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08-17 投稿


dissimilitude 发音


英:  美:

dissimilitude 中文意思翻译



dissimilitude 网络释义

n. 相异,相异点;不同

dissimilitude 短语词组

1、dissimilitude in a sentence ─── 句子中的不同

2、dissimilitude synonyms ─── 异义同义词

3、dissimilitude definition ─── 不同定义

4、dissimilitude define ─── 不同定义

5、dissimilitude meaning ─── 不同意义

6、dissimilitude def ─── 不同定义

dissimilitude 反义词


dissimilitude 同义词

variety | distinction | unlikeness |difference

dissimilitude 词性/词形变化,dissimilitude变形

动词现在分词: dissimilating |动词第三人称单数: dissimilates |动词过去式: dissimilated |动词过去分词: dissimilated |

dissimilitude 相似词语短语

1、similitude ─── n.相似;外表;比拟

2、dissimilative ─── adj.异化的;相异的

3、consimilitude ─── 体贴

4、dissimilate ─── vi.变得不同;vt.变得不同

5、verisimilitude ─── n.逼真,貌似真实;逼真的事物

6、dissimilating ─── vi.变得不同;vt.变得不同

7、dissimilates ─── vi.变得不同;vt.变得不同

8、dissimilated ─── vi.变得不同;vt.变得不同

9、dissimilitudes ─── n.相异,相异点;不同

dissimilitude 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The tectonic framework of Bachu area presented as “west-eastdifferentiation and north-south dissimilitude”. ─── 巴楚隆起具有“东西分区、南北分带”的构造格局。

2、Because the thing is square cultural and different, each from of the living environment is different, same alike in there is the place of the dissimilitude again. ─── 由于东西方文化的不同,各自的生活环境不同,相同之中又有相异之处。

3、Study on Comparative Morphology of Dissimilitude in Winged Bean Breed ─── 不同四棱豆品种豆荚比较形态学研究

4、The different connotation between them dominates the aesthetic criterion.Anyway ,the otherness of their conventional architecture is dissimilitude. ─── 中西建筑美学品格的差异在于中西文化的不同内涵。

5、Study on Comparative Morphology of Dissimilitude in Winged Bean Breed ─── 不同四棱豆品种豆荚比较形态学研究

6、The Application of PIC in the Digital Stanza Electric Appliances Used for Soft Start of Electric Motor with Single Dissimilitude Treads ─── PIC单片机在单相异步电机数字式软启动节电器中的应用

7、The tectonic framework of Tazhong area presented as“west-east differentiation and north-south dissimilitude”. ─── 塔中隆起具有“东西分区,南北分带”的构造格局。

8、The multi-subjects research provides a dissimilitude visual angle for understanding value conception.A necessary conformity is the key to knowing value conception scientifically. ─── 多学科研究为认识价值观概念提供了不同视角,而必要的整合是科学理解价值观内涵的关键。

9、place of dissimilitude expresses at: They the ages background of the place and rank position and life circumstances belonged to are entirely different. ─── 相异之处表现在:他们所处的时代背景、所属阶级地位及生活境况迥异。

10、The teachers and the students lie in the opposite position.They act in the dissimilitude role. ─── 教师和学生处于教与学的两个方面,他们所扮演的角色独立而没有互动。

11、The tectonic framework of Tazhong area presented as "west-east differentiation and north-south dissimilitude " . ─── 塔中隆起具有“东西分区,南北分带”的构造格局。

12、similitude - and - dissimilitude ─── 灰色关联

13、the dissimilitude dimensionality ─── 启蒙向度

14、West's thinking mode and the culture have the dissimilitude, the people think of the behavior, the language and the culture have the inalienable relations. ─── 中西方的思维方式与文化存在着相异点,人们的所思所为、语言与文化有着不可分割的关系。

15、The Chinese traditional legal theory is to be engaged in the solid level to speak loan, comparing to the distinction of the lending up with method of Rome, a precious sight is more dissimilitude. ─── 在中国的契约中,是允许这种变通的。

16、degree of dissimilitude ─── 相异度

17、Meanwhile, the homology and the dissimilitude between them were researched. ─── 结果表明:天然酯能有效抑制绝缘纸老化;

18、The Application of PIC in the Digital Stanza Electric Appliances Used for Soft Start of Electric Motor with Single Dissimilitude Treads ─── PIC单片机在单相异步电机数字式软启动节电器中的应用

19、The tectonic framework of Bachu area presented as "west-eastdifferentiation and north-south dissimilitude " . ─── 巴楚隆起具有“东西分区、南北分带”的构造格局。

20、Compared with England, umbrella the big dissimilitude then is interesting in Japan. ─── 英国相比,雨伞在日本则大相异趣。

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