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08-17 投稿


backbite 发音

英:['b?kba?t]  美:['b?k,ba?t]

英:  美:

backbite 中文意思翻译




backbite 词性/词形变化,backbite变形

动词第三人称单数: backbites |动词过去分词: backbitten |动词现在分词: backbiting |动词过去式: backbit |名词: backbiter |

backbite 短语词组

1、backbite definition BackSite ─── 定义

2、backbite mean ─── 中庸

3、backbite clothing ─── 背带服

4、backbite define ─── 后座定义

5、backbite synonym backbit ─── 同义词

backbite 相似词语短语

1、backbites ─── vi.背后中伤;vt.背后诽谤;n.背后诽谤

2、backfile ─── n.过期刊物;回溯资料

3、backlite ─── 后窗玻璃

4、lack bite ─── 缺咬

5、backbit ─── v.背后诽谤;背后中伤(backbite的过去式)

6、backbone ─── n.脊骨,脊柱;支柱;骨气,毅力;书脊;(生化)聚合分子主链;(计算机)主干网

7、backbitten ─── 卑鄙的

8、backbiter ─── n.背后诽谤者

9、backdate ─── vt.回溯,追溯;倒填日期

backbite 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、backbite [5bAkbaIt ] He is the person who backbites. ─── 背后说坏话他是那种背后说人坏话的人。

2、Don't speak with offence and damage, never boast of yourself or backbite others. Then enemies become friends. ─── 说话不要有攻击性,不要有杀伤力,不夸己能,不扬人恶,自然能化敌为友。

3、criticize sb. behind him; backbite ─── 戳脊梁骨

4、He who blames one to his face is a hero,but who backbite is a coward. ─── 好汉当面责备,懦夫背后诋毁。

5、His classmate do not enjoy his company because he always backbite others. ─── 他的同学不喜欢和他在一起,因为他老是在背后诽谤别人。

6、It seemed to me that she might backbite me. ─── 我禁不住猜疑她是否推过我。

7、Be really backbite people^s barbecue , how fragrant! ─── 真是谗人的烧烤,好香啊!

8、His classmate do not enjoy his company because he always backbite ot hers. ─── 同学们不喜欢和他在一起,因为他总是背后诽谤别人。

9、backbite one's neighbors ─── 背后说邻居的坏话

10、He babbled all the day and liked to backbite others. ─── 他整日唠叨并且喜欢背后说别人坏话。

11、It seemed to me that she might backbite me . ─── 好像她说过我的坏话。

12、I can't stand it when people backbite. ─── 我无法容忍别人背后诽谤。

13、6) I can’t stand it when people backbite. ─── 我无法容忍别人背后诽谤。

14、backbite; speak ill of sb. behind his back ─── 背后说坏话

15、I am not the person who backbite. ─── 我不是那种背后说人坏话的人;


bit,读音[b?t]:n. [计] 比特(二进位制信息单位);少量;马嚼子;辅币;老一套;一点,一块;vt. 控制;adj. 很小的;微不足道的;adv. 有点儿;相当;vt. 咬(bite的过去式和过去分词)。

bite,读音[ba?t]:vt. 咬;刺痛;n. 咬;一口;咬伤;刺痛;vi. 咬;刺痛;abbr. 机内测试设备(Built-In Test Equipment);n. (Bite)人名;(匈)比泰。


He took the apple and bit down. 他拿起苹果一口咬下去。

She took a pear and bit into it. 她拿起一只梨,一口咬下去。

The lion bit his trainer. 狮子咬伤其驯兽者。

The dog bit me on the leg. 那条狗咬了我的腿。

The clothes feel a bit damp. 衣服有点儿发潮。

This old nut won't bite [grip]. 这个旧螺母咬不住扣儿。

This scar is from the bite of a dog. 这是狗咬后留下的伤疤。

The scored jaws of a vise help it bite the work. 台钳上有刻痕的虎钳牙帮助它紧咬住工件。

He has been fishing all morning but hasn't had a single bite. 他钓了一上午的鱼,但没有一条鱼咬钩。

I wanted to bark at him and bite his head off. 我当时真想向他狂吠然后把他的头咬下来。

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