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08-17 投稿


croupous 发音

英:[['kru:p?s]]  美:[['kru:p?s]]

英:  美:

croupous 中文意思翻译



croupous 短语词组

1、croupous inflammation ─── [医] 格鲁布性炎, 假膜性炎

2、croupous membrane ─── [医]格鲁布膜

3、croupous cystitis ─── [医] 白喉性膀胱炎

4、croupous conjunctivitis ─── [医] 格鲁布性结膜炎

5、croupous nephritis ─── [医] 急性肾炎

6、croupous pharyngitis ─── [医] 格鲁布性咽炎

7、benign croupous angina ─── [医] 疱疹性咽峡炎

8、croupous rhinitis ─── [医] 格鲁布性鼻炎, 纤维蛋白性鼻炎

9、croupous membranes ─── [医] 格鲁布膜(纤维蛋白浮膜)

10、croupous lymph ─── [医] 假膜性淋巴

11、croupous bronchitis ─── [医] 格鲁布性支气管炎, 纤维蛋白性支气管炎

12、croupous definition ─── 臀部定义

13、croupous laryngitis ─── [医] 格鲁布性喉炎

14、croupous pneumonia ─── [医] 格鲁布性肺炎, 大叶性肺炎

15、croupous bronchitis icd 10 ─── 克劳普氏支气管炎icd 10

croupous 相似词语短语

1、croceous ─── adj.番红花色的,含番红花的

2、croupades ─── 克劳帕德斯

3、croups ─── n.(四脚动物的)臀部;格鲁布性喉头炎

4、coupons ─── n.优惠券;息票;[化工]取样片(coupon的复数)

5、croupon ─── 全后背皮

6、croupes ─── 臀部

7、croutons ─── n.油炸面包丁;烤碎面包块;巴豆(crouton的复数形式)

8、croupons ─── 克劳邦

9、croupiers ─── n.副主持人;赌场上的总管理人

croupous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Asia Finance Information Croup China Finance Industry Investment Group HK International Financial Credit Rating SCo. Ltd HK International Financiers and Entrepreneurs Club Co. Ltd Lang Fang Commercial Bank ─── 亚洲财讯控股集团中国金融产业投资集团公司香港国际金融信用评级有限公司香港国际金融家与企业家俱乐部有限公司廊坊市商业银行

3、It is set smoothly into the croup and low rather than high. ─── 尾巴平滑的与臀部结合,位置低,不能太高。

4、inspiratory croup ─── 吸气性吼声

5、The tail is set on nearly level with the croup as a natural extension of the topline, strong at root, tapering to a fine point, nearly long enough to reach the hock. ─── 尾巴:尾根位置与臀部相平,更象是背线的自然延伸。根部结实,尖端细,且精巧。长度差不多能够延伸到飞节。

6、croupous bronchitis ─── 格鲁布性支气管炎


8、Author Yang Hongping Mao Songjie (Heilongjiang Longdi Croup Co. Ltd.) Wane Hongwei ( Heilongjiang Suibao Coal Power Co . Ltd.); ─── 作者杨洪平;毛松洁;王洪伟;

9、3.Palagioclase hornblendite of the Archeozoic Qianxi Croup Jincahngyu Formation is closely associated with the gold mineralization in eastern Hebei province. ─── 冀东太古界迁西群金厂峪组斜长角闪岩与金矿关系密切.

10、infectious croup ─── 感染性哮吼

11、croup kettle ─── [医] 熏气壶

12、Lacking a slightly rounded, well filled-out croup(too flat or too steep) ─── 后臀不够圆润(太平或者太陡峭)。

13、Shandong Jixing Medical and Chemical (Croup) Limited Company is the certificated enterprise by the Ministry of Chemical Industry. ─── 山东济兴农化有限公司是化工部农药生产定点企业。拥有乳油、粉剂、水剂生产车间。

14、Nanjing Panda Machanical And Electrical Manufacture Co.,Ltd is owned by Nanjing Panda Electrical Croup Company,Ltd. and held by Nanjing Panda Electron Group. ─── 南京熊猫机电制造有限公司是南京熊猫电子集团控股,隶属于熊猫机电仪产业集团的股份制企业。

15、catarrhal croup ─── 卡他性格鲁布

16、Provisional Marine Air Croup ─── 暂编陆战队航空大队

17、The Small Croup Leaders Handbook ─── 小组长手册

18、2 company after just a few years of development, General book sales code more than 5.4 billion total yokodai, close to the Croup 7 original system of publishing books combined. ─── 2家公司经过短短几年的发展,一般图书销售码洋合计超过5.4亿元,接近集团所属7家原体制出版社出版图书的总和。

19、artificial croup ─── [医] 创伤性膜性喉炎

20、croupous cystitis ─── [医] 白喉性膀胱炎

21、city croup ─── 城市组团

22、A flat croup or a steep croup is to be severely penalized. ─── 平坦的臀部或陡峭的臀部都属于严重缺陷。

23、Discovery and Guidance--Causes and Strategies for "the Weak Croup" among College Students ─── 发现与引导--大学生中"弱势群体"的成因及对策


25、You will need to check the topline because sometimes the coat will be brushed up just before the croup and the appearance will be deceiving. ─── 你可能需要检查狗的背线,因为有时臀部以上的毛可能会让你的眼睛受到欺骗。

26、Yunnan Electric Power Croup Corporation ─── 云南电力集团有限公司

27、Clinical Observation on 110 cases of croup Treated by Combination of Traditional Chinese Medicine with western Medicine ─── 中西医结合治疗哮喘110例临床观察

28、croupous conjunctivitis ─── 格鲁布性结膜炎

29、Author Wang Haiqing and Others (Administration of Zhengzhou Coal Croup Company;Zhengzhou;Henan;452371); ─── 作者王海卿;郭伟顺;王萍;

30、benign croupous angina ─── [医] 疱疹性咽峡炎

31、false croup ─── 假格鲁布

32、Adapting changes with Innovation Developing with Harmony--Form the Practices of Welfare Industrial Co. Ltd. Of Anyang Iron and Steel Croup to the Development of Social Welfare Enterprises ─── 创新适变和谐发展--从安钢福利公司实践看社会福利企业发展

33、Engineer Strategic Studies Croup ─── 工兵战略研究小组

34、Author Liu Yin;Wang Xiaoping;Zhao Guoguang;Zhang Tao (Organic Synthesis Factory of Jilin Chemical Croup Corporation;Jilin;132021); ─── 作者刘引;王孝平;赵国光;张涛;

35、croupous laryngitis ─── [医] 格鲁布性喉炎

36、In profile, the length of the body from the point of the shoulder to the rear point of the croup is slightly longer than the height of the body from the ground to the top of the withers. ─── 从侧面看,从肩点到臀部最末点的长度要略大于从地面到马肩隆顶点的身高。

37、Space Croup of Crystallography and Crystal Structure ─── 晶体学空间和晶体结构

38、There is no slope or angle to the croup. ─── 在臀部没有斜面和角度。

39、Zhujiang Biological Chemistry Reagents Croup ─── 广州市珠江生化试剂有限公司

40、Crisis Assessment Croup ─── 危机估价小组

41、Author Wang Congke;Yu Bo;Zheng Huibao;Gao Yingli (Institute 53 of China's Oidance Industry Croup;Jinan 250031;China); ─── 作者王从科;于波;郑会保;高英莉;

42、The set-on of the tail is a continuation of the very slight gradual drop over the croup. ─── 唇和口内呈黑色。牙齿呈剪状咬合,而且强壮有力。幼犬的犬齿长。

43、croupous pharyngitis ─── [医] 格鲁布性咽炎

44、Body short, compact, close coupled, strongly muscled, broad, deep and well let down in the flank.The body, back, coupling and croup must all be short to give the required square build. ─── 松狮犬体格强健,身体呈方形,属中型犬,肌肉发达,骨骼粗壮,骨量足,适合寒冷地区。

45、croupous lymph ─── [医] 假膜性淋巴

46、uterine croup ─── [医] 格鲁布性子宫内膜炎

47、Experience on Treating Changeble Croup from Pediatric Cough Based on an Overall Analysis of Symptoms and signs ─── 小儿咳嗽变异型哮喘辨治体会

48、vault from support on the croup ─── 撑近端动作

49、support on the croup ─── 支撑近端

50、A sunken or slanted croup is a serious fault. ─── 凹陷或倾斜的臀部属于严重缺陷。

51、croup associated virus ─── 哮吼病毒

52、croup up ─── 意外出现或发生

53、 双语使用场景

54、The Customer Service (Guangzhou) Centre, The China Mobile Croup Guangdong Co., Ltd. ─── 中国移动通信集团广东有限公司客户服务(广州)中心。

55、Author Yang Junging;Wan Xiangming (Desing Institute of Anyang Iron &steel Croup Company); ─── 作者杨峻青;万东明;

56、The croup should be slightly rounded, for too high a tail set flattens the croup, changes the angle of the pelvis, and causes the rear legs to waste energy by lifting too high in its rear motion. ─── 上腿骨和下腿骨长度应该是相等的。下腿骨过长特别是在肌肉瘦弱的时候会引起后驱的不安定。脚趾的点应该是在臀部下方。

57、croupous nephritis ─── [医] 急性肾炎

58、intestinal croup ─── [医] 肠格鲁布, 粘液性结肠炎

59、true croup ─── [医] 真性格鲁布

60、Basic Military Training Croup ─── 基本军事训练大队

61、croupous membranes ─── [医] 格鲁布膜(纤维蛋白浮膜)

62、Croup 3, 0.02% solutionof sarcosine-eth ylester hydrochloride in the tap water of Linxian County; ─── 0.02%肌氨酸乙酯盐酸盐林县自来水溶液;

63、The site for Expo 2010 will be a five-level structure, namely“Park, Area, Zone, Croup, Cluster”. ─── 上海世博会园区规划按照“园,区,片,组,团”五个层次进行结构布局。

64、diphtheritic croup ─── [医] 白喉性哮吼, 喉白喉

65、croup syndrome ─── 哮吼综合征

66、There is a barely perceptible rise over a strong loin.Viewed in profile, the withers and the croup should be equidistant from the ground.Body muscular, somewhat longer than tall. ─── 从轮廓上观察,马肩隆到地面的距离与臀部到地面的距离相等。

67、Back: The back is straight and strong, with a level topline from withers to croup. ─── 后躯:后躯直并且强壮,拥有从肩部到臀部水平的背线。

68、bronchial croup ─── [医] 支气管格鲁布, 格鲁布性支气管炎

69、croupous inflammation ─── [医] 格鲁布性炎, 假膜性炎

70、Tail well set on, thick and muscular at the base, following the natural line of the croup. ─── 尾根高,尾底部厚、肌肉发达,自然地延伸臀部线长。

71、croupous rhinitis ─── 格鲁布性鼻炎

72、membranous croup ─── [医] 膜性喉炎, 假膜性格鲁布

73、Efficacy of inhalation of Ribavirin in treating benign croupous angina for 75 cases ─── 利巴韦林雾化吸入治疗疱疹性咽峡炎75例

74、spasmodic croup ─── [医] 痉挛性格鲁布

75、Keywords Budate Croup;buried hill;mudstone caprock;sealing abilities;comprehensive evaluation;Beier Rift; ─── 布达特群;潜山;泥岩盖层;封闭能力;综合评价;贝尔断陷;

76、Her backline is correct and her spine/hip junction is not prominent.She shows a correctly placed pelvis and a slightly rounded croup. ─── 她的背线很精确,脊柱/髋骨/骨盆都恰到好处,一点都不突出,后接一个微园的臀部。

77、Ningbo Heng Shan Croup Co. Ltd ─── 宁波衡山集团有限公司

78、, And it is controlled by China Aviation Croup and the only Chinese express that has a national network and aviation transportation effectiveness. ─── 是由中国航空(集团)公司控股,唯一具有全国民航快递网络和航空快递时效品牌的公司。

79、Develop Effective QC Croup in Nursing Management ─── 在护理管理中开展有效的qc小组活动

80、drooping croup ─── 斜尻

81、croupous angina ─── 格鲁布咽峡炎, 哮吼性咽峡炎

82、croupous pneumonia ─── 格鲁布性肺炎

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