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08-17 投稿


dispirited 发音

[ d?'sp?r?t?d]

英:  美:

dispirited 中文意思翻译



dispirited 网络释义

adj. 沮丧的;没有精神的;意气消沉的v. 使…沮丧;使…气馁(dispirit的过去分词)

dispirited 词性/词形变化,dispirited变形

副词: dispiritedly |

dispirited 短语词组

1、dispirited definition ─── 沮丧的定义

2、dispirited syn ─── 气馁综合征

3、dispirited defined ─── 沮丧的

4、dispirited mood ─── 心灰意冷

5、downhearted dispirited ─── 心灰意冷

6、dispirited define ─── 沮丧的定义

7、dispirited types ─── 颓废型

8、dispirited mean ─── 颓废的中庸

dispirited 相似词语短语

1、disported ─── vt.使欢娱;使快乐;vi.娱乐;玩耍;n.娱乐

2、inspirited ─── v.鼓舞,激励,使振奋

3、disherited ─── 洗碗

4、dispirits ─── v.使气馁,使沮丧

5、dispiritedly ─── adv.没精神地;气馁地

6、disparted ─── vt.使分开;使分离;vi.分离;分开

7、disprized ─── vt.轻视;低估

8、dispirit ─── v.使气馁,使沮丧

9、-spirited ─── adj.精神饱满的,热情洋溢的;意志坚定的;有某种特定性格(或人生观、情绪)的;激烈的;v.偷偷带走,(神秘地或秘密地)窃走(spirit的过去式和过去分词)

dispirited 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、a dispirited and resigned expression on her face ─── 她脸上气馁和消沉的表情

2、a feeling of dispirited melancholy. ─── 使人沮丧的忧郁情绪。

3、When I am dispirited, he lifts me up. ─── 当我气馁时,他会使我振作起来。

4、a failure that dispirited the team. See also Synonyms at dissuade encourage ─── 使整个队感到灰心的失败参见同义词

5、What can foreknow is, because,the great majority in several websites meets the whole world of traditional manufacturing industry dispirited, reduce advertisement to put in and " dead " go. ─── 可以预见的是,全球数万个网站中的大多数会因为传统制造业的萎靡,减少广告投放而“死”去。

6、He did not, or could not, see, as she smiled on, that she was becoming weak and dispirited. ─── 他没有,或者不能明白,当她微笑着坐在画厅时,她已经变得日渐虚弱和憔悴了。

7、The summer day is hot, a person activity will sweat slightly profusely, causes the person energetic dispirited, will cut the working efficiency. ─── 夏日炎炎,人稍一活动就会大汗淋漓,使人精神萎靡,降低工作效率。

8、Our lack of progress is very dispirit ing. ─── 我们毫无进展真使人气馁.

9、be disheartened; be downhearted; be dispirited ─── 心灰意懒

10、While the crowd in the night match was definitely pro-Federer, with Swiss flags abounding, it began backing the increasingly dispirited del Potro. ─── 夜场赛观众都是冲着费德勒来的,在满场飘动的瑞士国旗把德尔*波特罗映衬得更加沮丧。

11、a dispirited air, look, expression, etc ─── 心灰意懒的样子﹑ 神色﹑ 表情等.

12、Endanger mainly: Carcinogen, it can cause and have a liking for sleeping , have a headache , dizzy , the nausea , insomnia , nerve are dispirited , such symptoms as memory fails to poison slightly. ─── 主要危害:致癌物质,轻度中毒会造成嗜睡、头痛、头晕、恶心、失眠、神经萎靡、记忆力减退等症状。

13、“‘You look dispirited. ─── “‘你看起来有些沮丧。

14、So long as you believed firmly that you can learn, so long as you did not suspect, does not feel inferior, is not pessimistic, is not dispirited, certainly can learn. ─── 只要你确信自己能学好,只要你不怀疑,不自卑,不悲观,不颓废,就一定能学好。

15、(1) tired, weak, spirit is dispirited, limply: These are the commonnest, also be the symptom that appears the earliest, but after also can appearing at other condition. ─── (1)疲倦、软弱、精神萎靡、四肢无力:这些是最常见,也是最早出现的症状,但也可出现于其他情况之后。

16、She took her place in the witness room, worn and dispirited, but not anxious ─── 她在证人室里等候着,很疲乏,很沮丧,可是并不焦急。

17、To shake or destroy the courage or resolution of;dispirit. ─── 使沮丧,使灰心动摇或失去勇气或果断;使灰心

18、He paused, dispirited despite his effort to get a cheerful note into his voice ─── 他停了一下,虽然尽量想使声调显得愉快些,但还是提不起劲来。

19、A dispirited mood brings about negative effects while a spirited mood has active effects on the teaching. ─── 在正常的体育教学中,情绪影响教学的质量和效率。

20、With their fleece sopping wet, they huddled in hollows, too dispirited to graze ─── 在皮毛打湿的情况下,他们挤在低洼处,靠近黑莓丛,或者躲在背风坡上,毫无觅食的情绪。

21、I try not to feel dispirited but I can't help it. ─── 我全力使本身不感应沮丧,但我办不到。”

22、dispirit a person from future exertions ─── 使一个人丧失为未来努力的勇气

23、be dispirited ─── 情绪消极

24、If you cannot influence them in any way, then just keep to yourself and protect yourself, at least so that you do not become dispirited. ─── 如果你用任何方法都无法影响他们,那就坚持自己的理想,并保护自己,这样至少不会让自己变得意志消沈。

25、Second, both manifest distinctive dispirited thoughts. ─── 其二,两者所体现的颓废不同。

26、a dispirited and resigned expression on her face; ─── 她脸上沮丧、听天由命的表情;

27、Be busy without being disorganized, and weary without being dispirited. ─── 忙而不乱,累而不疲。

28、sad dispirited affective tone ─── 感伤颓废情调

29、in days with haze all over the sky, one is dispirited and upset. ─── 阴霾满天的日子,令人萎靡不振,心烦意乱。

30、Otherwise, they can steal away your dream in unconscious, make you be gradually dispirited, become mediocre. ─── 否则,他们会在不知不觉中偷走你的梦想,使你渐渐颓废,变得平庸。

31、Causation and Avoiding Means of the Junior Speed Skaters'Dispirited Psychology in Training ─── 少年速滑运动员训练中不良心理的成因及应对措施

32、She took her place in the witness room, worn and dispirited, but not anxious. ─── 她在证人室里等候着,很疲乏,很沮丧,可是并不焦急。

33、All this leaves Mr Bai somewhat dispirited. ─── 所有这些都让白尔显得有些沮丧。

34、It is not surprising that modern children tend to look blank and dispirited when informed that they will someday have to "go to work and make a living". ─── 当如今的小孩被告知他们将有一天不得不去“工作与谋生”时,他们可能面露茫然与沮丧,这不足为奇。

35、Clinical expression is complexion cadaverous, spirit is dispirited, inappetence, lack of power wait for chronic and anaemic symptom. ─── 临床表现为面色苍白,精神萎靡,食欲不振,乏力等慢性贫血症状。

36、It is with the desperation of saving this dispirited and selfish nation. ─── 唯有抱着"我不入地狱,谁入地狱"的精神,

37、It is not surprising that modern children tend to look blank and dispirited when informed that they will someday have to “go to work and make a living”. ─── 当如今的小孩被告知他们将有一天不得不去“工作与谋生”时,他们可能面露茫然与沮丧,这不足为奇。

38、The dispirited very long time, I had not known the present and later will be supposed to make any.Does not dare facing these which occurs, only then evades, probably in this world I is unnecessary. ─── 今晚爸爸打电话过来聊了一会,妈妈身体还不是很好,想起来就心酸,这是两个世界,两个社会。

39、Carrie was tired and dispirited, but now she could rest. ─── 嘉莉又疲倦又丧气,不过现在她可以休息了。

40、Clinical and visible anaemia accentuates quickly, companion has calorific, mind dispirited, heart-throb, gas is urgent, or the symptom such as severe abdominal pain, disgusting, vomiting. ─── 临床可见贫血急剧加重,伴有发热、精神萎靡、心悸、气急,或剧烈腹痛、恶心、呕吐等症状。

41、China ancient times advocated Shui Mo the writer landscape painting primarily, the dark green coloration's landscape painting resembled by the dispirited potential. ─── 中国古代以崇尚水墨的文人山水画为主,青绿着色的山水画似由颓废之势。

42、She refused to be dispirited by her long illness. ─── 她并未因长期患病而萎靡不振。

43、when they were dispirited and wanted to leave there, l aked them to stay and play together. ─── 当他们沮丧并准备离开的时候,我叫他们留下来一起玩。

44、A failure that dispirited the team. ─── 使整个队感到灰心的失败

45、Is unable to restrain some accidents: Originally Zheng Jiaying can also “dispirited”, is despondent makes one love dearly, not only originally he the idol play only then develops well. ─── 不禁有些意外:原来郑嘉颖也能这般“颓废”,抑郁得令人心疼,原来他不只是偶像剧才演得好。

46、lonely and blue in a strange city; depressed by the loss of his job; a dispirited and resigned expression on her face; downcast after his defeat; feeling discouraged and downhearted. ─── 孤独、忧郁的生活在陌生的城市;为失业而气馁;她脸上沮丧、听天由命的表情;他失败后变得很沮丧;感觉到气馁、闷闷不乐。

47、I left eventually at six o'clock feeling utterly dispirited and depressed. ─── 最终离开时已经6点,我感到十分沮丧和消沉。

48、She looked tired and dispirited. ─── 她显得疲倦而且神情沮丧。

49、Having lost the game, they all left the pitch feeling very dispirited. ─── 他们比赛输了,个个无精打采地退了场。

50、Be busy without disorganized, and weary without being dispirited. ─── 圣严法师108自在语-忙而不乱,累而不疲。

51、The heart dispirited and the mind cold ─── 心灰意冷

52、to shake or destroy the courage or resolution of; dispirit ─── 动摇或失去勇气或果断;使灰心

53、He has been dispirited recently. ─── 他最近总是委靡不振。

54、Seeing the people, He felt compassion for them, because they were distressed and dispirited like sheep without a shepherd. ─── 他看见许多的人,就怜悯他们。因为他们困苦流离,如同羊没有牧人一般。

55、I apparently in the elusion, evade the vigorous the weariness from overwork that competition bring me with the solitude, the failure evading continuously gives my dispirited and discouraged. ─── 我似乎在逃避,逃避激烈的竞争给我带来的劳累和孤独,逃避不断的失败所赋予我的心灰意冷。

56、For days he had drooped about the empty chicken run, too dispirited to crow . ─── 好多天来,它总耷拉着脑袋在空荡荡的鸡场上发闷,也提不起精神来啼叫了。

57、"Dispirited after a dreary day with the prospect of a depressing morrow, I raised to my lips a spoonful of the tea in which I soaked a morsel of the cake... ─── “那天天色阴沉,而且第二天也不见得会晴朗,我的心情很压抑,无意中舀了一勺茶送到嘴边。

58、listless; dispirited; dejected ─── 委靡

59、In exhausted dispirited, perishes in the suffering. ─── 在疲惫中颓废,在煎熬中沉沦。

60、By then the intrepid teenage playwright will be nearly 20 and, if not too dispirited by his “mixed” review in the Scotsman, may return with something sensational. ─── 初生牛犊的青年戏剧作家到时年至弱冠,如里德尔的“混杂”回顾没有打消他们的意气,说不定会再度现身,制造一时轰动。

61、Says from certain significance, the real estate industry is at present dispirited, since to real estate froth silent counter-attack, is also to the real estate corrupt silent complaint. ─── 从一定意义上讲,眼下房地产业不振,既是对房地产泡沫的无声反击,也是对房地产腐败的无声控诉。

62、In 1972 and 1980, Democrats had been crippled by showing the American people a divided, dispirited, undisciplined party. ─── 在1972年和1980年,民主党形象被毁,美国人民在电视上看到的是一个分裂的、毫无生气的、组织纪律观念极差的党。

63、Get Enough Light and Sunshine.Lack of exposure to sunlight is responsible for the secretion of the hormone melatonin, which could cause a dispirited mood and a sleepy condition. ─── 但当时间以无休止的日,月和年在我们面前流逝时,我们却常常没有了这种子感觉。

64、A dispirited and resigned expression on her face. ─── 她脸上沮丧、听天由命的表情。

65、I ain't dispirited and discouraged, only mind and body weariness. ─── 我不是心灰意冷,只不过身心疲倦。

66、Night of deep person lonesome, in the hut, the computer screen is appearing the weak light, loses the warm coffee, dispirited and moved music, but also has fills the air in air loneliness. ─── 夜深人寂,小屋里,电脑屏幕映现着的微弱灯光,失温的咖啡,颓废而又伤感的音乐,还有弥漫在空气里的寂寞。

67、He looked so dispirited I took pity on him. ─── 他那十分沮丧的样子令我产生了怜悯。

68、To reducing weight person for, do not have the carbohydrate shortage that staple food causes for long, also can cause mind dispirited. ─── 对于减肥者来说,长时间不吃主食导致的碳水化合物缺乏,也会导致精神萎靡。

69、But the former mayor then delivered a meandering speech that left the audience dispirited. ─── 但是前市长讲话却天马行空,让听众失望之极。

70、This time, the European aestheticism and the dispirited principle idea have had the widespread influence in the literature domain. ─── 这个时期,欧洲唯美主义和颓废主义观念在文学领域产生了广泛影响。

71、Be busywithout being disorganized, andwearywithout being dispirited. ─── 忙而不乱,累而不疲。

72、He did not, or could not, see, as she smiled on, that she was becoming weak and dispirited. ─── 他没有,或者不能明白,当她微笑着坐在画厅时,她已经变得日渐虚弱和憔悴了。

73、He looked dispirited. ─── 他显得无精打采。

74、When their ideas fail to gain the recognition of others, they grow dispirited, negative, and conflictual. ─── 在自己的观点没有得到别人认可时就产生消极的、负面的、抵触的情绪。

75、Systemic symptom has facial expression white, be afraid of cold, spirit is dispirited, be discouraged voice is small, giddy dazzled, palpitation much sweat. ─── 全身症状有面色白,怕冷,精神萎靡,气短声低,头晕目眩,心悸多汗等。

76、Dispirited and distracted ─── 惝恍无定

77、Three defeats in a row dispirited him. ─── 他连输三场,心灰意懒。

78、Analyzes the modern dispirited community's morals ─── 对现代颓废群体的道德分析

79、Manufactures the fine music to have one kind of very dispirited feeling!! Likes this kind of style very much! ─── 制作精美音乐有一种很颓废的感觉!!很喜欢这种风格!

80、If you cannot influence them in any way, then just keep to yourself and protect yourself, at least so that you do not become dispirited. ─── 如果你用任何方法都无法影响他们,那就坚持自己的理想,并保护自己,这样至少不会让自己变得意志消沈。

81、Dispirited also only will make again itself to be injured. ─── 再颓废也只会令自己更受伤。

82、She took her place in the witness room, worn and dispirited , but not anxious. ─── 她在证人室里等候着,很疲乏,很沮丧,可是并不焦急。

83、1、This problem, they argued with hilarious hypocrisy, “is allowing our opponents to portray us as dispirited and disunited”. ─── 原译:这两个伪君子滑稽地说到,这个问题,“让我们的政敌有机可乘,说我们精神萎靡、党内涣散”。

84、in a dispirited manner without hope. ─── 以沮丧的、毫无希望的方式。

85、I felt dispirited. ─── 我感到灰心丧气。

86、Finding them dispirited, he invigorates them as well as himself through self-imposed torture and other rituals. ─── 为了帮苏族重新建立家园,摩根脱下文明人的衣服,再次加入他们之中成为苏族战士,再振军容发动圣战。

87、9.To shake or destroy the courage or resolution of;dispirit. ─── 使沮丧,使灰心动摇或失去勇气或果断;

88、Today society, needs you to reveal diligently in each kind of competition situation oneself, sells oneself, an image sloppy, the facial features are dreary, can the spiritual dispirited person, how many have for human's confidence level? ─── 今天的社会,需要你在各种竞争场合努力亮出自己,推销自己,一个形象邋遢,面容惨淡,精神颓废的人,给人的可信度会有多少?

89、To shake or destroy the courage or resolution of; dispirit. ─── 使沮丧,使灰心动摇或失去勇气或果断;使灰心

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