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08-17 投稿


merle 发音


英:  美:

merle 中文意思翻译



merle 词性/词形变化,merle变形

副词: meritoriously |名词: meritoriousness |

merle 短语词组

1、merle hodge ─── 步行措施

2、merle norman ─── 梅勒·诺曼

3、merle travis ─── 梅尔·特拉维斯

4、merle oberon Merle Oberon

5、merle haggard ─── 梅尔哈格德

6、merle norman covington ─── 梅勒·诺曼·科文顿

7、merle haggard songs ─── 梅勒憔悴的歌

8、blue merle ─── 云石色

merle 相似词语短语

1、merles ─── n.乌鸫;黑鹂;adj.(尤指苏格兰牧羊犬)蓝灰色并带黑色斑点的

2、mere ─── adj.仅仅的;只不过的;n.小湖;池塘;n.(Mere)人名;(日)目连(姓);(西)梅雷

3、merde ─── int.呸

4、Merle ─── n.默尔(男子名)

5、merls ─── n.乌鸫;山鸟(等于merle)

6、perle ─── n.珠剂;n.(Perle)人名;(英)珀尔

7、merge ─── vt.合并;使合并;吞没;vi.合并;融合;n.(Merge)人名;(意)梅尔杰

8、merse ─── n.洼地

9、merl ─── n.乌鸫;山鸟(等于merle)

merle 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Colour Sable, Sable and white, Tricolour and Blue Merle. ─── 颜色黑貂色,黑貂色与白色,三色,芸石色。

2、Merle Haggard - Kentucky Gambler ─── 肯塔基赌徒

3、"For any one but yourself," Madame Merle mentally observed; but the reflection was perfectly inaudible ─── “除了你自己,”梅尔夫人在心里说,但这样的话,别人当然是听不到的。

4、Merle colours (blue as well as the rare red), chocolate white, sable white, red white, blue white and in all colours the mottled effect (a freckled pattern) can also be found. ─── 山鸟(云石)色(蓝色以及稀有的红色)、巧克力和白色、黑(紫)貂色和白色、红白、蓝白和各种混色(呈斑点图纹)也可以找到。

5、Madame Merle said nothing for sometime the Countess's manner was odious, was really low. ─── 梅尔夫人没说什么。伯爵夫人的态度叫她讨厌,那实在太卑鄙了。

6、By Merle Haggard The first thing I remember knowing ─── 我懂事以来记得的第一件事

7、If Osmond fails to make his wife adore him, he succeeds in having Madame Merle and his daughter Pansy do so. ─── 如果欧斯蒙德不能使他的妻子痛爱他,那么他就可以使女士茉莉和她的女儿蓬溪痛爱他。

8、Sable, Sable and white, Tricolour and Blue Merle. ─── 黑貂色,黑貂色与白色,三色,芸石色。

9、The coloring doesn't matter, as long as it is any shade or grizzle, grey, blue, or merle with or without white or in reverse ─── 颜色不是关键。不论黑色,灰色,灰白,蓝色或者

10、In blue merles and sable merles either or both eyes may be merle or china in colour, or dark brown with flecks of blue, though dark brown is preferred. ─── 貂色,白色和三色犬的眼睛应该是深褐色并且双眼颜色必须匹配。浅色的眼睛会严重影响犬的甜蜜表情而受到处罚。

11、The base colour chocolate brown is already pretty rare, so a combination with merle is seldomly seen. ─── 因为巧克力(褐)色的被毛底色已经相当稀少,所以结合了山鸟色的红山鸟色就更难看到了。

12、Although discarded by him, Madame Merle still spares no pains in helping Osmond. ─── 她知道她正把伊利沙白往火坑里推,她认识到后是否会害怕呢。

13、For an instant, Madame Merle's colour rose, and she dropped her eyes. ─── 梅尔夫人的脸红了一下,她垂下了眼睑。

14、Merle : With my company doing badly, maybe we should all just move to the North Pole. ─── 梅洛:我们公司经营这么差,也许我们全都该搬去北极算了。

15、Merle Haggard - Branded Man ─── 刻着烙印的男人

16、"My ambitions are principally for you", said Madame Merle, looking up at him with a certain courage. ─── “我的野心主要是为了你,”梅尔夫人说,似乎问心无愧地抬起头来看着他。

17、Madame Merle said nothing for sometime the Countess's manner was odious, was really low. ─── 梅尔夫人没说什么。伯爵夫人的态度叫她讨厌,那实在太卑鄙了。

18、This has gone too far resulting in merle being quite a rare pattern these days. ─── 由于没有把握好度(太过火),导致今天山鸟色变成了一种相当罕见的斑纹样式。

19、Madame Merle appeared to note this eagerness. ─── 梅尔夫人注意到了这种郑重其事的脸色。

20、Congenital deafness can be genetic, seen sometimes in dogs with merle or white coats, or caused by in utero damage from infections or toxins. ─── 先天性耳聋可以是遗传性的,见于云石色系或背色被毛犬,或者是感染或毒素引起的宫内损伤所导致的。

21、Important: Again, black refers to solid black and blue merle. Red refers to solid red and red merle. ─── 再强调一遍,认为被毛为黑色的澳牧起源于纯黑色和蓝陨石色。认为被毛为红色的澳牧起源于纯红色喝红陨石色。

22、Breeding merles can result in health problems when one doesn't watch out. The simple rules for this can be found at Blue Merle and in the genetics article mentioned below. ─── 一不留意,繁育山鸟色边牧就会导致健康问题。关于这方面的简单规则会在“蓝山鸟色”和下面有关遗传学的文章中提到。

23、MERLE HAZARD, an unusually satirical country and western crooner, has captured monetary confusion better than anyone else. ─── 一位知名的讽世西方歌手,比任何人都更好地捕捉到了货币混乱的场景。

24、Ansel and Merle stand steady on the deck in a fight embrace . ─── 安斯艾尔和莫尔站在甲板上一动不动,紧紧地拥抱在一起。

25、The four recognized colors are "Sable and White," "Tri-color," "Blue Merle" and "White. ─── 有四种颜色是被承认的,他们分别是:黄白色;三色;芸石色;

26、Madam Merle sometimes said things that startled her. ─── 梅尔夫人有时讲的话会使她大为惊愕。

27、The reason of this was perhaps that Isabel offered no resistance whatever to Madame Merle's proposal. ─── 原因大概在于,不论梅尔夫人提出什么,伊莎贝尔无不百依百顺。

28、Goodman,David S.G.,"The New Middle Class",in Goldman,Merle,&MacFarquhar, ─── 作者:未知文章来源:网友提供点击数:更新时间:2006-12-15

29、To prevent these dogs from being mated to other merles it is advisable not to mix sable and merle. ─── 要避免这些犬只与其他山鸟色边牧交配,最好不要使貂色和山鸟色的边牧杂交。

30、Any shade of gray, grizzle, blue or blue Merle with or without white markings or in reverse. ─── 任何深度的灰色、灰白色、兰色或芸石色,带有或不带白色斑纹。

31、Merle's crude behavior annoyed Ansel. ─── 莫尔粗鲁的言行惹恼了安斯艾尔。

32、Merle : Of course. Which state are you from? I heard that if you live in Alaska, you get a thousand dollars every year. ─── 梅洛:当然。你来自哪一州?我听说要是你住在阿拉斯加,每年都可以领一千美元。

33、Madame Merle was not superficial-not she. ─── 梅尔夫人决不虚有其表,她是表里如一的。

34、Blue merle is not a common colour these days, but red merle is really quite rare. ─── 在今天,蓝山鸟色是一种不常见的颜色,而红山鸟色实在是相当罕见。

35、No one embodied the blue-collar sound of outlaw country more than Waylon Jennings, Willie Nelson, Johnny Cash, and Merle Haggard in this period. ─── 这一时期的威伦.杰宁斯、威利.纳尔逊,约翰尼.卡西及靡乐.哈格德将现代乡村音乐中贴近工人阶层的内涵反映得淋漓尽致。

36、he may be tri-color, with lighter brown markings in all the usual places;he may even be a red merle instead of a blue merle. ─── 它可以也是三色的,在一些部位带着点淡棕色斑纹,它也可能是红陨,但不会是蓝陨。

37、She may be said to have relied on Madame Merle’s help, but she is deceived, and putting her own duty upon other’s shoulders is irresponsible. ─── 她可以说,依靠夫人梅尔里奥的帮助,但她是欺骗,并把她自己的工作地点的其他的肩膀上是不负责任的。

38、ny shade of gray. grizzle. blue or blue merle with or without white markings or in reverse.Any shade of brown or fawn to be considered distinctly objectionable and not to be encouraged. ─── 任何深度的灰色.灰白色.兰色或芸石色.带有或不带白色斑纹(或相反).任何深度的褐色.驼色都不受欢迎.且不被鼓励.

39、Southern white culture is very individualistic, says Merle Black, a professor of politics at Emory University. ─── 一位埃默里大学的政治学教授MerleBlack说,南方的白人文化是非常个人主义。

40、Assessed by Merle d,Aubigne acetabular scoring system,18 cases were rated as excellent,2 case as good,1 case as fair. ─── 按Merled,Aubigne髋关节评分系统评分标准评定:优18例,良2例,可1例,差0例。

41、For an instant Madame Merle's colour rose and she dropped her eyes. ─── 梅尔夫人的脸红了一下,她垂下了眼睑。

42、"My ambitions are principally for you" , said Madame Merle, looking up at him with a certain courage. ─── “我的野心主要是为了你,”梅尔夫人说,似乎问心无愧地抬起头来看着他。

43、Oberon, Merle ─── 奥勃朗

44、Madame Merle appealed to her as if she had been on the stage. ─── 梅尔夫人拿话和她搭讪,好象她也在台上。

45、Merle, Mitchell Robert, Harnish Douglas C. ─── Inventor(s) Name 发明人 Elloso M.

46、Madame Merle, as we know, had been very discreet hitherto ; she had never criticized. ─── 我们知道,梅尔夫人一向十分谨慎,从不疾言厉色。

47、This was a note of cynicism that Madame Merle didn't often allow herself to sound. ─── 这包含着愤世嫉俗的意味,那是梅尔夫人不大愿意流露出来的。

48、Madame Merle's interest was identical with Osmond's. ─── 梅尔夫人和奥斯蒙德是休戚相关的。

49、I got to be on Merle Haggard's album of #1 Hits. ─── 我的父亲是个出色的演员。他教导我不要事前安排好一切,就看现场观众的情绪。

50、The most important among them being by NEC and MERL. ─── 我们对这些系统的优缺点进行简单的介绍。

51、Merle Haggard - Sing A Sad Song ─── 唱一支忧伤的歌

52、Assume, for example, that John Bryan and Merle Davis are partners in an existing partnership. ─── 例如,假设布赖恩和戴维斯是现存合伙企业的合伙人。

53、Case Merle ─── 病例模型

54、David Goodman,1999,"The New Middle Class",in Merle Goldman &Roderick MacFarquhar(ed.),The Paradox of China's Post-Mao Reforms,London:Harvard University Press. ─── 涂肇庆,林益民.改革开放与中国社会:西方社会学文献述评[M].香港:牛津大学出版社,1999.

55、A rusty tinge in top coat highly undesirable.Blue Merle: predominantly clear, silvery blue, splashed and marbled with black. ─── 三色:黑色为主要色调,头部与腿部有大量黄褐色斑点。

56、Sweeny Daniel W.Granade George V.Evereyer Merle G Phosphorus,potassium,chloride and fungicide effects on wheat yield and leaf rust 2000(9 ─── 张永平.刘克礼.高聚林.张铁山春小麦优化栽培群体形态指标及其动态变化[期刊论文]-甘肃农业大学学报2003(3

57、In spite of Sir Matthew Hope's benevolent recommendation Madame Merle did not remain to the end. ─── 马修·霍普爵士虽然提出了仁慈的劝告,梅尔夫人并没有留到最后。

58、Without Osmond and Madame Merle, she would still seek marriage, become a wife and perhaps be deprived of her independence. ─── 没有奥斯蒙德和夫人梅尔里奥,她将仍然寻找婚姻,成为一个妻子并可能被剥夺她的独立性。

59、But the double merle dog has a high probability of serious medical problems. Most of them are completely deaf; many have bad eyes with reduced vision. ─── 如果照这样说,双云石色基因的边牧其实应该说带有一定病态的。这就是一般不用云石配云石的原因呢?

60、The color of the eye should be brown with all coat colors; excepting the merle colors were (partially) blue eyes are permitted. ─── 所有毛色的边境牧羊犬的眼睛都应该是褐色的;但是允许山鸟色的边境牧羊犬有(部分)蓝色的眼睛。

61、If you mean that Madame Merle has had anything to do with my engagement you're greatly mistaken. ─── 如果你以为我是在梅尔夫人的撺掇下订婚的,那你完全错了。

62、Although it is genetically possible to produces a sable merle, it is rather difficult in practice. ─── 虽然通过遗传是有可能繁育出貂色山鸟色的边境牧羊犬的,但这种设想很难实践。

63、In spite of Sir Matthew Hope's benevolent recommendation Madame Merle did not remain to the end ─── 马修?霍普爵士虽然提出了仁慈的劝告,梅尔夫人并没有留到最后。

64、Merle Palacpac, chair of the bureau's Biotech Core Team, said the permit for both trials could be reinstated once all requirements were met. ─── 该局的生物技术核心组组长MerlePalacpac说,一旦满足了所有的要求,将恢复这些试验的许可。

65、Madame Merle was a tall, fair, smooth woman, everything in her person was round and replete, though without those accumulations which suggest heaviness. ─── 梅尔夫人生得高大,俊俏,丰腴,身上的一切都圆圆的,显得饱满,然而并不给人以笨重的肥胖感觉。

66、Blue Merle: predominantly clear, silvery blue, splashed and marbled with black. ─── 芸石色:整体颜色以浅色为主,银蓝色,有黑色的斑点或花纹。

67、Oberon Merle ─── 梅尔·奥勃朗

68、In order to be an effective leader, you must see and feel yourself as being a leader. (BRUCE HYLAND MERLE YOST). ─── 为成为有效的领导者,你必须时刻注意并坚信你是领导者。

69、The merle colours were very common in the early days of the breed. ─── 在早期的边境牧羊犬中,山鸟色曾经非常普遍。

70、Tell your friends all around the world,Ain't no companion like a blue eyed merle. ─── 告诉妳世界上所有的朋友,这世界没有任何的伴侣像蓝眼的山鸟.

71、Madame Merle had had that note of rarity, but what quite other power it immediately gained when sounded by a man. ─── 梅尔夫人虽然也有罕见的特色,但这个特色体现在男人身上的时候,就具有了完全不同的力量。

72、ny shade of gray, grizzle, blue or blue merle with or without white markings or in reverse. ─── 任何深度的灰色、灰白色、兰色或芸石色,带有或不带白色斑纹(或相反)。

73、In her first appearance, Merle is seen as a greatly accomplished woman with a sweet voice, pleasant smile, artistic skillfulness and charming manner. ─── 在她的第一次亮相,梅尔里奥被看作是一个很大的成就女人的声音甜美,愉快的微笑,和迷人的艺术埶方式。

74、5. No one embodied the blue-collar sound of outlaw country more than Waylon Jennings, Willie Nelson, Johnny Cash, and Merle Haggard in this period. ─── 这一时期的威伦.杰宁斯、威利.纳尔逊,约翰尼.卡西及靡乐.哈格德将现代乡村音乐中贴近工人阶层的内涵反映得淋漓尽致。收藏指正

75、finite element merle ─── 有限元方法

76、Madame Merle appealed to her as if she had been on the stage. ─── 梅尔夫人拿话和她搭讪,好象她也在台上。

77、In Italy, Isabel meets two Americans, Madame Merle and Gilbert Osmond.Then she makes a mistake and becomes very unhappy. ─── 她叔父死后留给她一笔为数不小的遗产。

78、Madam Merle sometimes said things that startled her. ─── 夫人有时讲的话会使她大为惊愕。

79、Madame Merle, as we know, had been very discreet hitherto; she had never criticized. ─── 我们知道,梅尔夫人一向十分谨慎,从不疾言厉色。

80、Merle Crawford, Anthony Di Benedetto, New products management, 8th edition, McGraw-Hill, new York, 2006. ─── 周文贤等,新产品开发与管理,第1版,华泰,台北,2001年。

81、In order to produce red merle pups both parents must be chocolate brown or they must carry the gene and one of the parents must be merle. ─── 为了生出红山鸟色的边牧幼犬,父母双方必须都是巧克力(褐)色,或者它们均携带该基因,且其中一方必须为山鸟色。

82、Pennylane's Checkmate.She is a typical blue merle. ─── Pennylane'sCheckmate就是一只典型的蓝云石.

83、Madame Merle thought, as she appeared, that Mrs. Touchett's comparison had its force. ─── 她一进屋,梅尔夫人就想,杜歇夫人的比喻是有些道理的。

84、In blue merles, dark brown eyes are preferable, but either or both eyes may be merle or china in color without specific penalty. ─── 芸石色的狗,深褐色的眼睛最为理想,但是两个眼睛或单个眼睛为兰色或灰色是允许的。

85、For an instant, Madame Merle's colour rose, and she dropped her eyes. ─── 梅尔夫人的脸红了一下,她垂下了眼睑。

86、Merle : And then some. So, are you from the U.S.? Do companies there give year-end bonuses, too? ─── 梅洛:还不只咧。你是从美国来的?那边的公司也会发年终奖金吗?

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