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08-17 投稿


stratagem 发音

英:[?str?t?d??m]  美:[?str?t?d??m]

英:  美:

stratagem 中文意思翻译



stratagem 网络释义

n. 策略;计谋

stratagem 词性/词形变化,stratagem变形


stratagem 短语词组

1、gambit stratagem ─── 博弈战略

2、stratagem fx ─── 战略外汇

3、stratagem og ─── 战略

4、stratagem strategy ─── 战略 ─── 战略

5、conventionalist stratagem ─── 传统主义战略

6、stratagem planning ─── 战略规划

7、stratagem crossword ─── 战略纵横字谜

8、stratagem 5 ─── 战略5

9、stratagem definition ─── 战略定义

10、stratagem etymology ─── 战略语源

stratagem 相似词语短语

1、strata ─── n.层;[地质]地层;阶层;n.(Strata)人名;(意、塞)斯特拉塔

2、stravaiger ─── 理顺

3、stravaiged ─── 可怕的

4、strange ─── adj.奇怪的;陌生的;外行的;adv.奇怪地;陌生地,冷淡地;n.(Strange)人名;(英)斯特兰奇;(瑞典、塞)斯特朗格

5、strategies ─── n.策略,战略(strategy的复数形式)

6、stravaged ─── vi.徘徊,漫游

7、stranger ─── n.陌生人;外地人;局外人;n.(Stranger)人名;(瑞典)斯特朗格;(英)斯特兰杰

8、stratagems ─── n.策略;计谋

9、stravage ─── vi.徘徊,漫游

stratagem 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But China's preferential policies towards foreign investment have many problems, for example, disaccording with multinationals invests strength, stratagem, area, and manner. ─── 我国现行外资优惠政策存在不少问题:与跨国公司的投资实力不符;与跨国公司的投资战略不符;与跨国公司的投资区位不符;与跨国公司的投资方式不符。

2、"Wancheng in the multitude hearts"is the enterprise tenet and stratagem development objective of Wancheng company. ─── “万众心中的万城”是万城公司的企业宗旨和战略发展目标。

3、They used every stratagem to acquire the company. ─── 他们想方设法占有这家公司。

4、This article tells the meanings and the relation of stratagem programming and business programming and points out the importance of stratagem programming making. ─── 叙述了战略规划与经营规划的含义与关系,指出制订战略规划的重要性。

5、Coevolution conception has realistic meaning for constituting industry management and corporation stratagem. ─── 协同进化观念对于行业管理和企业战略的制定有现实意义。

6、Or you just want to save your own money, in stead to spend your boyfriend's? you have to, once your stratagem was found by man, it's very awful. ─── 或者只是想省自己的钱,去占男朋友的便宜呢,你要知道,如果被男人看穿了你的支俩,是非常讨人压的。

7、Rees-Jones was told the stratagem had been approved by Fayed in London--a claim the Harrods owner denies. ─── 他们对里斯-琼斯说,在伦敦时这个计划已经得到老法耶德的同意(老法耶德现在对此予以否认)。

8、The Imperial plam looks tired. Time for a new stratagem. ─── 原来的计划已经过时了。这个时候得制定新的战略了。

9、By employing NGT to identify stratagem elements, the competition advantages and disadvantages have be insight by using AHP and FUZZY to evaluate the stratagem elements. ─── 应用NGT法辨识战略因素,运用AHP法和FUZZY法对HB公司的战略因素进行了评价,掌握了HB公司自身的优势和劣势。

10、Knit the brows and a stratagem comes to mind. ─── 眉头一皱,计上心来。

11、Therefore, research of the present condition, problem, homologous marketing stratagem and strategy to the reference book will supervise and enlighten the local publishing house of the reference book. ─── 因此对工具书出版营销的现状、问题、相应的营销战略和策略加以研究,将对国内的工具书出版营销起到导向、启示作用。

12、Sustainable development is fundamentality stratagem of the development of Chinese social economy. ─── 可持续发展战略是中国经济社会发展的根本战略。

13、They have adjusted their own stratagem to the core competence of the corporation and expected the corporations can develop sostenuto and steadily on the basis of the core competence . ─── 它们已经将自己的战略调整到企业的核心竞争力,并期望在其核心竞争力的基础上得以持续而稳定的发展。

14、Have customer special requirement contro procedure QP07-0202 and enterprise stratagem contro procedure QP07-0101. ─── 供应商有顾客特殊要求控制程序QP07-0202,及企业战略策划控制程序QP07-0101.

15、The implementation of regional standard stratagem differs from that of national and corporation standard. ─── 地方标准战略的实施不同于国家标准战略和企业标准战略。

16、Our company actualizes international stratagem, Looking for agency abroad and establishing strategic business partner relationship. ─── 公司实施国际化战略,寻求海外代理,建立战略合作伙伴关系。

17、China takes “Sustainable Development” as the basic stratagem, and building some experimental Areas is one of China's stratagemical acts. ─── 中国以可持续发展为中国发展的基本战略,建设国家级可持续发展试验区为其战略举措之一。

18、Rees-Jones was told the stratagem had been approved by Fayed in London--a claim the Harrods owner denies. ─── 他们对里斯-琼斯说,在伦敦时这个计划已经得到老法耶德的同意(老法耶德现在对此予以否认)。

19、It is both a long stratagem task and systems engineering. ─── 它既是一项长期战略任务,又是一个系统工程。

20、A stratagem for catching or tricking an unwaryperson. ─── 圈套迷住或欺骗一个不警觉的人的计谋。

21、The imperial plans look tired. Time for a new stratagem. ─── 原来的计划看上去已经不行了,是制订新战略的时候了。

22、Perhaps we might find a way to get between them and the shore, and so might use some stratagem with them in the boat. ─── 我们也许可以想出一种办法抄到他们和海岸的中间,用个什么策略对付那几个小船上的人。

23、I doubt that Dinitz took the stratagem too seriously. ─── 我怀疑迪尼茨会认真对待这个做法。

24、He often expected to take the essentials by surprise, by an amusing stratagem. ─── 他常常指望用一种逗乐似的策略,在出其不意中把问题的要点抓

25、Assist GM to devise the business development stratagem and the implement plan. ─── 协助总经理制定公司业务发展战略和具体实施计划;

26、Therefore. ASEAN walked up to the way of balance diplomacy, this stratagem could ensure the security and the tranquilization of the region. ─── 因此,东盟走上“平衡外交”的道路,这是一种能够保证地区安全和稳定的战略。

27、The author analyze a few point and issue from development course, and point out that it is very important significance to constitute stratagem programming of science and technology information in national level. ─── 借鉴日本的经验,作者认为从国家的层面上制定科技信息发展的长期系统的战略规划具有十分重要的意义。

28、By examining the economy, politics, social, zoology background, the socialism new agricultural construction stratagem is the lifelikeness annotation to the economic legal system. ─── 审视建设社会主义新农村战略提出的经济、政治、社会、生态等背景特征,建设新农村战略是对经济法理念的生动诠释。

29、In fact, their opinions do not entirely conflict each other, the different unscrambles have provided abundant edifications for our cooperation security stratagem. ─── 三大学派对国际安全合作的不同解读,为我们探索以合作促安全的安全战略提供了多层面的、丰富的启迪。

30、The failure of stratagem of regard increase as development centers makes people think back about the view of development. ─── 以增长为中心的发展战略的失败 ,使得人们开始对以往的发展观进行反思。

31、The competition advantage of city decides the function orientation of city, and the function orientation of city decides the choice of development stratagem. ─── 城市的优势竞争力决定城市的功能定位,而功能定位又决定城市的基本战略选择。

32、Tower or Castle- Grandeur and solidity. Sometimes granted to one who has held one for his king, or who has captured one by force or stratagem. ─── 塔楼或城堡-伟和稳健。有时被给予以支持国王,或者用武力及策略俘虏过对手的人。

33、The diversity of strength between the seven magnates and alignment and nonalignment stratagem that all countries have conducted for survival realistically demanded for the Political Strategists. ─── 七雄实力的对比和各国为了生存而产生的纵横外交策略,是纵横家产生的现实需要;

34、Research on Diplomacy and Stratagem of Big Countries (Russia and America etc. ─── 大国外交与战略研究(美俄等)

35、Shanghai will carry out sustainable development stratagem with scientific and effective management to assort regional economical developing with geological entironment protection. ─── 以科学有效的管理,落实可持续发展战略,使地区经济发展与地质生态环境保护协调统一。

36、The reason of CHRS is due to the national stratagem of “Heavy Industry First”. ─── 它是以户口登记制度为基础,通过对城市居民和农村农民的划分,控制农村剩余劳动力的流动,附加以产品分配制度,形成了中国“二元化”的经济社会结构。

37、Applying thereunder of choice of stratagem of agriculture sustainable development of the whole province. ─── 二是可为全省农业可持续发展战略选择提供依据。

38、From the point of energy stratagem, the biological diesel oil is the most important substitutive fuel. ─── 从能源战略角度分析,生物柴油是最为重要的代用燃料之一,柴油机不需改动即可使用生物柴油。

39、use of tricks; deception by stratagem. ─── 欺骗,哄骗用诡计进行欺诈;用计谋进行的欺骗。

40、They have worked out the stratagem to attack the enemy. ─── 他们已经想出了攻击敌人的策略。

41、Diversification stratagem is a important stratagem to improve enterprise benefit and management security. ─── 多元化战略是提高企业效益和经营安全性的重要战略。

42、Perhaps, we are accustomed to such earnest and down-to-earth style rather than egotism.We muse on anything at angle of stratagem. ─── 也许是习惯了这种脚踏实地,我们从不自我,一切从战略的高度去思考。

43、Second, after analyzing the organization stratagem and human resource stratagem, we get the goal of the pay system reform of FY Company. ─── 其次,对FY公司的组织战略、人力资源战略的分析,使得我们确定了FY公司工资体系改革的目标。

44、As the leader of high-tech hearing products, Starkey (Suzhou) Hearing Technology Co., Ltd. is now the manufacture center of Starkey global stratagem. ─── 作为助听器业界高科技的领导者,斯达克中国公司成为斯达克全球战略中制造基地之一。

45、The desire Iachimo had to win the wager made him now have recourse to a stratagem to impose upon Posthumus. ─── 埃阿基摩一心一意想赢这个赌注,他就使出个策略来欺骗波塞摩斯。

46、In the vying for state power, you are put into a beauty trap of inter-locking stratagem. ─── 在中原的逐鹿中,你被推进连环的美人计里。

47、The desire Iachimo had to win the wager made him now have recourse to a stratagem to impose upon Posthumus. ─── 埃阿基摩一心一意想赢这个赌注,他就使出个策略来欺骗波塞摩斯。

48、It was a stratagem cadres sometimes used to buy things for themselves. ─── 很明显,这是干部们为了中饱私囊使出的伎俩。

49、Mao was a master of the ancient Empty City Stratagem, which seeks to conceal weakness with a show of confidence, even aggression. ─── 毛是古代空城计的大师,这种策略寻求用力量的展示,甚至是进攻来掩饰弱点。

50、The stratagem of quickening the actualization of a great industrial ci ty is an important move in improving the competitive competence of Weifang City and changing it into a great modernized city. ─── 实施工业强市战略是提高潍坊城市竞争力,把潍坊建设成现代化强市的重要举措。

51、Trade discounts may be used as a competitive stratagem to secure customer loyalty. ─── 商业折扣可以用作保持顾客忠诚度的一种竞争策略。

52、For accelerating the economic sustainable development of energy stratagem, offered important foundation. ─── 为促进能源经济可持续发展,提供了重要的理论依据。

53、The purpose of this paper was to account for the institution variable and institution innovation of implementing the sustainable development stratagem when the time was globalism . ─── 因此,从这种角度来讲,实施可持续发展战略实际上是一个区域性制度创新的过程。

54、Enterprise image-building does not only need to consider the stratagem, measure and plan.The more important is to do from bagatelle and pay attention to the detail management. ─── 企业的形象塑造既要考虑战略、手段和方法,但更重要的是要从小事做起,注重细节的管理。

55、He does not find out the stratagem by himself .He must be tought by someone . ─── 他自己是想出那个计谋的。一定是有人教他这么做的。

56、May not "now" the boundary be self sufficient, does not put out "the present" endeavor, stratagem "future" development. Suitably makes good use of "? ─── 又不可以“今”境自足,毫不拿出“现在”的努力,谋“将来”的发展。宜善用“?

57、State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping.Research of General Stratagem of Establishing China Geo-spatial Frame [D].Beijing: State Bareau of Sarveijing and Mapping, 2002. ─── [2]国家测绘局.构建数字中国地理空间基础框架总体战略研究[D].北京:国家测绘局,2002.

58、In order to actualize the stratagem of industrial structure inteneration, we have to conquer the restricting factors about the high-new technique industrialization, and adopt capability policies. ─── 为使我国产业结构软化升级战略顺利实施,我们必须克服当前我国高新技术产业化进程的制约因素,采取切实可行的政策措施。

59、What the stratagem is, it should figure out by your self. ─── 办法可得你自己想。

60、In narrative stratagem, both the electronic-game and experimental-drama use space and de-center narration to form an effect-aesthetic. ─── 在叙事策略上电子游戏与实验戏剧都运用一种空间叙事与无中心叙事,从而形成一种效果美学。

61、Before long. Cao cao realized that he was cheated by Zhou Yu's stratagem of sowing distrust in Cao's camp. ─── 事后,曹操醒悟,知道中了周瑜的反间计。

62、Customer knowledge management system provide a flat for a company to get and analyze customers' knowledge with different means, and also present them a bran-new commerce stratagem and method. ─── 客户知识管理(Customer Knowledge Management,CKM)提供了一个收集、分析和获取客户知识的平台,也提供了一种全新的商业战略和方法。

63、Among them, core competence, changing expectation of customer, epiboly stratagem, separately explain the reason of cooperation from intrinsic reason, exterior pressure, outside stratagem. ─── 其中,核心竞争力,不断变化的顾客期望,外包战略,分别从企业合作的内在动因,外部压力,外在战略这三个方面对合作的起因给予了解释。

64、He had to have a fall-back stratagem; a second method of trying to ensure that the evidence of the Allied deception reached the Abwehr. ─── 为确保把盟军施用疑兵计的证据送给“阿勃韦尔”,他还必须想一条退路,做好第二手准备。

65、This is known as one of the worst real-time stratagem games, which aims at competition and stick ... ─── 即时战略中最失败的一类,以竞技为目标,遵循“适者生存”的原则。

66、The success or failure are stratagem person. One promises the loyalty used up. ─── 成败在人谋,一诺竭忠悃。

67、Urban greebelf system is a necessary part of the whole city system and plays important action in the sustainable development stratagem. ─── 城市绿地系统是城市整体系统不可分割的重要组成,在保障实施城市可持续发展战略中起着不可替代的作用。

68、The proportion of energy consumed by buildings increases year by year and this will make more and more influence in the stratagem of containable development. ─── 建筑能耗占全社会总能耗的比例逐年增大,在中国可持续发展战略中影响越来越大。

69、The inaugurate stratagem, availing stratagem, client stratagem and trademark stratagem had been researched in the market stratagem. ─── 分析了怀铁多元经济的技术发展战略、人力资源战略、资本融通战略。

70、In the text, we presentation and discuss concept of stratagem, we opine that stratagem is significant for formed the best sub-branch. ─── 本文通过对战略这一概念的介绍与探讨,认为战略对于构建一流支行具有十分重要的意义。

71、That you have used every ruthless stratagem to win the much-coveted promotion hasn't endeared you to your rivals. ─── 你为得到渴望的晋升,所使用的每一个无情的计谋,并没有为你赢得比你对手更多的好感。

72、He can not excogitate the stratagem himself,there must be some teach him to do like this. ─── 他自己是想不出那个计谋的。一定是有人教他这么做的。

73、Tower or Castle - Grandeur and solidity. Sometimes granted to one who has held one for his king, or who has captured one by force or stratagem. ─── 塔楼或城堡-宏伟和稳健。有时被给予以支持国王,或者用武力及策略俘虏过对手的人。

74、He had told more lies in his time , and undergone more baseness of stratagem in order to stave off a small debt. ─── 他一生说的谎,耍的卑鄙手段都不算少,但这一切只是为了躲一笔小小的债。

75、Therefore. ASEAN walked up to the way of balance diplomacy, this stratagem could ensure the security and the tranquilization of the region. ─── 因此,东盟走上“平衡外交”的道路,这是一种能够保证地区安全和稳定的战略。

76、A stratagem for catching or tricking an unwary person. ─── 圈套迷住或欺骗一个不警觉的人的计谋

77、He had to have a fall-back stratagem; a second method of trying to ensure that the evidence of the Allied deception reached the Abwehr. ─── 为确保把盟军施用疑兵计的证据送给“阿勃韦尔”,他还必须想一条退路,做好第二手准备。

78、In 1992,the fourteenth National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party brings forward the stratagem goal to for building socialism market economy. ─── 1992年党的十四大提出建设社会主义市场经济体制的战略目标。

79、The stratagem that implement west great exploitation is a great decision across century of our country, so we should play an important role in the ecological construction and environmental protection. ─── 实施西部大开发战略是我国跨世纪的重大决策,党中央和国家已将生态建设和环境保护放在十分重要的地位。

80、Before long, Cao cao realized that he was cheated by Zhou Yu's stratagem of sowing distrust in Cao's camp. ─── 事后,曹操醒悟,知道中了周瑜的反间计。

81、May not "now" the boundary be self sufficient, does not put out "the present" endeavor, stratagem "future" development. Suitably makes good use of "? . ─── 又不可以“今”境自足,毫不拿出“现在”的努力,谋“将来”的发展。宜善用“?.

82、I was merely a pawn in his cunning stratagem. ─── 我只不过是他那狡猾计谋中的一件工具。

83、As an effective approach to implement the stratagem of Sustainable Dvelopment, Circular Economy ' s development is depending on the technology innovation. ─── 循环经济是实现可持续发展的有效途径和模式,发展循环经济有赖于技术创新。

84、The middle part must bring into being composition of forces, shaping the visualization, strengthening cooperate and communion between areas, actualizing stratagem of divide the work innovation, actively adjusting the industry structure. ─── 中部地区必须形成合力,积极塑造区域形象,加强区域间的合作和交流,实行分工创新战略,大力调整产业结构,提升地区的经济竞争力,实现跨越式发展。

85、Have received the training of management, stratagem management, management ability exploiture, management flow,finance management and other related aspects. ─── 受过管理学、战略管理、管理能力开发、企业运营流程、财务管理等方面的培训。

86、We make the basic direction of advertising stratagem through STP tactic, consumer's behavior pattern. ─── 从STP战略、消费者行为模式来把握目标受众的广告心理特征,为后期的广告战略制定确定基本的方向和坐标。

87、Without the innovation and the open policy,the stratagem we had made cannot be accomplished.This is a hard barrier that we must conquer!!! ─── 不搞改革,不坚持开放政策,我们制定的战略目标就不可能实现。这是一个关,这个关必须过。

88、Wancheng in the multitude hearts" is the enterprise tenet and stratagem development objective of Wancheng company. ─── 万众心中的万城”是万城公司的企业宗旨和战略发展目标。

89、The expression in "San Kuo Yen Yi", "knit the brows and a stratagem comes to mind", or in everyday language, "let me think it over", refers to man's use of concepts in the brain to form judgements and inferences. ─── 《三国演义》上所谓“眉头一皱计上心来”,我们普通说话所谓“让我想一想”,就是人在脑子中运用概念以作判断和推理的工夫。

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