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08-17 投稿


gravitational 发音

英:[?ɡr?v??te???nl]  美:[?ɡr?v??te???n(?)l]

英:  美:

gravitational 中文意思翻译



gravitational 网络释义

adj. [力] 重力的,[力] 引力的

gravitational 同义词

attraction | gravitational force | gravitational attraction | movement |gravity

gravitational 反义词


gravitational 常用词组

gravitational field ─── [物]引力场,重力场

gravitational force ─── 万有引力,地心引力;重力

gravitational potential ─── 引力势,重力势

gravitational 短语词组

1、gravitational wave ─── 重力波, 引力波

2、gravitational constant ─── [计] 引力常数 ─── [化] 引力常量; 万有引力常数

3、gravitational lens ─── 引力透镜

4、gravitational field ─── [化] 引力场

5、gravitational attraction ─── 万有引力,地球引力,重力

6、gravitational mass ─── [化] 引力质量

7、gravitational separator ─── [机] 重力分离器

8、gravitational force ─── 引力, 重力, 地心吸力

9、gravitational separation ─── [化] 重力分离(用比重不同的方法分离)

10、gravitational prospecting ─── [经] 重力勘探

11、gravitational ulcer ─── [医] 重力性溃疡

12、gravitational theory n. ─── 万有引力定律 [网络] 引力理论; ─── 万有引力理论;重力场论

13、universal gravitational constant ─── 万有引力常数

14、gravitational radiation ─── 引力辐射

15、gravitational collapse ─── 引力坍缩

16、gravitational receptor ─── [化] 重力感受器

17、gravitational settling ─── [化] 重力沉降

18、gravitational unit ─── [机] 重力单位

19、gravitational interaction ─── 引力作用

gravitational 相似词语短语

1、gradational ─── adj.有等级的;渐次的

2、gravitations ─── n.重力;万有引力;地心吸力

3、invitational ─── adj.邀请的;n.四人两球赛

4、agitational ─── adj.鼓动性的;煽动性的;搅动作用的

5、levitational ─── 悬浮的

6、habitational ─── 居民区

7、gravitationally ─── 引力地

8、gravitation ─── n.重力;万有引力;地心吸力

9、gravitating ─── n.用油泵使油舱内的油因油压差而移动的方法;重力吸引;v.受吸引(gravitate的ing形式)

gravitational 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It is only a question of time until gravitational lensing reveals an entire list of convincing planet candidates. ─── 他们监看大麦哲伦星云(我们银河的一个子星系)里的恒星,七年内总共看到约两打的微透镜效应事例。

2、Collapsing interstellar cloud reverses its gravitational infall and expands outward into the relatively quiescent interstellar environment. ─── 坍缩的星际云克服向内的引力而向外膨胀到较宁静的星际环境中去。

3、Under the action of universal gravitational forces the small perturbations will grow. ─── 在万有引力的作用下,小扰动会加强。

4、For instance, van de Bruck suggests that strong gravitational fields could change the laws of quantum mechanics. ─── 例如,范德布鲁克所主张的强重力场可以改变量子力学的定律。

5、He explained the mathematical theory on tides under gravitational pull from the sun, moon and earth. ─── 他用来自太阳、亮和地球的重力的牵引力下的潮汐来解释数学理论。

6、The gravitational interaction is disregarded when interactions between individual protons are considered. ─── 在考虑单个质子间相互作用时,万有引力可以忽略不计。

7、If gravitational waves are successfully detected, can we expect that knowledge to lead to new kinds of technological advancements? ─── 引力波是否曾被成功的探测到了,能期望这些知识引发新的技术进步么?

8、The strong gravitational field of a neutron star provides the answer. ─── 中子星的超强引力提供了最佳的解答。

9、Small moonquakes, originating several miles below the surface, are thought to be caused by the gravitational pull of the earth. ─── 发源于月球表面以下几英里的微弱月震据估计是由地球引力的牵引造成的。

10、Gravitational force from a shell;Hooke's 'law'. ─── 利用积分推导球壳的引力;

11、The thermo-refractive noise influences the runtime of optical solitons in the detection of gravitational redshift by optical solitons storage rings. ─── 在利用光孤子存储环探测引力红移时,热折射噪声会影响光孤子的运行时间,这种影响可以由研究高斯脉冲串给出。

12、Perhaps it once was a planet, only to be drawn out of its solar orbit by Neptune's gravitational embrace. ─── 它也许曾是颗行星,只因为受到海王星引力的拥抱,才被拽出自身绕太阳旋转的轨道。

13、The gravitational ripples could cause minute changes in the distance between any two points in the universe, they said. ─── 天文学家说,这种引力涟漪会使宇宙中任何两点间的距离发生细微的变化。

14、Gravitational forces operate between the two objects that have mass, bethey at rest or in motion. ─── 万有引力作用于有质量的两个物体之间,不管这些物体处于静止还是运动状态。

15、Gravitational field is a kind of vector field, and the description of gravitational force by general relativity is very effective. ─── 引力场是一种矢量场,广义相对论对引力问题的描述是非常有效的。

16、Many asteroids are weakly bound piles of rubble, held together by their own minute gravitational attraction. ─── 大多数的小行星都是由碎石组成,而这些碎石靠着自身之间微弱的万有引力结合在一起。

17、They were also used, for example, to determine the gravitational attraction exerted by a lamina on particles. ─── 例如:他们也用来确定一个薄片作用在一个质点上的万有引力。

18、Theory and observation agree spectacularly well, and Hulse and Taylor were awarded the Nobel prize for this indirect detection of gravitational waves. ─── 我们还将为他送上一份礼品,它可能是一件有趣的科学玩具,也可能是松鼠会制作的纪念品,也可能是科普杂志和书籍。

19、His research interests range from neutrinos to magnetic monopoles to gravitational waves. ─── 他的研究兴趣从微中子、磁单极到重力波,相当广泛。

20、He struggled with the problem of how to treat the gravitational pull of the earth on terrestrial objects. ─── 他就曾为如何处理地球对地上物体的吸引力的问题而伤脑筋。

21、It is the gravitational interaction with planets, right? ─── 这是引力与行星的相互作用,对吧?

22、If you throw a ball into the air, it rises to a higher altitude but decelerates: it gains gravitational energy at the expense of kinetic energy. ─── 如果把球丢到空中,高度增加,但速度减低了:动能的损失转变为重力位能。

23、Because of gravitational attraction, the escape velocity at the surface of a star, say, will be higher if the star is smaller in size or heavier. ─── 恒星质量越大,体积越小,引力的羁绊便越大,所需逃逸速度亦越高。

24、If you encounter a black hole that is spinning and has an electrified field, you will not be killed passing through its massive gravitational fiuelds. ─── 如果你遇到了一个旋转的黑洞,并且有一个电磁场,那么经过巨大的重力流体时,你并不会遭遇不测。

25、By definition, dark matter emits no light of any kind, but does exert a gravitational pull, like normal matter. ─── 到目前为止,暗物质只是通过发挥引力作用使光线发生折射,才被间接发现的。

26、If another planet tried to squeeze in between the existing ones, gravitational perturbations would eventually destabilize its orbit. ─── 如果另一个行星尝试强行介入存在的行星之间,重力的扰动很快就会使其轨道不稳定。

27、Previously she worked at the Max Planck for Gravitational in Golm, Germany, where she held a Heisenberg Fellowship. ─── 她之前任职于德国马克士普朗克重力物理研究所,领有海森堡学者的荣衔。

28、Others posited that dark matter was the culprit: it might exert a gravitational or drag force. ─── 另有些人则断定暗物质才是惹祸的元凶:它可能会对太空船施加重力或阻力。

29、It is a remarkable fact that the inertial mass of all bodies is, within experimental accuracy, proportional to the gravitational mass. ─── 值得注意的是,在实验的准确度内,所有的物体的惯性质量与引力质量都成正比。

30、If a spacecraft travels faster than 11 km a second, it escapes the Earth's gravitational pull. ─── 如果一架宇宙飞船飞行超过每秒11公里,它就能摆脱地球引力。

31、So if I make a plot of the gravitational potential energy as a function of y, then I would get a straight line. ─── 因此如果我画一张,重力势能,受y变化的图,那么会得到一条直线。

32、In the gravitational field of the earth, negative energy corresponds to bounded motion and positive energy to unbounded motion. ─── 在地球的重力场中,负的能量相应于有界限运动,正的能量相应于无界限运动。

33、Binary systems that emit gravitational waves can be made of stars, black holes, or a combination of the two. ─── 双星系统中的星体可以是恒星、黑洞或两者的组合。

34、Otherwise invisible to telescopic views, the dark matter was mapped by observations of gravitational lensing of background galaxies. ─── 另外对于望远镜视野里不可见的暗物质,是通过对背景星系引力透镜观测后绘画上去的。

35、The gravitational field of the stellar corpse is so strong that it rips gas from the normal star. ─── 恒星“遗体”的引力场强大到将正常恒星的气体剥离。

36、Light traveling through the matter clump is warped and distorted, a phenomenon called gravitational lensing. ─── 当光线穿过这些物质团块的时候就会发生弯曲或扭转,这种现象被称为“引力透镜效应”。

37、Then when Thailand tipped off an Asian financial crisis, the Hong Kong dollar withstood intense gravitational pull to decline. ─── 想当年,面对发端于泰国的亚洲金融危机,港元在巨大的贬值压力下岿然不动。

38、This occurs because there is not a tremendous gravitational pull upon those gases and therefore the star weakens and becomes smaller. ─── 出现这种情况的原因在于没有巨大的引力作用于这些气体,因而恒星力量不断削弱、变小。

39、We can liberate ourselves from its gravitational pull of judgement, shame, and coercion. ─── 但我们可以打破传统惯性思维的束缚,从愧疚感释放出来,不一定非要追本求源。

40、Bodies traveling in a gravitational field are always undergoing an exchange of gravitational and kinetic energy. ─── 在重力场中运动的物体会不停地改变其动能与重力位能。

41、A hypothetical particle postulated to be the quantum of gravitational interaction and presumed to have an indefinitely long lifetime, zero electric charge, and zero rest mass. ─── 引力微子一种假想粒子,被假定为引力相互作用的量子,并被推测为具有无限长寿命、零电荷和零静止质量

42、Which of them show the effect of gravitational attraction? ─── 以下哪项显示地心引力的效应?

43、Why Bother Looking for Gravitational Waves? ─── 为什么要寻找引力波?

44、They are likely sources of gravitational waves. ─── 它们很有可能就是引力波源。

45、Unfortunately, a passing gravitational wave will make only a tiny change in the distance the laser beams have to travel. ─── 不幸的是,在激光束所经过的路程过程中,行经的重力波只会稍微地对干涉波波长稍微改变一点点。

46、The earth's atmosphere is in hydrostatic equilibrium under the combined action of the gravitational attractive force of the earth and the pressure of the gases in the atmosphere. ─── 地球大气就处于地球引力和大气中气体压力共同作用之下的流体静力平衡状态。

47、The components of most double stars are close enough for there to be strong gravitational attraction between them. ─── 大多数双星的子星都很靠近,所以它们之间存在很强的万有引力。

48、Dr Clowe and his colleagues used a technique called gravitational lensing to detect the mass distribution of the bullet cluster. ─── 克洛博士和他的同事使用一种叫做引力透镜的技术来探测子弹状星云团内物质的分布情况。

49、Can you imagine how strong the gravitational pull of a black hole is? ─── 你能想象黑洞的引力有多大吗?

50、It is a spontaneous gravitational instability. ─── 原因在于其自发的重力不稳定性。

51、A likely energy source is the changing gravitational tides caused by Jupiter and the other Galilean moons as Io orbits the massive gas giant planet. ─── 一种可能的来源是木卫一绕这颗大质量气态行星运行时,由木星和其他伽利略卫星所引起的潮汐效应。

52、Inertial forces and gravitational forces are indistinguishable. ─── 惯性力与引力是不可区分的。

53、Small moonquakes, originating several miles below the surface, are thought to be caused by the gravitational pull of the earth. ─── 发源于月球表面以下几英里的微弱月震据估计是由地球引力的牵引造成的。

54、Its oscillation depends on the strength of the gravitational field. ─── 它的摆动取决于重力场的力。

55、What does the equivalence principle imply about accelerated motions and gravitational fields? ─── 加速运动和引力场的等价理论意味着什么?

56、As material spirals down to the innermost orbit of an accretion disk, it must give up gravitational potential energy. ─── 当物质以螺旋的轨迹坠入吸积盘最内侧的轨道时,必定损失重力位能。

57、If the collapse if not perfectly spherical, the supernova will give off an intense burst of gravitational waves. ─── 如果蹋缩过程不是沿着完美的球形,超新星将在瞬间发出强烈的引力波。

58、The gravitational pull of the sun, which is less than half that of the moon, somewhat complicates matters. ─── 太阳的引力虽不到月球的一半,但却使情况复杂化。

59、We've noted that this is just like a body projected horizontally in the earth's gravitational field. ─── 我们注意到,这个问题同在地球重力场中水平抛射一个球体十分相象。

60、And that was that the gravitational field, due to mass, will deflect not only the trajectory of particles, but will deflect light itself. ─── 那就是由于有质量,引力场不仅会使粒子的运动轨迹偏转,而且会使光本身偏转。

61、If you treble the distance, the gravitational attraction gets nine times weaker. ─── 如将距离增大两倍,则其万有引力就减小九分之八。

62、Any emitted photons are trapped into an orbit by the intense gravitational field; they will never leave it. ─── 恒星发出的任何光子都被强大的重力场所吸引,使其陷入其周围轨道,永远也不会逃逸。

63、When weather changes, baric meeting occurrence wave motion, affect the gravitational wave in atmosphere thereby. ─── 当天气变化时,气压会出现波动,从而影响大气中的重力波。

64、The gravitational interaction of a satellite and a nearby particle is somewhat counterintuitive. ─── 卫星和邻近粒子之间的重力作用有些违反直觉。

65、Astronomers measure how much dark matter lies in galaxies by a fluke of physics called gravitational lensing. ─── 天文学家通过一种叫做引力透镜效应的物理现象来测算星系中暗物质的质量。

66、Within the inky blackness, gravitational forces were assembling objects in the cosmos. ─── 在如墨水般漆黑的世界里,隐藏的重力暗暗四处伸展,聚集著宇宙万物。

67、A gradient in the gravitational forces acting on different parts of a nonspherical object. ─── 作用于非天体物体不同部分的引力梯度。

68、These dormant supermassive black holes have indeed been detected through their gravitational influence. ─── 我们已经透过重力影响,侦测到蛰伏的超大质量黑洞。

69、But there's more: This pulse has also caused subtle but potentially dangerous quantum and gravitational shifts throughout the continuum. ─── 但是还有:这个脉冲同时也在整个空间中引起了微小的潜在的危险因素和重力转移。

70、Cygnus X-1 must have a mass of about 7 solar masses or else it would not exert enough gravitational pull to cause the wobble in the spectral lines of HDE 226868. ─── 天鹅座X则必须有7个太阳大小的质量,否则它将不会有足够的引力来引起HDE226868谱线的来回波动。

71、But the gravitational influence of giant planets such as Jupiter can nudge asteroids out of these safe orbits and send them plunging towards Earth. ─── 但是,一些巨大的行星类似木星,其强大的引力可以令这些小行星脱离安全的轨道,向地球的方向飞来。

72、The idea is that the matter we see dose not have enough gravitational pull to keep galaxies together. ─── 想到这件事,我们认为没有足够引力将银河星系拉在一起。

73、The force of gravitational attraction between two bodies decrease as the distance between them increases. ─── 两物体之间的引力随着两物体之间的距离增大而减小。

74、Hence, the loss of gravitational potential energy of the block equals the gain of elastic potential energy of the spring. ─── 因此,该物块的重力势能的减少,等于该弹簧的弹性势能的增加。

75、But we do not notice the gravitational pull of a book because the pull of the earth is very much greater. ─── 我们觉察不到一本书的引力,是因为地球的引力要大得多的缘故。

76、Can Ring Galaxies Form by Gravitational Collapse? ─── 引力坍缩能形成环星系吗?

77、The gravitational attractions of the pieces of dust for one another might make them form little lumps. ─── 尘埃片与片之间由引力而产生的吸引,可能会使它们形成一些小的团块。

78、One way to visualize the importance of detecting gravitational waves is to think of the universe as a movie and gravity waves as sound. ─── 关于探测引力波的重要性,打个形象的比方,可将宇宙看作一部电影,而引力波是电影的声音。

79、The Virgo cluster lies within the Local Supercluster, and its gravitational effects slow down the nearby galaxies. ─── 室女座星系团位于本超星系团之中,他的重力影响减缓了邻近星系的速度。

80、Contrast Israel's gravitational pull on French and British Jewry with its relationship to Germany and Russia. ─── 与以色列对法国和英国犹太人的吸引力形成对照的是其同德国和俄国的关系。

81、Gravitational waves signals look like sine waves and occur at different frequencies that depend on their source. ─── 引力波信号看起来象正弦波,但根据他们自己的震源有不同的频率。

82、The "weightless" condition of astronauts in orbit about the earth arises from just this cancellation of inertial and gravitational forces. ─── 在围绕地球运转的轨道中,宇航员的“失重”状态就是惯性力与引力相互抵消的结果。

83、Fighting gravitational clumping would take a wavelength of a few dozen light-years. ─── 为了对抗重力造成的聚集,这些粒子的波长可能会长达好几十光年的距离。

84、But if the field changes or oscillates quickly enough, it produces a gravitational attraction, just like ordinary or dark matter. ─── 不过,要是纯量场变化或是振荡得够快,它就会产生重力相吸效应,一如普通物质或是暗物质。

85、Potential energy, as opposed to rest mass or kinetic energy, leads to gravitational repulsion. ─── 和静止质量与动能相反,位能会使重力变成斥力。

86、The hypothetical effect of reducing or canceling a gravitational field. ─── 反重力,反引力一种假想的能够减弱或消除地球引力的力。

87、If it had been slightly more dense, it might have undergone gravitational collapse, just like the matter falling into a black hole. ─── 假如它的密度比临界密度再高一些,将会导致重力塌缩,就像掉入黑洞的物质一样。

88、Surprisingly, due to a close gravitational pass near one of these stars, T Tauri may now be headed out of the system. ─── 令人惊讶的是,由于这些恒星的重力作用,使金牛座T星现在可能已经远离该系统。

89、Gravitational waves are produced when there is a change in the curvature of spacetime. ─── 当时空结构的曲率发生变化的时候就会产生引力波。

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