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08-17 投稿


cockles 发音

英:[?kɑ?klz]  美:[?k?k(?)lz]

英:  美:

cockles 中文意思翻译



cockles 词性/词形变化,cockles变形


cockles 短语词组

1、cockles of my heart meaning ─── 我心头的鸡皮疙瘩

2、cockles definition ─── 贝壳定义

3、the cockles of the heart n. ─── 内心深处

4、cockles spn ─── 科克尔斯spn

5、cockles of heart ─── 心脏皱褶

6、cockles of the heart ─── 内心深处

7、cockles b12 ─── 科克尔斯b12

8、cockles define cockles ─── 定义

9、cockles up ─── 翘起

cockles 相似词语短语

1、cackles ─── v.(禽,尤指母鸡或鹅)咯咯叫;咯咯地笑;饶舌;喋喋不休;n.(母鸡或鹅等禽类的)咯咯的叫声;咯咯的笑声;喋喋不休地说

2、cocklers ─── 科克勒

3、chuckles ─── 轻声笑;咯咯的叫声(chuckle的名词复数);咯咯笑;暗自笑(chuckle的第三人称单数)

4、hockles ─── 曲棍球

5、cockler ─── 科克勒

6、cockies ─── adj.自大的;骄傲的;过于自信的

7、cockled ─── 鸟蛤;海扇;麦仙翁

8、cockades ─── n.帽章,帽徽;帽上的花结

9、cockle ─── n.海扇壳,海扇类;鸟蛤;麦仙翁;小舟;vi.折皱,起皱;vt.使皱;n.(Cockle)人名;(英)科克尔

cockles 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、a caryophylloid dicot genus including corn cockles. ─── 一个石竹科草本属,包括麦仙翁。

2、For the rest of the day the port presented a scenarioof furious productivity, guaranteed to warm the cockles of the dock boss's heart. ─── 那天其余的时间里,码头掀起了戏剧化的生产高潮,保证让船坞老板心满意足。

3、For the rest of the day the port presented a scenario of furious productivity, guaranteed to warm the cockles of the dock boss's heart ─── 那天其余的时间里,码头掀起了戏剧化的生产高潮,保证让船坞老板心满意足。

4、The scene delighted the cockles of my heart. ─── 那情景使我内心深感喜悦振奋。

5、This tea is very comforting. It warms the cockles. ─── 这种茶喝着很舒服,它让人感到兴奋。

6、Rice gruel prepared for the troupe by students at Syracuse University on a snowy day warmed the cockles of their hearts. ─── 下雪天吃著雪城大学同学准备的稀饭,「民风乐府」的每个团员心里都暖烘烘的。

7、"It warms the cockles of my heart when I hear the old war songs, " said the old soldier. ─── "每次听到这首熟悉的战歌,我就感到振奋。"这个老兵说道。

8、They'll become petrifactions in my cockles of the heart forever. ─── 它们将永远成为我内心深处的化石.

9、On shore, clams and cockles sit in heaps before a long brick row of low fisherman's homes, the door posts pasted with bright paper charms. ─── 在海岸边,成堆的蚌和海贝堆砌在低矮的渔民家长长的砖墙前面,家门框贴着吸引人的亮色壁纸。

10、Hardy, one of the greatest novelists in Britain's history, possessed a subtle sense and an acute insight that he could see through the cockles of women's heart; ─── 作为英国文学史上最著名的小说家之一,哈代所具有的诗人气质让他能够敏锐地感受女性灵魂深处细微的波澜。

11、There's nothing like steam heat to warm the cockles of a spaceman's soul as he or she traverses the cold depths of interplanetary space. ─── 宇航员在冰冷的星际空间漫游时,还有什么能比蒸汽更能温暖他或她的灵魂呢?

12、Fried Glutinous Flat Noodles with prawns, beansprouts, cockles, eggs, and chinese sausage. ─── 炒果条”是槟城的特有美食,炒时先把面条、条、芽和甜酱油等加在一起炒,之后再加入鸡蛋、、肠、椒酱等佐料既成;其实即如同中国的炒汉中面皮。

13、We produce the mud cockles (commonly known as blood cockles) Cuinen tasty meat, Xiandan palatability, as the traditional seafood treasures Yunxiao County, famous for Southeast Asia; ─── 我们生产的泥蚶(俗称血蚶)肉质脆嫩鲜美、咸淡适口,为云霄县传统的海产珍品,驰名东南亚;

14、A desire in the cockles of the heart is to be aloof from worldly din and taste classicality and romantics. ─── 内心深处,曾有一种向往,远离尘埃的喧嚣,品位着经典与浪漫。

15、I like that because they warm the cockles of my heart when I hear them. ─── 我喜欢他们是因为每当我听到老歌,都会有一种兴奋的情绪在我心灵深处激荡。

16、The tea is very comforting, Briggs. It warms the cockles. ─── 这茶十分清口,布里格斯。它令人十分喜欢。

17、The good news rejoiced the cockles of my heart. ─── 这好消息使我从心坎里感到高兴。

18、Shellfish and aquatic products, the scientific name mud cockles, an Gang gill flap Section cockles. ─── 贝壳类水产品,学名泥蚶,属瓣鳃纲蚶科。

19、warm the cockles of the heart ─── 某一社会阶层所公认的行为规则或惯例使人心里高兴[深感温暖]

20、Particularly rich in species of shellfish: oysters, blood cockles, the famous Mud crab special. ─── 贝壳类品种特别丰富:牡蛎、血蚶、青蟹等特别著名。

21、"Well," he said, as he took her arm--and there was an exuberance of good-fellowship in the word which fairly warmed the cockles of her heart. ─── “来吧,"他说着挽起了她的手臂。 他说这话时情意拳拳,使她心里感到很温暖。

22、Fresh cockles small volume from shell easy succulent sweet incomparable and the best to eat while they drink a small cup of wine taste better. ─── 鲜蚶体小,壳易脱,肉质鲜甜无比,最好吃的同时喝一小杯红酒,滋味更佳。

23、I like a good brandy-it warms the cockles of your heart. ─── 我喜欢喝优质白兰地酒——它使人内心感到高兴。

24、In fact. although they seldom interfered with me. their morals had already deeply affected me and rooted in the cockles of the heart. and it is these morals that keep guiding my ways. ─── 其实不管他们如何放手.他们的行为准则早已深深的影响了我.并扎根在我的内心深处.在不经意间引导着我的行为.

25、delight the cockles of the heart ─── 使人心里高兴[深感温暖]

26、On shore, clams and cockles sit in heaps before a long brick row of low fisherman's homes, the doorposts pasted with bright paper charms. ─── 在海岸边,成堆的蚌和海贝堆砌在低矮的渔民家长长的砖墙前面,家门框贴着吸引人的亮色壁纸。

27、There are two sides of large-scale sculptures: two groups of happy children carrying a large conch cockles and went to the beach, Tang Zhao conch in the clear water. ─── 两侧有二座大型雕塑:两群欢快的儿童抬着一个大海螺和蚶向海滨走去,海螺中淌着清清的流水。

28、It warms the cockles of my heart when I hear the old song. ─── 听到这首旧歌使我深感温馨。

29、The valentine warmed the cockles of my heart. ─── 情人使我心里喜欢

30、He said the cockles and crab that he buys from North Korea had been getting smaller every year over the last decade. ─── 他说,过去10年间,他从朝鲜买的鸟蛤和螃蟹的个头一年比一年小。

31、the cockles of the heart ─── n. 内心深处

32、warm the cockles of sb.'s heart ─── 使人内心感到高兴

33、I only put my loves in the cockles of the heart ─── 一生所爱忍让白云外

34、Chinese traditional painting history is a history of a masterstroke that it take the truth of the cockles of the heart as its aim. . ─── 中国传统绘画历史以追求内心超远平淡的文人画为主线的历史,现当代艺术也是在层层剥离之后直指精神和思想。

35、You know him better after all, these words hit the cockles of his heart. ─── 还是你了解他,这些话都说到他心尖上了。

36、Happyness in the cockles of the heart is the most wonderful thing in the world. ─── 内心深处的幸福是世界上最美妙的。

37、It warms the cockles of the heart to see the children so happy. ─── 看到孩子们这么幸福,大家从心眼儿里感到高兴。

38、There was an exuberance of good-friendship in the word which fairly warmed the cockles of her heart. ─── 这句话里含着无限的情意,使她的感情着实温暖了起来。

39、Third, the cockles of his heart is freedoom. ─── 无所羁绊的悠游心灵;

40、For the rest of the day the port presented a scenario of furious productivity, guaranteed to warm the cockles of any dock boss's heart. ─── 为了保证使码头上各位老板心里喜欢,那一天,后来港口呈现出一片繁忙的工作景象。

41、this positive news should leave gamers with warmth in their cockles as they sup on their egg nog this holiday season. ─── 这些正面新闻会让游戏玩家们的假期游戏玩得更惬意。

42、cockles save ─── 波纹节

43、This paper cockles easily. ─── 这种纸易发皱。

44、The menu would have included vegetables and nuts, but they also cooked shellfish - oysters, cockles and clams. ─── 他们的菜单肯定包括了各种蔬菜和坚果,也可能会需要烹煮各种贝类,牡蛎、蛤文蛤等等。

45、Bonuses like cockles and mussels will let you be immortal, grow faster, slow down the time or eat any fish, but only for a while. ─── 生为食物链当中的一环,只有强者才能生存!

46、It warmed the cockles of his heart. ─── 他打心眼里感到高兴。

47、reasons causing cockles in the paper producing on Yankee machine was analyzed briefly. ─── 本文简要地分析了单缸圆网纸机生产过程中产生褶子的原因。

48、Hou Kong Chek products produced in the sand as a result of cockles River Po Kong Village back of the red sand named after Po. ─── 濠江特产赤砂蚶因产于河浦岗背村的赤砂埔而得名。

49、"It warms the cockles of my heart when I hear the old war songs," said the old soldier. ─── “每次听到这首熟悉的战歌,我就感到振奋。”这个老兵说道。

50、Trio of seafood: Prawns and cockles are added to the stew, which is then served with a grilled piece of salted fish. ─── 三种海鲜:这道炖菜要加入虾和贝肉,然后再加上一片烤制的咸鱼。

51、Through streets broad and narrow,Crying, "Cockles and mussels, alive, alive oh"! ─── 都柏林街头最著名的莉莉玛莲雕像。

52、type genus of the family Cardiidae: cockles. ─── 鸟蛤科的模式属;海扇壳。

53、A desire in the cockles of the heart is to be aloof from worldly din and taste classicality and romantics. ─── 内心深处,曾有一种向往,远离尘埃的宣器,品位着经典与浪漫。

54、cockles of one's heart ─── 内心深处

55、Cockles Duoliang containing meat protein and vitamin B12, cockles bright red blood, flesh of the edge of a gold-like color line. ─── 蚶肉含多量蛋白质和维生素B12,蚶血鲜红,肉的边沿有一金丝似的色线。

56、hot cockles ─── 蒙眼猜人游戏

57、delight the cockles of someone's heart ─── 使人从心眼里高兴

58、He's alive, alive-o somewhere,|selling cockles and mussels... ─── |他肯定还活着|躲在哪儿卖海鲜呢!

59、Now her ghost wheels her barrow,Through streets broad and narrow,Crying, "Cockles and mussels, alive, alive oh"! ─── 有人为她写了一首歌,曲调简单而忧伤,一直传唱到今天。

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