第二模式,天启坦克可以用他的磁性鱼叉磨掉目标,从中增加血量。

27、Fifth Seal of the Apocalypse ─── 作品名称:启示录第五印章

28、Successes of Goettingen University library in 18th Century and Its Apocalypse ─── 18世纪哥廷根大学图书馆的成功及其启示

29、For example, if X is 4, Apocalypse Hydra comes into play with four +1/+1 counters on it, but if X is 5, it comes into play with ten +1/+1 counters on it. ─── 举例来说,如果X为4,末日多头龙进场时上面有四个+1/+1指示物;但如果X为5,则它进场时上面有十个+1/+1指示物。

30、Demonstration Study on International Patent System Reformations and Apocalypse ─── 国际专利制度改革的实证分析及对我国的启示

31、Practice and Apocalypse on Management Model of Corporation, Garden and Farmer in Agricultural Garden ─── 农业园区“公司+基地+农户”运作的实践及启示

32、Jim David: I.m a soldier of the apocalypse, man! ─── 吉姆:伙计,我上天封号战士.

33、From Oracle to Apocalypse of Nature: Origin and Evolution of the Hellenistic Natural Law ─── 从神谕到自然的启示:古希腊自然法的源起与生成

34、Institution and its Apocalypse of IS Engineering Intendance in Developed Country and International ─── 国际组织、发达国家信息系统工程监理制度及对我国的启示

35、Marlon Brando, the star of On the Waterfront, the Godfather and Apocalypse Now, died at the age of 80 after suffering for a year with heart problems. ─── 7月,美国影星马龙-白兰度因心脏病去世,享年80岁。白兰度曾凭借在《崖上风云》、《教父》、《现代启示录》等影片中的出色表演而成为名噪一时的好莱坞巨星。

36、In this apocalypse of the mind the punitive figure wells up as if out of the bowels of the opera stage, and this phantasmagoria is acted out on a global scale. ─── 在这一精神的启示之下,惩罚性的人物像出自歌剧舞台一样冒出来,千变万化的魔术场景在全球范围上演。

37、Apocalypse of International Inspection method about Promoting Product Quality to Rise ─── 国际检验方法对促进产品质量提高的启示

38、Teaching Practice and Apocalypse of Modern Field Military Nursing ─── 《现代野战护理学》教学实践及启示

39、It was descendants of those Europeans who came up with this apocalypse mumbo-jumbo. ─── 正是这些欧洲人的后代想出了这种胡编乱造的末日预言。

40、The Apocalypse of Confucianism in Pre-Chin Era to the Moral Education of the University Students at the Present Age ─── 先秦儒家思想对当代大学生德育工作的启示

41、I'm a soldier of the apocalypse, man! ─── 伙计,我是上天封号的战士。

42、The Gnostic's Nag Hamadi text "Apocalypse of Adam", for instance contains the account of the enlightenment Adam received, for which certain angels became jealous. ─── 例如,诺斯替派纳哈马地文库文献“亚当的启示”,包括了对亚当所获得的启示的记载,为此某些天使变得妒忌起来。

43、Canal Governing in Ancient Time and its Apocalypse for the Legislation of Drainage Area Management in our Country ─── 古代运河治理对我国流域管理立去的启示

44、Jim David: I'm a soldier of the apocalypse, man! ─── 吉姆:伙计,我是上天封号的战士.

45、The four horsemen of the Apocalypse were War, Plague, Famine and Death. ─── 圣经启示录中的四个牧马人是战争、瘟疫、饥荒和死亡。

46、Of or relating to an apocalypse. ─── 天启的天启的,有关天启的

47、My week of single parenthood had begun. As Martin Sheen says in "Apocalypse Now" : "I never want another mission like this again. " ─── 我又当爸又当妈的一周开始了,正如马汀·西恩在《现在启示》中写的那样;“我再也不想过这样的日子了。”

48、Apocalypse Tanks and King Onis can only be frozen if they remain still while the power is in effect. ─── 只有释放时天启坦克和鬼王处于静止才会被冰住。

49、The employment characteristics of university students in developed country and its apocalypse ─── 发达国家大学生就业特点及启示

50、the Apocalypse ;the last book in the Bible,recording the revelation of St John about the end of the world ─── 启示录(《圣经》中最后一卷,记录圣约翰关于世界末日的启示).

51、Once it was believed that nature simply wiped the slate clean every winter, a kind of yearly apocalypse followed by a miracle rebirth each spring. ─── 人们曾经相信,大自然每年冬季只不过是把大地打扫干净,这是一种每年一次的天启,它预示了一个神奇的万物复苏的春天紧接着要到来。

52、Now if they can only work a zombie apocalypse into the equation, itwould be a doomsday trifecta! ─── 出于验证的需要,请键入您在下图中看到的字符或点击辅助功能图标后所听到的数字。

53、Apocalypse Movies: End of the World Cinema ─── 世界电影的末日

54、Will humanity's historic move from countryside to city mean opportunity or apocalypse? ─── 人类从乡村到城市的历史性迁移,究竟是机遇还是灾难?

55、turner really does seem to see himself as locked in a personal battle against apocalypse ─── 他似乎真的认为自己身处一场阻止大灾难

56、X-Men Reign of apocalypse ─── X战警-启示录

57、Liu qingbang's mineral well novels to the apocalypse of the safety culture construction ─── 刘庆邦的矿井小说对安全文化建设的启示

58、Apocalypse of Two Elephants ─── [计] 两头大象的启示

59、In the aftermath of the demonic apocalypse, they have continued with their true purpose - maintaining watch over ancient relics of great power, and protecting the bloodline of man. ─── 在恶魔的天启发生之后,他们坚持着捍卫着他们的决心-守护祖先的伟大力量遗址,守卫人类的血脉。

60、The experience and apocalypse on the cases of domestic and overseas institution of scientific research to be run as the corporation ─── 国内外科研机构企业化后个案的经验和启示

61、The Tendency of Justiciary Supervision on Arbitration and Its Apocalypse ─── 仲裁司法监督的国际走向及其启示

62、But what of the fabled apocalypse which, according to the Egyptians, swallowed Keftiu-Atlantis in one day and one night? ─── 依照埃及传说,克弗悌乌-亚特兰蒂斯在一日一夜之间被吞没,但是寓言中的天启是什么?

63、The Contrast and apocalypse of Western Development between the U.S.A and China ─── 中美西部开发的对比与启示

64、Apocalypse of the Building of Vehicle Maintain Support Resources in Iraq War ─── 伊拉克战争对车辆装备维修保障力量建设的启示

65、Rather than lie back and whine while the apocalypse approached, the New Mexican commune worked on how it might build something to transcend the ills of society. ─── 大灾变来临时,他们不是听天由命,怨天尤人,而是致力于研究怎么做才能摆脱社会的疾患。

66、But apocalypse eventually gave way to rebirth as the Earth cooled and microbial life made a comeback. ─── 但是那时的世界末日却让气球重生,地球冷了下来,微生物又重新回到这里。

67、"There is talk of an apocalypse and I think the word is particularly well chosen, " he said in remarks to the European Parliament. ─── 他在对欧洲议会发言时表示启示录是对这次事件最为合适的描述。

68、Do Not Worry About The Apocalypse ─── 不用为天启担忧

69、Gunship Apocalypse, armed only with minimal weapons breaks into the atmosphere and takes course towards underground tunnels of the colony. ─── 启示直升机,武装只有极少休息武器进入大气层过程中需对地下隧道的殖民地。

70、Turner really does seem to see himself as locked in a personal battle against apocalypse. ─── 他似乎真的认为自己身处一场阻止大灾难的个人战斗中。

71、His clan's statute that the Horde was the harbinger of a glorious apocalypse made the Twilight's Hammer one of the most feared and respected of all clans. ─── 他的氏族有一则条例称部落是光荣的天启的先驱(?),而这也让暮锤成了所有氏族中最令人恐惧与尊敬的.

72、THANKS to a mix of luck and good decisions, the economic apocalypse that loomed over central and eastern Europe seems to have been averted. ─── 凭借一点运气和一些正确的决策,中欧及东欧似乎已避免了金融崩溃。

73、But if ever there were a year to put buzzwords before a death panel, this would be it, before the apocalypse comes. ─── 但是如果说有哪一年将流行词提交死亡小组讨论,那就是这一年了,趁着甲流末日还没有到来。

74、Transplacement of the 20th Century Hesperian Democracy and Its Apocalypse ─── 20世纪西方民主的转型及其启示

75、The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse ─── 启示录中的四马夫

76、Influenced by Theosophy and the perception of a coming New Age, a common theme among Kandinsky's first seven Compositions is the Apocalypse , or the end of the world as we know it. ─── 受神智学和知觉的未来新时代,一个共同的主题之一康定斯基的头7成分是启示,或世界的尽头,我们知道这一点。

77、An Apocalypse of History--A Commemoration to the 60 Anniversaries of the Victory of the Anti-Japanese War of Chinese People ─── 历史的启示--纪念中国人民抗日战争胜利60周年

78、The Foreign Experience and Apocalypse of Developing Small-sum Loan to Resolve Unemployed Problem ─── 国外开展小额贷款解决失业问题的经验及启示

79、Civilization is on the brink of apocalypse. ─── 文明已濒临毁灭的边缘。

80、Rereading Historical Materialism and Its Apocalypse to Modern Philosophy ─── 唯物史观的重读及其对现代哲学的启示

81、By Egyptian record, Keftiu was destroyed by the seas in an apocalypse. ─── 依照埃及人记载,克弗悌乌在一次天启中被海洋毁灭。

82、Song said the industry's viewing of expression, that is, whether the box-office movie "Apocalypse. ─── 业内人称宋子文观影的表情,就是一部电影是否卖座的“启示录”。


84、The famous 14th Century French prophet Nostrademus had predicted that the Apocalypse would come in July 1999. ─── 14世纪法国著名的预言家诺查丹玛斯曾预言人类末日将在公元1999年7月来临。

85、It is described, among other places, in the Book of Revelation or Apocalypse, though cloaked in obscure and sometimes impenetrable symbology. ─── 在启示录等其它地方都有这样的描述,不过它们被掩盖在了晦涩、有时是不可理解的象征手法中。

86、Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse ─── 天启四骑士

87、High-Qulity is the guarantee for making money--apocalypse from FAW's heavy trucks do not need general overhaul after gigameter ─── 优质就是挣钱的保障--解放重卡百万公里无大修的启示

88、He proposed a series of measures that might ward off the environmental apocalypse. ─── 他提出了一系列可能避免环境灾难的措施。

89、The Change and Apocalypse of the Bank Earnings Mode in flourishing Economy ─── 发达经济中银行盈利模式的变化及启示

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