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08-17 投稿


Chaldaic 中文意思翻译



Chaldaic 短语词组

1、chaldaic chalupa ─── 恰尔达克 ─── 恰鲁帕

2、chaldaic language ─── 查尔达语

Chaldaic 相似词语短语

1、chadar ─── 恰达

2、Chaldaea ─── n.卡尔迪亚王国

3、chalonic ─── adj.抑素的

4、Chaldaic ─── n.古巴比伦人(等于Chaldean);adj.占星术的

5、choleraic ─── adj.霍乱的;霍乱性的;类似霍乱的

6、chadars ─── 查达尔

7、caldaria ─── 卡尔达里亚

8、chalcedonic ─── adj.石髓的;坚强的

9、chalkrail ─── n.粉笔槽(位于黑板下方)

Chaldaic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Papyrus of the months) List of months according to the Chaldean calendar (Chaldean author). ─── (月份的草书)月份是依照卡尔迪亚历法来排列的(卡尔迪亚作者)。

2、11 When the Chaldean army lifted the siege of Jerusalem at the threat of the army of Pharaoh, ─── 加色丁人的军队受法郎军队的威胁,由耶路撒冷撤退时,

3、But because our fathers had provoked the God of heaven to anger, He gave them into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon, the Chaldean, who destroyed this house and carried the people away to Babylon. ─── 12只因我们列祖惹天上的神发怒,神把他们交在迦勒底人巴比伦王尼布甲尼撒的手中,他就拆毁这殿,又将百姓迁徙到巴比伦。

4、In that very night Belshazzar the Chaldean king was slain. ─── 30当夜迦勒底王伯沙撒被杀;

5、Thomas the Chaldean抯 quest, under the sign of Pisces, has been successful. ─── 卡尔迪亚的托马斯的冒险,在双鱼座,已经成功了。

6、5 But the Chaldean army pursued the king and overtook him in the desert near Jericho, abandoned by his whole army. ─── 加色丁军队便追赶君王,在耶利哥旷野追上了;此时他的军队都已离开他逃散了。

7、But after that our fathers had provoked the God of heaven unto wrath, he gave them into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon, the Chaldean, who destroyed this house, and carried the people away into Babylon. ─── 但因为我们的祖先激怒了天上的神,神就把他们交在迦勒底人巴比伦王尼布甲尼撒的手中;尼布甲尼撒就拆毁这殿,把人民掳到巴比伦去。

8、An ancient region of southern Mesopotamia. Settled c.1000 b.c.,it reached the height of its power under Nebuchadnezzar II. The Chaldean empire was destroyed by Persians in 539 b.c. ─── 迦勒底古代美索不达米亚南部一地区。公元前1000年建立,在纳布察德奈查二世统治时权力达到鼎盛。公元前539迦勒底帝国被波斯人消灭。

9、St.Joseph Chaldean Church in central Baghdad was jammed with more than 1,000 people.Many had to stand through the service. ─── 巴格达市中心的圣约瑟加尔底亚公教会挤满逾1000人,许多人必须站著望弥撒。

10、The Latin, Armenian, Chaldean, and Maronite Rites are each used by only a single Church sui iuris and, in each of these instances, the Church's name and that of the Rite are identical. ─── 拉丁、亚美尼亚、迦勒底、和马龙礼仪等,每一个都只用于单一的自律教会,在这些例子里,教会的名称和所使用的礼仪名称都是一致的。

11、Thomas the Chaldean抯 quest, under the sign of Aquarius, has been successful. ─── 卡尔迪亚的托马斯的冒险,在宝瓶座,已经成功了。

12、 双语使用场景

13、Thomas the Chaldean抯 quest, under the sign of Sagittarius, has been successful. ─── 卡尔迪亚的托马斯的冒险,在人马座,已经成功了。

14、An ancient region of southern Mesopotamia. Settled c. 000 b.c. , it reached the height of its power under Nebuchadnezzar II. The Chaldean empire was destroyed by Persians in 539 b.c. ─── 迦勒底:古代美索不达米亚南部一地区。公元前000年建立,在纳布察德奈查二世统治时权力达到鼎盛。公元前539迦勒底帝国被波斯人消灭

15、The tradition of the chaldean priests still lingered ─── 但是迦勒底祭司的传统依然苟延不废。

16、That finally changed in 627 BC with the death of the last strong Assyrian ruler, Ashurbanipal, and Babylonia rebelled under Nabopolassar the Chaldean the following year. ─── 最后的改变发生在公元前627年,最后一位强大的亚述统治者亚述巴尼拔死去的时候。在随后的一年,迦底勒人那波勃来萨发起了巴比伦叛乱。

17、A long time ago, I, Thomas the Chaldean, was a young student fascinated by the stars and the destiny of men. ─── 很久以前,我,占星术的托马斯,是一个对星座和人的命运入迷的年轻学生。我到埃及首都亚历山大去学习科学。

18、What? What do you know about the ancient Chaldean practice of royal divinations?! You can't bluff your way through! ─── 什么?你对古代一流的占星术有多少了解?你不能把自己逼上悬崖!

19、For a young Chaldean you're a real bleeding heart. Shake hands with a Grecian and you better count your fingers! Death... too good for them! ─── 对于一个年轻的卡尔迪亚人来说,你的确是个有血性的人。和希腊人握手,你最好看看有没有少了根手指!死,太便宜了他们!

20、Thomas the Chaldean抯 quest, under the sign of Libra, has been successful. ─── 卡尔迪亚的托马斯的冒险,在天枰座,已经成功了。

21、8 But the Chaldean army pursued the king and overtook Zedekiah in the desert near Jericho, while his whole army fled from him. ─── 加色丁军队便追赶君王,在耶里哥旷野追上了漆德克雅。此时他的军队已离开他逃散了。

22、But because our fathers had provoked the God of heaven to wrath, He gave them into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, the Chaldean, who destroyed this temple and deported the people to Babylon. ─── 拉5:12只因我们列祖惹天上的神发怒、神把他们交在迦勒底人巴比伦王尼布甲尼撒的手中、他就拆毁这殿、又将百姓掳到巴比伦。

23、Abraham had left this Chaldean culture 1,000 years before this because he found it very difficult to live a godly life amongst the constant idolatry of Ur of the Chaldees. ─── 亚伯拉罕早在1000年以前,就离开了这种迦勒底文化。因为他发觉要想在不断拜偶像的吾珥的迦勒底人当中过敬拜上帝的生活是很难的。

24、Thomas the Chaldean抯 quest, under the sign of Leo, has been successful. ─── 卡尔迪亚的托马斯的冒险,在狮子座,已经成功了。

25、It finds your ascendant sign and calculates numerology according to the Chaldean system of root and compound numbers. ─── 发现你的上升的标志和根据根占星术系统计算数字算命学。

26、It was then that Chaldean diviners came to the king accusing the Jews. ─── 当时,有几个加色丁人前来控告犹太人,

27、The Chaldeans answered before the king and said, There is not a man upon the earth who can declare the matter for the king, because no great king or ruler has ever asked any magician, conjurer, or Chaldean for something like this. ─── 10迦勒底人在王面前回答说,地上没有人能将王所问的事说出来,因为没有大君王或掌权者,向术士、用法术的、或迦勒底人,问过这样的事。

28、Of late, Chaldean has been added to the list of Rites, being formally cited as such in the CCEO or Eastern Code of Canon Law. ─── 后来,迦勒底也被列入为一种礼仪,就如同在 东方教会法规 或 教会法的东方法典 里,被正式的引用。

29、An ancient region of southern Mesopotamia. Settled c.1000 b.c., it reached the height of its power under Nebuchadnezzar II. The Chaldean empire was destroyed by Persians in539 b.c. ─── 迦勒底古代美索不达米亚南部一地区。公元前1000年建立,在纳布察德奈查二世统治时权力达到鼎盛。公元前539迦勒底帝国被波斯人消灭

30、Thomas the Chaldean抯 quest, under the sign of Aries, has been successful. ─── 卡尔迪亚的托马斯的冒险,在白羊座,已经成功了。

31、3 Ishmael also slew all the men of Judah of military age who were with Gedaliah and the Chaldean soldiers who were there. ─── 凡在米兹帕与革达里雅在一起的犹太人,和在那里偶然相遇的加色丁兵士,依市玛耳也都击杀了。

32、Thomas the Chaldean抯 quest, under the sign of Scorpio, has been successful. ─── 卡尔迪亚的托马斯的冒险,在天蝎座,已经成功了。

33、“If we [Christians] had guns we'd kill each other too,” says a prominent Chaldean Christian. ─── “如果我们(基督徒)有枪我们也会自相残杀,”一位知名的Chaldean基督徒说。

34、Judah managed to outlive the Assyrian Empire (destroyed c. 610), but the Chaldean (Neo Babylonian) Empire that replaced it also insisted on control of Judah. ─── 犹太设法活得的亚述帝国(销毁角610 ) ,但迦勒(新巴比伦)帝国,取代它也坚持控制犹太。

35、By 20 he could also speak Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Amharic, Sanskrit, Avestan, Pahlavi, Arabic, Syriac, Chaldean, Persian, Ethiopic, and Chinese in addition to his native French. ─── 20岁时他除了母语法语,还会拉丁语、希腊语、希伯来语、阿姆哈拉语、梵文、阿维斯陀语、巴拉维语、阿拉伯语、叙利亚语、迦勒底语、波斯语、埃塞俄比亚语和中文。

36、Thomas the Chaldean抯 quest, under the sign of Gemini, has been successful. ─── 卡尔迪亚的托马斯的冒险,在双子座,已经成功了。

37、Maybe some commands from the king of Babylon or Chaldea to command Babylonian or Chaldean to worship the king or golden idol, but they still do what they do as usual. ─── 或许一些从巴比伦王或迦勒底王所下达的命令中,必须要拜国王或是金像,但他们仍然做了他们素常所做的。

38、Thomas the Chaldean抯 quest, under the sign of Capricorn, has been successful. ─── 卡尔迪亚的托马斯的冒险,在摩羯座,已经成功了。

39、And lit a fire on the Chaldean altar. ─── 点燃查尔德安祭坛之火。

40、What do you want from the crocodile guardian, young Chaldean? ─── 你想从鳄鱼保护人这得到什么,年轻的卡尔迪亚人?

42、Thomas the Chaldean抯 quest, under the sign of Taurus, has been successful. ─── 卡尔迪亚的托马斯的冒险,在金牛座,已经成功了。

43、That very night, however, the Chaldean king Belshazzar was slain. ─── 当夜加色丁王贝耳沙匝即为人所杀。

44、10 Even if you were to defeat the whole Chaldean army now attacking you, and only the wounded remained, each in his tent, these would rise up and destroy the city with fire. ─── 纵使你们能击败与你们交战的加色丁人所有的军队,使他们中只剩下一些受伤的人,他们仍要由帐中奋起,放火烧毁这座城市。

45、The Chaldean army under the commander of the bodyguard completely demolished all the walls around Jerusalem. ─── 跟随卫队长的所有加色丁军队,拆毁了耶路撒冷周围的城墙。

46、Thank you, Chaldean?So what was your request again? I forgot? ─── 谢谢,卡尔迪亚人。我忘了,你的要求是什么?

47、Historically, Chaldean praxis had, until recently, always been classed as being of the East Syrian Tradition of the Antiochene Rite. ─── 从历史的观点,直到不久之前,迦勒底习俗都被列为是一种安提约基亚礼仪的东叙利亚传统。

48、6.and finally, the Chaldaic paraphrase of Onkelos, which renders it, A wind coming from God blew upon the face of the waters. ─── 最后翁格洛斯的迦勒底文的注释性翻译则作“来自上帝的一阵风吹在水面上”。

49、and finally, the Chaldaic paraphrase of Onkelos, which renders it, A wind coming from God blew upon the face of the waters ─── 最后翁格洛斯的迦

50、But because our fathers angered the God of heaven, he handed them over to Nebuchadnezzar the Chaldean, king of Babylon, who destroyed this temple and deported the people to Babylon. ─── 只因我们列祖惹天上的神发怒,神把他们交在迦勒底人,巴比伦王尼布甲尼撒的手中,他就拆毁这殿,又将百姓掳到巴比伦。

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