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08-17 投稿


penning 发音

英:[?pen??]  美:[?pen??]

英:  美:

penning 中文意思翻译





penning 词性/词形变化,penning变形

原型:pen 名词复数形式:pennings

penning 常用词组

pen and ink ─── 笔墨;钢笔画;写作

put pen to paper ─── 开始写;落笔

pen pal ─── 笔友(等于pen friend)

penning 短语词组

1、penning discharge gage ─── [电] 看

2、penning is n. ─── 阳物;[解剖]阴茎

3、penning farthing ─── 彭宁法丁

4、penning trap n. ─── 彭宁离子阱,潘宁阱

5、penning discharge ─── [电] Penning放电

6、penning county ─── 彭宁县

7、penning definition ─── 潘宁定义

8、penning define ─── 彭宁定义

9、penning ionization ─── 潘宁电离;彭宁电离

10、penning county sheriff ─── 彭宁县治安官

penning 相似词语短语

1、pinning ─── v.钉(pin的现在分词)

2、panning ─── n.一顿痛斥;装鱼盘,装鱼箱;移动镜头图形学中;v.淘金(pan的现在分词);(用平底锅)烧(菜等)

3、pennine ─── n.叶绿泥石

4、kenning ─── n.比喻的复合辞;n.(Kenning)人名;(英、瑞典)肯宁

5、-penning ─── n.石块铺砌;v.把…围入栏圈;关押(pen的ing形式);n.(Penning)人名;(西)彭宁

6、punning ─── n.夯实;打夯;v.重击;敲打;使用双关语(pun的ing形式)

7、Denning ─── n.丹宁(姓氏)

8、pending ─── adj.未决定的;行将发生的;prep.在……期间;直到……时为止;在等待……之际;v.待定;悬而不决(pend的现在分词);n.(Pending)(瑞典)彭丁(人名)

9、yenning ─── n.日元(日本货币单位);渴望;vi.渴望;n.(Yen)人名;(土、柬)延

penning 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He swore he didn't take your pen. ─── 他保证他没动你的钢笔。

2、Where in the world did you find the lost pen? ─── 你到底在什么地方找到这支丢失的钢笔的?

3、A fictitious name assumed by an author; a pen name. ─── 假名一个作者采用的假名; 笔名

4、The Brazilian's contract expires at the end of this season and his agent Gilmar Rinaldi confirmed that he would not be penning a new deal. ─── 这名巴西人的合同将在这个赛季结束时到期,他的经纪人里纳尔迪确认球员将不会续约。

5、He set down his pen on the table and went out. ─── 他把钢笔放在桌上就走出去了。

6、Do you have a pen to write this phone number? ─── 你有笔吗,记一下这个电话号码。

7、He emptied his drawer, in search of a pen. ─── 他清空了自己的抽屉,寻找一支钢笔。

8、Requests the acceptance of a fountain pen forwarded herewith. ─── 奉上钢笔一支,聊表敬意,务请笑纳。

9、He couldn't find his pen, so he wrote in pencil. ─── 他找不着钢笔,所以他用铅笔写。

10、He felt in his briefcase for a pen. ─── 他在公文包里找一支笔。

11、Doctor Laura Morin:It is a silver pen. ─── laura Morin博士:这是一只银色的钢笔。

12、Did you ever find that pen you lost? ─── 你找到你丢失的那支钢笔没有?

13、He left the pen on the table unawares. ─── 他心不在焉地把笔落在桌子上。

14、Penning much of the material jointly with his brother, the totality of the album is solid and thoroughly enjoyable. ─── 大多数的作品都是两兄弟携手合作编写,整张专辑相当不错,令人十分享受。

15、This poem is ascribed to the pen of Li Bai . ─── 大家说这首诗是出自李白之笔。

16、Jim bent to the ground to pick up the pen. ─── 吉姆弯腰从地上拾起钢笔。

17、She fumbled about in her handbag for a pen. ─── 她在手提袋中搜寻钢笔。

18、The duke wrote a letter with a quill pen. ─── 公爵用一根羽毛笔写信。

19、his death, at the age of 94 on November 16th, the American economist was still penning sharply worded newspaper articles on the merits of the free market. ─── 11月16日,这位伟大的美国经济学家以94岁高龄与世长辞,而在此之前,他仍然在报刊上以犀利的言辞撰文论述自由市场的优点。

20、He is rooting about for his fountain pen. ─── 他正在寻找他的自来水笔。

21、She reached inside her bag for a pen. ─── 她把手伸到包里掏钢笔。

22、The pen she thought she had lost was actually on her desk, right under her very nose. ─── 她原以为丢失的钢笔就在她面前的桌子上。

23、Electromagnetic fields can store antimatter in so-called Penning traps by keeping the antimatter away from the container's walls. ─── 电磁场通过让反物质远离所谓的“彭宁离子阱”(Penningtrap)的内壁来达到储存反物质的目的。

24、The girl sat there trifling with a pen. ─── 女孩坐在那里摆弄钢笔。

25、He earns twenty sous a day at an attorney's by penning quibbles. ─── 他在一个律师家里写讼词,每天已能赚二十个苏了。

26、He depends on his pen for a living. ─── 他靠笔杆子为生。

27、Do you think your pen pal's writing is good or bad? ─── 你认为你的笔友书写工整或凌乱?

28、Did you borrow my pen from my desk? ─── 你从我桌面拿走了我的钢笔,是吗?

29、Penning notes of appreciation to gift-givers teaches gratitude and helps polish writing and spelling skills. ─── 感谢信不仅能教会孩子们学会感恩,同时还能帮助他们提高写作和拼写能力。

30、She delved in her handbag for a pen. ─── 她在手提包里翻找钢笔。

31、He missed the pen from the desk. ─── 他发觉桌上的钢笔不见了。

32、She marked her place in the text with a red pen. ─── 她用红笔在文中标出了她所读到的地方。

33、Do you believe that the pen is mightier than the sword? ─── 你相信笔杆的威力大於武力吗?

34、A fictitious name assumed by an author;a pen name. ─── 假名一个作者采用的假名;笔名

35、An instrument for recording variations in pressure, as of the blood, or in tension, as of a muscle, by means of a pen or stylus that marks a rotating drum. ─── 压力记录器,记波器一种记录压力(如血压)或张力(如肌肉张力)变化的仪器,它通过一支笔或记录针的方式描出旋转的轨迹

36、Our aim has always been to produce something better for the market of discriminating pen users. ─── 其目的在为市场上有鉴赏力的消费者提供更精良的产品。

37、He had an almost paternal fondness for Pen. ─── 他几乎象父亲一样爱护潘。

38、She dipped her pen in the inkwell. ─── 她把笔在墨水池里蘸了蘸。

39、He kept toying nervously with his pen. ─── 他一直精神紧张地摆弄着钢笔。

40、In the November2,19- issue of the Japan trade bulletin, you advertise fountain pen, pencil, etc. ─── 从19—年11月2日《日本贸易公报》看到贵公司有关钢笔和铅笔等广告。

41、For a time, his pen seemed to travel of itself. ─── 他的钢笔一时好象自然而然地动着。

42、The top of your pen is going adrift and will soon fall. ─── 你的笔帽松了,很快就要掉了。

43、To write or compose with or as if with a pen. ─── 写作用或好像用笔写或撰写

44、But what about the actual penning of those comforting lines? ─── 但是,你知道在这些安慰人心的词句背后的真实故事吗?

45、He is angry about the loss of his pen. ─── 他因为丢了钢笔而生气。

46、He rapped the table with his pen. ─── 他用钢笔敲了敲桌子。

47、He lives by his pen. ─── 他以写作为生。

48、Taking a pen in her hand,she began to write. ─── 她手里拿着一支钢笔,开始写起来。

49、What have you done with the pen? ─── 你拿钢笔干什么?

50、No self-respecting French politician can flourish without penning a book to establish their intellectual credentials. ─── 对于自尊心很强的法国政治家来说,如果不著书确立自己的知识分子形象,就难以扬名立万。

51、She delved in her bag and pulled out a pen. ─── 她在提包里翻找,拿出一枝钢笔。

52、He asked me, "where is my pen?". ─── 他问我,“我的钢笔在哪儿?”

53、Have you found the pen you lost yesterday? ─── 你找到昨天丢失的钢笔了吗?

54、He wrote under a pen name. ─── 他写作用的是笔名。

55、She delve in her bag and pull out a pen. ─── 她在提包里翻找, 拿出一枝钢笔。

56、Stop playing silly beggars and give me my pen back. ─── 不要干这蠢事了,把钢笔还给我。

57、Don't make so much fuss over losing a pen. ─── 别为了丢失一支笔就这样大惊小怪。

58、An indelible pen for labeling clothing. ─── 一种为衣物作标签用的其笔迹很难去掉的笔

59、But in penning the letter NGOs are challenging these limits. ─── 但是一些非政府组织正在挑战这些限制。

60、You can buy the ballpoint pen anywhere. ─── 你到哪儿都能够买到这种圆珠笔。

61、Bill,where's the new pen you bought last week? ─── 上周你买的新钢笔呢,迈克?

62、He have his pen mend yesterday. ─── 他昨天把钢笔拿去修理。

63、Could you give me back my pen/give me my pen back? ─── 你把我那枝笔还给我好吗?

64、His pen scratched away on the paper. ─── 他的笔在纸上沙沙地响。

65、He gave me a book,a pen and some money besides. ─── 他给我一本书,一支钢笔,此外还给一些钱。

66、Your pen is identical with mine. ─── 你这支钢笔和我那支完全一样。

67、She had a pen, some paper, and a stapler on her desk. ─── 她的书桌上有一支笔、一些纸和一把订书机。

68、They are looking all round for his missing pen. ─── 他们正在到处寻找他那支不见的钢笔。

69、You must pen a letter of thanks to your uncle. ─── 你必须给叔叔写一封感谢信。

70、He bent to the ground to pick up the pen. ─── 他弯腰从地上拾起钢笔。

71、I will tell of you if dare to touch my pen. ─── 你要敢碰我的钢笔,我就告你去。

72、Some pigs in the pen are strange. ─── 圈里的几头猪很奇怪。

73、He streched out his hand to take the pen. ─── 他伸出手拿钢笔。

74、She lined the white paper with a pen and a ruler. ─── 她用钢笔和直尺在白纸上画线。

75、He reached back carefully and got the pen on the very top of the cupboard. ─── 他小心翼翼地往后探身终于拿到了橱顶的那支笔。

76、Oh,that's a pen stand,a gift for my friend. ─── 噢,那是一个钢笔座,是给朋友的礼物。

77、The former Bayern Munich star ended speculation surrounding his future on Monday by penning a three-year deal with The Blues. ─── 这名前拜仁慕尼黑球星在周一与切尔西签了一份三年的合同,结束了与他前途相关的一切猜测。

78、A Seattle businessman carries a briefcase in which he has paper and envelopes for penning letters. ─── 一个西雅图商人时常携带着一个公文包,内装信纸和信封。

79、Writers always think they are doing actors a favor by penning phrases such as "Pardone ay mwah but verr iz zah railvay stahzion". ─── 剧作者们总以为,他们在写"额地神啊,额补乡活列"的时候是在帮演员的忙。

80、He stopped writing and looked at me, pen poised. ─── 他手握钢笔,停下来望着我。

81、He indicated the location of the Persian Gulf with a pen on the map. ─── 他用一支笔在地图上标出了波斯湾的位置。

82、He writes equally well with pen and brush. ─── 他用钢笔和用毛笔写的字一样漂亮。

83、He took a pen and struck out two paragraphs from his essay. ─── 他拿起笔把他的文章划掉了两段。

84、He said Pen was an abandoned criminal. ─── 他说潘是一个不可救药的坏蛋。

85、She still treasured the pen the teacher gave her. ─── 她依然珍藏着老师送给她的钢笔。

86、He stroked the name of himself with his pen. ─── 他用钢笔划掉了他自己的名字。

87、He dipped his pen in the ink. ─── 他拿钢笔蘸墨水。

88、You could do it with a stroke of the pen. ─── 你只要大笔一挥(签个字),这事就办成了。

89、Don't always leave your pen about or you will lose it one day. ─── 不要老是把你的钢笔东放西放,否则总有一天会丢失的。

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