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Aldebaran 发音

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Aldebaran 中文意思翻译



Aldebaran 网络释义

n. [天] 毕宿五(金牛星座中的一等星)

Aldebaran 短语词组

1、aldebaran bfs aldebaran bfs ─── 公司

2、aldebaran robotics ─── 艾氏机器人

3、aldebaran bfs xg aldebaran bfs xg ─── 公司

Aldebaran 相似词语短语

1、Aldebaran ─── n.[天]毕宿五(金牛星座中的一等星)

2、Aldeburgh ─── n.(Aldeburgh)人名;(英)奥尔德伯勒

3、Waldensian ─── adj.韦而多教派的;n.华尔多教派的人

4、Valdemar I ─── 瓦尔德马尔一世

5、alderman ─── n.市议员;总督;市府参事;高级市政官;n.(Alderman)人名;(英)奥尔德曼

6、Waldemar I ─── 瓦尔德马尔一世

7、alderwoman ─── n.女高级市政官,市政委员会女委员

8、aldern ─── 年龄

9、Hildebrand ─── n.希尔德布兰德(男名)

Aldebaran 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It's easy to overlook Aldebaran in this scene, but this star is the brightest one in Taurus. ─── 虽然毕宿五是金牛座里最明亮的一颗星星,但它很容易就隐于夜幕之下。

2、I confessed that I did not know which Aldebaran was-indeed, I had never even noticed that the stars were of different colours. ─── 我承认我不知道哪颗是毕宿五——真的,我也从来没注意到星星的颜色不一样。

3、He, I remember, they call him Aldebaran, said mildly. ─── 他,我记得,他们叫他阿鲁迪巴,温和地说。

4、All is not there;the true All remains without;what is the use of busying oneself over that detail, man?Man suffers, that is quite possible;but look at Aldebaran rising! ─── 人类的历史在他们看来只是断篇残简,完整并不在此,真正的万有在外界,何必为人的这类琐事操心?

5、Also seen with a yellowish tint but not quite as bright as Mars, the giant star Aldebaran anchors the V-shaped Hyades star cluster left of center, above the trees. ─── 影像中还能看到一颗泛着黄光,但不及火星亮的星星,那就是巨星毕宿五,它是影像中央左侧,树林上方V型毕宿星团的支点。

6、He and others note that the Aldebaran rocket could be used to destroy satellites as well as launch them. ─── 他跟其他人注意到,Aldebaran运载火箭既能发射卫星,也可用来摧毁卫星。

7、At 3 o'clock in the morning on that date, Mars will rise in the eastern sky alongside the red giant star Aldebaran. ─── 在那日期在早晨在 3 点钟,火星将会依傍红色的巨星毕宿五在天空东部上升。

8、Contrast Capella with Aldebaran, shining in the constellation Taurus to the right, and to the stars of the misty Pleiades cluster higher up. ─── 将五车二与位于右侧的金牛座中最耀眼的毕宿五星和高高挂在天顶的昴宿星团的作对比。星体的颜色里有很多的学问在里头。

9、Left of Venus, the bright star Aldebaran anchors the V-shaped Hyades star cluster. ─── 金星左方就是以明亮毕宿五为顶点的V字形恒星团。

10、The names of such stars as Algol, Aldebaran and Bootes preserve the traces of Arab conquests in the sky. ─── 像大陵五、毕宿五和牧夫座这些天体的名字依然保留了阿拉伯人征服天空的痕迹。

11、They are about to go, but I still have something to ask, "I know your name is Aldebaran , but how about you? " ─── 他们要走了,但是我还有话要问:“我已经知道你的名字是阿鲁迪巴,但是你们呢?”

12、[By Aldebaran] Friendly enough for the interface, and could do what it should. ─── 界面足够友善,该有的功能也都具备。

13、They are about to go, but I still have something to ask, ”I know your name is Aldebaran, but how about you?” I ask his company. ─── 他们要走了,但是我还有话要问:“我已经知道你的名字是阿鲁迪巴,但是你们呢?”我问他的同伴。

14、The bright Aldebaran still influences the destinies of the Children of the Desert!" ─── 那明亮的阿多波兰星座仍在护佑着沙漠之子的命运哩!”

15、The red of Aldebaran is typical of the lower surface temperature of an older star, whereas the blue of the Pleiades reveals their high surface temperature and young age. ─── 毕宿五的红色光芒是一颗典型的低表面温度的古老的恒星,而昂宿星的蓝色表面它超高的表面温度及它的年轻。

16、[By Aldebaran] + ''Friendly enough for the interface, and could do what it should. ─── - 界面足够友善,该有的功能也都具备。

17、Left of Venus, the bright star Aldebaran anchors the V-shaped Hyades star cluster. ─── 金星左方就是以明亮毕宿五为顶点的V字形恒星团。

18、At 3 o'clock in the morning on that date, Mars will rise in the eastern sky alongside the red giant star Aldebaran . ─── 在那日期在早晨在3点钟,火星将会依傍红色的巨星毕宿五在天空东部上升。

19、The Hyades is the V-shaped pattern around Aldebaran. ─── 毕星团环绕毕宿五呈"V"字形。

20、They are about to go, but I still have something to ask, “I know your name is Aldebaran, but how about you? ─── 他们要走了,但是我还有话要问:“我已经知道你的名字是阿鲁迪巴,但是你们呢?”

21、We earthings are fascinated by Mars, and might tend to overlook Aldebaran in tomorrow's morning scene. ─── 对于地球上的人来说,火星是令人着迷的,但对毕宿五,我们很容易将它忽略。

22、Another evacuation called Hyades cluster, located in the vicinity of Aldebaran , but Aldebaran is not its members. ─── 另一个疏散星团叫毕星团,它位于毕宿五附近,但毕宿五不是它的成员。

23、They go. But their names are still in my heart. “Mu, Aldebaran, Saga, Deathmask, Aiolia, Shaka, Milo, Aiolos, Shura, Camus, Aphrodite. Live forever.” ─── 他们走了,但是他们的名字依然留存在我的心中。“穆,阿鲁迪巴,撒加,迪斯马斯克,艾欧里亚,沙加,米罗,艾俄洛斯,修罗,卡妙,阿布罗迪。永生。”

24、The exception is Aldebaran, the brightest star of the V-shaped Hyades, which at about 65 light years is much closer and not part of the cluster. ─── 但是毕宿五是个例外,它是整个毕宿星云中最亮的星星。它与其它的星星的距离就近多了,只有65光年,而且它不是这个星星串中的一部分。

25、Taurus Aldebaran ---- Angel's Trumpet ─── 四月天使号角悄然绽放,

26、Another evacuation called Hyades cluster, located in the vicinity of Aldebaran, but Aldebaran is not its members. ─── 另一个疏散星团叫毕星团,它位于毕宿五附近,但毕宿五不是它的成员。

27、We ear are fascinated by Mars, and might tend to overlook Aldebaran in tomorrow's morning scene. ─── 我们很快就会被火星密迷住, 可能忽略掉毕宿五在明天早晨的景象。

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