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08-17 投稿


fleecing 发音

英:[?fli?s??]  美:[?fli?s??]

英:  美:

fleecing 中文意思翻译





fleecing 常用词组

polar fleece ─── 摇粒绒

golden fleece ─── 金羊毛(希腊神话中出现的一件宝物)

micro fleece ─── 小鱼鳞卫衣

fleecing 短语词组

1、fleecing means ─── 诈骗手段

2、fleecing god ─── 逃避上帝

3、fleecing definition ─── 诈骗定义

4、fleecing you ─── 欺骗你

5、fleecing of america ─── 逃离美国

fleecing 词性/词形变化,fleecing变形

动词过去分词: fleeced |动词第三人称单数: fleeces |动词现在分词: fleecing |动词过去式: fleeced |名词: fleecer |

fleecing 相似词语短语

1、fleering ─── vi.狞笑,讥笑;嘲弄;vt.嘲笑;n.冷嘲,嘲笑;嘲笑挖苦的话

2、flenching ─── vt.剥…的皮;割取油脂

3、fletching ─── n.造箭;上翎;矢羽;v.上翎;装上羽毛(fletch的ing形式)

4、fleeching ─── 哄骗

5、flecking ─── n.斑点;微粒,小片;vt.使起斑点;使有斑驳;n.(Fleck)人名;(德、法、意、英、匈、罗)弗莱克

6、fencing ─── n.剑术;围墙;筑栅栏的材料;v.击剑;围住;避开(fence的ing形式)

7、fleeting ─── adj.飞逝的;转瞬间的;v.迅速移动(fleet的ing形式)

8、fleeing ─── vt.逃离(flee的ing形式);vi.突然消失(flee的ing形式)

9、-lescing ─── 乐兴

fleecing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But the others argue that fair market power can efficiently prevent the government from fleecing their citzens. ─── 而另一些人却说,善良的市场力量能够非常好的阻止政府掠夺他们的公民。

2、Some local shops are really fleecing the holiday makers of their money. ─── 本地一些商店简直是敲诈来度假的人的钱。

3、I could sweet-talk an auto-rickshaw driver into not fleecing me (even though I was Kannada-challenged). ─── 我可以甜言蜜语地说得三轮摩托车司机不敲我竹杠(虽然我的埃纳德语说的不好)。

4、Some local shops are really fleecing the holiday-makers (of their money). ─── 本地的一些商店简直是敲诈来度假的人(的钱).

5、Some local shops have been fleecing tourists. ─── 有些当地商店一直在敲旅游者的竹杠。

6、by fleecing Milwaukee out of a former all-star? ─── 下密尔沃基的前全明星怎么样?

7、It is their stitching up of deals, pocketing of kickbacks and fleecing of farmers that provokes so many protests. ─── 正是他们拍脑门批准的土地交易,拿到的丰厚的回扣,对农民进行的剪羊毛似的搜刮激起了那么多的抗议。

8、At age 14, Cassie Chadwick spent her first night in jail for fleecing a local farmer out of $250. ─── Chadwick在14岁的时候就因为诈骗当地一个农民250美元而进了监狱。

9、2.Some local shops are really fleecing the holiday-makers (of their money). ─── 本地的一些商店简直是敲诈来度假的人(的钱).

10、A day after fleecing Andorra 6-0, English soccer star David Beckham launched a new underwear campaign for the Giorgio Armani fashion label. ─── 在(贝克汉姆所在的英格兰队)六比零狂胜安道尔队一天之后,英国足...

11、But such practices are not justabout cutting tax bills or fleecing employers. ─── 但是这类做法不仅仅包括减低税务账单或诈老板的钱。

12、Other counter that benign market forces actually prevent predatory governments from fleecing their citizens. ─── 而另一些人却说,善良的市场力量能够非常好的阻止政府掠夺他们的公民。

13、A day after fleecing Andorra 6-0, English soccer star David Beckham launched a new underwear campaign for the Giorgio Armani fashion label. ─── 在六比零狂胜安道尔队一天之后,英国足球明星大卫贝克汉姆为时尚品牌乔治阿玛尼新拍的内衣广告正式推出。

14、But crashing the economy and fleecing the taxpayer aren't Wall Street's only sins. ─── 但是损毁经济、敲诈纳税人还不是华尔街唯一的罪恶。

15、Will Apple become just the latest to suffer what has become a multi-hundred-year history of fleecing of foreign business in China? ─── (苹果是否会成为中国几个世纪以来对外国企业不断盘剥的最新受害者呢?)

16、Having his name associated with this alleged fleecing carries its own unknowable reputational risk . ─── 但是他的名字已经和涉嫌掏空资金挂钩,这将对他以后的名誉产生未知风险。

17、The trouble is that, in a globalised economy, policies aimed at fleecing companies will fail to spread the rewards more widely.Firms will simply move to a more congenial environment. ─── 而问题在于,在全球化市场环境中,对公司(增税收)政策不起作用,因为他可以迁移到更适合的地点来规避。

18、To be frank, Yun-ching, you beat me hollow when it comes to fleecing peasants, but I'm better than you at snooping around, and setting a pretty sprat to catch a fat mackerel!" ─── 云卿,说老实话:用水磨工夫盘剥农民,我不如你; 钻狗洞,摆仙人跳,放白鸽,那你就不如我了

19、A day after fleecing Andorra 6-0, English soccer star David Beckham launched a new underwear campaign for the Giorgio Armani fashion label。 ─── 在六比零狂胜安道尔队一天之后,英国足球明星大卫贝克汉姆为时尚品牌乔治阿玛尼新拍的内衣广告正式推出。

20、Even an enlightened emperor in feudal China knew better than to overtax his people . Emperor Tai-zong of the Tang Dynasty warned of the consequences of fleecing the population to satisfy the ruler's greed. ─── 甚至在专权政治的时代,开明君主曾告诫不要“损百姓”。唐朝的皇帝太宗警告剥削人民来满足统治者的贪婪的后果。

21、How about by fleecing Milwaukee out of a former all-star? ─── 签下密尔沃基的前全明星怎么样?

22、Finally, federal intervention is needed to stop the banks from fleecing and driving away their poorest customers. ─── 最后,为了防止银行在掏空了最贫穷的客户后再将他们赶走,联邦政府有必要进行干预。

23、Some local shops have been fleecing tourists. ─── 有些当地商店一直在敲旅游者的竹杠。

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